Newspaper Page Text
Jackson County Sentinel n nusiuD vsvxw i iruay at OAI.NKSIIUUO. TK.NN. V.. V. Takuy, Kditor U. GailukKATIi, Uusincts ilgr. Subscription price SI OU per year. Entered arcond tUialnatlrt it lb. I'imIsIEm ia Caie.boro. Tenn.. nailer Act of C.nrra. IStS FRIDAY, MAR. 9. 1917. The Legislature. When the general assembly ad journal 1Vh1;j ut noon until Monday afternoon. thirt nine days of tlic seventy-live provided lor lawmaking every two years had expired. So far there have been added to the public acts of the state twenty laws and 101 private acta, bringing tli3 total output for more than half the session up to i'Ji law. In the public acts to become laws, how ever, thers was none of the im portant measures such as the an tipas law, the workmen's com pensation law. the compulsory primary law or other reform measures pledged by the demo cratic party in its campaign in 1916. Before the recess, fifteen public acts and fifty private acta had been made into laws. Since the recess, live public acta and 51 private acts have been record ed in the office of the secretary of state. The present rate of enactment is about ten private acts to one public act. , With thirty-five days ahead, however, there is time for much of the remedial and important legisla tion promised to the people by the democratic nominees lo be enacted into law. The senate has disposed of the anti-free pass bill, the suffrage question and the Torrens land title bill, but the house has not disposed of the anti-pass or fthe Toirenr, bill. There are a score nf durational bills and taqation measure in committee, and it ia likely the solnns trill get to work on t hem this week. Thq.recQss committees, with throe exceptions, have not made reports, but it is probable that moat of them will submit the re sults of their investigations the coming week. Two or three have finished their reports, but preferred to await the coming week before making a report. Of the public acts which , were recently placed in the books one was the senate bill authorizing the state highway commission to contract with the public roada department of the United States in a system of road building. The private acts include a var ied lot of local troubles, and not a few are acts repealing act? of the preceedingt general assembly and suggests the old story of marching up a hill and then! inarching down the hill, petting nowhere, after much labor. R. W. ALLEN. U. W. Allen, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed citizen of Jackson county, died at his home near Mc.irille, Tuesday morning. March G, at 9:30 o'clock. He had been sick ten days with pneumonia, and although his re covery had been in doubt during this time, his draih was a prreat shock to his family and friends. Mr. Allen was one of the pion eer citizens of the county. He was a man who united sound sense with stone: convictions, and a candid, outspoken temper, em inently fitted to mould the rude elements of thp puincer society fnjo form and "consistency, and aid in raisin a higher standard of citizenship in our young men woHieiv How -tuiich his com munity ami county owes him, it is' impossible to climate, though it would he a HfPfttiulv ta.-k tolt'jthc hi?h. watrr they- couldn't k fVivnnfK crmr .much work, Kit he etijld tell that the of the more direct channels, toj hold him up in these degenratej days, in his various characters of husband and father, of neighbor and friond. to speak of the sons and daughters he Iuh reared to perpuate his name and elumute his virtues liul it comes not within the scope of this brief article to do so. Suffice to say, he lived nobly and died peace- full, flfh awLvAMlA OU i.iinw. G months and 4 days. The stern Reaper found him. "as a shock of corn, fully ripe for the harv est" The decascd was a member of Cumberland Presbyterian church and hud k-cn for GO years. He had been married twice. His first wife was Miss Sallie Loft is. Eight children were horn to Ih'u union, four of whom are livint: Mer. Sarah Hawkins. Mrs Eliza beth Langford, this county. Hull' Allen, Ada. Okla., Monroe Allen, Windle, Overton county. Some time after the death of his his tirst wife he married Mb? Sallie Denton. Four children were born this union, all of whom are living. They are: Mrs.