JACKSON coin SENTINEL GAINESBORO, TENN.. FRIDAY, FEB. 11 1916 ONE DOLLAR A YEAS VOL. 16. No. 2$ PROPER SURFACE DRAIHAGE With Proper Drainage the Farmer Can Snap Hie Fingers at the Occasional Comparatively Dry Periods Experi enced in Tenneisee in a Year, The State of Tennessee has Just passed through the dryes( 2 mouths, plnoe rainfall records have beea kept. This would seem to be a, good time to look at our farming methods and find whether or ne-t they are calcu lated to take advantage of the many rarlatlobs la rainfall and rainfall dis tribution to which this section of the country Is subject. During the first three months o! 1113 the rainfall was abundant, amounting to 21.BS Inches. This Amount of water properly conserved would have insured a bumper crop in 1913. This Is more rata thaa aaaay Mo tions of the West receive la a whole year and, they grow fully as big crops we do. After a large portlea oi this rain had run off, carrying some of che beet par of eur land with it, the weather turned dry and by Jane we were needing rein. Bu,t instead of the vsual amount of rain, we had for the 12 months beginning June I, lilt, tie 'dryett year ever experienced in Ten nessee. The accompanying chart ishows graphically the state of affairs. The upper line represents the normal tor average rainfall while the lowet line shows the rainfall for the 13 months ending May 31, 1914. Only if 4 4aU X-M Of. " 19. 44 two months, September and October, had. more than the average rainfall. These two months however, put our soil in flue condition for fall sowing aad xve have had a splendid crop of wheat al. hough : it was reduced somewhat fcy the dry weather ii Max. Wa h,av crown other croja toqs, Vul tey have, not been up to standard and la raay cases have been considered failures. Now let us see what caused all the trouble. What is the reason we are discouraged? Is It really because of lack of rainfall, or huve we failed to 4o our part? Our average rainfall for a year Is 48.85 inohes. In the 12 months In question we fell short of that amount by 13.30 inches or a little more thai 27 per cent. Just think of that We bad less than three-fourths of the av erage ralnfal. Is It a ay wonder our crops were poor? But let us look a Mttle further. The actual rainfall for the 12 dry months was 36.53 inches. That it more than the average rain fill for Ohio. Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Oklahoma or Texas, and it is gener ally understood that they usually grow very fair crops in those states. It 1 rmr than twice the average rainfall r aom of the treat dry faming seo tlans of the northwest Are we suf- forioff then because nature has failed o do her part? Not a bit of it. We in trouble because we have not ,tha rainfall we did get but have. allowed a large portloa of it to run ff the surfaoe carrying tne nnesi oi our loll with. It If anyone doubts ttit. ut fttm look at our rivers whick Have been yellow with mud during this whole dry season. whan inrm to farm in suoa a war as to prevent the waste of valu able water by surface drainage, we can snap our fingers at the occasional comparatively dry periods operlenced bere in Tennessee. J. P. Voorhees, Consulting Meteorologist. University cf Tennessee., TOWN FRUIT TREES A MENACE. ,(C. A. Keffer, University of Tennes see. In every part of the state the fruit n Iran lota are infested by Saa Jose scale, and are a menace to or chard, the scale being camea on uie feot of birds from these infested tresa to orchards throughout their vicinity, i. if nwnnr has but a few trees As I"" " . be thinks it will not pay him to buy a spraying outfit, and bo hia trees are tvo rr of fruit trees should make a comfortable living for nn man in every small town. He should own a good barrel pump w .... it. spraying outfit, ana db a masier ut tw. ... ti. .hr.nid be a skillful pruner, ti should be able to contract with cltUens fcr the care of their trees by the year, prcanlng. spraying for scale In winter, and for Insects and disease in the growing Mason. At a moderate price, whick most men would gladly pay. this work aoald be profitable lor the xaa af le patrca. . - 2: till t k Wmli of Good Readina Hatle at Each one of these papers is an acknowledged leader in its field. Read the brief description? below and you will appreciate the wonderful bargain we are offering you. Just think, yqu will receive our paper; the biggest and best semi-weekly newspaper in the country 5 a wonderful woman's paper with a free dress pattern, and a high-grade farm paper each one for an entire year, and all at a very substantial saving. Read this offer an4 act today. 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Send free pattern request, giving Number end Size, with 2c stamp for mailing, direct to the McCall Company, New York. v Sentinel, Gainesboro, r for Yon 1 FARM AND HOME Is the farmer's great National farm paper, ably edited and well illustrated. It not only teaches better farming methods, but tells how to get better prices for your crops, and how to market them to the best ad van to p. It is issued on the 1st and 1 5th of each month. One of the old-time farm papers that has kept abreast of the times. Tenn. jHaHwr i- ... . ' 1" E ... .... J