VOL. 24. No. ID
$1.50 A YEA1
Hints others think, and what we
think if the things others think
Life is so short it makes you
Jong for more.
You never see ft pleasing face
on the person who is saturnine
at heart. .
A pictute hat is sometimes
necessary to set off painting un
derneath. It is not polite for children to
find fault with the things their
parents do.
The man who eats as if he had
a suction valve in his aesopha
gus is no gentlemen.
Every city has a lot of citizens
who don't count-but they are al
ways figured in the census.
Tomorrow has a persistent way
of arriving for those who put
things off from day to day.
The man drawing a good salary
and earning it has neither time
nor inclination to curse the uni
verse. A stitch in time is all right, but
the right time is not late in the
evening after mother has done a
hard day's work.
The wasp waist is coming
back into style. We know some
men who will be applying witch
hazel on their arms.
It is not always fair to judge a
man by the company he keeps
-it may sometimes be his rela
tives. If good advice could only be
received in the spirit in which
it is given, more of it would be
When we try to rise too high
at one leap the momentum of the
fall is likely to carry us far below
our fomer position.
It is reported that Canada has
some half a million more women
than men." That's almost too
much of a good thing.
There may be some little satis
faction in having the truth hurt.
It is a sign, at least, that you
are not entirely without con
science. Why do men make fun of wo
man for following fashion edits
and then wear stiff collars around
their ears when it is 90 in the
A Chicago man dropped dead
in a department store while shop
ping with his wife. Women who
love their hubbies will take one
warning therefrom.
It is hard to reform a success
ful sinner, but when misfortune
overtakes him he is susceptible
to a teacher that promises so
much and exacts so little.
Tell the truth and you have it
over with at once; tell a lie and
you are kept busy explaining for
a month and are discovered in
the end.
In New York they have a worn
an's society which expels memb
ers for gossiping. We predict
that the complexion of member
ship will keep changing rapidly.
If theives stopped when they
reached the mark they first set
for themselves, few would get
into jaiL The trouble is that
money; no matter how acquired
lores a person too far.
U has been learned that a
wealthyioxa farmer has been
giving his sweetheart a 40-acre
tract every time she kissed him
By that method girls around here
would own the universe before
the end of the honeymoon.
What our neighbors and friends
are doiog that interest ns all.
Ethel and Ruth Reeves spent
last week at North Springs.
fuisses Doris and Willard
Johnson are spending the week
in Granville.
Mark Spivey, of Nashville,
came ud Saturday on a brief
visit with relatives.
Miss Alice Elizabeth Tardy
has returned fro n a week's visit
on Jennings creek.
Mrs .1 T. Roovoa enonf Qatnr.
day with her sister, Mrs. Amos
Crabtree at North Springs.
Misses Lillie Brown Gist, Rose
and Elizabeth Sadler visited on
Sugar creek this week.
Miss Mai Page, of Whitley-
ville. was the guest of Gaines
boro friends last week.
Misstuth Taylor of Cross-
ville, after and extended visit
here, has returned home.
Prof, and Mrs A. T. Jackson,
of Granville, were recent guests
of their daughter, Mrs. C. C.
Mr. and Mrs. John Savage and
family, of Celina, were in town
Monday en route home from
Misses Hallie Reeves, Dorathy
Anderson, Nannie B. and Sallie
Vanhooser, visited relatives on
Jenning'sCreeK, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wooten,
of Carthage, are visiting the
latter's mother, Mrs. Sadie
Be well and. Be full of life
and energy. Tanlac will do this
for you Anderson & Haile,
Gainesboro, Tenn. adv.
Misses Mattie Clay Smith,
Reba Smith and Ethel Anderson
have returned from Cooke ville,
where thev have been attending
summer school.
riiiefAmara rrrra f no aitavii
day and say Tanlac has been a
a uiessing 10 mem. we aavise
vou to try it Anderson & Haile,
Gainesboro, Tenn. adv
A feature of last week's
events was the party given Sat
urday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Montgomery.
