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Jacksonpounty Sentinel PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT . GAINES BORO, TENN. , T1 E.W. Tardy, Editor G. B. C Aim Bath, Business Manager Subacription price, Cnttrad u tLcond cUm matter at th PntoffiM la Giiboro.Tetu.. under AcU of CocgTiat. 1871 SUBCRIPTION RATES $1.00 iN THE COUNTY STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. (Outside of County) ONE YEAR $1.50 ; 6 MONTHS 85 FOB SHEW FK The Sentinel io au thorized to announce John L. Clemonn, of the 5th district, as a candidate for Sheriff of JarkRon County, ttubjcct to the action of the WOMEN and min voters it the regular election, August 8rd. 1922. FOB SHEBIFF The Sentinel is au thorized to announce JOHN W. STAF. FORp, of the 1st district, aa a candidate for Sheriff of Jackson Coun ty, subject to the action of the women and men voters at the regular election, August 3rd, 1922. FQR REGISTER: The Sentinel is authorized to announce GARLAND C. JACKSON, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Jack son County, subject to the action of the women and men voters at the re gular election, August 3rd, 1922. To The Voters cf Jaclson County. I wish to annouce to the vo ters of Jackson . County, that I arri again a candidate for the offico of Register. For the past four years I have held the office ofRegister, and my record as such official is an open book. As to whether I have made the people a faithful and efficient servant, the record in my offtice is the best eyidence, and is open to all. If elected, I will give the office my undivided time and and attention as heretofore. Should I fail to see you before the election comes around, I do now, eareestly solicit your support and influence, and you fnay rest assured it will be great ly appreciated. Thanking all in advance for any favors, I am, ' ' ' , Respectfully, Garland C. Jackson. BODY OF MISSING WOMAN FOUND WITH HEAD NEARLY SEVERED FROM BODY. r The T. P. I. Glee Club of Cobkeville, rendered a splendid fcrygram at the courthouse here just Friday evening, under the efficient directorship of Prof. . Chas P. McClaqnahan. The program consisted of solos, quar tets, group singing, etc.. and wag a rare treat to those who attended. The door receipts amounted to $53. Cash Price On GroceriesFor Sat, April 29 . ' l ; ,f: jWgar $1.00 60$ Lard- $7.25 1-lb Prunes 14c j-jb Evaporated Peaches 14c 6 Pkgs Celuoid Starch 23c J.AJ0cTwistTob. (War. Co.) 23c 3, Joe Boxes Snuff 23c i 20c Boxes Snuff 48c ICan Salmon 10c 6. 6c Cakes Soap 25c Mb Can Corned Beef 15c 1, 3-lbCan Peaches.:. 15c 7, 6c Cans Snuff .1 25c Can Tomato Soup 8c 1.3-lbCan Hominy 8c !, Mb Can Jelly 8c ! ALL FRESH GOODS EL P. BAILEY 4 SON Gamesboro s Quality Store The body of Mrs. Leora Uivens, wife of Simp' Givens. was found Wednesday at Iz o clock, at the head of a long Drancn, which empties into Crabtree creek, near her home in the 4th district of this county Several deep gashes were in flicted on her throat, nearly severing the head from the body. No other marks of viol ence were found on the body. Mrs. Grivens, who lived with her father, Sandford Smith on Crabtree creek, is reported by her stepmother to have left the house, Saturday just after din ner, to visit a duck's nest some distance from the home. After an absence of some time, Mrs. Givens. not returning, her steD- mother went to look for her, and finding no trace of her where abouts, returned home. Whtn night came on she hud not re turned, and Mrs. Smith formed the opinion that she had gone to Kentucky to ioin her husband. who had been there several months. Nothing more was done to learn of her whereabouts until Tuesday evening, when her fa ther returned from Nashville. He, believing she had never gone to Kentucky, formed a search ing party and on Wednesday morning after several hours hunt, found the body as stated above. The body being iff Clay county, the jury of inquest was held on the ground where found From the nature of the wounds is was evident that the woman had been murdered, but no clue was found to lead to any arrests. What the future may disclose in this foul murder is yet to be learned The body was taken home Wednesday afternoon and will be interred in the cemetery at Red Boiling Springs this (Thurs day) afternoon. Mrs Givens was 16 years old, and married, but for several months had been separated from her husband, who lives in Ken tucky. Stlilr Eljmujlfts for II) Wttk ALWAYS PROTECTED: When thou passest through the waters. I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shal not overflow thee: when thou walkest through fire thou shall not not be burned; . neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Isaiah 43:2. RULES FOR RIGHT LIVING:-Let all bitterness. and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, t be put away from you, with all malice: and be kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Ephes- 5 ians 4: 31, 32. VUM AW'k'WUUinWflAMlUU(UAAUI L0GfL8 Dr. J. D. Ouarles. of Whitlev- ville, was in town. Tuesday. L. G. Strode, attorney sDent the first of the week on Jennings Creek. Rev. K A Earlv will nreach at Rough Point Sundajj morning u vium. uc ouic aim att II attend Masonic Banquet. The local lodze of the MaanniV Fraternity, on ast Saturday PVP. ning crave a banquet in the lodo-P hall, which was well attended and much enjoyed. 