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o ipRii RM WORK. I ------ 3 Have you been studying about it, Brother Farmer? It will soon be on band What about your farm tools: I NEED A DISC PLOW? We sell the best made, the JOHN DEER, h C If yon use one you 11 have no other. It ! NEED A DISC HARROW? Inlhis implement, too, we head off competition. Our JOHN DEER disc harrow is king wherever sold. . NFFH A fflRN.PI ANTFR? We have the hesL Thousands of sat- isfied users say so. . 1 NEED ANY OMR FARM TOOLS? We have it or if not, widget it f for you on short notice. FLYNN'S LICK Personal Happenings GRANVILLE DEPARTMENT, V WANT YflllR TRADE this snrinff. and are oreoared to offer you $ ms ii titi . a w - - ; - great inducements.. : . : - c c c All kinds of Field Seed ready for you. Ik 3 c9 Your Last Chances. Recently we published in these colums an offer of The Youth's Companion and McCall's Maga zine, both for a full year, for on ly $2.10. including a McCall Dress Pattern. The high prfce of pa per and inK has obliged McCall's Magazine to raise their subscrip tion price February 1 to 10 cents a copy and 75 cents a year, so the above price must be with Until March 31 our readers GLADD1C0. Rev. Elijah Henry filled his regular appointment at this place Sunday. - The singing school at this place has closed. Everybody has learned to sing. , Sam Smith has bought him a new1 rubber tire buggy from Luther Sutton at Granville. Joe and Ora Butler were the guests of Bud Collier and wife Saturday night. Vester Ramsey and wife were have the privilege of ordering Lthe guests of Will Sloan and wife . 1.1? A? k 1TAAW I m . DOtn pUDUCauons ivr iuii jrcai, the choice of any 15 Mitt McpaII Dress Pattean for only $2.10. The amount of reading, infor mation and entertainment con tained in the fifty-two issues of The Youth's Companion and the value of twelve monthly fashion Saturday night. I. A. Dixon has been on the sick list for some time but is im proving. Miss Malissa Richardson is ing her aunt, Miss Ona Holland, at Bagdad Loyd Taylor, Ethel Hollend, Irene Murphy and Clellie Cooke spent Sunday with Georgia Cook. Mrs. Jim Hackett is visiting her mother, Mrs. L T. Holland. G. C. Holland and wife spent Sunday with Orvell BrooKs and wife. Haley Mullinax and wife spent Sunday with Jeff Dixon and wife. John Butler and wife spent Sunday with Orville Brooks and wife. Mi$, Francis Cornwell, who has been on the sick list is im proving. Lillie Homes is visiting her grandfather, Howard Cornwell.1 Maggie Cornwell has taken out Bill Hall, of Celina, was here. W. N. Norton hatf a good horse to die Friday. S. G. Rogers has returned from a business trip to' Nashville. Bennett Young was here last week buying hogs. Hugh Darwin was in Gaines boro Saturday. Burch Wilcox, of Cookeville, traveling salesman was here last week. Mesdames M. E: Pate and Frank Pate spent Saturday with Mrs. S. G. Rogers. Misses Virgie Johnson and Flora Fuqua visited Mrs. Vance Anderson J Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Baugh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Williamson near Gran ville. Will Darwin.'.Cof Stone, was here last week. He bought a pair of mules' from Jim Billings- ley while here paying $425 for them. Mrs. Addie Hogg spent Sun day with Mrs.' J. M. Johnson Rev. Blue, of Lebanon, held QuarterlyConference here Thurs day. Rev. Elijah Robinson, of Granville, delivered an interest ing sermon. Rev. J. L. Smotherman, of Carthage, and B. F. Cooper, of Granville, attended Quarterly Conference here Thursday. Dr. L. R. Anderson has recent ly purchased a new.Ford car. Dr. and Mrs. 8 Anderson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Kid well Pruett.fspent; Sunday with Mrs. U. T. Anderson. , Miss Nora Spivey, who has been confined to her room with pneumonia fever, is able to be out again. Miss Estelle Gailbreath is im visiting Mack Dixon und wife. i Courtney Dixon spent Thurs- her heater, she is not expecting Droving. Mrs. White Myrs, of Salt Lick, visited her mother, Mrs. Sarah Gailbreath. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Haile vis ited Mr. and. Mrs. B. M. Morgan Sunday. Charlie Ragland and family spent the week-end Iwith Robert Apple on Granville Route 1. - Mrs. Minnie Spurlock was a visitor in Gainesboro Saturday. Mrs. Tom Draper ' visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson, of Stone. day night with W, S Cornwell. Estelle Martin, who has been visiting Mrs. Sam Cornwell, has returned home. Elden-Draper returned from Nashville Thursday night, where ,Kr Myall's at $2.10 of fer a real bargain to every read er of this paper. This two-at-one-price offer in- ctodes; -L The Youth's Companion, 52 issues. 2. ' The Companion Home Cal endar for 1917. a McCalls Magazine-12 fash ion numbers.