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4 RING c c c c c AT We desire to all your attention to the completeness of the various lines' j of Spring and Summer goods now on display. Seasonableness; style, quality and price are combined in these things in such a way as to make this an- f c $ nouncement of more than can be mentioned here. c c c c & c c c c c c: c Cv c c c h WALK &UVE FJURtlEW. T. H. Norton and Porter Kin uard are running a peddling wa gon every Saturday. would like to hear from you a-N Come on Slicker bnaice we r-7 mm mm- $ will 0 it 177 K (A and summer goods - R GHT PRiCES ! ordinary importance. Necessarily only a few items t Come in and see the others. Great Reduction in Suits. Only a few left, but the style and prices are right. New Lot Coats ' just received. Navy, Gold and Green. Beautiful coats at S12.00 Skirts .' in solid colors, plaids and stripes, plaited, and plain tailored, 7Sc to St.75 Blouses Great collection, Georgette, Crepe De Chine, Taffetta, Tub Silks and Organdies, . .! to Middy Blouses. Here is an exceptional good value for money. These garments are well made , of dependable materials. Come in and them over. Each $1.25 Women's Lisle Hose The arrows in the illustration point to var ious elements of excellence in these hose. They are exceptionally well made out of the very best material. White and black. Pair 25c. Muslin and Knit Underwear We are-showing great values an Union Suits. Corset Covers, Princess Slips, Envelope Chem ise, Etc. We would be pleased to have you investigate the bar gains we are offering in these lines. We carry the celebrated Walk-Over line of shoes for men and women. If you have never tried a Walk-Over, do so. It is a pleasure to walk in Walk Overs, and the Walk-Over Shoe Co., keeps the quality up. PRICES $4.00 U $7.00 D. L Peak went to Meagsville Saturday, Porter Kinnard had a team to ; run iv9v with him hnt diri rAf hurt anvbodv nurt anyoody. Peek and John. Kinnard : the and look : : : J Mrs. Matthas visited Mrs. Maidy Norton. Alex Allen has installed a tele- phone. i .Ethel Smith and Lillie Spivey I vksted Lizzie Pharris. Peek went to Burns- FLYNN'S LICK Personal Happenings Marion Harris, of Meagsville, spent Saturday night with his daughter, Mrs. G. F. Haile. Mrs. Fred Johnson and daugh ters, Mary and Sue are visiting relatives in Nashville. Mrs. H. L. Baugh is the guest of Mrs. Frank Richmond in Cookeville- James Haile has returned from Cookeville. Alonzo McCavvley, of Rough Point, was here Saturday. Jim Draper and mother spent the week-end with Mrs. J. C. Darwin in Cookeville. S. U. Crawford and sister, Mrs. D. C. Lynn, attended the funeral of their uncle, Vance Brooks, Saturday. Miss Stella Jackson visited Miss Willie Pruett. Miss Virgie Johnson is visiting her sister, Rose Nell, at Cooke ville, S. G. Rogers is the owner of a new car, W. L. Dixon, county superin tendent, was a business visitor here Saturday. Vivian Reeves, of Gainesboro, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Hugh Darwin. Mn and Mrs.. J. M. Draper were here Sunday. Clayborne and Myers Burton, of Granville, spent Saturday night with Oliver Norton. Mrs. Chas. Norton has return ed from Bloomington. Miss Hollemon, of Granville, is visiting Miss Willie Pruett. Evelyn Settle, of Gainesboro, visited her sister, Mrs. H. M. Haile. Dr. Allison, of CooKeville, was the Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Logan Ragland. Mr. Rag land expects to leave Tuesday for Hot Springs, Ark., ' with hopes of the hot baths restoring his health. Miss Blanche Darwin is the guest of Gainesboro relatives. Miss Willie Pruett entertained Saturday night in honor of her house guest, Miss Jackson. A large crowd was present and spent the time very pleasantly. HAYDENBURG, R. 1. Farmers are very busy plant ing corn. Kirk Howell and little daugh ter, Annie Fee, who have been visiting his parents,' John Howell and wife, have returned to their home in New Mexico. : Georgia Howell visited her sis ter, Alta Mai Brown the latter part of last week. Leah Pate and daughter, Mag gie and Micca Brown visited Charlie Howell Wednesday. ' Celina Howell visited Gennie Matthews Monday. Cohen Howell says he has dropped corn until everything looks like corn. Dr. F. 0. Cornwell motored to Gainesboro last week. Good crowd attended church at East fork Sunday. Bro. Silas Williams conducted services and Charlie Howell led the singing. Silas Williams and wife, Char lie Howell and wife and Lochie Lansden visited Bird Williams. Loyd and Floyd Taylor and Ben Fowler Henson visited Lor en and Bohen Howell. Guy Clark carried Miss Lochie Lansden home from her visit with Minnie Wiiliams. Bro. Strode, of Tompkinsville, Ky., preached at Bagdad Sunday. He will preach here every 4th Sunday. Bro. Strode is a wor thy minister. C. H. Martin and wife visited his sister. Mrs. Minnie CornwelL Micca Brown visited Lee Corn welL C. H. Martin is selling the cheapest and best goods in the country. Come on Whites Bend with your news, or we will scratch jyou off the honor rolL GRANVILLE J. H, Daniel has returned from Nashville. Jim Stout, of Martin's creek, was here Saturday. A. B. Hargis attended chance ry court at Gainesboro. L. P. Sutton made a business trip to Baxter Saturday. Miss Sallie B. Jones spent Wed nesday night with Winnie Page. The youngsters of this city en joyed