-SusdePur-ccll, Kossio Alien -and Paschol Allen, this county, and Dallas Allen of Texas. II w children were with him the last few days. Funeral services were hold at the residence Wednesday at, 12 P. m. rnndnf trd bv Revs. Burrv and Swearingin. Interrment in j the private cemetery near the! home. The large concourse of f friends attending attested to the; high esteem in which the deceas ed was held. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. I urge every teacher in the county to assemble in oaineaboro Saturday, March 10th, at 10 A. M. The meeting is important, every live bounded teacher should attend. Respectfully, W. L. Dixon Co. Supt. EGGS FOR HATCHING: Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale. Let me have you orders for eggs a few days before "you need them. Prices, 15 eggs for 75c. Home phone. You can leave orders at Poatoffice, or Sent inel office. F. L. Tardy. Criminal court convened Monday, P. J. Andereon wi elrp.tcc special judfff, to empanncl and charge the gnwdjury. Judjre Cardcnliirp arrived Monday eve ning. J. Ridley AJitcbeli, Afpiftant Attor ney Oncral, wof on duty thia werk. h, u i R. D. Draper in uteniijn nefs in Gaineslioio im's week. to Wanted, to ba. a ion, found pair of mules. Sfe or j lion W. A. Draper. Home phone, Oainisi.iro ltouu 4. I Will Tinaiey, Vanturcn Count.v Now, torn thi week. editor of the i in Onine. Mrs. 0. D. Gaiil.ct 3th bus recovered from a severe ottck of tonsilitip. Born to r. ai d Mr.-. J. M. Draper SooJay liht. MujcK 4, ft fine girl tabjj Siinc ormiiin ut QuurlwM & Sailers. Tbureday, Marcl). 13. Vou are earnest-! ly requeHteJ to bo n t.Hiid at this time and ee the beautiful thinfe'9 ihry have bought for you. Don't wait until ibe choicest thin' aro t?one. hat come on tbe ICth. If you are lookinc for prcerie9, go to Lute Dennis, north fid? of square. b carrier th bvsl hat monov can buy. Head hi. ud in tlm i.ue it will interest jnu. When it come to cdw feed, ou fce Riddle Vounp, or troto iho north eatj 8idcoftown. He tell on atmut it! elsewhere in this iuo. Alfred Smith, of (tokevilie, wa the j enest of friprnis in J'roo Stau rccnitiy. I I Mrs. J; I McfV.vley l. rn tlu sU'u list j LOST-Monogram belt, finder please j return, to E. L. Dudney, . ', On account of h'urb water, i coplo couldn't pet to town thin weeli to at tend court. . In apcaking o( cur County, Jhdge GardenhireeayB; "That JarJtion coun ty people were the hrM law abiding people on arth or the tuirdoet to catch; bo ciidr.'t Ithw which. 0irp Rone Dry Law" was doinc cood in this munty, ami that tb lKot K'psring bunineta he hoped ould be don avay wj,h USEIH. Mr. Askew and eon, of Mc Minnvillc, are selling a lot of fruit-trees in this section.. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Gipaontre confined to their room with la grippe. Rev. Robbinson filled his re gular appointment at the M. E. Church at Liberty Sunday. J. R. Fox attended church here Sunday. Misses Mattie and Hallie Wil liamson and Lillie Fox spent Sat urday night with Mattie Mai King. L. K. llarrij family havo had meajtyj. but arc getting along nicely. Effic Burton visited Gussie and Georgia Harris last weeK. Mattie Mai King Bpent Sunday night with Lillie and Ixjucttye Fox. Crit Fharria, of T. P. visited home folks last week. Matthew Sutton and family visited A. J. Fharris Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Carver, B, P, Shirley and wife. J. R, Fox, Ben" Fox and family, Mattye Mai King and Thur9ton Smith were the dinner guest of J. R. Carver Sunday. Uro. John