Games and music were enjoyed,
and lemonade was served.
About 50 guests were present.
Mrs. Mary
children of Salt
cently moved
Mrs. Draper has
as teacher oi
fourth grades,
qualified for the
untiring worker
E. Draper and
Lick, have re
to Gainesboro.
been employed
the third and
She is ably
place, and is an
in this line.
Rev. Rose of Kentucky, began
a revival meeting at Woodrow
church on Roaring river, Sunday.
Large crowds are attending,
and much interest is being
shown. Bro. Rosa is well known
here, having conducted success
ful meetings in different parts
of the county, last year.
Your attention is called to the
ad of Dr. Geo. Crowell, presi
dent of Howard College, Galla
tin. If you are contemplating
sending your daughter to college
this fall, you should get in touch
with Dr. Crowell. He is a fine
man in the eyes of the people of
Gallatin, and has accomplished
great things in college work
there. S
Chairman's Quarterly Report
To the Honorable County Court of Jackson County:
Gentlemen: In accordance with the Statute I herein i ubmit
for your approval my report for the quarter ending June 30, 1922.
Said report embodies the bonded indebtedness of the County;
the analysis receipts of expenditures of the various funds; tabulat
ed report of the County Court appropriations, showing expendit.
ures, balance and over drafts; interest on county funds, sinking
fund, and tax aggregate for the year 1922.
First Bond Issue $75,000.00
Retired on first Bond Issue $25,000.00
Balance on first Bond Issue $50,000.00
Second Bond Issue $100,000.00
Total Bond Issue $150,000.00
W. F. Sadler. C. & M., report
J. L. Reeves, Circuit Court Clerk, reports
G. Lee McGlasson, County Court Clerks "
(J. L. Dudney, wildcats stills sold
' collection on work-house bonds .
J. P. report ....
J. E. Richmond, J. P., report
B. C. Anderson, J. P., report
Total Receipts
J. P's Per Diem, April Term 1922
Paid for wildcates stills
Expense of March Circuit Court
Expense of April Chancery Court
Expense of Juvenilh Court (both quarters) .
Insanity Proceedings ....
Sheriff's Jail Account
Supplies for Registers Office
Supplies for Clerk & Masters Office
Supplies for County Olerk's Office
Supplies for Circuit Clerk's Office
Total expenses for Quarter
Expenses over Receipts
Bal. due by Trustee, settlement No. 8, June 1 -
Claims on Revenue dockets "E" and "F."
Out standing Warrants on revenue docket E & F
Total Warrants outstanding and not issued' -
Amount County owes over assets
Poorhouse appropriation April term ...
Bal. due by Trustee June 1st. settlement No. 8
Warrants outstanding and issued
Bal. due this fund by Trustee after warrants pd
Toilet appropriation April term, 1922
Bal. due by Trustee settlement No. 8
Floating debt, 2 warrants cn BanK of Gainesboro,
$500 each , -
Bal. due on this fund by County
13 62
5 00
133 35
2,708. 63
513 34
537 32
198 36
318 88
Over paid by Trustee settlement No. 8
The county owes the Bank of Gainesboro balance
on the $25,000 bonds taken up by county this year 3,500.00
Balance due by Trustee, settlement No. 8 27.857.53
Most of this fund is in Notes not due, and Judgments,
which amount, when collected by Trustee, should be ex
pended for another $25,000, or $30,000 worth of Jackson
County's good road bonds.
Balance due by Trustee, settlement No. 8 $2,916 32
Balance due by Trustee, settlement No. 8 12,196.53
Interest on this fund Bank of Gainesboro and
Whitley ville 229.00
Over paid by Trustee, settlement No 8 97.50
We pay the University of Tennessee
Trustee's Settlement No. 8.
Due by Trustee..
Due by Trustee
Due by Trustey -..
