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HEARD ABOUT TOWN. ft t 9- r. v ' Mi "Til L -v. I i 7 Try it yourself if you want personal and positive infor mation as to how delightful Prince Albert really is, smoked in a jimmy pipe or rolled into the. best makin's cigarette you ever set-fire-to ! For, Prince Albert has e. wonderful message of pipe-peace and makin's peace for every man. It will revolutionize your smoke ideas and ideals. The patented process fixes that and cuts out bite and parch I .4i .. 3 v si' kvpj I , Copyright I Kit by I U.J. Rrynoldft flliiil Oa At ttwm tiJ ( tki tiJr rd Hi J m will read; "Pract Pitnttxl Jilf JOll, 1M7," wkicS b.t mdt eircc men noli MMwhrt on molted Mont f&e national joy smoke h so friendly to 37our tongue and taste that it is mighty easy to get acquainted with. You'll like every pipeful or cigarette better than the last because it is so cool and fragrant and long-burning. You'll just sit back and ponder why you have kept away from such joy'us smokings for so long a time I Men, we tell you Prince Albert is all we claim for it. You'll understand just how different our patented process makes Prince Albert quick e.s you smoke it I Buy Prince Albert eoeryichura tobacco i aolcti in toppy rmd bogi, 5c ; tidy red tin, 10c; hatidtom pound and half pound tin humidors and in pound crystat-glatt humiiiora with npongo-moittener (ep tlM Ases thii tobacco in tuch prime condition. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. What Is It All About? HAS the whole world gone stark mad over a very foolish and trivial question? Are swords rattling, cannon rumbling, mailed armour glistening just because Russia wanted to show her love for the littla brother Servia? Tear aside the curtain of Europe's politics and see the grim and sinister game of chess that is being played. See upon what a slim, yet desperate, excuse the sacred lives of millions are being sacrificed. Read the history of the past one hundred years, as written by some of the greatest authorities the world has ever known, and learn the naked, shameful truth. Just to get you started as a Review of Reviews subscriber, we make you this extraordinary offer. We will give to you A big book and over 300 pages, size 10 x 7 inches, handsomely ana ouraoiy douiio in doth, containing the dramatic history of the great events leading up to the present time ; over 50 important and timely Bpec.i;0 articles by experts on t he diuerent phases of the con diet; hundreds of graphic picturnv. por. traits, photographs, diagrams specially drawn war maps, illuminating statistical records, copits of official documents and dip lomatic messages exchanged between the powers a clear, vivid, accurate, permanent, interesting and valuable record a record which once seen you will not willingly bo without. Europe's past and present are here dramatically pictured and presented. Hun. dreds of illustrations graphically tell their own stones. More tiscuiaunn man any romance, here is a history so vivid, so dra matic so stirring, so fascinating, so realistic, so wonderfully presented, so llirillinfly told that i kaves an iiieilacable impression. Your War News Clarified It is not enough to read the daily nm re ports. Your ability to comprehend cor.dAior.3 end to discuss them rationa'ly depends on a true interpretation of the meaning end tlio "reason why" of events. In your rnir.d you rnnst bring order out of clvos ami tha "Review Reviews" wiil cj it for you. Get the Review of Reviews for a Year RECIPE TOR GRAY HAIR. To liulf pint of'WHtor arid oz. Buy Rum, a nmill bov of Iisurbo Compound, bnd i os. