VOL. 24. No. 12
51.50 A TUI
. . . :
Henry Ford gave out the foll
owing statement Saturday relat
ve to Wall street having part in
financing or operating Muscle
'Tell those people of , South, "
Mr. Ford said, "that Wall street
would have no part either in fin
ancing or operating MuscN.
Shoals if I can help it. If it is
the last thing I do, I'll exert
every resourse and influence at
my command to keep the hands
of Wall streets off the Muscle
Shoals project and perpetuate it
as a gaeat example to the Amer
ican people-a living example of
what they can do if they will
safeguard the country's water
power and develop it."
Would Awaken People.
"In Muscle Shoals lies the
freedom of American industry,"
Mr. Ford continued. "During
the war the country turned its
every resource' to help free the
world from militarism -a militar
ism fostered by an international
money power. Now, in the
same way, we are going to fight
to the last ditch to free American
industry and American agricul
ture from the same money pow
er. If the American people once
can catch the idea . of what
water-power means how it can
be put to service in a thousand
ways, cutting the cost of indus
trial power to a minimum and
thus, through bettter service,
make possible a higher standard
of living for all people at a great
ly reduced cost they never
again will submit to the proposi
tion that to get power they must
pay tribute to Wall street.
"AH the people need to catch
the idea is an example. A
potential example lies at Muscle
Shoals. In a sense, the destiny
of the American people for cen
turies to come lies there on the
Tennessee river, . because who
ever controls that nation's
"America's power today, is
dependent on the stream power
of coal. The great private
financiers own the bulk of the
country's coal mines. These
financiers, centered in Wall
street, have a strangle hold on
the industry and transportation
of the country.
People Would Reap Harvest
"If Muscle Shoals is developed
along unselfish lines, it will
work so splendly and so simply
that in no time .hundreds of
other water power developments
will spring up all over the count
ry and the days of America in
dustry paying tribute for its
power would be gone forever.
Every human being in the count
ry would reap the benefit. I am
consecrated to the principle of
freeing American industry. All
I want is a chance at Muscle
Shoals, and if it's the last thing
I do on earth, I'll fight for the
In speaking of the fight being
waged against him on the Muscle
Shoals projects, Mr. Ford said:
"Work suould l goiog on at
the shoals all this spring and
summer, because if the thing
isn't settled so work can be done
when the river is low, a great
art of the project of completing
dam number two and building
dam number three must be put
over until 1923. It would be
tragic to hole off employment
of so many thousands of men
for another year when the need
of work U so general and so
Teachers Attending M. T. NJ
In Large Numbers. j
This week has been one of un- J
due excitement for the students
of the Middle Tennessee State!
Nc vial. The completing of the
examinations, and the incoming
of the many new students we
have received for this quarters
work, has been causing .the old
students to do about. We have
received, approximately, one
hundred new students that will be
here this quarter, and they will
probably remain for the summer
quarter. These one hundred
students are principally teachers
that have been out teaching in
the rural schools. By following
this plan, it makes it possible
for a fellow of limited means to
go to school and at the same
time .make a little money. A
county whose teachers follow
this plan will, without a doubt,
devlop a better corps of teach
ers. The rural schools of this
country can only be redeemed by
this or some similar method.
The day has passed for a four
months schools. They are no
longer sufficient to meet the
demands of the time, hence, they
must be replaced by t he eight
and nine months schools.
The work on the buildings for
this institution is moving along
smoothly at present.
The Normal will graduate the
lagest number this year it has
ever turned out in any one year.
I believe that the senior college
class has about fortv-five en
rolled, and probably the academ
ic senior some twenty-five.
The faculty entertained the
senior class on Friday evening,
March 17, with an elaborate re
ception. An abundance of re
freshments were served. The
evening was a very pleasant one
from start to finish
The Tennessee College build
ing has been secured to use for
the accommodation of the Nor
mal students during the summer
school. It will be occupied by
the young ladies and will accom
modate some over two hundred.
So board and room will be no
question thi3 summer. Then,
why not some of you teachers
arrange to come down this Sum
mer. The kiddies would be a
great deal prouder of you, if
you would brush up and take on
some new ideas.
The new summer school bul
letins are just off the press, and
if you are interested, you would
do well to write the president
for a bulletin and make your
arrangements in time.
The literary societies are do
ing splendid work. New officers
were elected . last week. Chas
M. Clark, County Superintend
ent of Van fcsuren (Jounty, was
elected president of the Henry
W. Grady society.
I must stop here, lest I should
fail to see this later.
Wesley Flatt.
Ford Has Confidence.
