-4 M o c c c c c c c c 5 1 SPRING OPENIN G Thursday March 15 Si It ila ' -1 Mia You will be ready too, We know your wants, , r ' All ready for Spring! This is the condition in our store, soon after inspecting the values we have prepaid for you. and have worked hard for weeks past to get jn shape to fill them. We succeeded so well, and our purchases for Spring were so fortunate,' that we have a pleasant surprise for you. Better do your Spring buying now. Why not have the things so you can enjoy them at the opening of Spring, especially when it will be so hard to get the kin4 of things you like later. n NON-RESIDENT NOTICE. Hiram I'harria vs Armel Maberrv et al In Chancery Court at Gainesboro, Tennessee. It appearing from the bill filed in this cauflo. which" is sworn to, that the Defendants, Pinie Loftis and J. B. Pharrin, are nonresidents'of the State of Tennessee, and cannot he served with the ordinary process of law. It in ordered that said Defendants enter their appearance herein, before the Clerk and Master, at his office in the courthouse in Gainesboro, Tenn., on or before the first Monday in April next, and plead, answer, or demur to Complainant's bill, or the same" will be taken for confessed as to them and set for hearing ex parte; and that a copy of this order be published for four con secutive weeks in the Jackson County Sentinel, a newspaper published in Gainesboro, Tenn. . " This 20th day of February 1917. s W. F. Sadler, Clerk and Master." Anderson & Ilaile, Solicitors for Complainant. 2-23-3-16 41-2in.pf. 9d. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE W. L. Vanoy vs Delia Blevins et al . In-Chancery Court at Gainesboro, Tennessee. It appearing from the bill filed in Is cause, which is sworn to, that the Ifendants Delia Blevins, William Va- Amanda Young, and Dave fhips. nonresidents of the State of Ten- see' and cannot be served with the inary process of law: is ordered that said Defendants ir their appearance herein, before 'lerk and Master, at his office in fcourthouse in Gainesboro, Tenn., before thefirst Monday in Apri to plead, answer, or demur to ftlainant's bill, or the same will be for confessed a to them, and hearing ex parte: and that a f this order be published for four Jutive weeks in the Jackson Coun ting!, a newspaper published in oro, Tenn. i 26th day of February. 1917. F. Sadler, Clerk and Master. J. Gore, Solicitor for Complain- 4 1-2 in. pf. 9d GLADDICO. have to lose a trip. Say boys, read up, tobacco is a high price this year. Several took dinner with Sallie Cook, who has 1 and Mable Fuaua Sundav. r - Health of this community is very good. Mrs. Henry been on the sick list is improv ing. ( G, C. Holland and wife were guests of .Tim Hackett and wife Sunday. Georgia Cook was the guest of Estelle Martin Saturday night. Ethel Holland spent Sunday with Clellie Cook. Jen" Cook and wife spent Sun day with John Cook and wife. Ethel Holland and Georgia Cook were the guests of Susie Brooks Friday. Lester Murphy says he believes in going to the store. Allene Murphy is visiting her grandfather, F. A. Cornwall. Qna Holland has returned from Nashville. Elton Holland is cleaning up some new ground, says he is go ing to make a corn crop. Jeff Dixon and wife spent Sun day afternoorr with John Cook and wife. Judge Brown and wife spent Sunday with Tom Mabry wife. R. L. Meadows and Landon Dudney were the dinner guests of Shelby Dudney Sunday, Ada Dudney and little niece. Mary Smith spent Saturday with Blanch Dudney, Jona Dudney spent Sunday with home' folks. Daisy Dudney spent one night last week with Otha and Ora Smith. Shelby Dudney admires the lower end of the Free State very much, when he goes down that way he goes full length. He was so interested he missed pray er meeting Sunday night. School closed at this place Fri day. We