1 he f estiva board. whiVh groaned beneath its burden of baked hen. boi ed ham. sabrls angelfood and various other dainties, was beautifully anrl elegantly prepared and arranged Dy the smiled hands of the lad'es of Gainesboro. Invocation was conducted by L. M. Botts. After all appe tites had been thoroughly satis fied from the dainties set before them, the Toast Master. B. C Butler called on Dr. C. E. Reeve3, wno responded with verv annm priate remarks on the benefits of Masonry. Harry L. Page was next called on. and resnondprt with a very eloquent address on ine aouity oi Masonry to with stand the wiles of its adversa jies. ; d. u yuanes. sr., gave a short address on "The use of the Bible in Masonrv." I, M r-a.A . 1 f dohs maue a iew remarks on The confirmation of Masnnip principles by Biblical charac ters." P. J. Anderson and Dr. K. . uaw cave annrnnriafo . i ... ... .. . euiogies oi tne ladies who were present. Those who enioved the fpsHv. ities of this occasion were as follows: Dr. and Mrs. R C Raw. Dr nnH Mrs. C E Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. PJ Anderson. Mr. and Mrs J M Draper, Mr. and Mrs J W Draper. Mr. and Mrs. B L. Quarles, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. B L Quarles, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. T L uist, Mr. and Mrs. J L Reeves Mr. and Mrs. J C Reeves. Mr! Mrs. H M Haile. Mr. and Mrs. H R Haile, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lee McGlasson. Mr. and Mrs. F I. Tardy, Mr. and Mrs. C S Brown, Mr. and Mrs. 'rank Gai breath Mr. and Mrs. J L McfWW H B Reeves. Harrv L Pa CP an1 Miss Nannie B Vanhooser. H R Draper and M-ss Hallip Rppvpq J B Anderson and Miss Blanch Darwin. J C Sadler and Miss Lellie Draper, John Reeves and Miss Dorathy Anderson. 1 R Pate and Miss Vivian Cooper. S. E. Tinsley and Miss iMona Sadler, B C Butler and. Miss Mary Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cassetty, M. A. WydiA and Miss Lyda Cummins. Buy your candy where it is fresh and handy. A nice assort ment of chocalate just received. Haile's Grocery. adv. FOR SALE-Several bushels of Soy Beans at $2 'per bushel. can or see Henry Hall, Gaines- boro, R-2. or Bill Waddle, Gainesboro. adv. FOR SALE-100 bushels corn. Gas Engine, Griss Mill and Cut olf saw. Owners Dr. F. C. Hargis and J. C. Elrod, Mur freesboro, Tenn. adv. Dr. Frank Hargis and J. C. Elrod, of Murfreesboro. were in Gainesboro Tuesday. They have some l'or -Sate" ads in this issue that might interest you. Read them. Garland C. Jackson. Ununrv Register, was in Bloomington Springs Monday afternoon on business. He was the guest of Carmel Smith, the genial post master, of that place Monday' night. LULiU ukijn K.S Uur ice cream is -pure and wholesome. rich and toothsome always the same, always ' the best Our soaas and sundaes are ianre and luscious, every trial brings a happy smile. Pure Coea-Cnia 5c. Haile's Grocery. dv Subject for Sunday night at the local Methodist church "is "The failure of the First Century Church." Come out and bring some one with you. Your pres ence will be greatly appreciated. K. A. Early, Pastor. Mrs. Hugh Moorman left Mon day for San Antonio. Texas, i where she will join her husband. Mr. Moorman is a veteran of the late war. and re-inlisted in the; army several months ago, and has recently been promoted. John L. Hoover, of Culleoka, Tenn., Maury County, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Hoover, who is formerly of this county, is the owner of a nice 150 acre farm there, with all the modern conveniences nnH ia .v. ig ytACUHJf satisfied with his location. The resignation of Tom Mabry. as operatbr and lineman for Doe Creek Home Telephone vompany, was accepted by the directors here Wednesday, and Geo Jackson, former operator and lineman, was elected to fill his place. Mr. Jackson will take charge of the exchange about the the first of may. Mr. Mabry has been in charge since the first of January. L. G. Cason. nwner nf tUa Carthage Marble and Granite Works, after SDendi nor qovovoI , , , - ---- w vim days in this section of the coun ty, has returned homo WKiio here he bought a new Ford road ster of local acrenta. Dranpr & McCawlev Co. Mr. f!nann u in tne omce one dav las wocir and reDorts an eyrellenr Knoi. ness on this trip. He feels very grateful to the neonle of Vila ri)A home county for their liberal patronacre. and when anything in this line, it will Dav you to get in touch with him before buying. Frank