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County Correspondence BENTON. Farmers here have had splendid rains. There is a good season in the ground. Crops are growing rapidly as the weather is what is needed to make it grow. Irish potatoes, beans and cabbage are in and we lack some yet of starving. Protracted meeting began at the Presby terian chuich here, yesterday. It "will be conducted by the Presbyterian and Meth odist pastors,' assisted by other denomina tions. Meetings will be at Pseshyterian church. The many friends of 'Squire N. B. Dunn regretted to hear of his death, Friday even ing. Mr. Dunn was for manny years a member of the Polk ckunty court and was an influential member of that body and was chairman of the county court several terms. Next week circuit meets here. There are several cases to be tried at this term. We learn that Perry Athens a crippled boy, got badly hurt at Zion. He went to church with his brother, in a buggy, drawn by . a mule. The mule got scared and turned the buggy vover, and it is thought that the boy's shoulder was broken. Several from here attended the funeral of N. B. Dunn, at Etowah. A number from here spent the 4th oi July visiting Chickamauga park and the in terned German sailors there. The Federal exemption board consist ing of J. D. Nuchols, Joe E. Williams and A. E. Love have made out the list of those registered for military service in Polk county and have sent it to the war depart ment of war. The names will likely be drawn there and the board will likely pass, on their physiccl qualifications and recom those to be exempted. Sheriff Abe Lillard is recovering rapidly and will soon be out again. Girls Have Pretty Face And Beautiful Complexion An Atlanta man make new discovery that make an old face look year younger. If your akin i dark, brown or covered with freckle or blemishea, just ue a little Coeotone Skin Whitener; it' made with cocoanut oil and is perfectly harmle. A flw day' ute will improve your look 100 . The worn-out ckin come off evenly lerving no evidence of the treatment, the new, healthy under-akin appearing a a lovely new complexion. Just ask your druggist for an ounce of Coeotone Skin Whitener, and if he will not upply you, end twenty-6ve cent to The Coco tone Co., Atlanta, Ga., and they will send you e box by return mail. If your hair i hard to comb, is kinky, nappy and will never tay ftraight Jut use Coeotone Hair Dressing and it will become atraight long, soft, glossy and beautiful in a few day. Mail order filled ; 25c for large box. I NEW HOME Hi) 77 my wife NO OTHER LIKE IT. NO OTHER A3 GOOD. - t .1.. Murar tintmv , will rurcnu ins iibtv , - life asset the price you pay. The elimination ol repair expense br tuperior workmanship and best Quality ol material insure! life-lone: J' "Jl mum cost Init on having the NEW HOMt WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. Known the world over lor tuperior lewSnf qualities. Not sold under any other name. THE NEW HOME 6EWINQ MACHINE C0..0RANGE.MASS. I Y vt .. jj V ml n KlHL Jit. .iVy Go to yoir Shoe Dealer and Lave mm 1 j! show voi ine V Seasons Latest Models MADE BY HAMILTON, BROWN SHOE CO. ST.LOUIS, U.S.A. E.L M 'C ON NEL L a Duckt o w n , T e n n . FOR SALE. Vulcanizine plant in goob condition; QJ fully equipped. C. F Cutcher, Postelle, Tennessee. MULES SOLD. Last Monday, a team of mules, wagon and harness belonging to Arthur Collins was sold by Deputy SherifTShearer to satis fy an execution levied upon tl em. R. M. Shields was ihe purchaser and the outfit cost him $2,75. NOTICE. The First National Hank of Ducktown, located at Ducktown, in the State of Ten nessee, is closing up its affairs. All noteholders and others, creditors of said Association, are, therefore, hereby notified to present the notes arid other claims against the Association for pay ment. E. C. Crawford, Cashier. May 28, 1217. IT" . n A rrompi Answers It is the duty of the telephone operator to ascertain the number wanted and ring the bell of the party' called. If the called party is slow to answer the operator is as helpless as you are. NOTICE. The First National Bank, of Ducktown, has changed its title to Miners State Bank. In -so doing the bank has made no change in its management, the change be ing made , solely for the purpose of in creasing our resources. - The bank is stronger financially and in abetter posi tion to handle all classes of business than heretofore. Another new feature in our business is the opening of a regular Savings Depart ment. Come in and talk over this feature with us. Yours very truly, E. C. Crawford, Cashier. Most of what you might think is "slow service" is caused by the sub scribers not- answering promptly. You can help Jhe service by answer . ing your telephone promptly. When you Telephone Smile CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Incorporated BOX 450, ATHENS, TENNESSEE.