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Jackson County Sentinel W. F. Madiux Ansousces For Tax Assessor. Sihlr alunujljts fur lltr Mrrk PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT . GAINESBORO, TENN. ' ' ' T E.W. Tardy. Editor G. B. Gaiujeath, Business Manager ' Vi i Tim i" li it i i in nrlp EaUred M tcood clwa mtter at tht Pwrtoffic lo Clirfboto,Tecn wider Acta of Congnm. 1871 SUBCRIP riON RATES $1.00 iN THE COUNTY , STRICTLY IN ADVAJICE. (Outside of County) ONE YEAR $1.50 6 MONTHS 85, FOR SHEIUKF The Sentinel au thorited to announce John L. demons, of the 5th district, as a candidate for Sheriff of Jackson County, subject to the action of the WOMEN and men votera at the regular election, August 3rd. 1922. FOR SHERIFF The Sentinel ia au thorized to announce JOHN W. SlAF FORD, of the 1st. district, as a candidate for Sheriff of Jackon Coun ty, subject to the action of the women And men voters at the regular election, August 3rd, 1922. FOR REGISTER:-The Sentinel is ' authorized to announce GARLAND C. JACKSON, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Jack 'on County, subject to the action of the wornon and men voters at the re gular election, August 3rd, 1922. FOR TRUSTEE The Sentinel is an- iluiniAit tn annnnnpo .1 V SUrillt nq a candidate for - re election to the office of Trustee for Jackson County, subject to the will of the women and . . i I... !;.. nen voters m me rcguiut cici uuu , August 3, 1922. FOR CONGRESS-The Sentinel is authorized to announce CORDELL HULL as a candidate for Congress ACVtll H1C Willi vuillooiuiini uiomvv . subject to the action or t he uemocrat k primary August 3, 1922. ' TRUSTEE-The Sentind is author ized to announce E. E. Donoho, of .LI 1 ,4;..f,, tn- - tee of Jackson County, subject to tlie action of the women anil men voters , at the regular election August 3, 1922. laKUUll (JUUKT LL.HiKK.-ine Sentinel is authorizo.1 to announce Fred L. Haile, of the 11th district, as a candidate for the office of Circuit Court Clerk for Jackson County, sub ject to the women and nun voters in tne regular election, Aug. wtz. " CIRCUIT COURT CLERK The Sentinel is authorizec to announce J L. Reeves, of Gainesboro, a a can didate for re election tj the oflice of Circuit Court Clerk of Jackson County, , subject to the action of the women end men voters in the regular election August 3, 1922 FOR SHERIFF The "Sentinel is authorized to announce Wm (Bill) Dennis, of the second district, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Jackson County, subject to the action of the voters in the regular election August 3, 1922. , STATE SENATOR-The Sentinel is authorized to announce W. A. Overton as A candidate for re-election to the Tennessee Legislature- from this the 10th Senatorial District, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, Aug ust, 3, 1922. ; . REPRESENTATIVE FOX The Sentinel ia authorized to announce Ottis G. FOX, of the 5th district, as a candidate to represent Jackson County in the lower house of the next General Assembly, subject to the action of the voters in the prima ry election, August 3, 1922. The Revival. Rev. B. B. Pennington, of Winchester, assisted by pastor K. A. Early, began a two week's revival at the Methodist church Monday night Services are held ' fn the afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and night at 8:15. A cordial in vitation is extended to the public to attend each service. Bro. Bennington is a forceful, plain spoken man. and is preach ing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullest. He is here to as . fit the Christain people to get rieop tn ClnA onrl tn loorl einnorc to a loving and forgiving Saviour. There is nothing more needed than these two all important things. The town is m a great need of a God given reviva And during the next two weeks is an opportune time to brings things to pass. p'lf all the Christian people will ipeaK to. their sinner friends about accepting Jesus Christ as their Saviour from sin. and Drav with faith, nothing doubting, God will sa ve many a lost soul - - God is waiting ana anxious to - bless the town, are we willing to place ourselves in the attitude ZT " 9 4. 4. 