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a week until It becomes the desired ImAs. Any druggist can put this up or you can mis It M home at very little coot Full directions for making and u com a In each toe of Barto Compound. It will gmdually darkvn troaked, failed gray ruttr, and removes dandruff. It is excel lent for falll eg hair and will make harsh bnlr soft and gluey. It will not color the scalp. Is not sticky or. greasy, and does no l rub oft. Straightening Streams With Dynamite The nnclont Egyptians were notefl for their crops because, u history BtnteB, they "sowed their seeds fax the Nile." This docs not mean that they actually cast the seed In the river. At certain sensonu of the yetir the Mlo overflows its banks, depositing on either shore ft rich ullt or earth that ia highly conducive to bumper crops, nud the xrlno ancient Egyptians, realizing this, profited thereby. Water Is n necessity. Tbo tiniest brooks up to too largest rivers play an Important part In th scheme of thlngd Inasmuch ns they ore nature's May ol Send theCoupon only. It hringsthe big, hand some book.charfc'es prepaid, absolutely free. All we ask is toat after you get the book and like it you fend J5 cents for shipping and i 1.(0 a month for three months to pay for toe Review of Reviews" lor one full year. Review of Reviews Lo. ajii5is! 0 Irving Plate, New York S3 C-. nrt If the book isn't wortfi more fflQQey pazine together, send it back r.t our exponse. But be prompt. The world-wide fame of this cmpendiunwi'.l make these lew volumes disappear from our stock room at once. St-nd yuur Coupun toUay-and be in time. P.. ,Lj , JX u- ' . ; i S"'srV V ,-S,W-i. MTAl'tV 'Europe et We" Uh1r- " I' iJ-'i'VMhr5 Foe h wltH eresBid only .( and wc - -tfJ 'i ls.f tj;' 0K)rly fewecnirc. Kl . ." ' " copy of ibluxuRou biwlin. rhtrcuaiMl si , . ... -! i 1' te I Bjuthi. r MM tj cati ui fad. i i til Diagrsm of Stream Trswtles That May Be Corrected by Custing. both Irrigation ami drsinace. But be ing formed according to nature's dic tates their courses do not 'ul ways JIba with man's desires or need. Bock ledges Impede their progress. Overhauging ttuuips sud trees retard The time of year at hand, when Gainesboro should be put in per fect sanitary condition. Espec ialy should the breeding places of the fly be destroyed. These are decaying manure, and with put little trouble can be disposed of. It is filthy to have flies about the house, and it makes no diff erence how clean the house, if you have flies the filth exist some where about the place, or your neighbors. By the cooperation of all our little city can be made spotless. Several Gainesboroians will attend the school entertainment I at Whitleyville Saturday night Mr. Hix, principle of the school at Whitleyville, was in Gaines boro yesterday. His school has been a success, and he is 'satisfi ed with work of the pupils. The March term of Circuit Court was postponed until July, i by petition of the members of the local bar, several of whom where attending supreme court in Nashville. School Entertainment, Whitleyville, March 25. PROGRAM. Music "Gaily Tripping" Maurine Quarles Dialogue "One of Those Awful Children" Kulysia Cherry, Birtha Draper Music "Pleasant Thoughts" Vera Jones Tlay "Kissing the Wrong Girl" Cast of Characters: Charles Gethere-H. P. Hix Clara Winsom-Mai Page Gertrude Winsom-Ruby Draper Music "At Twilight" Edna Gaines Recitation "That Bad Boy Again" Ada Herod Music Flatilla March" Ruby Draper Tambourine Drill .......... .Twelve Girls Dialogue "Two Kinds of Fun" Eulysis Cherry, Preston Quarles Music "Dainty Daffodils" Nola Quarles Play "That Rascal Pat" Cast of Characters: PatMcNaggerty-L. M. Botts Major PufTjacket-H. P. Hix : Charles Livingston Harvey Butler Nancy Livingston Ada Herod Laura Livingston-Nola Quarles Recitation "Blue and Brown Eyes" Three Little Girls Music "Beautiful Star of Heaven" Rosa Gaines Recitation.., ....."John Spincer's Shirt" Vera Jones Music. "Arogondise" Ada Herod Song "Froggie Went Courting" EulyBis Cherry, Deurelle Herod Music . .-. "Beautiful Evening Star" Mai Page Play "The Persecuted Dutchman" Cast of Characters: John Schmidt-L. M. Botts Captain Blowhard Clifford Holloway Hon. Augustus Clearslarch-H. P. Hix Charles Soberly-J. T. Cherry Mrs. Plentiful-Edna Gaines Teddy Glynn Gaines Miss Arobella Blowhard Eva Botts Mr. Plentiful-Kirk Quarles Perseverance Rosa Gaines mi SO 3 o r mi ill 8 Si.fl- ffii 9 a. to e ft H ir ft si? 2 n n Ha pi. 6 fc-f