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Jackson County Sentinel I'UHLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT GAINESBORO. TENN. E. W. Tardy, Editor G. IJ. CiAiLBEATH, Business Msr.ager , 7 : Subscription price, $1.00 per year. I'.ntcrcd as second class matter at the Pot office ia (iaincsboro, Term., under Acts of Connreft, 1871 THURSDAY, Al'K. 20, t917 I Read the President's appeal on first page, its worth while, then act accordingly. "To the merchant, let me sug gest a motto, 'SMALL PROFITS and (JUICK SEKVICE,-Wuod-rovv Wilson. R. V. BROOKS. The death of R. V. Brooks will bring sorrow to the hearts of many of Jackson County's best citizens, He had accommodated more men, when they were in need, than any other man who has ever lived in the county. He was always ivady to help a wor thy man and did it cheerfully. He never oppressed a man be cause he could not pay him. He hardly ever forced collection of a debt, and has carried past due pap ers on good men until they could have plead the statute of limita tion. Mr. Brooks was indeed and in truth a clever man, and will be missed, probably as no other man would have been. We will hard ly see his like again. Peace to his ashes, and sympathy for his fam ily is the true sentiment of our hearts. ' FOOD PREPARDNESS MEETINGS. J. M. Dean, a government agriculturist, wi'l hold "Food Prepardness" meetings at the courthouse today (Thursday) at 1:30 P. M. and tonight at 7:30 P. M. These will be important meet ings, and every man, woman and child should be present. . Mr. Dean represents the U. S. agri culture department, and is here t. assist us in solving the food problem, which is over-shadowing every other problem. Show that you are interested by attending. CHAUTAUQUA COMING. , ' Dr. A. M. Hyde, the noted lecturer, of the Radcliffe Chau tauqua, of Washington, D. C. was in Gajnesboro Tuesday. Dr. Hyde came to set a data for the coming engagement this summer. The dates agreed upon are, May 10. 21, 22. Hardly 4 weeks off. prepare yourselves for three big days of real enjoyment. Watch the Sentinel for future announce . Ml I . ments, it will give you the pro per dope on the Chautauqua. Clay Reeves has sold his levery and feed stable to J. H. Harley. Two cars at your command, call J. H. Harley, Gainesboro. Luke Dennis, the "up to the minute grocery man has a few items advertised in this issue. Dont fail to read them. Herman Haile returned from Lebanon Thursday in his new Ford Runabout. Tub Trisdale has returned from the Coalinga oil fields, where he has had employment for the past year. John Sadler. Johnnie Gipson and J. R.Anderson had an en joyable time in Nashville first of the week taking in the . Robinson Tiros, circus. WANTED Capable, experi enced agents to devote all or spare time selling our fine fruit and ornamental trees. Liberal commissions. Write W. H. Dav is & Son. Smithville, Tenn. The question is, will you clean up jour premises tomorrow April 97tk? PHp iin nil thpnlr tin rn! and rubbish and the twn officials ; will have it hauled away. .This) is a fair proposition. Clean up or get out and give room for some one that will. TOWN ITEMS. Friday is the day, 27th. . Get 'em ice cold at Dinnis'. . Bruce Settle has returned from! Nashville, ' T. E. Callis, of Nashviile, was . here last week. J. M. Johnson, of FlynnsLick, was here Monday. Make your back yard look a Kin to the front yard. A. M. Forkum, of liayden burg, was in town Saturday. Webb Smith, of Lebanon, at tended chancery court here. During the month of March the Ford Motor Co., made 72,100 cars. John Timberlake, Mayor of Gordonsville, attended Chancery court here. Joe C Tinsley, who has been attending Nashville Bible School, has returned. . Dr. Will Hargis, of Hermitage was here, witness in the Freeman-Apple case. Miss Eva Pate entertained Fri day night in honor of Miss Hallie Hix, of Riddleton. Mrs. M. L. Gore and daugh ter, Carrie, of Roaring river' were here Saturday. L. P. Tinsley, of Spencer, re presenting Zone Oil Co., was in Gainesboro Ssturday. Jas. Washburn'and