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County Correspondence AKCHVHXE. James Parker, of Postelle, visited I ome folks, last Saturday and Sunday. W. C. Pierce and wife are visaing Mi. Pierce's father, Jesse L Rvmer Rev. J. A. Woody filled his appointment at Grassy Creek, Sa u day and Sunday. 1 he pike road business here i3 on a stand s i 1 and no further work in sight. M.C. Ledford, of Postelle, is moving back into this settlement. D. C Me rll and Elbert Campbell, cf ....s r .avc, n.auc a trip to Englewood, last Sunday. We heartily endorse the Hon. A. J. Fletcher for Judge and Col. W. H. Haven for attorney-general. If they run they will get all the votes here except those who are dictated to by their political-bosses. A Mountaineer. TO YOUR INTEREST. We want every young mau and woman to read the article on 'The Government Wants ou." To one possessing a com mon school education, a way is opened up to secure a position that has unlimited pos sibilities. The Government wants help and is willing to pay for it. If you have a desire to better your con dition, come to this office and let's talk the matter over. Those who have jobs can take the mail course and never miss the time lost. Act now,, as tomorrow may be late. . WANTS TO KNOW. Editor Tut Tout County Republican. I noticed in your paper, some weeks ago, an item calling attention to the fact that there was too much politics in our public schools. I paid no attention to it at the time, thtnking you were only trying to make po litical capital out of something that did not exist. But when I read an article in the Jour nal and Tribune it came back to me, and now I want to know if the principals of our schools are paid to play politics or teacn school? Democrat and Taxpayer. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE. Roy E. Spargo) Before E. L. Amburn, a V. ) Justice of the Peace C. G uiblf. t of Polk County, Tenn. In this cause it appears that the defend ent, A. G. Camble is justly indebted to the "'I'nt'f. sr..l is a rton-res;dent of the State .,,.,Lt, so that the ordinary process of lav cannot be served on him, and an original attachment having been levied on his property and retnrned tome, it is there- publication be made in County Republican, a f-d in the county of Polk, 'or lour weeks, corn Gamble to appear c in Ducktown, on i lb, and make de ill be proceeded of the Peace. . -i WTEB l Light Co. CONDUCTORS f its employees nnel of its men ten the ages of it to operate its i , ;.(! or address letter to . .c on. bui eiinttndent of Railway Dept., 620 Market St., Chattanooga, Tenn. KJ il j wi i r "M"ii Hr yy The Brand of Fruits and Vegetables that put Polk County on the Map. The Brand that means a better qual ity of foodstuffs for the people and a more lucrative market for the farmer and truck grower. The Brand that will demons'.ate that as good fruit and vegetables can be grown in Polk County as will be found anywhere. Pure Wholesome Sanitary The following canned goods on sale at Ocoee Farm: Hickory King Corn, 17c Sugar Corn, 22c Beans, 22c Apples, 22c. Huckleberries, 27c Blackberries. 32c Beets, 22c Tomatoes, 17c Okra, 17c Pumpkin, 17c Kraut, 12c Dried Corn, 1 7c Squash, 12c Apple Jelly, 12c Huckleberry Jelly, 12c PACKED BY Ducktown Sulphur, Copper & Iron Co., Ltd ISABELLA, TENN. TOLEDO BLADE Toledo, Ohio 82nd SUCCESSFUL YEAR of America's Greatest National Weekly POPULAR IN EVERY STATE A MIILLION READERS WEEKLY You should be a member of our great national family because in this time of National crisis you will feel the great need for a paper which, week by week, will give you all the news of the' world war with ahsolute accuracy and expert editorial handling. Standing as we do on the brink of the greatest epoch of our National his tory, it is of vital importance to every man, woman and child that the history of the was in the making shall be published hon estly, concisely and with understanding. The Toledo Weekly Blade's facilities for securing and printing the exact facts rela tive to the war's progress at home and abroad are unexcelled, you will want to KNOW WHAT OUR COUNTRY, OUR ALLIES AND OUR ENEMIES ARE DOING. The Toledo Weekly Blade will tell you. and as always, it will tell you truthfully and completely. Its editorials are fearless and honest, and its various departments, enlarged and improved, will interest and entertain ever member of your family. . Send your subscription' today, price 50 cents a year. Sample copies mailed free Address,: ,;,!,': i - ' THE BLADE a Toledo, 0. Telephone Courtesy The people who get the greatest amount of good out of their telephor? are those who talk over it as though face to face. Courtesy smooths out difficulties and promotes the promptest possible connec tions. The operators of the BELL System are trained to be patient and polite under all circumstances, but they will do better work if they meet with patience and politeness on the part of the telephone users. ' The fact ' that you cannot see the operator or the other party should not' cause you to .overlook this. The best results come through the practice of ( mutual courtesy. Tie voice wiib the smile wins CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Incorporated ' BOX 450, ATHENS, TENNESSEE. ' ' , " ' ' I i n . .f i , 'I '