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Local and Personal Mention- G. G. Ilyatl had business in Knoxville, the first cf the neck. Sam Higdon, of the D. S. C. & I. Co., spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Grant Simonds went to Chattanooga, Sunday to look after business matters. Miss Sarah Rymer went to North Caro lina. Saturday, to see her father, who isiP. Prof. Orr went to Wetmore, Saturday, to attend a meeting of the Board of Edu cation. Ivins and Crow, the irrepressible "reve nuers," were here, last week, and lugged off a couple of prisoners to Athens, Sun day. Dr. Rodgers, of Knoxville, sbent a couple of days in Ducktown, returning to his home, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edens are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine boy who made his ap pearance, Monday morning. . Bill Bennett says leap year is a frost, so far as any one's asking him to participate in the festivities is concerned. G. C. Suttles left for Atlanta, Tuesday, vhere he will be the guest of the Hearst papers at a banquet and theatre box party. They say Dr. Roberts went to Bethlehem, recently. Nr w where is Bethlehem and what possible reason could he have for going there? On Wednesday night of last week, the High scool basket ball team took the Breaker boys' down the line by a score of 19 to 14. Last Monday afternoon, how ever, the Breaker boys beat them to the tune of 37 to 21. The rubber will be played off soon. Through the efforts of John W. Chancey, John Amburn, Tom Marchant, 0. H. Mil ler and other, arrangements have been made to run a pipe line down Spruce street from Main a distance of 600 feet for protection from fire in that quarter. It is a good move. The American Protective League has just issued a unique pamphlet entitled Roster of the Sixty-fourth Congress' which will be useful to every person who wishes to communicate with any member of Con gress. The pamphlet also includes letters of approval of the Tariff League's work from a large number of congressman and practical business concerns." PACKAGE DAY. Hats off to the Campfire Girls and Boy Scouts in their successful campaign, last eek to rel eve the necessities of the poor in this vicii' ty. A noble effort and a worthy cause, these young people are worthy to be classed as Soldiers of the Cross, and they will always be remembered with reverence in the homes to which they brought joy and com fort. The movement was started last week by 'the announcement that on Friday afternoon the Camp Fire Girls and Boy Scouts would canvass our town for any donations that our citizens were disposed to make. Every thing would be acceptable and nobody was barred from contributing to the cause and right royal was the responses. Twenty large baskets of eatables were contiibuted and SI. 55 in money was do dated. Eight families in Ducktown, Pos telle and Chancytown were visited and each were given provisions enough for "several days. ' Prizes were offered to the girls and boys for the best filled basket turned in and for for the largest amount of ' money secured. Miss Edith Marchant turned in the best basket and Jim Davis and Booster Fortnar got the prize for getting the largest amount of money. When it is remembered that "the poor we have with us always," it is worth more than a passing mention that we have two organizations consecrated to the work of ministering to the sick and needy. Under the leadership of Mrs. Eula Fry and G. C. Suttles, these organizations are doing a grand work and their future efforts along this line should meet with co-operation of every citizen who can be reached. TWO GOOD REPUBLICANS. Under the proper heading will' be found the announcement of Chas. E. Taylor, who aspires to be Trustee of Polk county. Mr. Taylor is too well known for for us to attempt to set forth his qualifications at any length, but we can speak of his close attention to business entrusted to his care and the fidelity with which he serves those who deal with him. Should he be our next, Trustee, he will serve the people with the same courtesy and faithfulness that have made him so popular with the patrons of the Ducktown Banking Co. We bespeak for him careful considera tion at the hands of the convention. The Boy Scout anniversary was cele brated at the Y. M. C. A., last Friday night, by a banquet, to which , the Camp Fire Girls were invited. , Speeches were made by W. S. Maughan and Rev. A. S. Ulm to which the strictest attention was given by the Scouts and their guests. After a strenuous day spent in doing good, it was a fitting ending of another year in the life of the Boy Scouts; and when they turn back and scan the pages of the past, may the good deeds found stimulate them to greater efforts in the fu ture. " -v County Correspondence J. R. Rice, of Ocoee, wants to be Tax Assessor of Polk county and his announce mei t will be found in another column. Mr. Rice is well qualified in every way to fill this office. He is a man of unusual intelligence and his wide acquaintance throughout 'the county, would serve him well. He has been prominent in educa tional circles and enjoys the confidence of numberless friends. He is entitled to every consideration at the hands of the convention and this we earnestly bespeak for him. BENTON. Russell and Center, former pike oad commissioners, have brought mandamus proceeeings against the chairman of the county court to compel him to issue them a county warrant for what they claim is due them. The people are watching te chairman in this case. Most everyone wants this case tried on its merits and if there is anything due they should get it Tl ey should not be atraid to let the court go into its merits. ' L. W. Hilderbrand is being urged to make the race for tax assessor on the Demo cratic ticket. Chas. E. Taylor is being urged to make the race ior trustee on the Republican ticket. . . , ' It was charged as a great crime for the old pike commission to divide up the the county; but the present one boldly lets it be known that they have divided it and there i3 no kick coming. Why? . Andrew Beck, our blacksmith, is talk ing of running for tax assessor, subject to the Republican party. ; M. S. Waldronj is being slated foe tax assessor by the Democratic bosses for his services in holding things together in the recent shake-up. iO I S-H ia rUUH ft U LI MAUAl t& 51 .18 " ' And Our Paper All One Year THIS ZS A SEAL BARGAIN ACT QUICKLY! Send ui your order right away, or five it to our representative, or call and ee us whe in town. If you have never wbscribed to our paper before, do it now and (it these four magazines. If you are a regular lubicriber to our paper, wt urge you to tend in your renewal at once, and get the four magazine!. If you are a lub criber to any of these magazines, lend your renewal order to u and we will extend your subscription for one year. Think flf I You can et tte,e fonr Magazines for flJ I 111 II A UI II) If yea Subscribe to our paper for one year. iLU We hare sample copies of these magazines on display at our office. Call and see them. They are printed on book paper with illustrated covers, and are full of clean, interesting stories and instructive articles oa History, Jcieace, Art, Masic, Fashion, Fancy Needlework, General Farmiag, Lire Stock aad Poultry. $ -fj .is Send Your Ordir Before You Forget It $jj ig " The Magazines Will Sti Prospttj, Wkti Ttei Is 6 w5!'iW"Wii!,T"P,ll J Not Every Business in the Basin Can Advertise in 1 J 1 x 1 P this paper. The man who can is a gooa man 10 juiuw. 1! ' Iffl W IffllHl W WSI 'WW Accept Our "Great" Family Bargain" USE THIS COUPON NOW ! The following extraordinary "Family Bargain" Offer has been arranged for the bene fit of new readers as well as old readers, sd subscriptions may be either new or re newal. , Mark renewals tlen. THE POLK COUNTY REPUBLICAN (Weekly) One Year M'CALL'S MAGAZINE (Monthly) One Year With any 15c McCall Pattern Fre The Republican, Ducktown, Tenn. Inclosed find $1.10 for which send your paper and McCall's Magazine each for one year. Both for Only 1.10 Name Town R. F. D. jState. eIplaoEis OS Fsrisas -at how Rates If there is no telephone on your farm write for our Free Booklet telling how you may get Service at 50 cents per month and up. A postal will do! Address:- Farmers Line Department. CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPn COMPANY INCORPORATED ' y , . BOX 450, ATHENS, TENNESSEE.