are very proud of the suc cess we are having with the Sun day school at this place. Much good is being accomplished. Bro. Lester Dudney was able to be with us again Suuday. STONL 3IS OUT-IT IS WORTH MONEY T'MISS THIS. Cut oat this lose with 5c and mail it to Fo- i 95WT, Sheffield Ave.. Chita- rriting your name and address IOU WUl receive in mum a age containing Foley's Hon far fVimnnand. far brxirhial tippe cough: Foley Kidney I lame mck, weas uoneys, m. Madder troubles, and Fo- trtie Tahiti, a wholesome jhly cleansing cathartic for n bilbousnesa, neauacne, and swels, FLYNN'S LICK Personal Happenings J. C. Darwin, of Cookeville, spent Sunday night with his fa ther, G. C. Darwin. Fred Johnson is in Nashville buying spring line of goods for J. M. Johnson & Son. Mrs,G. C. Darwin is visiting Mrs. J. M. Draper in Gainesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Anderson visited J. M. Johnson and family. Mrs. Addte Hogg, who has been quite sick, is convalescent. W. L. Dixon was here. Visitors at the Johnson home Friday were; Mesdames Fred Haile, Fred Johnson and Vance Anderson. Pruette Brown, who is attend ing T. P. I. at Cookeville spent the week-end with his parents. Henry Finley, of Cookeville, was here Sunday. Rev. 0. P. Gentry filled his regular appointment here Sun day.. He was accompanied by Mrs. Gentry. They were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. rrcd Haile. Herman Haile, Jim Draper, Ben F. Bauch and (turret .Tnhn. son made their usual . trio to Gainesboro Sunday. (i. C. Darwin was in Gaines boro Friday, J. T. Hogg was a business visi tor in Gainesboro Wednesday. Edgar Johnson made a busi ness trip to Double Springs. Miss Bessie Haile has been confined to her room for the past week with a severe attack of heart failure. W. N. Forton made a business trip to Baxter. Misses Vertie and Ethel Bur gess attended church at Big Branch Sunday. G. C." Darwin sold 32 hogs at 13 cts. per pound. Mrs. T. J. Draper has return ed from a visit to Gainesboro. Tom Haile was a business visi tor in Gainesboro. LITTLE GIRL HAD CROUP Every mother knows and fears croup. Mrs. R. M. Raney, R, F. D. 2, Star ford Ky.. writes; "My little girl Has been having croup every few nights, I began to Rive her a few drops of Fol ey'a Honey and Tar Cotnpound every two or three hours, and that night she slept well, never coughed any, and. the iext day her cold wis gone. To all my friends I am saying, 'Get a bottlle Of Folev's Houev and Tar lor la trrinru coughs, colds and croup. A genuine cure. -;jpw Dy I,, k. Ancerson, liain-esboro. . MEAGSVILLL iness now. FREE STATE. We arc having some warm and weather at present Jim Meadows and wife, of KtfU Free State, visited JaD Stone and daughter, of Gallatin, were the wife Monday. guests of G. C-Holland and wife Allce rowaer nas oeen con Friday. flne to her bed la grippe but is Ros Franklin is in the hog bus- improving. i Misses jwona ana uonme saa- i'ler spent the week with their 1 brother, Channie. 'John Stone has accepted a pos ition as engineer on the Str. Rhea Chas. Myers has bought an in terest in R. B. Crowders store. Mesdames Jap Stone, Lula Vanhooser. and John Stone visit ed Travis Draper Sunday. A large crowd attended church Sunday. Born, to Sherman Hanner and wife, a girl i I .nnrlPV I w anrl Koutah T Tom J. loung and wife spent, nard were married Sunday. We Ethel and Ara Moss visited Zula Moss Saturday: - Luther Johnson, of Whites Bend, was the guert of Comer Whitaker. Luther Lynn, of Roaring riv er, was at this place Sunday. Myrtle and Floro Flynn, Luth er Johnson and Winton Whitaker spent Sunday with Carrie Gentry. Comer Whitaker made a busi ness trip to Gainesboro Monday. Sallie Casteel, Geo and Maud Moss and Bertha Murphy spent Saturday night with Willi By- bee. Some of the sicK of this com munity