11 u ilk, ui ia "- "'.' . i "-' stuec on th 3 l tuth'y residence. Its the only OUIIUing vi me Miiu in 'itujitry horo. and when completed will be a beautiful little heme. - To i verify our statement, go out and i lvlr at tha VinuSA Hars 'off to Mr. Bailey when it comes to building nice and convenient bouses. After having been solicited by numerous people over the coun ty I have consented to again ask for the office of Tax Asses sor, solely upon my record as Assessor the past two years. I am mindful of the duties im posed upon tax assessor, and I realize it is impossible to do business with so many peple and not make some mistake, howev. er, if I have made mistakes, I have done so unconsciouly and have tried to treat every-one equally and without favor. I would ask that you inspect my record and conduct of the affairs of the office of tax as sessor and if you find that I have been faithful in the perfor mance of my duties, and have made the people an efficient and business-like tax assessor, then I would like to have your vote and influence. However, if upon diligent inspection, you find that my assessment booKs and records have been kept in careless way, or in a way that some of my predecessors have kept them, then, in that event, I would not merit your vote and influence, and from a business standpoint it would be your duty to vote against me. Mr. R. S. Dennis, my oppo nent in this race, has also been your tax assessor, and I ask that you inspect and comepare our books and records, then vote for the one whom you honestly believe will make you the best and the most efficient tax assessor. Hoping to have your hearty support and influence, I remain yours very truly. W. F. MADDUX. DEATH OR LIFE:-To bo carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6. DELIVERANCE AT HAND:-I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him. Psalm 91:15. LIVE RIGHT TO DAY: Boast not thyself of to-morrow; for thou knowest not not what a day may bring forth. Proverbs 27:1. MERCY ASSURED: He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. Proverbs 28:13. SIN SEPARATES: Your iniquities- have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. Isiali 59:2. GOD'S WONDERFUL LOVE: -For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso ever believeth in him should not perish, but have ever lasting life. John 3: 16. LOCALS Wkaw Wk Subjects for Re vival Meeting METHODIST CHURCH Saturday Night, "HELL" The people in Gainesboro who are en route to Hell should not fail to hear this sermon. Sunday 11 O'clock A. M. "C 0 M E" Sui day Night, "PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD." Monday nij "DEPUTY DEVILS" Tuesdjy Night "WHEN AND HOW TO FIND GOD." Wednesday Night -JONAH AND THE FISH." Day seivice at 230 P. IL YOU are invited to Attend. Drs. a E Reeves and R. C Gaw were in Cookeville, Tues day and Weenesday, where they attended the twenty-eight an nual meeting of tn Upper Cum berland Medical Society. The Drs. reports a splendid meeting, large attendance and many im portant subjects ably discussed NOTICE For the next few weeks I will not be in my OFFICE on TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS A. D Byrne, Dentist, Gainesboro, Tenn. "Uncle" James Allen, an aged citizen of this place, is critically ill. Miss Lillie Brown Gist is visiting friends in Cookeville this week. T. J. Williams, after a ten days stay here has returned to his home in Carthage. Calvin Meadows, of R-2, pass ed thru town Sunday, en route from a few days stay in Nash ville. Miss Lyda Cummins was a visitor in Smithville, during the District Conference there, two weeks ago. Mrs. A- D. Byrne and little son, A. u. Jr., nave returned from an extended visit in CooKe- ville. We are glad to report Prof. H. J. Cox, who has been con fined to his room for several days, is out again. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Brown and children are spending the week in Nashville, as guests of Mr. Brown's relatives. R. A. Montgomery, W. B. Flynn and Cleo Jackson, officials of the local Telephone Co., were in Cookeville Tuesday. Henry Hall and Mioses Theo Cason, Hart Sparkman and Mrs. Laura Walker, of R-2, were shopping in town Wednesday. .Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hawkins have been visiting his father, Noah Hawkins, who has been seriously ill. He is improving slowly. Miss Leona Roberts entertain ed a uumber of friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ree Roberts, Friday even ing. Miss Dimple Dewese. of Nash ville, has been visiting her grandfather, J. P. Gailbreath on R-4, and Gainesboro relatives. She was accompained by her cousin, Miss Smith. A number of young folks, age from 12 to 16 years, had an interesting social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Montgomery Saturday evening. Games and music were enjoyed. E. E. Donoho, candidate for Trustee, of the 3rd district, was in town Tuesday in the interest of his race. He says he finds encouragement in most every part of the county. At the present rate of Tanlac sales, it is estimated the grand total will reach 24,000,000 bot tles at the end of the present year. Anderson & Haile, Gain esboro, Tenn. adv. H. J. Lynch, Prohibition officer, has returned from a few davs stay in Nashville, where he assisted in several raids in and around the city. They caight several bootlegger, and confiscat ed thousands of gallons of beer and whiskey. Bertram Young of Booneville, Ind.. spent the week-end with his brother. II G Younc and family. Both Mr. Youngs are oil drummers, for the same com pany, and are doing well at the job. Although a powerful recon structive tonic, Tanlac contains no harmful ingredients, minerals or opiates, which are so often found in other medicines. It can therefore be taken by delicate children with splendid results. Anderson & Haile, Gainesboro, Tenn. adv. John Gore Wilson has an nounced himself as a candidate for the office of Register. He is the son of Sid Wilson, dee'd. a former postmaster of this place, and a mighty good citizen. Mr. Wilson was in the office Monday and is out this week talking to the voters about his case. Read his announcement elsewhere in this issue, "I would not take $1,000 for what that wonderful Tanlac medicine has done for me," said Mrs, Mattie Lutes, of Lexington, Kentucky. Sold by Anderson & Haile, Gainesboro, Tenn. adv. Miss Clio Spurlock is recover ing from an attack of msasles. II C ? C c C C D Pints Per Dozen Quarts Per Dozen...- One-half Gal. . . 50 lb Stand Pure Lard 24 lb Blue Diamond Flour $1.00 $1.10 ...41.35 $7.50 - $1.10 3 lb Can Maxwell House Coffee $1.00 v5 p o 0 0 0 o o Our prices are Lowest on . all kinds of Hard- ware, Doors, Windows, Saddle, Bridles. Builders Gainesboro 3000000000 Hardware, o Co. 1 Phone 94 J New seats have been enstalled in the Christian church last week They were put in at cost of over $800.00, and are just as nice and comfortable, as you will find anywhere. The mem bers are to be congratulated on enstalling so nice seats. The floor and other interior -wood work, is being painted and stained this week, which,11 to gether with the new seats, will maKe quite a difference in the looks of things. Mesdames J. L. Reeves, Ella Burton Washburn, and Luke Dennis, have charge of the painting and staining worK, and when they turn it loose, you will think some ex perts have been around. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Montgom ery and children, left to-day, (Thursday) for Tullahoma, where they will visit Mr. Mont gomery's brother, M. V. Mont gomery, and family. Mrs. Lois Reeves, wife of J."C. Reeves, of this city, was remarkably surprised Friday afternoon, when she coughed up a tooth, which she says came from her lung. She recognized the tooth as being the one that misteriously disappeared in the spring of 1917, while they were living in Kentucky. She states that when she coughed, she felt something tear from the lung. She threw her hand to her mouth and caught the tooth. Bhe is keeping it as a soviner. Mrs. Reeves whose health has been on the decline for the past two or three years, feels confi dent that the cause was due to this tooth in the lung. Oliver Spurlock is out again, after being confined for several days with measles. Yes. we see a candidate oc casionally, but they are generally going or coming, with no time to loaf. r r f r r r r r r r r v w r r f f f f r r r r r r f f r r r r f r r r f r r r f Wh en vou look at a 30x3VSCO at$.10.90 ISP WM OUR tire dealer is naturally enthusiastic whenhe shows youtheSOxS'z USCO at $10.90. To him USCO has al ways represented a tire value that he felt more than justified in offering his customers. , At the $10.90 price he can hardly be blamed for w, putting it to the front as -I the value he would most like to be remembered by This much to keep in mind United rt CcodTlrss Cocfr bl CB.ltr.Ca. t 11'- usees) i r? a M A I I If 111 USCO has always sold as a quality tire of known standards and perform ance. Today at $10.90 it fixes the worth of your tire dollar at a new maximum by reason of its own distin guished values n qNo WarFax charged V.. " "k r Ell United States Tires United States Rubber Company to. kkkkLWkkkWKaijTir, Whcre'You Can Buy 17. S. Tires: DRAPER & DRAPER CO.