Ask if he believed Congrees
would consent to lease the pro
perty to him, he said:
AH I have to say is that
have a grest faith in the sound
judgement of the American
people, and trust they will not
stand silent and let Wall street
put anything over on their rep
resentatives at Washington.
am not worried a bit
Mr. Ford declared he had no
doubt but that the Government
had the power to give him clear
title to the Muscle Shoals property.
"We pray you in Christ's stcad'-II Cor. 5-20
AH the praying should not be to God. r
Praying to man is good business. Yes, and pray
ing to man is, as God says, taking a part of Christ's
job, "in Christ's stead."
There are least two things that a true Christian is
left on this earth for after Christ has saved him; one is
to pray to God for men; the other is to pray to men for
God. Number one is commonly and generally under
stood, though vastly underdone. 'But number two is
little understood even. '
How can a man pray,
to men for for God?
-yes that's the word pray
Here is the way of it; Jesus Christ came down here
and started and finished a piece of worlc both for God
and for man. By his death and resurrection he made
possible man's reconciliation to God by removing man's
sins out of God's sight. Now every man is entitled to
know that. But when he knows it his natural perver
se heart will turn away from God. Then what? Why
first, pray to God for that man and then second, pray
to that man for God and pray to him to accept that re
conciliation long since provided by God. And when
any one of us does that he does it in Christ's stead.
He has the unspeakable privilege of doing a piece cf
work that Christ would be glad to do, but gives us the
great joy of doing.
There are few gifts more val
uable than the love for nature,
and the ability to see the Devine
power in nature's forces and her
Country people are nearest to
nature and are often the last to
recognize the fact.
I have many lovely memories
of my sainted grandfather, but
none more precious than the one
in which I recall him standing
with bowed head before his old
homestead, and repeating softly:
0' poets and scribes, where
are vou. that we hear your voice
no more."
I remember his calling me to
the yard one snowey. glittering
moonlit night, to admire with
him the beauty of the scene.
Frequently he bade me look up
into the star-lit night sky and
note, that the heavens "decare
the glory of God." He taught
me to know the birds and in
sects and be merciful to them.
And through his teaching I
learned to find the Creator in
his creations.
0! at the times afterwards,
when I was troubled and weary
of spirit I learned to rest and
find pleasure in just looking at
the waving wheat fields, the
orchard in bloom, the fluffy,
dowuy little chicks, the rippling
little branch, the; waving leafy
trees, the singing of the birds,
blooming flowers, and hundreds
of other things.
Maybe there's people that
have never learned to look for
the inner meaning of these
things, but, if you seek that
knowledge you wiil surely fiid
Near East Relief Campaign.
A Campaign to raise $150,000.-
00 in Tennessee for the starving
children of the Near East is now
on. Chattanooga i3 the first
large city in Tennessee to com
plete its Campaign. They raised ;
almost $z, UOU.uu in one day ior
this cause. The reports from
Headquarters office in Nashviile
Tennessees shows great interest
is manifested all over the State
and it is believed that the good
people of this County will meas
ure up to all that is expecied of
them. The quota for this Coun
ty is only 50.00 .
This County is now being
organized, and we arc sure all
ministers will lend their efforts
in making the campaign a
The Near East Relief Organ
ization is chartered" by Congress
and the work is supervised by
American Government. More
than 97 cents of every dollar
raised goes. to the starving chil
dren. The Near East is taking
care of 120.000 orphans in
orphanages and there are more
than 2000, OX) children outside of
! rphanage3 that are being fed.
During the last five years the
Near East Kelief saved more
than a million and a half of
these persecuted and tortured
people from starvation and
We must continue to help
them until they are in position to
help themselves
This paper will be glad to re
ceive , contributions for 'this
cause, or you can make checks
payable to C. F. Lovell State
Treasurer, and send them to the
Near East Relief. 208 Associa
tion Building, Nashville, Tenn.
Pithy Points About Prohibi
tion and Its' Results.
MMHtlWinNPR pprir
uiu iQi riman inc.
When the Eighteenth Amend
ment became a law the liquor
crowd did not surrender, they
have organized 30 societies for
the nullification of Xhe Amend
The greatest asset of the
liquor crowd today in not politi
cal power, nor money, nor the
union of greed and appetite it
is the apathy and indifference to
the so-called gbod citizenship of
our county.
If these same "good citizens"
and the Church people do not
wake up. a wet Congress and a
non-enforcement of the law, leg
islature will be elected
Would not Lincoln say, "Don't
get down from your horse until
you reach the other side of the
National Prohibition enforced,
will make the United States the
greatest financial, political and
moral power in the world.
Booze Bill Cut Two Billions of
17,500,000 persons have quit
drinKing in the last two years.
