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.. 5 ALL IS WELLi-Let hot your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place of you-John 14: 1, 2. GOD CARDS FOR HIS OWN-And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, a3 a man spareth 'his own son that serveth him Malachi 3:17. Jndm County Sentinel PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT GAINESBORO, TENN. t i . E.W. Tardy, Editor . , . ; & R Gaileeath, Business Manager Subscription price, ' futand M Moood data matter at tha Foatoffica la ,6iaabofo,Tiift ante Acta ol Conor, 1871 SUBCRIPHON RATES $1.00 IN THE COUNTY STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. (Outside of County) ONE YEAR $1.50 e MONTHS 85 fpR SHEUIFE-The Sentinel if au thoriied to-announce John L. Clemonp, of the 5tb district, as a candidate for Sheriff of Jacknon County, subject to Reaction of the WOMEN and men voteraat the regular election, August 3rd.' 1922. rr- firt EraJuSers, Two'Pigs, Two Acrrs frf A Fatktr. ;tGlenn and Paul McElroy, sons t Esq. McElory of Robertson County, joined the boys corn tlub in 1920. although their falser was not very enthusiastic oyer the project They followed Infractions of the county agent Qd . made 82 bushels each on their acre The neighbors said if was the biggist yield ever ob Uined in that district. The father says if he had cultivated only half as many acres as he did. and cultivated it as his boys did e would have made more corn. He declares that as long as he arms he is a corn club boy. iThis year the boys are in the eorn club hgain and also in the pig' club- They have been de clared the champion pig club embers of the county by the jfecord they made with the two Inland China gilts furnished by local breeder. f;$Tpeae boys . have their own bank account and together with their father .have'.' bought a ojr4. They are partners with t&isir father in everything on the Governor Offers Baby Beef Cop. As an incentive to the boys and girls of Tennessee to breed better cattle, Gov.-Alf Taylor has offered a silver cup to be awarded at the next annual Nashville Fat Stock Exposition to the boy or girl exhibiting the best baby beef. Governor Taylor was very much impressed with the 1921 show about which he said: "The one salient feature of the the Nashville Fat Stock Exposi tion that appealed to me more than anything else is the part that is being played by the boys and girls of the baby beef clubs organized by county agents. These youngsters went out in open competition with the grown-ups and captured a fair share of the prize money. Those boys' and girls' work touched me deeply, because 1 realize that in these youngsters are the men and women of to morrow. This work is so funda mentally sound and practical in its purposes that it should inter est every one. "And to that end to encour age the boys and girls of Tenn essee in their effort to learn the fundamentals of agriculture, I have authorized the manage ment of the Nashville Union Stock Yards to offer at their next annual fat stock exposition asilver trophy, which will be known as the Governor's Cup, to be awarded to the boy or girl, member of a regulary organized baby beef ciub in ti e state who has on exhibition at this show the best beef to be awarded by the judges of the exposition, and the winner shall keep the trophy one year, at which time it win again be awarded in the same manner, and if any one win it twice in succession it is theirs to keep. JOHN MARTIN Johb Martin, age 72, died at j his home here late Wednesday afternoon. March 22. following a brief attack of pneumonia. Funeral service will be held this, Thursday afternoon, with interment in the Stafford ceme tery south of here. Besides an adopted son about 9 years of age, he is survived by a brother. Rolin Martin, of Nashville. Mrs Martin died six weeks ago at at the age of 69. Mr. Martm was a member of the Christian church, and was noted for his truthfulness and fair dealings with his fellowmen. Before moving to town, a few months ago, he conducted a blacksmith shop on the ridge, m it 11 . m near aionora s store, tor many years, and" he is well known in that section. Lee McCartney and family are leaving today (Thursday) for for Murfreesboro, where they will reside. Mr. McCartney who came to Gaines boro about 8 montns ago, is a popular in surance writer, and during his stay here has worked up splen did busines, and made many close friends, who will regret to learn of his leaving. Our best wishes go with this splendid family, and we hope they will meet with an abundance of suc cess in their new home. F. L Tardy has taken over the agency for the Washington Fire Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, Pa., filling place made vacant by Mr. McCart ney's moving away. Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. Settle on the sick list. Sheriff J. M. Spurlock is the sick list BOY SCOUT TAKE FIRST HIKE. The Boy Scouts, under the direction ( f their Scout Master F. L Tardy, and his assistan Will Early, took their first hike Saturday, to the Beck cave, in the "Fowler hollow." They traveled about six miles, over some pretty rough hills, before reaching the cave, which is only about two miles east of here, and were pretty well tired down But, a good hot lunch which was quickly prepared, and likewise devoured, soon had the boy feel mg gaily and ready to renew their hike. Afte exploring the cave, which was an "eye-opener of a stunt" to most of the com pany. and a treat to all, they came in home feeling fine, and looking forward to the next trip out They were given some interesting lessons on this The report about the are letting fire get out at the cave, was untrue. The fire spo ken of originated from another source. LOGfLS For Seed Sweet potatoes, go to M. P. Bailey & So.i. Mrs. -Sarah Gailbreath, of R-4. visited relatives here, Saturday. Assistant Attorney General, R. C. Butler, is in Sparta this week. Mrs. Frank Sadler, of Stone, was the guest of relatives here Saturday. D. C. Morgan has returned from a business trip to Nash ville. Miss Sallie Waddle, local Home Telephone operator, is on the sick list. very hike. boys Beck on CI q to to - " 1 W I ' I I - A to You have the service of Miss Lellie Draper m AT 8- a 3 r1 ti; C Who is thoroughly adapted to the work she has undertaken, and who UNDERSTANDS the de mands of this community from ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. We have on ditiplny the choicest and amiart V " - cut f the SeaMon'f productions in c c c c Mill 1 E e ! V From the lowest in price to the highest in quality. . ou wil1 kuy hat very soon, and we have the styles more hats of all materials, and by for the best hat values at most any price you may desire to pay. . - We have seen lots of hats this season: you can shop mJ. - iMlUU miSA OCC lUCUlwLUU. UUL LUIS Wt K FiflW. VHI1 P 0 Fl QQVA rVth g- m v y tfw m v avvu j : . .tune and money by coming direct to us. k - ;;. LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN HATS Ltt. ' ' VMl will fini ifVnfifl..M tV. IT-i vu nut uuu iv.oitoouic iu sco wie ucw li&is, ana i ex f 4Und you a very'sincere invitation to COME. civ Miss ILcllic Draper Department in store of DRAPER & DRAPER CO. i i ir i Revenue agent H. J. Lynch transacted business in Nashville last week. Mrs. A. D. Byrne entertained a number of her friends Satur day night Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Gaw, of R-2, are recovering from an attack of influenza. Amos Crabtree, of near North Sprnigs, was in town Saturday, en route home from Nashville. H. S. Holleman. of Granville, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown. Friday night. Miss Lora Young, of Nashville, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Sadie Young. Tip-Top flour makes delicious biscuits. Try a sack and be convinced. M. P. Bailey & Son. J. L. McCawley manager of the local garage,' spent the weeK-endin Nashville on busi ness. Mrs. F. L. Haile, and Miss Virgie Johnson, of Flynn's Lick, was shopping in Gainesboro Fri day. . H. Kaggio Young, deputy in . i icrnai revenue collector, was with his family from Friday til Monday. Misses Doris Johnson and Eva Pate and Prof. J. F. Beck, were the guests of Granville friends Saturday and Sunday. tmclc Feed, for little chicks and grown up chicks, at Haile's grocery. It makes little chicks grow faster, adv "Uncle" John Martin is dan I Ml . l Kerousiy m w;tn pneumonia, M ft fl L? nr. . . mr. lYiarun is iz years old and his recovery is doubtful. Miss Sallie Myers and brother, uene Myers, spent the week i ;.i .i . ... enu wun meir parents, -Mr. and Mrs. White Myers, of Gladdico, A can of our Belmont String Beans taste just liKe beans fresh from the vine. Try a can. No, 2 1-2 size 20 cents. M. P. Bailev &son. On Friday. March 