are able to be out again. Farmers are behind with their work on account of bad weather. Mrs. George Taylor is improv ing. George Dudney, of Roaring river, sijentone night last weeK with his parents, Sir. and Mrs. G. A. Dudney. the latter part of the week with W. T. Fuqua ar.Q family. Miss Bonnie Sadler, of Whit leyville. is visiting her cousin. Mrs. Jim Meadows. Some of our girls say they :uvu v- a a. v nvvfo a it i aaa i Probably the Str. Rhea will not wish them a loner and hamw life- Bonnie Stone visited Jap Stone fnday night. Tandy Crowder visited Jap Stone Monday, Harvey Butler visited Tandy Crowder Sunday. Kate Shoulders and Ruby Dra per visited W C Heady Friday. GRANVILLE DEPARTMENT, 3 Mesdames J. H. and W. F. Maddux aud Miss Ruby Maddux were the dinner guests of Mrs. Hannah Hargis and family Mon day. Misses Clara Watts and Win nie Page were shopping in Gain esboro, Tuesday. They were the guests of Mrs. P, J. Ander son. Cecil Williamson was at Car thage Monday. J. P. Grisham, of Martin's creek, was in town Monday. H. S. Page is spending the week-end with his sister, Mrs. P. J. Anderson in Gainesboro. Miss Zephie Pharris has return ed from Cookeville, , where she has been attending T. P. I. Miss Hallie Williamson spent Monday night with Clara Watts. Charlie Williamson, who is at tending Carthage High School, spent the week-end with home folks. Frank Williamson, A. B. Har gis and 'Albert Huff were in Gainesboro last week on busi ness. C. G. Gailbreath is improving. His place in Williamson Bros, is being filled by Ephram Daniel. Miss Dona Williamson spent Wednesday night with Bonnie Gene Gailbreath. Misses Margaret and Cathrine Hargis spent a few nights last week with their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hargis. Hop Sadler, of Martin's creeK, was here Friday on business. Miss Lola Green is in Elmwood at this writing. She will enroll at the High school there March 15. Tom Maddux; of Martin's creek, wars here Saturday. Dr. Will Hargis, of Nashville. and Hugh Hargis, of Cookeville, NOTICE. All taxpayers who have failed to pay their tax for 1916 are hereby notified that their tax will go into hands of the Constables after Satur day, March 17, 1917. H. J. LYNCH, Trustee. FAIRVIEW. Donald and Myrtle Lue Peek visited Arkley Hix. Lula Buck visited Mrs. Lue Moss Sunday. Sarah Hix was shopping at Neely's store Monday. Nannie Peek visited Mrs. Mar tha Hestand Tuesday. Alex Allen is having a chicking house built. Mrs. Scantland and daughter visited Mrs Maidy Norton." T. H. Norton is having norch es built to his dwelling. D. I Peek made some boards for A. M. Hestand last wek. Will Flynn bought some timber from Will Browin, and is having George Stafford and Huston Phar ris to cut it D. L Peek aold Will Plyii some timber last week.' " Misses Clara Watt and Klasi Page, two popular yoonff ltdi of Granville, wee pleasant riiil. ors at the Sentinel ofic Tnta. i' day. There were the guntj tf 'Mrs. P.J. Andorra. spent th week-end with their parents. James Hargis and wife. Berry Shirley and wife spent Thursday night with the latter's parents DavisjAuff and wife. Misses Mamie Fox. Mary Nell Ferrelland Clara Watts spent Saturday evening with Winnie Page. Herby Hughes, of Baxter, was in town Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Maddux and Miss Ruby Madduz returned Sunday from a trip on the Str. Fall, to the upper Cumberland. They had a most enjoyable trip. A working was held on the campus of the Granville High school last Saturday. Some 20 or more took part in the worK. Five teams were used in plowing and moving the dirt. In the ab sence of Dr. Freeman, the school ground improvement manager, the work was done under the directions of the members of the Parent Teacher's association. Dinner was prepared by the la dies of the town, and greatly