Newspaper Page Text
Local and Personal Mention J. B. Reese, of Turlletown, was here, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Watson spent Sunday in Coppeiliill. Herschel Hyatt came down from Knov ville, last Saturday. Court closed last Thursday and Judge Brown left, Friday. G. G Hyatt spent Sunday with his family in Knoxville. T. 0. Pack, of Prendergast. was a Duck town visitor, Monday. J. K. Arihur is able to he out agair, after a very severe illness. '.quire Wihon has a new car which he drives like an "old head." Miss Gertie Locher, of Maseot, is the guest of Miss Elsie Johnson. Watermelon season ia on and the supply is hardly equal to the demand. Alex Hamby and family spent Sunday with friends in North Carolina. Jim Irons has moved to town and is oc cupying the house next to Andrew Wilson. Walter Yoder came in from Soddy, last Friday. His friends were glad to see him. Roy Spargo went down below the moun tains, Sunday, and returned with his family, Monday. ' J. W. Chancey has put in a Havolin oil station, which will be very convenient for autoists. Mrs. Ethel Barrett and children, of Bes semer, Ala., are visiting her father, J. W. Chancer. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chan:ey, of Sod dy, are visiting the family of his uncle, J. W. Chancey. J. E. Marshall has remodeled and re painted the interior of his shop and pur poses putting in another chair. If it was hotter at any other point than it was in Ducktown last Sunday and Mon day, we were glad we were not there. The Y. M. C. A. has a new picture ma chine that seems to be giving good satis faction, judging by the comments we hear. Work on the Ducktown grammar school was delayed iast week by the masons being taken to Isabella for work on the school building there. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeLozier are back from an auto trip to Rockwood and other points. They were gone a week and report a delightful trip. . . Homer Runion left for Akron, 0., Tues day morning. He wept ostensibly to get a job, but the boys are giving him until Sat urday night to return horns. Miss Blanche Arthur of Ducktown and Mrs. Ernest Rymer of Austral were the guests of; their sister, Mrs. H. G. Phillips, in this city Monday. Etowah New Era. Miss Christine Hicks, who has been the guest of the Misses Lucile and Edith Mar chant, for the past few weeks, returned to her home in Cartersville, Ga., last Fri day. They say that Jule Warren has rejuven ated his old "tin Lizzie" until those famil iar with it in days gone by will never re cognize it. We hope it will prove-up to his expectations. Wanted Men to work on the mountain road. Wages, $2.00 per day; board 50 cents per day. Apply now to A. G. Gam ble or Superintendent at Hunter s Switch. E J Lock is at the service of the public desiring automobile service. Will go any where. Calls answered promptly. Your patronage will be appreciated. Phone No. 38-4. NECROLOGICAL. A. J. Prown, a well known and respect ed rilizen of Coppei lull, died last Thurs day n;ght, aivJ wss l.uricd, Sunday, at Ep worth. The burial was conducted under the auspices of Masonic and Odd Fellows' or ders, and one of the largest gatherings in years was present to testify to the love and esteem in which deceased was held. John Marchant, Claude Smith. R. L. Wehunt, J. F. Cochran, "M. L. Anderson and Mr. Keener were among those from Ducktown who attended the funeral. Clifford Hopper, raised at Blue Ridge, died in an Atlan a hospital on Saturday, July 21, of pneumonia fever. He was a most excellent young man and a host of relatives und friends, mourn his untimely departure Capt. Thos. J. Killian, well-knoMn in Blue Ridge, being a former citizen of this place, died at his home in Cherokee county, a few dajs ago. He was holding the position of convict warden ot Chero kee countv and lived near Canton.1 Blue Ridge Summit. Grandpa Sewell, one of the' oldest citi zens of McMinn county, was buried near Englewood, Monday of last week. Dr. Roe Roberts left for his home near Ashvflle, Wednesday, where he expects to so reduce his avordupois that he will be accepted as a warrior. OFF TO WAR. Bill Bennett spent last Monday in Ath ens where he was examined for an appoint ment to the hospital corps. . Some of the boys were mean enough to say that while he might have have passed the physical examination, they eertainly couldn't have probed very deeply into his mental qualifications. This was probably due to jealousy of the deepest dye. However, he was accepted and left, yes terday for Athens from which point he will go to some mobilization camp. Bill has a host of friends who will wish him the best luck and a safe return. News has reached Ducktown that Mr. and Mrs. J.