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Jackson County sentinel. (Gainesboro, Tenn.) 1914-current, March 15, 1917, Image 2

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lackson County Sentinel
E. W. Tardy. Editor
G. 15. Uailbkkath, iiueinees Mgr.
Subscription price $1.00 per year.
Ctitrrrd ncrond rla.t natter at the r't(Lc, la
(iaim-Hburo. Tcna., under Acta f Canrrctt lftTt
THURSDAY. MAK. 51. 1517
Dr. F. 0. Cornwelh Defeated,
was here Tuesday.
Jcir Wilson, of Rough Point,
was in Gainesboro Monday.
G. M. Flynn. of route 2, was
trading in town first of the week.
A. C. Howell, of Highland, at
tended to business here Monday.
R. L. Meadows and Will Dar
win, of Stone, were here Tues
day. JohnL. McCarverjof Dyeus,
attended to business here Mon
day. Wilson Davis, of Hurricane, at
tended the teacher's meeting Sat
Mrs, Guy A. Underhill, of near
Dloomington, was shopping here
Hf X? Tintn v,,l XT tl P
iU. U. 1 iXW dim 11. aa. uiuni'i
of White's Bend, were in town
T. H. Haile. of Flynn's Lick
attended criminal court one day
last week.
W. B. Flynn and David Hall,
of Route -2, attended to business
here first of the week.
John J. Gore and Frank GaiK
breath were in Granville Wed
nesday, taking deposition.
Hughey Whetstone, a prosper
ous farmer of the . 6th district,
was a visitor at the office Monday.
G. F. Haile, of Flynns Lick,
was hero Saturday looking for
a carpenter to xa Rome work for
WANTED -To buy 2 good,
sound work mules. Call W. A.
Draper, homo phone, Gainesboro,
Route 4.
Feed your cow chops and bran
and note the increase in butter
andmillc. You can get them at
Riddle's Mill. s
H. B. Brown, merchant of
Granville route, was in town last
week. He deposed in the Cul
lom Ragland case.
Kirk Dennis, who is clerking
for his brother, Luke, spent Sun
day with his parents, W. M. Den
nis and wife, of Rough Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Byrne are
in Maryville, where they, were
called by the illness of their son.
Haskell. He is greatly mprov-knis
Don't miss the spring opening
at Quarles & Sadler Dry Goods
Co., March 15 and 16, Thursday
and Friday. They will be glad
to see you.
Stanton Mabry'and son, Tom,
of Sparta, were in Gainesboro
first of the week, attending to
legal business. Mr. Mabry is a
son-in-law of Ruff Allen, dee'd.
J. N. Aikeman and wife, of
Memphis, are here.' Mr. Aike
man sells the famous Calumet
baking powder. He will make
Gainesboro his headquarters,
while working the county.
Misses Sutherland and Brum
mett, of Nashville, were guests of
the Harley Hotel, Saturday and
Sunday. They were enroute to
North Springs, but on account of
high! water could not continue
their trip.
Dallas Allen, of Whitesboro,
Texas, was called to see his fath
er, JL W. Allen, who died Tues
day. March. 6. Mr. Allen arriv
ed one day before his father died.
He will return to his home in a
few days.
S. M. Tinsley is confined to his ,
bed this week.
Ben Birdwcll, of route o, was
was here Saturday.
Lex Ray, of Haydenburg route
2, was in town Monday.
Charley Howell, of Highland,
was in town attending to legal
W. P. Grisham, of Cookeville,
was, here last week. He .sells the
Volunteer overalls.
E. S. Stephens, of Nashville,
was here Saturday enroute, lo
Lee's Landing to take up lumber.
Wm Loftis. of route 2, was
here Monday, trading and talk
ing about the possibilities of war.
T. D.' West is taking treat
ment at the Woman's Hospital
in Nashville. He is improving
Miss Leila Draper, who has
been attending L. Jonas millinery
school at Nashville for the- past
month has returned.
J. C. Reeves, deputy register.
registered 44 deeds during the
month of January,' 34 in Februa
ry, and 17 up to March 12.
Rev. 0. P. Gentry and wife
spent Sunday in Flynns Lick.
Bro. Gentry filled his regular ap
pointment at the M. E. church.
H. Y. Tinsley, of Spencer, is
visiting relatives in Gainesboro.
