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"C COUNTY REI I I m BLICAN THE POLI 3 . 1 f 4 . i i i . M i 3 ?. J 1 M S3 " I, I r - fc3 r i -1 C 4 VOLUME II. DUCKTOWN, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1915. No. 23. EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS SHOULD Mr. Edison uncover somemething, will Secretary Daniels claim that he discov ered Mr. Edison? WITH ENGLAND forced to levy an import duty, it looks as if she had wised up as to what was the best thing te do. THE way the Journal and Tribune is slobber ing over the President indicates that it is getting to- be "near" Democratic. HAD it not been for The Polk County Re publican, not many people would have known that Benton was an incorporated town. FTER their experience with Professor Holt, it is not likelv that the people will ever go to our colleges again for presidential timber. A mi I "11 1 TVTOST Democrats talk about the big business JURN the rascals out: M this country is doing with Europe as if it 1 a particular meaning to Polk County Re ims iuuuuw b r 'BWiw.r anJ thfv should act on it. JJUUlllilllO, JVU) v... EVEN .the Apostles of old would have a hard time getting by, the way some of the juries of this country are selected. WHEN Mr. Bryan goes back to Washington in an official capacity but what is the use of speculating on the impossible? THE new war-like attitude of the President in dicates that his bump of knowledge has been working on a different plane. THE wholesale indictment of the former Pike Road Commissioners may develop another barrel that was thought not to be loaded. WHILE Chattanooga' is to have the largest bascule bridge in the world, Nashville has her skinned with the biggest scandal. V was one of the pledges of the Baltimore plat form. MR. BRYAN'S explanation of that German note, to the Austrian ambassador was sim ilar to Woodrow's promises to Big Business in 1912. TGNORANT as many Democrats are, none in Polk County are so much so that they do know what the political complexion of this pa per is. A LAW that has a tendency to save a business from bankruptcy is one that will appeal to sensible people. Such can be said of the Payne tariff law. PROOF of the pudding may be in asking for a second portion ; hut there are mighty few going to ask for another portion of these good Democratic times. SAYS Life; "Now that Mr. Bryan is gone, Josephus must have a pretty lonesome time upholding the theory that they also serve who only stand and prate." THE people are beginning to learn that the "infamous trusts" built up by the Repub lican party were the corner stones of our pros perity prior to the advent of Woodrow. wrHAT," asks the Pittsburg Press, "has be- come of the old-fashioned woman who always used to inform her company that there was plenty more in the kitchen?" A Demo cratic Administration has put her out of busi N EXCHANGE recommends the study of en tnmJniTv so that one will know the name of everything tbat bites you. Judging by the bumps and welts and ridges they make, down this way, a study of zoology would be more appropriate. N A T I rTHE Columbia (S. C.) State says it would - rather know who Teddy will buck than who he will back. The answer is easy Woodrow. ONE reason why the President will be the nominee of his party is that no onle else will have if except the one who probably can not get it. THE party who sold that third rock crusher to Polk County overlooked the field down at Nashville, where price is no object when friends are concerned. TF THE President is depending upon the senti 1 ment now backing him up in the controver sy with Germany to re-elect him, he is hanging his hat on a poor peg. , GRADUALLY, it is dawning upoft those who, a year ago, were proclaiming Woodrow the greatest living American, that they were talking through their neck. THE men who have been most vitally affected by the free trade laws now in vogue' are best qualified to speak on that subject, and they are only awaiting an opportunity. THE next chairman of the County Republican Executive Committee should be a man who , will demand and exact the rights due his posi tion. It is necessary to success. OW that it has been discovered that the rail- mads and express companies are being operated at a loss, how long is it going to take to find out that the Government is suffering from the same cause. THE President's present plans for strengthen ing the army and navy would have been more appropriate had they been formulated dur ing the last session of Congress. Well, Colo nel Roosevelt's advice is worth taking. 1 N TIME of peace prepare for war, for after J- war begins you don't have time, as England is finding out. QENATOR THETUS W. SIMS looks about as 5 good to Luke as a case of smallpox to a society beauty. HE entrance of Mr. Sims into the Senatorial race serves notice on Luke that he has a fight on his hands. F DOES'T interest the average man to know that business is picking up as long as. u ia slim picking for him. A FTER reading the President's note to Ger- many, we are convinced that she can be made to do anything she wants to. THERE was a Howse full of pistols up at Nashville, the other day, but no one was hurt. They need Judge Sam C. Brown up there. A FTER all the high-handed actions of the . County Court, at its last session, Chairman Prince signed up the minutes as "no quorum." A CCORDING to Henry Ford, how foolish it is to spend money for groceries and cloth ing and things when you can buy automobiles and gasoline. FROM an unprejudiced source, we learn that the most enthusiastic supporter Hon. Jo J. Ivins found here lor Judge Moon was Post master Addington. t ESLIE'S WEEKLY names eighteen prospec--L tive candidates for the nomination for the presidency, any one of whom gives Woodrow visions of certain defeat. THERE may be no special significance in the visit of Jo J. IviNS Jo Ducktown at this particular time, but it is evident that there are gaps in somebody's fences. TF The President will simply turn the Mexican situation over to Gen. Fred Funston the matter will be simplified and he would get re sults, if not interfered with. AT THE rate the German submarines are,, working, the Bos'cn Transcript estimates that it will take twenty-three years to destroy the British merchant marine. 'THE Nashville Viwer sqs tbat trpcople of Tennessee are under no obligations to ac cept either Mr. Sims or Mr. Lea. Is this trea son or a desire to retrieve the Stale? WHEN the next Congress meets there will be a revision of the tarifi' or a bond issue. The people can be no longer fooled on this is sue and the fact that tliev were so badly fooled in 1912 is the best indication that they will not be so fooled again. . - 4 : f -'1 t. i ( j I 1 N t 1 f -0?