wife and Mrs, P. J. Anderson motored to Granville Sunday afternoon . Mrs. Ellis McCoin, of Whitley- ville, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lee McGlasson. F. P. Fox and J. W. Chaffin. two prominent citizens of Clen- ny. transacted business here Friday. Let us help you make better pictures. Send for our card, "Good Snap Shots," and prices for amateur finishing. The Hard ing Studio, Cookeville, Tenn. 2t Draper & McCawley, agents for the Ford Motor Co., have the agency for the Chevrolet car. If you should want to buy a high er priced car than a Ford, they can serve you. k Miss Ada Dudney delightfully entertained a number . of her friends Saturday night at her country home in Free State Several young people of Gaines boro were among the guests. W. S. Jackson, who moved to Cookeville a few months ago, has returned to his farm in Jackson county' near Bloomington. He moved to Cookeville in order to give his children advantage of the school. ' HANDS, AMIS, LIMBS ASLEEP Aai T7u Rn-Dowi, Weak oi Nerroos, Saji FkrUa Luij. Fire Bottles el Ctrid Hide Her WeH Kathlssa, Fit. Mrs. Dallas Prtaa, of till place, says: "Attar the blrtU of my last child... I got Tsry, macb run-down and weakened, to modi that I could hardly do anytMsg at all. I was ao awfully fiarrona that I could scarcely endure th leaat noise. My condition waa getting won all the time... I knew I must hart aom relief or I would aoon bo la the bed and la a aerioua condition for I felt ao badly and waa ao Barrens and weak I could hardly lira My husband asked Dr. about my taking CarduL Ha aid, 'It'a a good medicine, and good for that trouble', ao he got me S bot tles... After about the second bottle I felt greaUy lmprored. . .before taking It my limbs and hands and anna would go to sleep. After taking It, however, this poor circulation disap peared. My atrength cams back to as and I was soon on the road to health. After the use of about S bot tles, I could do . all my house-work "a auena xo my six Children be sides." Ton can feel safe la glrlaj Cardul a thorough trial for your troublea. It contains no harmful or habit-forming drugs, but la composed of mild, rege table, medicinal ingredients with no bad after-effects. Thousands of womea bars voluntarily written, tsIHn of th rood Cardul has don theaT it ihsuU help jroa, too. Try it S Ti ! Prof. H. Clark sDent Sunday ' in Cookeville. Nathan Cox, of Baxter, was here last weeK. ; Chas. Jernigan, of Double; Springs, was here. A. C. Chaffln, route 4, was here Saturday. Henry Hall, of route 2. wa here Monday. Dr. N. M. McCoin and wife were here Saturday. T. J. Young and wife were shopping in town Saturday. W. L Mabry and wifo, of Tin sley 's Bottom, were here Mon day. M. E. Jones, veterinary sur geon, of CooKeville, was here this week. Mrs. G. W. Chapman was the guest of her sister. Mrs. E. W. Mabry Saturday. ""John L. Young is able to be out again, after being confined for several months. Remember the date, Friday, April 27. Now are you going to have your premises cleaned up, or, just stand back and watch the other fellow? S. P. Burton, W. C. William son, Jim Holleman, Bob Hargis, Bo Hargis, George Maddux, R. L, Dowell, Therman Dowell, Dr. Freemon, Charley Brown, Dr. Page, and Frank Williamson, of Granville, attended Chencery court here. Chas. C. Wade, of near Hay denburg, arrived here Saturday afternoon from Nashville, en route home. He came thru in a car in order to get back in time for funeral services of his father-in-law, R. V. Brooks, but owing to nnavoidable trouble with the car, he arrived too late. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Quarles, Mrs. L. B. Anderson, Mrs. E. W. Tardy, Mrs. F. L. Tardy,. Mr. and Mrs' M. F. Anderson, Mrs. J. O. Smith, Misses Mary Sadler and Eva Pate ' attended the funeral services of R. V. Brooks Saturday morninf at 11 o'clock at the 'family graveyard at Rough Point. Maxey Minor, of Cookaville, was here Tuesday. Mrs. A. D. Byrne visited in Cookeville this week. A. M. Holland served on the Federal jury at cookeville. Miss Sisco, of Scottsville, Ky., was in Grinesboro this week. Mrs. Will Byrne has returned from an extended visit to her son in Maryville. Mrs. Felix Brown and nephew Mr. Pharris, of Cookeville, spent Friday at Johnsons Park on Roaring river. Dr. Steinberg and son, Leon, of Nashville, are here for a short stay. Dr. Steinberg is a well known optician. J. B. Baker, county agricul tural agent, transacted important business in Nashvilla Tuesday and Wednesday. Our greatest pleasure is, in pleasing you. You are not in our way in our place of business, whether you are buying or. uot. Read our illustrated ad in this issue. Quarles & Sadler. Rev. Van Smith, of Buffalo Valley, and S. A, D. Smith, of Livingston, were in Cainesboro the first of the week. Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. churchhave sent out the following invitation: "You are axed to cum to A Kra zy Tea to be give at the tardy House by the Aiders sATADAY NITE APIL twenty 8. A bo K will be give you at the dor aud 25c to get in will be tuck from you.for parsonage bene-fit" GAINES TWENTY THREE POUNDS "Tanlac Changed me From a Nervous Wreck to a Healthy Woman," says Mrs. Burgin. "When I told my husband I wanted a bott.e of Lottie of Tan lac he said 'You might as well throw your dollar out in the street but if you want to try it I will get you a bottle. ' He did get it, and when f had finished taking it he went straight to the dru: store and got another bottle, for he saw the wonderful good it had done me, was convinced it was a grand medicine, and was mighty glad to pay out another dollar," said Mrs. G. R. Burgin, of 214 Second street, Birmingham. "Since I began taking Tanlac," continued Mrs. Burgin, "it looks like every time I looK in the mir ror I am heavier, and, no wonder for I went from SO pounds to 103 a gain of twenty-three pounds. It took just fivr bottles of Tanlac to do this for me. Besides, it has changed me from a sick, run down, worn-out and nervous wrecK into a healthy woman, and I now feel like living. "Really, I had gotten so weak I couldn't hardly lift a scuttle of coal to the fireplace. My kid neys were all out of shape: I was too nervous to sleep and my stom ach was all out of order. I was in this very condition three long years. I was losing ground eve ry day, and lost weight until I was almost a living skeleton, I had about despaired of ever see ing a well day again, for no kind of medical treatment seemed to help matters in the least. Final ly, I got practically heleless. "If anybody would have told me there was a medi:ine on earth that would increase my weight twenty-three poutjds I would have thought them crazy, but as sure as I am alive today, Tanjac did it for me -and only five hot ties at that. ' l V i 1 1 v it looks like every clay l am stronger and feel better, I have a good appetite, and enjoy every thing I .eat. Before I began tak ing Tanlac I couldn't eat -hardly anything without becoming nau seated. I sleep sound and am rid of the nervousness. My kid neys bother me no longer. To tell you the truth, I don't feel like tne same person at all since Tanlac straightened me out." Yes, Tanlac is tne greatest medicine on earth," said Mrs. Burgin's father, who entered the room during his daughter's con versation. "If you could have seen my daughter before she be gan taking Tanlac you would not believe it was the same person who you see sitting there. She was just about played out. I just came by the drug store, and knowing her Tanlac was about out I bough. t her this bottle. If her appetite picks up much more she will come pretty near eating us out of hous. and home. I guess she has starved long enough and it does me a lot of good to see her eat heartily. L B. ANDERSON, Gaisbora. Tenn. W. M. BOYD S SON. R. I, Defeated, Tenn ROUGH POINT. John McCawley an.! family spent Sunday with dr. nnd Mrs. A, McCaw ley. Miss Cora Roberts wn in G&inesboro Monday. Severla attended churrh at New Bet hel and Jones Chanel Suni'ay. Sunday School i. progressing nicely, Selt Harkrtt In honcht a new Ford. Carsey iiitri lien Sadlers Sunday. Mr. ar.d