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HEARD ABOUT TOWN. G B Settle is ingNashville this week on business. Mothers ft 31 use 1- MKs feS53 I - JSyMir t n''.i t. Itii-.-".'.C n.W .' .V.'Jv. ....... mm, mm , iBliiilli! . ' I VONG.BUnMINGlpiPEi AND L f S" J I XIGAHETTE TCBACCO , I . 3 i . - ' " I..I .M I- . : : JMfr. i Favorite mjl WW - ravo , , mw WjW Shotguns and the .. Vmm Steel C-LJlOf LOAWr "Dope" shooters from and tliat it THE Remington-UMC Pump Gun and Autoloading Gun these are the shotguns of today. Adopted everywhere, for use in the field and over the traps shot by more of sport than any other make of guns in the world. In the matter of Shells where is the sportsman who does not know the Remington-UMC "Speed Shells," Steel Lincd- all the drive of the powder kept back of the shot, and showing results that flatter any make of gun? For the right dope see the Remington-UMC Dealer. lie displays the Red Ball Marl: of Rcmiirglon-UMChe sign that his store is Sportsmen's Ileadquarters of the town. ' v Sold by. your home dealer and 1646 other leading merchantsrin Tennessee feaibgtoa U-Cik thuffic CorfrUs Ck StAnii Ea24 (233 totimj) Hsw T Cfty Prince Albert fits-your taste! Meets the fondest wishes of any man who Jikes to smoke because it has the right flavor and aroma and coolness. It's the most cheer-, ful tobacco you ever did pack in a jimmy pipe u orrcllintoacba-r J) If the national joy smoke For it exceeds in goodness and satisfaction the kindest! Men, we teU you this tobacco will be a revelation to you. So, take this information at 100, get out the. old jimmy pipe from, its hiding place or. locate, the. makings papers andfalUtol YourvAshea wiU b gratified at tha nearest ifoiw thatielh tobacco, , for Prlnct Albert is in universal demand. It can be bought all over the states and all ever the world! Toppy red bags, 5c; tidy red tins, 10c; handsome pound and half-pound tin humidors and that fine pound crystal-glass humidor with sponge-moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such excellent trim. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winstonalem, N. C -Hh cou't be u' pro (rewire as yoii ny If tbe'd taken up mbroldtiHiii "Why ootr "Iiocaue Cbat Try neldoai gcti le rnd the loWfil Uaft" - Baltiiaof iiuericoA. on shooting is plentiful know where the right dope leads straight to Remington- UMC. the men who are setting the pace A. rett?. And it's so ! i'-:tteel m:M . .-.rt- - ., : f, vr-t -'w '-..r.t Bpn RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To lmlf pint of wnter add 1 oz. Hay Rum, a email bo of liarbo Compound, and oa. of glycerine. Apply to ths hail twice a week until It becomes the desired hada. Any druggist can put this up or you oan mix It at home at very little cost Puii directions for making and une conic lr urch boi cf Barbo Compound. It will grudually dai!tn utreaked, faded gray hair, and removes dandruff. It Is excel lent for falling hulr and will make harsh hair oft and gloss'. It will not oolor the scalp. Is not .sticky or groasy, and doci nol rub off. And comes in the B. L Quarles is in the Nash ville and Louisville markets buy ing the spring and summer stock for Quarles & Sadler D. G. Co. Dolph Richmond left this for lllanford, Cal., when he will j locate. The Sentinel wishes him I success. i i ' The Republicans of Jackson county have changed the time of holding their mass meeting frcm Saturday, 19 to the 26th. The Republicans will taka notice of this change. SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE. State of tennessee Jackson County. - We the undersigned Ele:tion Com missioners in fop the said county and state do hersby call an election to be held in the town of Gainesboro on Saturday the 26th day of .February, 1916 for the purpose of electing Justicejof the Peace for the first civil; district of said county to fill out the Unexpired term of Jas. Wheeler resigned. Also a Justice of the Peace for the first district of Jackson county to fill out the unexpired term of Wheeler Birdwell, resigned. The following are appointed as Offic er, Clerks and Judges', to hoi J said election. M. Y. Settle, Officer. T. C. Young, v John Wilmouth, Clerk. J. B. Dudney, T. T. Trisdale, T. D. West, Judges. B. L. Quarles, " W. A. Overton, J. W. Stafford, Election Commission ers, Jackson, Co. Feb. 11 ,1916. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature LAND SALE. R. M. Maxwell, Adm. of Martin Mc Coin, deceased vs J. W.;Cason and 01 Scan Hand On Saturday, February 12, 1916 at the East door of tha courthouse in Gainesboro, Tenn., by virtue of a Ven di. expo, issued to me by the "clerk qf the Circuit Court of Jackson, Co. Tenn., the case of R.M. Maxwell, Adm. of Martin McCoin, dee'd. vs. J. W. Cason and 01 Scanthtnd, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for 'cash the re versionary interest of J. W. Cason in the following land towit: Lying and being in the 6th district of Jackson county, bounded as follows: North by Butler; South 'by Johnson; East by Johnson, We ft by Mn?s. This land is levied upon as the property of J. W. Canon subject to his homestead rights, and was legally condemed'at the Nov. term of the Circuit Court, 1315. Said, sale wi!i.le to settle a judgment for $19.41 and all the costs. Sail within egal hoars. This Jan. 12, 1616. John L. Young, ShfT. TENNESSEE FRATERNAL. ORDER! Jeint Certificateon Husband and Wife ! on Payment for Cne Required Pajmculs Less Year ly Year Handsome Monument. All r!aim" poid Represertativt-s Wanted. Write for Proposition. THE SAILORS, SOS 12 Broadway Nashville. Tenn. reyS ForthsOiildrenZ- A safe, old fashiosed remedy for verms-1 Seventy -fiv yen cantiau- o js tin is the beit tcttimonial FREV'S VERMIFUGE can offer yau. Keep bottle tlwayi on huA h will heb keei th Lltl im hippy and healthy. 25c. bottle at yout dntwut'l or genetil etore; ot if yuu donlrr can't supply you, lend bit name and 25c in stamps and we'll teod you bot tle promptly. E. a S. FREY, BALTIMORE, MD. Deep breaking demonstrations hart been held a! Tibbs and Nutbush witi very good attendance and much In terest.C. H. Denson, Haywood coua ty, November J8, 1914. There has been several tnstaticel of stalk Held poisoning in tlilB count! in the last few days. One man lost ten head of cattle. C. P. Barrett, Lawrence county, November 14. 1914. ' A NOVEL GANNIN67 CLUB GAMPING TRIP The Jacksboro Canning Club, wlt& the county agent ui several friends, spent three days on , canning camp ing trip last week. Tkey picked an4 canned huckleberries while having a. healthy, outdoor good time. The cara waa on Cumberland mountain on land owned by John Bowman, who klndtr permitted the club fre use his ground end berries, and Mr. Lewis Bowman lent his tent to the campers. By the kindness of Mr. Flem Lay, the sup plies were gotten u the rough moun tain road to the tent site. The campfire was the center of at traction during the stay, a forked stick driven Into the ground at either sid ef the fire held a stick on which Ue buckets and kettles were hunjj over the lire. Here the camp meals, wer prepared, Each camper was detailed, a special duty, so the surden we heavy on no one. A cheat flreles cooker, that the girls are taught how to make and use, simplified the cook ing, and while vegetables were cook ing in this the oampers would leave, the eamp In Quest ot huckleberries. A, portable outdoor eanner made the can ning possible. The girls are taught canning by the oold-pack methed where the fruit la packed in the jar or can. cold and put in boiling water to be prooeiBed this process retain the flavor and orlspasis of the fresh, fruit. "Shep," Homer Balrd's trusty dgfc guarded th camp In the absence ef the berry-seekers and made himself useful in many other ways.. On on occasion he ran down a poisonous, snake and held it at bay Ull his master killed It. "Shop" was unanimously voted the hero of the hour. Many thrilling and hair-raising tale had been told; th howl of wild eat that prowled and came to the camp, and of the rattlers that would rattle, and bite. The time of departure cam and no wild cat or rattle snake had been seen or heard; the cannors left, reluctantly and felt deep disappoint meat that no blood-ourdllng stories, could be related by them. However they can report an unusually good time and quite a number of cans of huckleberries. The camp was named "Chigger" camp, as every member soon discov ered that it had been Inhabited by miK lions of these animals The members of the camping party were: Misses Janie B. and Nell Tay lor, Loa Brlokey. Emma and Ola, Clark, Emma Griffin, of Knoxville, and, Messrs. Homer Baird, Irdel Peters, Charles Clark, Mrs. Taylor J'd th County Agent, Miss May TreadwjalL, chaporoned the party. HIGHEST PRICES PAH) RK) lrw: Mailed Day Saitaat it Rcahr4 No Commission to Pay Writ for ?nc Ut emi - ' a SSons I,; ul b'w " yr : loc:cvuix. kv.