Mr. Tinsley will make a crop
with Draper and Dudney in Free
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Byrne
made a trip to Granville Sunday.
Mrsr Byrne will - remain there
several days visiting her mother,
Mrs. Neely.
Mrs. J. W. Stafford. Jr., who
recently underwent a very dan
gerous operation at the Woman's
Hospital, Nashville, is convales
cent nicely. '
The professional man and mef
chantwho have their printing
and job work done away 'from
home, belong to the same Lodge,
same degree.
J. II, Hufllnes, merchant of
near Haydenburg, transacted
business with T. L. Gist, mana
ger of the Cuml)orlnnd Grocery
Co., Monday.
Messrs, Haile, Baugh. Draper
and Johnson, four of the leading
farmers and traders of Flynns
Lick, motored to town Sunday to
get their mail, and take a glance
at the market quotations.
Lester Ray, of Haydenburg R.
1, was in town Saturday. We are
glad to claim Mr. Ray as one of
our subscribers. Mr. Ray says
he can always get something out
of the home paper that is worth
Ford Motor Company built 59,
900 cars during the month of
February, and are now over IV
000 behind with their orders. If
you are figuring on buying a car
spring you had bettcr place
your opder now with Draper &
McCawley, agents, for the Ford
Motor Co. If you fail to place
your order now, you might have
to wait until next year. See their
ad in this issue.
Depositions are being taken in
the case of Sarah Dennis, et al
against George Brown, et al in
Chancery court. All the lawyers
of the bar are employed in the
case. The case involves the
estate of E. A. Brown, who died
on the 28th day of April. 1916.
The estate is worth between fif
teen thousand and twenty thous
and dollars. TJ(e case will' be
tried in Chancery court at the
April term.
L. G. Strode returned from
Nashville Sunday. While there
he had a severe attact of acute
indigestion; as it happened the
man he was rooming witluwas a
physician and summoned help
immediately. After administer
ing the proper dope and giving
him a cold bath he was soon
able to be 'out again. He was
unconcious for five hours, and
didn't remember scarcely any
thing that happened.
Send us the news by telephone :
if you cant come and tell us. We j
would thank our readers in the
town and over the county to do
this. It would U2 greatly appre
caited. Report anything but
Misses Morris and Draper,
who have charge of the millinery
department of Quarles & Sadler
Dry Goods Co., will have their
opining Thursday and Friday,
March-15 and in, They will be
glad to .see you.
' Ed Draper is cut again after
being confined to the house with
a broken bone in his foot. The
accident occurred while Ed was
at play in the barn. In jumping
on some bailed hav, one of the
bails turned, catching his foot
underneath, breaking the bone.
Charley Maxwell, of route 1,
left recently for Mexico. Mr.
Maxwell has worked in the Cali
fornia oil fields heretofore j&nd
made good. He feels confident
he will have little trouble in find
ing employment in the Mexico
oil fields.
Misses Daisy Dudnev and Otha
Smith, of Free State, Grace Gail
breath, of Flynns Lick, and Mary
Sadler and Avo McGlasson, home
girls, were pleasant visitors at
the Sentinel office Saturday. We
are glad they called and hope
they will come again soon and
bring some of their friends with
them. They attended the teach
ers meeting.
H. 'Grady Gore attended the
circuit and criminal court at Ce
liha. He represented the de
fendant, W. R. Johnson in the
noted murder case. The case
was well represented on ,both
sides by able lawyers, which re
sulted in a hung jury. They
stood 5 for second degree murder
3 for Voluntary manslaughter:
and four for a verdict of not
guilty. v .
After reading this issue, hand
it to your mena or relative, or
better yet, call at the office and
have it sent to your distant rela
tive or friend, for you can expect
just such a paper as this for 52
weeks for one dollar. Throw' in
your mite toward placing your
town and county where they be
ong on the map. This paper
will do its part. You do yours.
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for
sale. Let me have you orders
for eggs a few days before you
need them. Prices, 15 eggs for
75c. Home phone. You can
leave orders at Postoffice, or Sent
inel office. F. L. Tardy.
The March term of Criminal
court adjourned last Friday,
after being in session five days
This was the shortest term ever
held in Jackson county. There
were 42 cases on the docket a
large number of these being
cases contiuned from 'November
term of court. Rasper. Timber-
lake, col., was sentenced to three
years in the state reformitory
for housebreaking and robbing a
store at Granville.