- O. Hunnicuf t, of Crossit, Ark., have a boy at their house which, J. O. says, "is the goods." Congratulations. haaTine trip. We are indebted to Dr. L. E. Kimsey for a trip to the top ot the mountain near the Monroe county line, Sunday. Every mile was thoroughly enjoyed. The Dr. went out to see about a "dump" he intended making and while he attended to that John Kilpatrick explained the Unties of Coker Creek to us. Tlfat is some road and far better than anybod) had ever hoped for. It is standing up well and shows that its constructors knew what they were about. According to the mandates of the law, one, Jasper 'Abraham Guinn, has been summuned to appear in Benton, today, to show cause why he should not become a member of the U. S. A. THE ELECTION. The election passed off so quietly, last Saturday, that one hardly realized that such a thing was being held. The unanimity with which the boys wont up and cast their ballots against ehanging the constitution showed that they know what they were doing and proposed to do the thing right. The vote at this box was 124 against and 4 for, with 1 1 ballots thrown out. SKIN WHITENER 25c BOX FREE A Skin Bleach or Whitcner for dark or brown skin, removing all blemishes and clearing swarthy or sallow complexions and caus ing the skin to Grow Whiter. Don't envy a clear complexion ; use Cocotone Skin Whitener and have one. WHAT USERS THINK OF COCOTONE Montgomery, AU. Macon. G. Cordon Co. , CDM0rnSir.:' I find that Cocotone Skin Whitcner i. the Drr Sir.: Send me by return mail two boxes of t.o- raion have ever u.ed to clear the .kin. nl cotone Skin Whitener and three case, of Cocotone Skin moM mM me two bo.e. at once. Soap. They are fine and I do not care to be without ' (Signed) Mr.. C P. JOHNSON, them. Enclosed is mom 1-25" f DO DOT ACCfPi SUBSTITUTES 01 IMITATIONS CLARA M. JACKSON. CUT 1 MIS OUT - The COCOTONE CO., Atlanta, 6a. W.vcro.. Ca. 1 have never u.ed Cocotone Skin Whitener. but if you r , , r y ' will .end me a 25c box free, will be pleased to tr, ... I Cocotone Co. six 2 cent , , , C0T co f m.,I,ng. part- Dear Friends: Your Cocotone Skin Uhitener is the e(c finest thing I ever . My skin wa. very dark and the first box has made it many .hade, lighter, and my friends all ak me what I have been using. Enclosed you will find 2. Please send me six boxes of Skin Whitener and A(jdre8, two cake, of .oap. Youre truly. IrFNTS WANTED ANNA M. WHITE. AGENTS WAINlfcU Pale Faced Women Take Phosphate To Make Rosy Cheeks and Beautiful Forms Men Need Phosphates to Make Strong, Healthy, Vigorous Bodies Atheletes increase their strength, energy and endurance : 200 or more by simply taking a few weeks treatment of Argo-Phosphate Atlanta. Ga. Dr. F. A. Jacobson say. that Phosphates are just as essential to any man or woman who tires easily, is nervous or irritable, worn out, or looks haggard or pale, to make a strong, ro bust, vigorous, healthy body, as they are to cotton to make it erow. The lack of Phosphate is the cause of all anemic condi ions and the administration of 5-grain Argo-Phosphate tablets will in crease the strength and endurance of weaK, nervous, care-worn men and women 300 per cent, in two or three weeks time in in many instances, and their continued use will build up the whole nervoui system, and give new life, vim, vigor and vitality to the whole body. I always prescribe Argo-Phosphate to patient, who are pale and colorless, and it is surprising to see how quickly a few weeks' treatment will transform a pale face into a rosy-cheeked beauty .x There can be no rosy-cheefced, healthy, women without their systems are sufficiently supplied with Phosphates. In recent interview, with physicians on the grave and serious conse ouences of a deficiency of Phosphate, in the blood Anerow men and women. I have strongly emphasized the fact that doctor, .hould pre.cribe more phosphates in the form of Argo-Phosphate for weak, worn-out. haggard-loosing men anl women. When the skin is pale, and flesh flabby, it is the sign of anemia. When he phosphate, go from the blood, the pink cheek, go, too. The mus- cle. lack tone. They become nervous, irritable, anchollv the brain fags, and the memory fails. Therefore, it you t".h to preserve your youthful vim, vigor and vitality to . ripe old Ige, youPmu.t .upply the deficiency of Ph-ph-tejngm your food by using Argo-Phosphate.. the form of Phosphate, moat which i. racommended and -,re-scribed by .11 phsician. fn .11 onemic ce. is no, a .ecre, or p., ent medicine, Wt one that i. .old and recommended by wel -known druggist, everywhere, and physician, are daily Vhfo ,he atituent. contained in it. Being entirely unhke Mher Phosphates, i, is easily assimilated and will be found the treatment of indigestfon and stomach trouble., well a. lor care worn, nervou. conditions. The manufacturers of Argo-Pho.. "hate will forfeit $200.00 to any charitable not treat any man or woman under 65 who lacks Phosphate, and inrraase th ir .trength nd endurance from 100 per cent, to 3UU per "".or mo inWmonth'. time if they are free from or anic trouble. It i. dispensed by .11 reliable If your druggist will not supply you, .end l- Labory.torie., 10 Forsyth St.. Atl.ita. Ga., and they will .end you . two.week. treatment by return mail. "HOXEY" CAMPBELL'S Between Ducktown and oppcrhi Leave Ducktown 6:15 A. M 8:30 10:30 4 2:30 P. M. 6:30 " Leave Copperhill 7:30 A. M. 9:30 " 12:50 P. M. 4:45 " 9:15 " SUNDAY SCHEDULE Leave Ducktown Leave Copperhill 4:30 A. M. 9:30 " 2:30 P. M. 4:45 8:30 A. M. 12:50 P. M. 3:30 9:15 FARE, DUCKTOWN TO Isabella 20c Mary Mine 30c Copperhitl. . -- 35c FARE, COPPERHILL TO Mary Mine " 20c Isabella 30c Ducktown Jtc Cars leave Ducktown from Ducktown Pharmacy. Cars leave Stuarttawn from Quinn's Store. Cars leave Copperhill from Camp bell's Cararge. On week days, cars leave gararge at 1 p. m.; depot at 1:10. tad wnRF IS the sentle art of so putting JUlJ WvjrtlV. the movable types together as ot attract the attention of the reader. This is a charac teristic of our work. Try it!