Anderson, Jr., assist ant clerk on the Str. MT. Bryan, was in town MnnHon afternoon. Mr. Anderson got off at i he local landinc. whirh ie owned by his father, M F And erson, and remained until the return triD of the srpamp which had gone to points farther up. frank savs he likes the work pretty w 11, and is learning the business rioiht alnnc tk;0 was about his third trip out. nnue rranK is yet in his teens, he has the energy and pep that it takes to get along weil these days of hustle and rustle. His friends here are w;shing him an abundance of success in his new field. CROWDER JENKINS. A wedding of much interest to wide circle of friends, was that of Miss Lucy Jenkins, of North Springs, and Burton Crowder o this place, which was solemized near the gloom's home Sunday afternoon, April I6th, in the presence of a number of rela tives and friends. Esq. B. S Stone, of this place, officiating. The groom is the 17 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. (DicK Crowder, and is an estimamable young man. His bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lolo Jenkins, and is highly esteemed joung lady. Following the ceremony, many congratulations were extended, after which, an elaborate dinner was served. -Stone Cor HOWARD DUDNEY. Cookeville, Tenn., April 24. (Special.) -The people of this city were shocked and crrieved to learn of the death of Howard Dudney, which occurred last Monday in a hospital in Casper, Wyo. Particulars of his illness and death have not been re ceived here. He was .reared in this city and was about 27 years old. He was the youngest son of the late A. J. Dudney, and was a most es timable youmg man. He had resided in Wyoming for the past few years, but was arranging to return to this state when he was taken ilL Nashville Banner. CAPT. WVA. CRAWFORD DIES IN COOKEVILLE. Cookeville. Tenn.. ADril 25. (Special. )-CaDt. W. A. Craw ford died Monday afternoon at his home in this city after an illness of several months. A few months ago he underwent an operation at Johns Hopkins hospital which, it was thought, would afford him permanent relief, hut for several weeks he has been rapidly declmging, tie was 73 year old. He was reaared in Jackson county, where "he resided until his re moval to this city about 20 years ago, For a number of years he was a steamboat captain on the upper -Cumberland river, but for the pas t twenty years he had devotee I his attention to farm ing and business persuits. He was we 11 known throughout the upper Cumberland section. where he was held in high es teem. Jie was an active mem ber of the Southern Methodist church,' He had for many years been an tOud Fellow and Mason. He is sur vived by his wife, Mrs. Marv Crawford, "and by six children. Mrs. Zanda Lynn, of Jackson ounty, Luke Crawford, Mra Mincnie Barbour, Sam U. Crawford . Hubert Crawford and Keith Cn wford of this city, also by one bn Dther. J. H. Crawford of Nashvi lie. 1 he dm eased also was a tip. phew ol tl ie late Samuel J. Keith of Nashvil le. Mi A Mothers ForM&.Children A of,- OH Fhi3fl Rnl!j for Worm Over iiTntT-fiTe ye-s cotinaus ue i thbtetinmal flTS VUJituL .d cier you Krsp a t km tie sWways on UMtbttle ati , hf-aimy and latpf.y 30c iff mi tkarvr.ur4 uniit' Sis Twtm..nd 3lc A f,jrrw promptly. l 1 1 ra i, uw. Hi . t f! I n SPELLS xr Quxumr yr Penn's is packed air-tight in the ' fif patcntqd new container the quality ft ' is sealed in. 1 1 Penn's is always fresh. i Buy Penn's the next tiwr Clean fresh sweet. SEALED AIR-TIGHT 0 Guaranteed by Thus JhiAjLie&A S) 7 O D c C c: Windows o: nnrc We have just received a BIG STOCK of WINDOWS AND DOORS. Our Prices Are The Lowest i Belting We are closing out our stock of Clingtight Beltmg, for gas or steam engines. We have in stock 2-in, 4-in, 5-in, 8-in and 10-in. If in-; 2 terested in any of this belting come in and let 2 us sell you the belt you need for less than cost. .. .. QvxavVes Co. Gainesboro i looooooooor Phone 94 if It? JET Jet is 9 years old, 16J hands high and weighs 1500 pounds. One of the best stallions in this section. He wiil maKe the sea son at rny barn in White's Bend. Season for horse colt, $5. filly colt $8. Jet is a first class horse and you will m ake no mistake in breeding to him. I will appre ciate your patronage Jeff Whitaker, Gainesboro, K-4. adv.lti John Mathis, of near Granvjlle, was a caller at the Sentinel office, Monday. CI O rs i r 1 1 loops tor llQal da Thump! Crash! Bang! Isn't that th? way chil dren generally play? Yes, it's hard on floors, but here's a floor, finish to withstand even that hard ' usage; It's HANNA'S LUSTRO-FINISH This superior finish keeps the floor looking bright and lustrous all the whili?. Ifird knocks can dent, but they nevet break it. It's elastic and durable and so sticks to its job through every test You can apply it yourself. Lustro-Finish is also for furniture and wood work. Sold by ANDERSON & HAILE, Gainesboro