The grand jury was composed
of the following: A. B. Hargis,
foreman. Johnson Spurlock, Har
ley McCoin, W. H. Hix, W. F.
Dodson, A. B. Webb, Frank But
ler, C. C. Lock, Morgan Mead
ows, T. M. Cason, T. M. Ragland,
Van Way, Walter Casteel. Ben
Ransom served as officer. Nine
teen true bills were returned.
1 for murder in first degree, 2 for
larceny; fifteen for tipling and
public drunkness, one for furn
ishing liquor to minor.
The regular jury was compos
ed of the following wellknown
citizens. J. N. Wilson, W. D.
Hardcastle. S. L. Pate, A. X
Hix. A. B. Hestand. W. T. Terry,
Jno Carver. Joe Lynn. James
Godsey, Merridy Goolshy. Tom
Hughes. John Johnson, W. P.
Jones, Frank Brown,- Jim Giv
ens, Joda West Dave Masters,
J. A. Hamelton. Ed Garrison.
J. H. Harley. deputy sheriff,
waited on the court.
(continued from last page. )
home to us. We are always glad'
to have it spread on our table at.
night, and proceed to sift it's
contents thinking it will have np
uncertain sound. If you do not
have room in your paper Just
make the best of it you can.
Lee has just come in with the
Sentinel. Let her come, she
will always find room under our
roof. ,
Now gentlemen you must not
hold me to account on punctua
tion, spelling or composition, for
I have been out of school for
some time. I might do like the
negro who found the word "pro
orastination" said ho was gwine
to preach on that word, because
it was the principle doctrine of
the Presbyterian Church.
I am looking for an easy place
where there is not much to do,
but have not found it yet. May
have to move again. We are on
a beautiful street, the finest
drive about town. We have a
stepping pony. I call him Gun
powder and Ford, half and half.
Use no crank or gasoline, and a
selfstarter. He can trot a coun
ty fair gait four miles then gnaw
the fence and champ the bit like
Old Nick had hold of it
I have not seen Ned Gaijbreath
for some time. Would liKe to
see him. I think I will ,gad a
bout some when the weather
gets good. Plenty of homefolks
at Castalian Springs, Lon Should
ers, Norman Johnson, Jeff Lee
and others.
With best wishes for you all, I
Sincerely your?s.
Byrd Anderson.
Do you attend Sunday school?
Does your children attend? We
should all go to Sunday school
and church. There are two Sun
day schools right at your door
every Sunday, you should attend
one or the other, its right. Take
away the churches and Sunday
school, and what would the town
amount to? Make up'your mind
to come, its a habit that is worth
something to you, see that your
children are there on time. The
town could and ought to have a
large attendence at each church.
Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since August I, HUtl.
These figures 320,817 represent the actual number of cars manufactured by us
since August 1. 1916, and delivered by our agents to retail buyers. This unusual
fall and winter demand for Ford cars make it necessary for us to confine the (list ri
bution of cars only to those agents who have orders for immediate delivery to re
tail customers, rather than to permit any agent to stock ears in anticipation of lat
er spring sales. . .
We are issuing this notice to intending buyers that they-may protect themselves a
gainst delay or disappointment in securing Ford cars. If, therefore, you are plann-'
ing to purchase a Ford car. we advise you to place yourorder and tike delivery now.
Immediate orders will have prompt attention.
Delay in buying at this time may cause you to wait several months.
Enter your order today for immediate delivery with our authorized Ford agent list
ed below and don't be disappointed later on.
PRICES: ' Runabcnt-$345, Touring Car $360 rv A Mnf M f 8
Couplet $505, Tom Car $595, Sedan $645, TONl 1110101 10., 8
f. o. b. Detroit
We have opened a poultry house in Gainesboro and
are prepared to buy all the
son county have to sell We guarantee to pay HIGHEST
MARKET PRICE, and asure you a square deal. Bring
us your poultry, located in the Minor property, south
east corper of square.
George P. Taylor & Co.
T. L Gist, Manager.
Feed Your
Just now when everything is high, milk
and butter are the best and cheapest things you
can eat. Feed your cow Chops and Brand and
see how much more
get It is cheaper than
convinced. On sale at
poultry the farmers of Jack
milk and butter you will
corn. Try it and be
my mill.
Gainesboro, Tenn. It

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