Deaths from alcoholism great
ly reduced. Health conditions
vastly better., '
Many workhouses . and jails
closed unless filled with "boot
Children better clothed and
fed. Decrerse in cruelty tochil-
Bank and saving deposits
largely' increased. Legitimate
business helped.
Prohibition has wrought great
good ana promises ior ine iuiure manent patronage. Co-opera-
greater penents. t?on between binkera and far.
WORLD PROHIBITION mers now will result in increas-
I i t . .
All eves are on America. "Tell ea prosperity ior both
us how you did it?" They ask. " 13 n0 expecied oi the panic-
World Prohibition is a real ers that they take any unneces-
laaiiA in pvprv rivi i7.prt nation. I aai man . mo
United States dare not lower the other loans but among the far-
standard of sobriety and effici- mers there is collateral that will
For the past few weeks the
tendency of the markel for the
farm products has been upward,
and the prospects for the fanner
have frightened. If he can
manage to pay his taxes and get
ready money to carry him until
he can cultivate and market an
other crop, his outlook will be
The last two seasons have
been unprofitable for the far
mer. Many farmers have not
come out even. They roust have
financial assistance in this crisis.
Without it his productive capac
ity will be materially reduced.
Many would be compelled to
drop out as producers. The dis
astrous effects would then not
be confined to farmers. The
curtailment of his purchasing
power by $5,000,000,000, a year
for the past two year has been
seriously felt in every line of'
business. :. '
This problem of financing th
farmer over the shoals rests
with the bankers in the territory
near the farmera. The War
Finance Corporation has provid
ed available funds, and with the
farmers owing $78,000,000,000
of the productive wealth of the
country, they can provide ample '
and safe collateral security.
Bankers are not in business for
business year alone. . Like other
successful businesses, they 1 are
trying to enlarge their business
and their scope of. operations.
and now is their opportuniy
with the farmers to build for the
future. Help u them now when
they need it, and insure a per
America having freed , her
homes from the thraldom of the
liquor traffic is sending the
trosoel of total abstience and
prohibition to all the world.
Already more than 80 per
cent of the territory of the
world is under Prohibition, and
50 per cent of its imputation.
The world-survey shows pro
make loans safe. ' Farmers need
ing money should go ta their
bankers and make frank state
ments of their resources and
their needs. Bankers can afford
give special attention to the far
mers case in advertising then
how to use their resources as
collateral. There might not be
a big margin of profit in this
Pig club boys of Hamblen
County are now feeding a car
load of pigs in a pork production
project, according to Agent D.
Stout. Mr. Stout says the plan
is to feed out and sell these pigs
in carlot shipment in April.
That will give them time to buy
breeding stuff and fit for the
county fair and other shows.
Club boys of this county made
quite a record in babv beef work
last vear by producing the cnam-
nion carload for the state. This
year they have a dairy club
through which it i3, noped to
stimulate increased interest in
the county. Twenty high pro
ducing cows will be placed with
as many boys in the county.
gress, yet much territory is to be immediate emergency loan but
thousands of valuable patrons
can be secured by lending a
helping hand at this time. -
Farmers have learned 'soma
valuable lessons during the past
two years. The co-operative
and spirit is growing; they-are re
organizing that there is abed.
ness side. , The Federal .Govern
ment has awakened to the necdj
of the farmers as a class, and
has provided" legislation L thst
will help in the solution of soca
problems that have heretofore
been very hard ones, and thit
have handicapped him in his
operations. ' v
When bankers take the trouble
to get the figures represent
ing the productive capacity of
the farmers and that, the latter
are in the future going to . inject
more ot the business methods
. . ' . ...
in ineir operauoua, iney .will
realize that the business of tbs
farmer is of a volume and char
acter worth going after. ' Now
is the opportune time to show
The fight is the big one but.
''Success i3 as sure as the prom
Put everv force into the field
and do it NOW.
Educate, agitate and organ
lze" with burning zeai
hrist-like love.
To The Teachers.
A late commnication from the
State Dept. of Education,
gives an earlier date, than May
25th and 26th. for teachers ex
ami nation.
There are to be three examin
ations. Note the following
April 21st. and 22nd. 1922.
May 25th and 26th July 7th and
8th 1922. " Would advise teachers
to take the first examination
Those who have two years cer
tificate shoud try 'to raise their
crradP. This, not onlv -will in
crease your salary, but will give f Hendlv interest in a class which
the School Board an assurance is the greatest producer- cf
of your servic3 for a longer time.
A schedule of the examination
will be published later.
Yours for better schools.
wealth, and will utilize that
wealth in a more practical wav
than ever before. The wba
banker will profit by the present
Estelle Gailbreath, Co. Supt. opportunity to help the famcr.