W. rox will preach at the church of Christ the 2nd Sunday. Fvery body invited to come and bring eomebody wfth you NALUE ETHEL HAIffi. , The death angel visited Mr. and Mrs. John Harris Thursday, Feb. 22, and claimed for its vic tim their loving daughter, Nallie, who had been ill only four days. She was 10 years old. ' She was dearly loved by all who Knew her, especially, by her school mates. She posessed that rare art, that so few posess, of making everyone love her. She was known by her teach era as a bright,and obedient pu pil, and had won the prise in her grade for the past two year?. She will be greatly missed by the entire community, to say no thing of the berea?ed ones left at home, which' consist of father, mother, six brothers and two Bis ters, who have-our deepest sym pathy. We would tay to them; Weep not, for the Father baa said: "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for of 6ucb is the kingdom of ; heaven." N NON-RESIDENT NOTICE W. L. Vanoy a , . Delta Bavins et &1 In Chancery Court at Gaiueeboro, TttnesBe. It appearing from tta bill filed in tbia cause, wbicb ia sworn to, that toe Defendants Delia Biorina, WiT.iaa Va noy, Amanda Vounj, sod Dve ftipflt are nonresidents of tb SUt of Ten nessee' and cannot be served wilb. tLa ! ordinary process of law : It ia ordered that said Defesdanta enter tbeir appearanca herein, before the Ork and faster, at bis ogles in the courthouse la Gainecboro, Tenn., on or before tba first Monday in April next, to plead, anawer, or derocr Compainant'fl til, or tie Mtce will be taker, for confessed as to tbem, and set for bearirj es parte: and teat a popy nf tbia order M publirteJ for fofir consecutive weeks in tbe Jackson Coun ty Sertinel, a newspaper pubU.bed ia Gaincaboro, Tenn. This 26th day of February, 1817. W. F. Seller. Clerk and JJaeter. j JiJin J. Gore, Solicitor for Complain' ontf Notice to Boys. - J. B. Baker, county cgect, de sires all boys in the county who have decided to join the corn club to peod in their nasies to him ut Gainesboro immediately. No names will be received after March 17. Two club3 have bees orgauized with eighteen roern bcrs. T ice that number ebould become members, r&rents, ifi you have a boy between the ege 10 and IS ice that he becomes a member of the club. It will be of great benefit to him. FLYWN'S LICK ' Personal Happenings Dr. and Mrs, were guests of H. L. Baugh Granville rela- Uvea. fcfra. T. J. Draper is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Draper in Gainesboro. Sylvester Rogers, who has re turned from Canada, is with his brother, S. L. Rogers. Dr. L. R, Anderson was n Gaihcsboro Monday. ' Miss Margaret Spivey spent the week-end in Gainesboro the guest of Mius Lora Young. i Miaae3 Ferul Rogcru and Jen nie Andcon viaited Miss Vina Burton, ;'. Mr. Askew, traveling sales man for a McMinnville nursery, inhere. Dave Frizzell, of Cookcvillc, was here Monday. Mrs. Hubert Hailc, our music teacher, ia confined to her room with U grippe. Her pupils hope for her & speedy recovery. Frank Williamson and Bob Hargia, of Granville, spent Sun day night with Dr. Baugh. Ferol Rogers, Mildred Lee Hogg, Tom and Marjorie John eon spent Friday night with Viv ian Cooper. ' Miss Estelle Gailbreath con tinues to improve. Jim Draper was in Gainesboro Monday. Dero Darwin, who has been out of school for a week on ac count of having grip, re-entered Monday. . ' ' . Mrs. V. N. Norton and daugh ter, Effie are improving. The Ladies Aid society of the M. E. Church met with Mrs. Fred Johnson last Thursday. After a business session a social hour was en joyed v Delicious re freshments were served. The next meeting will be with, Mrs. Baugh. All members and friends of the society are cordially invit ed to attend. There were 1209 dozen eggs shipped from hereon the Str. Fall Sunday. They were bought for 25 eta per dozen. Which is not tery bad for one weeks