17th. the Stork visited the home of Mr and Mrs. Lenard Mabry. of the 10th district and left a 11 nound , - a daughter. We believe in Tanlac and so will vou if voix try it Anderson & Haile. Gsjnesboro. Tenn. Advertisement. TT ... nave you ever tried our "American Jack" coffee? It comes m 4 pound buckets and 1 pounj cups, and its delicious. M. P. Bailey & Son. The big reputation of Tanlac baa been made by doincr what other medicines failed to do. Anderson & Hai e. Gainesboro. lenn.. Advertisement Revenue collector, E. L. Dud- ney has been visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dudney. bmce his appointment, a short time ago, Mr. Dudney has been working m the main office in Nashville, but will later haye ms headquarters in Chattanooga. County- revenee Commission ers, W. F. Maddux, - W. L. Dix on, A. McCawley and G. B. Settle, were . in session here several days last week, maKing settlement with trustee, J. F. Stout. . My subject for Sunday nteht March 22. is. "Modern Problems as Jesus Sees Tbern; Marriag, The Home." The public is cordially invited. 1L A. Early, Pastor. D c c c c C c c c c c c c c O U It Hardware Wears Ycp will find in our store ever) thing you expect to find in a town the size of Gainesboro. We are well stocked with all kinds of LEATHER GOODS at the new LOW PRICES. POULTRY NETTING AT A BARGAIN SEED. We carry only the BEST. Full slock of FRESH GROCERIES. Try us: You will not only get the BEST, but we will SAVE YOU MONEY. 3 o o o o o 9 o o Let us SAVE YOU MONEY on your bill of FIELD o o o C Gainesboro Phone 94 ft 130000 OOOOOEZ3 & There is not a single portion of the body that is not benefited by the helpful action of Tanlac. Anderson & Haile, Gainesboro, Tenn. Advertisement Mr. and Mrs! J. V. Pistole, of Rough Point, were' in town several days this weeK. Mrs. Pistole is having, some dental work done. NOTICE-We will paster stock this year for $1.25 per head per month, and will appre ciate your patronage. Mrs. V. B. Brooks, Gainesboro. S. P. Pharris, of White's Bend, came in Tuesday and re newed his subscription to the Sentinel, just like a man of good, sound judgement will do. M. P. Bailey, of M. P. Bailey & Son, local grocerymen, has re turned from Nashville, where he purchased the material for his new dwelling, which he will erect on College Street You get your money's worth when you buy Tanlac, because it produces result -Anderson & Haile, Gainesboro, Tenn. Ad vertisement. D. H. Morgan, manager of the real estate and mortage sec tion, in the office of the Alien ' Property Custodian, at Washing ton has tendered his resignation as such official, and has resumed the practice of law. Office 804 Evans Building. Washington. D. C. The paint demonstration put on at Anderson & Haile's drug store Thursday, Friday and Sat urday of last week, by the Hanna Paint Mfg. Co., of Col umbus, O., with Mrs. Barkner in charge, was one of the most educational stunts of its kind that ever hit Gainesboro, and was worth a great deal to those who attended. Mrs. Barkner. who is an artist in her line,' was very painstaking in showing the ladies how to use the Hanna paints and stains to the best ad vantage. From reports, the men folks are going to get some real practice along this line when spring cleaning time ar rives. The firm has expressed itself as being highly pleased with the demonstratisn, and will be glad to give you any instruc tions in regard to this work. 4? 4? 4? 4? !? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? Spring Footwear to to to. to to to to to to to to to HONEST SHOES VALUES AT PRICES BASED g ON OUR DESIRE Tfl RP PAIR - - va Kill 41 4? The real value of a shoe is not so much what you pay for it as how it fits and wears. Ill-fitting shoes & are injurious to the feet health and disposition, there- rt fore PETERS DIAMOND BRAND SHOES are made to fit and give service. We have a fine line of the latest styles in Spring 4? Footwear for MEN, WOMEN, MISSES and CHILD- 4f REN, and our prices will appeal to you. Let us show 4t you our line of LOW CUTS. 4 4? 4? 4? 41 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to When a farmer or other working m k., v,,. --! uvu UUI f they want that will stand hard wear and feel good 4? to their feet while doinz their tn'vAn tact w 4$ work hoes for all classes at prices that are'fair to you to 1 jjc ouic vj txx uur une ana get our prices. DENNIS &TINSLEY