en joyed by the workmen. The work was finished at five o'clock, and all were pleased wilh the daye worK. A number of shade ! trees were set out, and when sown in grass and flowers plant ed the campus will present a beautiful appearance. Later a concrete walk will be made in front. Mrs. N. B. Myers is on the sick list this week . i t The Parents Teachers associa lionheld their regular meeting last Friday. An interesting and instructive program was carried out Dr. A. D. Byrne and wife ar rivad here Sunday from Gaines, boro. Dr. Byrne returned Mon day. Mrs. Byrne is visiting her mother, Mrs. Molly Neely. Much extra work in marcii It's between nennnna nnor' k.n fan. Dersons DresDire as much an health Am. minds. The result is double workfor the kidnevs. for thd kirineva mnat throw out waste matter from tho tem that is elimated through the pores wnen persons pieppire. uverworked, weak or disordered kidneys need help now. B. H. Stone, Reading, Pa., writes: "Whenever I need a kidney remedy I rely on Foley Kidney rills. They have been worth their weight in gold to me."-For Sale by L. B. And erson, GainesborOQ COFFEY WHEELER. A wedding of unusal interest was that of Mr. J-. G. Coffey, of Lewisburg, Tenn., and Miss Bell Wheeler, Gainesboro R.',4. The wedding occurcd at the home of bride's Wednesday morning at 9 o'clocK, Rev. W. N. Wheeler, of Nashville, brother of the bride, officiating. A number of friends were present. The bride is one of the choic est young ladies of the county, and the groom is one of the lead ing and influenctial farmers of Marshall county and judging from what the bride is worthy of he is a good and noble man. Mr. and Mrs. Coffey left im mediately for Lewisburg, near where they will reside. The Sentinel extends congratulations. Noi-Resident Notice. No. 341. M. A. Fox, vs Angelina Fox, . In Chancery Court at Gainesboro, Tennessee. It appearing from the bill in this rause, which is sworn to, that the De fendant Angelina Fox is a nonresident of the State of Tenn., and cannot be served with the ordinary process of law. It is ordered that said Defendent enter her appearance herein, before the Clerk and Master, at his office in the courthouse, in Gainesboro, Tennessee, on or before the third Monday in April next, and plead, answer, or demur to Complainant's bill, or the same will be taken for confessed as to her. and set for bearing ex parte; and that a copy of this order be published for four consecutive weeks in the Jackson Coun ty Sntintl. a rewipaper published In Gainesboro, Tenn. r This the 6th day of March, 1917. W. F. Saous, a & si. JLodtrsoa A Stafford. Solicitors for CoBplainant. Liet. Frank Richmond Married in Maryland. FOSTERBURG, Md., Narch 10. -Leaving the Colburn home os tensibly for walk shortly after midnight tonight, after having been playing a family game of bridge, Leut Joseph Franklin Richmond, Tenth 'U. s. calvery,. and Mis Suzan Haroselle Colburn, daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Blackstone Colburn' went to the Presbyterian church and were married by the Rev. J.N. Beall. The surprise was complete when the couple returned home and an- neunced their marriage. Lieut Richmond is a son of Joseph F. Richmond' Cookeville. Tenn. He was with his regiment in Mexico all summer. Nashville Tennessean. Un. Clarence Reed has return- t to Srfth' Grove, Ky. One of our citizens who occas ionally wipes the dishes for his wife, became tired of the job and refused, saying that "it is not a man's work." Not f eelinc disposed to lose his help the" brought the bible out to convince him of his error and read as fol lows from 2nd Kings, 21: 11 And will wipe Jerusiltm as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it and turning it upside down." It is needless to say that he is itHl d- I jmr. hh oonsvnal a&urt ' v !