themselves motoring Sun day. Tom and Will Maddux made a business trip to Gainesboro, Fri day. R. H. Dowell and son, Thur man, were in Gainesboro last week. Mrs. J. H. Daniel and son, Carl, spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. F. Fox. L. P. Sutton and Horace Page made a business trip to String town Thursday. Drs. Freeman and Page made a business trip to the county seat Friday, returning Saturday. Herman Harris, substitute on the star mail route made, a trip to Gordonsville, Wednesday. R. L. Hargis and Frank Wil liamson were attending to busi ness in Gainesboro Saturday. Miss Ethel McKinley, waiter Huff and Rex Myers were the dinner guests of Miss Alean My ers Sunday. Mose and Fleet Burton, Char lie Duke and Ephram Daniel took a pleasure trip to Nameless Sat urday night, Drs. Steinberg, of Nashville, und Simmons, of Granville, mo tored to Mayfield and attended to business Friday. Jelly Bell, of Springfield, re presenting International Harves ting Co., at Nashville, was in town several days last week. The farmers of this section are making rapid in preparing their com land. The most of them will be thru planting this month. - i Walter Cooper filled his regu lar appointment in east Granville Sunday. There seems to be some attraction for Mr. Cooper in that direction. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Washburn andjittle son, Donald . Roberts, Ms. P. J. Anderson and little son Wayne and Miss Leona Rob erts of Gainesboro, motored to this city and spent Sunday after noon with Dr. Page and wife. The residence of Henry Myers located on College street in south Granville, was destroyed by fire last Wednesday about dark, the fire is supposed to have caught from the fire-place. The loss is estimated at $1200, partiaUy cov ered by insurance. Mr. Myers will rebuild in a short time. MAYFIELD. Vera Haney visited George Haney and wife. Sid Martin and wife were at D. J- Mabry's. Jim Warrer and Albert Stock ton were hen Sunday. Sallie Haney visited her broth er. J. H. Haney. Alex Dudney and wife passed thru here. John Graham and family visit ed Tom Ransom. George Mabery and wife, John Haney and wife visited Wo. Haney and family. Fred Pippin visited his sister, Louise Martin. Noah Hensley has been attend ing federal court at CooKeville the past week. Alex Flatt and family visited Dan Martin. 71 DEPARTMENT A. M. Drake, of Carthage, was here last Saturday. Ben F. Baugh, of Flynns Lick, was here on business Saturday.. James Hargis, Jr., spent Thurs day with Sid Maddux, of Nash ville. Cecil Williamson clerked sever al days last week for Williamson Bros. Burgess Bros., of near here sold a raft at Nashville last week for $500. Leon Steinberg, of Nashville,, spent Saturday night with Lewis Simmons. Estis Burton and Jim Pearsonj loimuo wi i uiiii a mien, were here Friday. Bedford Jones, who has been on the sick list for sevc.ral days, is improving. Gardenhire and Myers editors of the Carthage Courier wer here Saturday. S. P. Burton, of Lebanon, spent Saturday night with B. F. Cooper and family. J. T. Timbrlake, of Gordons ville, was visiting relatives in Granville last week. G. Lee McGlasson passed thru here Wednesday enroute to his home in Gainesboro. Frank Robbinson, a young far mer and an extensive dealer in live stock, was in town Satur day. Clarence Harris, who has been filling a position in the Hermit age Hotel, Nashville, returned Thursday. Clayborne and Myers Burton spent the week-end with their brother, Charlie Burton, in Whites Bend. Dr. Steinburg, an optician, and his son. Leon, of Nashville, ar rived here Thursday, and will re main several days. Dr. Will Hargis. of the Her mitage, after a short visit with parents, J. H. Hargis and wife, has returned home. Misses Mary Nell Ferrell. Ruby Maddux, MamyeForand Mattie Williamson spent Saturday night with Anna Ruth Hargis. Luther Sutton and Horace Page took a pleasure trip to Flynns Lick, and attended a soc ial Saturday night, they reported much fun' and a dandy good time. Miss Winnie Page delightfully entertained last Friday evening. Splendid music was rendered by Misses Mary Nell Ferrell and Winnie Page. The guests were Misses Clara Watts, Mamye Fox, Mary Nell Ferrell, Messrs John Watts, Leon Steinberg Lewis Simmons and Cecil Williamson, games were enjoyed and daintie candies served. HURRICANE. Moatof the farmers of this com munity have been planting: corn. Health at this place is very good, ex cept Mrs. Mary Ellen Dodson. who is seriously ill with kidney trouble. Jim Pnillips was the Sunday guest of his daughter, Mrs. Authur Murphy. Mitchel Boyd and Annie Love Mou were the guest of Ruby, Martha and Noah Philbpa. . Willi Rmorn rtfnmaH Knm Qaf n day. He was not operated on. but is - W V mrm r mm m, w wmmm m WbMV some Better. Luther Strong and wife were, the guests of Mrs Strongs mother, Mrs. Art y Hix, wno nas been sick for sometime. 14 Hie, Martha Ann, Hattie and Net tie Phillips were the guests of their grand-father, Noah Hawkins, of Sugar Mrs". Telitha Phillips was the guest of Mrs. Mary Dodson. War and hard times is the cry with the people of this community., - E. B. Phillips sbent Saturday eight with Walter and Dewey Phillips. Mrs. Mattie Williford and two little daughters, were the guests of Mrs. J. T. rumps. Luke Montgomery . and wife, of Cookeville, were theuests of Henry Han and wife Sunday.