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Poik County Republican Ducktown Banking Co Capital St'jck Resouices Over $25,000 $200,000 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY OWNED AND MANAGED BY F. P. James, Editor and Publisher Mrs. F. P. James, Associate $1.00 Per Year, in Advance Entered a aacoad-claa natter at the poatoffice at Duck lava. Tana., under Ad of March 3. 1879. All communication, to receiTa attention, moat haa the writer name to it. Thia out only protection again! " fake " new and the rule will not be broken under any circumstance. Name will not be printed if requested. Addreae all communication to the Polk County Rirua ucan, Ducktown, Tann. TELEPHONE 68 DUCKTOWN, TENN., May 28 1915 CALLED AWAY Selected You will miss me from the fireside; Mother dear, you'll miss me so; You will listen for my footsteps, Long to hear my voice, I know; But my Savour bids me follow, When he leads I can not stay; He has jewels in the gutter Tis for them I'm called away. Mother, were that one your darling Who had wandered far in sin, You would bless the hand that helped her, You would seek her heart to win. Can you not yet understand me? Do you urge me here to stay? Mother, souls today are dying, I must heed the call today. Friends, to you this call is given See the fields of golden grain; Loved ones may not understand you, But at home, will you remain? Can you still refuse to follow Where the Savior leads the way? See! aronnd you souls are dying; Will you heed the call today? WATCH FOR THE PARCEL POST v. SALE! GUESS WHAT? GIRL'S CANNING CLUB AT KNOXVILLE. We are in receipt of a communication from Miss Mary Doney about the conven tion at Knoxville. She is exceedingly proud of the way her girls conducted themselves. Nettie Center was on the programme and told the story of het last year's crop in an entertaining and instructive way. Polk and And Anderson counties gave the puplic demonstration at the LJniversity farm last Wednesday. Among those who attended the conven tion from this county were: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Williams and Mr. and Mrs J. B. Taylor Wetmore. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Biggs and Walter Harrison, Prof. J. L. Brewer, Gus Lyle' and - Frank Hines demonstration agent, Benton. Mr. Addidgton D S. C. & I farm, Mis3e Grace Bennett, Nettie Center, Ducktown. Chair man Wm. Prince, Ocoee. Miss Maud Col lins, Isabella. Mrs J. L Williams, pf Wetmor, read a most interesting paper to the Home Makers' Section on "My greatest Convenience on the Farm The Telephone." She gave many instances in which the telephone is almost a necessity. Get your Underwear, the' Varsity, best in the basin, Night Robes, Union Suits. Pajamas, Shirts and Drawers at L L Akins, CopperhOL - Conserva live Safe Courteous Efficient Our extensive acquaintance and experience enable j us to offer the maximum of ac- commodations to our customers. Your business is cordially invited. CHAS. E. TAYLOR. Cashier. j. MAY SOLVE SMOKE PROBLEM Tl- rll...,; Worn tol-n from trie Wall Street Journal, is interest- ing if true, and may be the means of solving the smoke problem m the Ducktown Basin : Berkeley University announces that after practical demonstrations it has been established that California crude oil can be used in the ore smel ing in dustry with greater economy than English coke, developing temperatures of over 4000 degrees fahrenheit; that smokestacks are no longer necessary to high temperature furnaces, and that smoke containing sulphur gases can be passed through wster and solid sulphur recovered This has Tbeen accom plished by application of centrifugal pump equipped with an ejector. AN EXTRA SESSION Chattanooga Times has this to say: w The personal organ of Sena tor Lea, the Nashville Tennessean, is laying the blame for the failure of the Legislature to carry out the Democratic platform Upon 'those who did not believe in the Democratic platform and who did not want the bills passed,' which is a true and correct statement. If the Leg islature had wanted the bills passed, of course the bills would have been passed, which suggests the inquiry: Why did not the Governor and the machine insist upon the fulfillment of the platform m all re spects, as they did in the case of the un-Democratic prohibition laws and before the pie ' was all given out ? ' Pursuing the subject of re sponsibility, the Lea organ proposes to hold the Legislature responsi ble for the extra session.' which would seem to indicate that the Sena tor had ordered the Governor to call an extra session. "It will be interesting for the people to keep a lookout for this ex tra session; it is not to be called for the -redemption of the party pledges,' for if the members would not redeem the pledges at a regu lar session it is not likely that they would do it at a special -session. There is a political scheme in the project, and we think the people will be onto it before it is accomplished, and will, therefore be in a position to defeat it. After Governor Rye figures up the totals of the appropriations made by the Legislature and gives a bit of study to the deficit in taxes likely to " follow the failure to enact a proper assess ment law, it is not likely that he will want to expend $25,000 or more for an extra session for the sole purpose of giving Senator Lea another chance to get a primary law passed to suit him. "The people do not want an extra session; business and industry do not want it, while the members of the Legislature are, almost to a man except the small-bores who have nothing else to ,. do but play politics-opposed to it. It would seem, therefore,- that the Governor would be flying in the face of the best interests of the State to yield to the importunities of a political boss who appears to think that a Government was made for his special behoof and that his grip upon his job depends upon his ability to get the party machinery in his control." U- U o HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE After Four Tears of Disconragizj Conditions. Mrs. Bollock Give Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In an Interesting lettei from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows : "I suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, I could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, I would have severe pains in my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle ol Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helng me. J can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing my work." .f If you are all run down from womanly . troubles, don't give up in despair. Try , Cardui, the woman's tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its 50 years of wonderful success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it Begin taking Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga Medlclna Co., Ladle ' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga. Tenn., for Spectal Instructions on your easa and 64-paw book. Home treatment for Woman." scat in plain wrapper. EfxVtf ELECTION OF OFFICERS, Tonight, Stirling Chapter No. 122, 0. E. S., will hold a meeting for the election of officers and a full attendance is desired. Last Friday night a fine meeting was held. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble, of Isabella, were present and th former made a splendid talk for the good of the order. ! Legal Blanks for Sale: We are ready to supply justices and con stables with garnishment blanks in any quantity. Local and Personal Mention. 1 feet. MULTUM IN PARVO. Azores call for United States cement. Wheat is now an important crop in West China. Uncle Sani has one bank to every 3,700 people. Copper discoveries are reported from Elsivavetpol, Russia. Only per cent of the surface of Norway is cultivated. Russia has forbidden the export of poultry dead or alive. The United States in 1913 produced 231,757 tons of explosives. Copenhagen compels all taxicabs to be ventilated after each trip. New York Cathedral of St John the Di vine will have aspire 530 feet high. Coffee derives its name from Kafta a dis trict of East Africa, south of Abyssinia. Philadelphia eras rate, may soon be re duced to 65 cents from $1 per thousand On account of the revival services at the Baptist church, the moving picture perfor mances, this week, will begin at 8:15. Volley ball is gaining a foothold here and is creating quite a lot of interest T. S. McKinney, the popular insurance man of Knoxville, was here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Center are home from a trip to Benton. WATCH FOR THE PARCEL POST SALE! GUESS WHAT? NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. This is to notify the public in general that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted or made by my son, Luke Cal loway, after this date. , " March 8, 1915. Mrs. Ben Calloway.