Mr?. T.nI;o Prnris spent Sunday with the hlUr parents. Will Dinnis and wife. W. F. McCawley ard wife,. Misses Bonnie and Estelle Wade. Selt Hack ett and W ill Draper motored to Will ette Sunday. Hallie Reeve?, of Gainrfloro, is vis. U NEW AUT0MQB1LE LINE BETWEEN GAINES- BORO AND DOUBLE SPRINGS. We have established a new automobile line between Gainesboro and Double Springs, and will give the travel ing public the best of service. Our schedule is arrang ed as to make connect with the East and West hound trains over the T. C. Ry. The following schedule is now in effect: Lew CMor M A. M Arrta at DnUi Spriat U:30 A. M. " I P. M, Ann " " " I P. M. Doubit 8prit 7 A. It, ArrW at GaiMkera 8:30 A. M. - " 12:3 P. M. ArrWt " " I P. M. q rirrtn m)S.t . RATES A Profitable Story in Song "Casy Jones" took "Mother Mackill" and "Her Pretty Baby" "Down by The Old Mill Stream" in "His Ragtime Automobile" he had to "Get Out and Get Un der" and she "Lost Her Old Grey .Bonnet" they went thru the "Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia" "Down the Trail of thetmesome Pines" thru 'The Garden of Old Fashioned Roses" to the "Shade of the Old Apple Tree" and "Iistenfe to the Mocking-bird." Then he played "Turkey in Jhe Straw" on his "Ragtime Violin" they went "Sailing Down the Chesapeake Bay" to "Where the River Shannon Flow" heard "Alexandar's Ragtime Band" play "That How I need You" then two stepped around to Luke Dennis' Grocery Store, and bought some nice' fancy and staple groceries because -"Everybody's Doing It Now." God. Clean Groceries AH the Time. I am now prepared to serve cold drinks. My fount ain is perfectly sanitary. Come,- quench your thirst with a good cold drink. Your patronage appreciated. Automobile Service GOOD CARS AND QUICK SERVICE, ANY TIME, DAY OR NIGHT SATISFACTORY SERVICE GUARANTEED PRICES RIGHT Home and Gacesbcro Phones, Call on reverse ticket Cm waiting. J E Harley Gainesboro, Livery and Feed Stable, West Side of Sq. king Ver Jones. v i R. V. Brooks died at his home in Biddleton April 20. Mr. Brooks wss one of 'the oldest and most honored cirizens of Riddlnton. He 'was buried at the old home place, Saturday morn ing, at eleven o'clock. A luge crowd attended. The citizens of this com munity extend their deepest sympathy to the beresved ones. j Dr. Cornweli and family spent Sun day with C. C. Hackett and wife. Jim Lovelady and family, "of Cooke ville, are visiting relatives here. Orville Brooks and wife spent Sun day with Mrs. J. C Hackett. Mrs. Dennis Simmons, who has been visiting her cousin, Micca Draper ba returned home. Grace, Ira and Bessie Sadler, CdnsJ and Willie Mai Richmond spent Sunday! wiui Georgia Lee Wade. J. N. Sadler and f amity spent Sunday with Dube Forkum. . J. Hue and wife visited Henry Mat- thers and family Sunday. , Herbert Young was here Sunday. The April terra of 4 Chancery court adjourned Tuesday.' Con plete proceedings will be publi&it- ed next wee. aa o 10 REASONABLE HIS r GLAD TO LEARN OF IT April's changeable weather causes colds that lead to expensive doctor bills bills that could be avoided if the cold were checked in time. O. Smith, 1421 12th St, Augusts. Ga.. writes: "I got one 25c bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and my cough and cold ia about well. I was glad to learn of a gnat medicine like that." Foley's Honey and Tar enjoys such a pplendid reputa tion that it is often imitated. Of course, no substitute or imitation is as good as the genuine. Sold by h. B. Anderson. Gainesboro. Father was walking to Sunday school with little Johnie, and en deavoring to improve the time by teaching Johnie his Golden DUUBLfc tfKINGS. text, the words of which were; "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." Johnie repeated it after his father several times and seemed to have mastered the correct wording. As they drew near the school the father gave Johnie his last rehearsal. Now son he said lets have the golden text once more without any help from me.' This is what he got from John-' fue. "Whatsoever a man sews always rips."