- '' sick with la grippe 4. Onel5-cent McCall Dress, Pattern your choice from your first copy of McCall's-if you send a two-cent stamp with your selection. THE YOUTH'SICOMPANION. Sr Paul St. Boston. Mass. New Subscriptions Received at this Office. any more company this winter. WHITES BEND. Loren and Cohen Howell visit ed their sister, Alta Mae Brown he has been transscting business. Saturday night, Reading Circle Books can be had at the Gainesboro Mercan c All teachers should pur Utv w j chase these books at once and get ready for the examination March 30th-31st All necessary notices to teach ers in regard to examinations etc nnoar in VOUr county paper. wM like for all teachers to sub- srrihP for it at once and keep posted on examination dates and fV;rrc nortaininjr to school work. vMWfc" r- " , ... TV a Tenr a a live one and will u ... i be a great advantage to all teach ers..', " W. L. Dixon, County Supt Lee Dixon and wife are visit ing relatives on Wartrace. C. H. Brown and wife were is very thg weejc.en( 0f reiatives on Dry Fork. H. H. Brown and C. F. How ell made a business trip to Gains- Mrs. F. 0. Cornwell is visiting F. A. Cornwell and wife. Mrs. F. A. Cornwell rrippe. Ferrell Dixon spent Friday night with Courtney Dixon. W, L. Dixon, who has been boro last week. spending a few days at this C. H. Brown made a business place, has returned to Gaines- trip across the river Saturday. boro. H. H. Brown made a business John Hargis waa calling on the trip to Indian creek Saturday. merchants at this place Satur day. J. T. Henry has returned to his home at Monterey, after teaching a 10 days singing school at this place. Hattie Dixon was the guest of Maggie Cornwell Sunday. CUT THIS OUT -JT IS WORTH MONEY DON.T'MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Fo ley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chica go III., writinc vour name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Hon ev and Tar Comrjound. for branchial and la grippe coughs: Foley Kidney Fills, lor lanie back, wean Kianeys, rhpumatism. bladder troubles, and Fo ley Carthartic Tablets, a wholesome and thnrnucrhlv rleansinr cathartic, for constipation, billiousness, headache, and sluggish bowels, STONE. Tom Ford, of Cookeville, was here on business last week, Rev. James Draper, of Defeat ed Route 1, was here on business Wednesday. James Brown and wife, of Martin's creek,; attended meet here Wednesday. H. J. Lynch, trustee, of Gain esboro, was collecting taxes at this place Feb. 21. Miss Alean Myers is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alfred McDon ald in Sullavin's Bend. Mr. Harris, stock buyer of Lebanon, was here last week. He is an extensive dealer. Leona and Virginie Green spent Sunday evening with their, little chum Margaret Helen Gailbreath. Ernest Tinsley, of Gainesboro, who travels for J. H. Orr Co., Nashville, was here Wednesday. Crook Hook, of Lebanon, who travels for National Map Co., IndianaDolis. Ind. was here this week. Authur Willoughby left on the Str. Nashville Tuesday night, en route to Nashville for a short pleasure trip. Henry Haile, of Cookeville, re presenting Hooper Grocery Co.. Nashville. was!outting the "red tape" to our merchants last week. C. G. Gailbreath is one among those on the sick list this week. It is hoped he will be able to be back at his post of business real soon. Miss Novella Apple is in Nash vnle at this wntine. where she is taking a course in millinery. She will act as milliner for J. R. Carver & Co., this spring. Hughes Bros., of Baxter, have opened a produce house in Gran ville. They are prepared to han die all kinds of country produce, butter.' ecrjrs. chickens, etc. They will treat you right at al times. B. P. Shirley of the J. R. Car ver & Co., has just returned from Nashville with a stylish up- to-date and full line of ladies rea dy-to-wear. This is the largest line of tht kind ever introduced in this city. Miss Bonnie Gene Gailbreath entertained several of her friends with a birthday dinner at her home Sunday. Those present were; Misses Mary Neil Ferrell, Mollie Grisham, Mamie Fox, Mattie Williamson, Leathy Huff, Clara Watts, Anna Ruth Hargis and Winnie Page; Messrs Walter Cooper. John Watts, Guy Mad dux, Authur Willoughby and Tilman Grisham. All reported a splendid and pleasing dinner and an enjoyable evening, Mrs. J. H.' Maddux, of Catayo, Ky., arrived on the btr. rail Thursday night, If or a short visit with W. F. Maddux and wife. Crit Pharris, who is attending T. P. I. at Cookeville, spent the waek-end with homefolks, A. J. Pharris and wife. H. S. Page, who has been con nected with Cuban Portland Ce ment Co., for the past year is in 'or a visit withhome folks. He re ports much fighting, Jerre Gardenhire, editor