work of thehensJ RON-BESIDENT NOTICfc Hiram Pharri vs Arrjoel Maberrv et al In Chancery Court at Gainesboro, Tennessee. It appearing from the bill filed in tbia cause, wbieb is sworn to, that the Defendants, Pinie Loftis i:kI J. R. Miarris, are honresidents'of the State of Tenceye, and ctmnot he nerved witb the ordinary process of law. It ia ordered that said Defendants enter tbeit appearance herein, before tbe Clerk and Master, at his office in the courthouse in Gaine?boro, Tenn., on cr befora the first Monday ir. April ; next, answer, or demur to Complainant's bill, or the same will he taken for oonfessed as to them and set far hearing ex parte; and that a copy of this order be published for four eon eecQtive weeks in tbe Jackson County Sentinelrv a newf paper published in Gainesboro. Tenn. Tbls20tb day of February 1917. W. F.Sa'ler. Clerk and Mntr r. Andersajv 4 Ilaile. Solicitor for Complainant. 2-23-3-16 41-Sin. pf. 9d. Nit-Rrsidtnl Notice. F. Chnilin et il va James Ramsey et ux lo Chancery Court at G:iineslioro. , . Ter.ncwet' It appf arirtff frf n the hill fik'd in this cause, which tworn to. that the Defendant James Uampiy, is temporar ily oot if.tbe State if Tennessee, and j cannot be served with the ordinary process of la . 1.-' ! It is ordered lha sjiJ Defendant i-n-! tet bis eppearsnre herein, hefore the ' Ork and, Master, at hh oflVe in the, courtbooie in Cair.rsboro, Tenn., on or; before tbe Out Moi day in April next, and plead, euwer, or demur to Com plaJnent'a bill, or tb? same will bo tak-, en for confessed a to him. and set for bearing cs parte; and that a ropy of this order -be pabli?hl for fourconse -cutive.euka in hoy iaeknon Count;. Sentinel a nrwpai'er pnbliphed in 1 GaiQesboVo Tc-nn. Tbia Ttb day of i ihruary. 1017. W. F. Sadler. Clerk and Master, j John J. Gore. Solicitor for Complain-1 ants. j 2-lt, 8 1; 41 2 In. pf 9t 1 case Pip- m YOUR POULTRY W( ha?c.cpeneJ k pssSry bssc fa Gihtsfcor o and are prepared to boy all lie peskiy tie facers of Jack son county hare to selL- tyt gondee to pay HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, and isqre yea i syare deal Bring us your poultry. Locate m tie llsir preperty, east comer of square. , George P. Taylor fi Co. T. L Gist, Uasajer. 01 D c c m c c c: D 01 Just cow irfen fl 'li'lf ff reed ;x our low and butter are tbe best ad cbeapest things you can eat Feed yoa' cow Chops ad Brand and see bow much mere milk aid butter you will get It b cbea;er (ban con. Try Sand be ccnrfccci (h sale it ny rL Riddle Ycimg? (dcesbcro, Tea. Tjte Home of BETTER GRCtEMES LUKE DDIN1S, Giihr.. : Are you Hying on credit? Don't. I gqarantee to save money on credit prices. Y ou must pay for cred it Common sense will teU you that oo merchant can carry large accounts on hia books month after month without charging the customer for the useof hia money. Your money TALKS here, and gets the very roek bottom prices. We) buy for cash, sell for cash, have no bad accounts to apportion among the good paying cus tomers. This enables me any merchant can'afford to Ccze ia ati cake ?, ft ft ft ft QUALITY IS QY TRADE DRK : . In these days when all groceries are high in price -the poor as well as tbe good -the real choice is in QUALITY. Good groceries cost very little mor than r inferior ones, but they go a long ways fvttber.' You will conserve both "your betlth and your pleasure by buying groceries from me. I give) you the satisfactory kind 'of eats. ' I carry Plla3, Tripple Kose acd Gratajn flour. New supply of fresh Nectar Brand products.' Garden Seeds, Onion sets. All Eicd of can pods. Jellies. Cakes, Candies and Fruits Freah bread til 'the time. Come toe me and give your pecirt-book a rest and your bans iout a chance to grow. ' f Yours fcr better Groceries, t LUXE DEKOS. r; b o o south- D e?eryftbg b high, o to eeU yu gooda cheaper than cell on credit of 12 months. ce eat oy trcrds. o a V