of the Carthage Courier and King Fer rell, of Enigma, were in Gran--. ville Sunday evening. Both made pleasing remarks about our own. Bro. Karnes, of Cookeville, was unable to reach Granville ast Sunday where he was to fill his regular appointment at the Christian church. Hope to have him in our midst soon. Quarterly meeting was held at the M. E. church here on last Wednesday. Revs. Smothermah Blue, Robinson, Wheeler and Kirby were present. Two in teresting, forceful and eloquent sermons were delivered by Rev. Smotherman of Carthage. The next meeting will be held March, 9th. Before adjourning delicious refreshments were ser- ved by Mrs. n. u. smitn. pre vious to the meeting refresh ments were served by Mrs. A. B. Hargis and Mrs. WF. Mad You Jackson countians owe it to yourselves and to your editors, ! to subscribe for your good, inter- esting and progressive county - mi . -Jit 1 4 paper. ine euitors nave r told you it is published for you, and it contains all the interesting happenings oi your county. V? I1CA1 111 VJaiUCOVUlV llAfc vv Vlfc don't fail to call at the office and snKamKa TVia naruti will hmo- ' fif vimi fpn rimpfl t.hft fmharnntinn . r pnee. The "Parent Teohor AaovmJ ation" is well organized and is doing good work. Much interest ' is being shown in this new club. . All the ladies of the town, who patronizethe G. H. school were present at the last meeting. which was held Friday evening, February, 23. A number of country ladies sent word tnat uwuig vj iuu wake nun implem ent weather they could not join in this new movement before spring. At the meeting held1 last Friday several interesting papers were read and talks de livered. Miss Ruby Maddux sang a sacred soio, accompanied by Miss Ova Boyd, music teach-1 er. W. H. Brown, of Cookeville, spent Tuesday with his brother: U. T. Brown. Frank Brown, of Cookeville, passed thru here on business last Friday O. L. Green, of Algood, agent for the Cookeville Marble Co., HasaHensonwastha guest of W .here- ... M.m.HuttSumhv. ' Duie. waa. larne ana jua nie Brown spent Sunday with TJria T. Brown. Jim Norton and wife spent MOiaSSes UlXOll says mere ia a . . m IwHC great demand lormoiasses. ineyj Davg Brown-and 8pent are selling at 50 cents per gallon. gunda cbell Lynn and Oscar Mullinax says if the war comes he will go. as quick as a July frost would melt - Ruff Butler and wife are visit ing John Howell and wife. I Ethel Holland has been visit family. Mrs. Martha Brown spent Sunday with Mrs. Mag Brown. We are having some pretty weather and the farmers are get tinglbusy with their plowing. Health of this community is not good. Uncle Andy Vanhooser, who has been confined to his bed is improving. Prof. Henry Hall, who has been on the sicK list is able to be back to his school Miss Alice Herod, the music teacher, at this place, who has been very sick is with us again. Mrs. Mit Lovelady spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Micca Terry near Whitley ville, who have been very sick. Jim Jenkins and wife were the guests of Armar Hix. on Roar ing river Saturday. George Hix, of Roaring river, called on his best girl Sunday. Tandy Crowder and Tom Jack son visited Harvey Butler sun- day." L. H. Jackson, of Hartsville, visited Andrew Jackson of this place. Mrs. Martha Crowder. of Brim stone, is visiting her father, R. B. Crowder. Johnie Stone and wife visited R. B. Crowder Sunday, Nettie Lee and Fannie Butler spent Sunday with Alsie Crowder. J. H. Harley, of Gairtesboro, was here Saturday on business. Millard Kyle, of Celina, is raft ing logs here. EENSUT CIEFI. r Mesdames John Johnson and George Gaines visited Mrs. John Holloway Tuesday. T. B. Lee and wife spent Wed nesday night with Mrs. Minnie Draper on Bullards creex. : , Clyde Johnson visited her cousin Tommie Gaines Monday. Mrs. Dillard Gentry ' tpent Wednesday with Mrs. 'Forest Hawkins. . - George Gaines and wife visited John Johnson and wife Wednesday. Dow Gaines visited Bird Lee Gaines Wednesday. MrsJAlonzo Long spent Thurs day wiih her mother, Mrs. H. L. Lee. Forrest Hawkins and family spedt Sunday with T. B. Lee and wife. . , Mrs. Mary Gaines spent Sun day night with Mrs. John John son. Ruby Johnson spent Sunday night with Ruby Hawkins. Robert Sneed and wife spent Sunday with Broad Gaines and wife. Uvea sxtsa woax w ituci It's between aeasoea now' when fsw persona prespirt as nodi at health d. minds. Tht rttuit is doable work for the kidney, for It kidneja most throw out wasto matter from ' tht sys tem that is climated thrash tht port when persons pi errfra. Overworked, weak or disordered kidneys setd help now. B. H. Stone, Readinf. Pa., writes; "Whenerrr I need a kidney remedy I refy on Foley Kidney FUla. They hare been worth their weight fa fold to me." .