Due by Trustee
Due by Trustee
Due by Trustee
Due by Trustee ...
Due by Trustee
Due by Truetee...
Due by Trustee .
Due by Trustee
Due by - Trustee
Due by Trustee
Due by Trustee,
Due by Trustee
Balance due by Trustee Settlement No. 8.
1st District.
2nd District
3rd District.
4th District.
Mh District.
6th District.
7th District.
8th District.
9th District.
10th District
11th District
12th District
13th District
14th District
15th District
- 116.15
.. .211.22
- .. . 71.73
.. .65.21
. 103.05
-.245 22
- -31. IS
-.115 63
(Dudney's Hill)
Health of this community is
very good
Bro. John Fox delivered an
interesting sermon at this place.
Joe and Grace West were the
the guests of their uncle, Louis
Pharr's. Saturday night.
Andrew Way, wife and child
ren took dinner Sunday with
with Louis Pharris and family.
Bro. John Fox took dinner
with George Netherton Sunday.
Mary L. Trisdale was the
guest of Edna Bowman recently.
The singing school is progress
ing .licely at this place.
Helloi Charlie Oden Fox.
how is the little boy now?
Several from this place at
;ended the meeting at Woodrow
Sunday night
Jim Way and family took
dinner with his parents, S. S.
Way and wife.
Burnice West visited his
uncle, W. D. West Saturday.
Bro. John Dudney will preach
at this place next Sunday at 11
o'clock a. m.
G. L DUDNEY. Chairman
Here's were yoi lean what ob
on in rarions section if the cotatt
(CooKeville R-7)
J J Carrington went to Wind
e last week on business.
Henry Webb, of Waterloo, was
here Saturday on business.
J C Wilmoth finished his saw
sot at the Greenwood set last
week. k
Clint Masters' many friends
was glad to learn that Pie won
he prize July 4th, for being a
brother to Mut and Jeff.
J J Gentry was out last Sat-
Bro. Knight, of Macon Coun
ty passed throug here last Sat
urday en route to Netherton to
hold a potracted meeting.
Will Webb left last Saturday
for Dayton. Ohio.
Jay Carrington went to Cooke-
ville on business the first of the
Mr. King, the lumberman of
Algood. was here last week,
looking after his lumber inter
Vanus Webb and Will Nelson.
the lumber hawlers, went to Al
good last week.
Mrs. Jim Gentry is no better.
John L. Young and Perry
Mabry, candidetes for constables
are both claiming the election
August 3rd.
Mrs. Ben A. Fox and her
parents, H K Boalman and wife
of Overton County were here
last Friday on business.
Drewy Smith, went to Market
last week for Lane's store.
P. D. Barlett, of Overton Coun
ty, has i lonely time keeping
F M Jackson, our Deputy
sheriff, transacted business in
in Sourwood last week.
Dewy West was out in our
vicin.-y last week on business.
Special Service at Ffrcn's
lick Methodist Cbcrdt
We are glad to announce tha
the CooKeville Quartett, com
posed of Messrs Austin Smith,
Birch Wilcox. Charlie Stanton
and Perrv Bilyeu, will conduct
religious service at the Methodist
church in Flynn's Lick, on Sun
day July 23, at 11 A. M. This
is to be everybody's service, and
not a show, and will be an old
time religous song service. The
public is cordially invited.
News tkal Bterest if, ui ordain
to wiut all art doiif ad sarisf
a S. Minor, of Cookeville,
was in town Monday.
Several couple motored to tha
Roaring river mill-dam Monday
and took a plunge.
Taxie! Call Claude Roberta,
Gainesborn, Phone, 93. Charges
reasonable. .
Misses Thelma and Mary
Rash, of Cookeville, are the
guests of Miss Reba Smith.
JacK McGlasson. of Cookeville,
was the guest of his brother.
Lee McGlasson and family,
his week.
When in need of Taxi Mr-
vice, vcall Claude Roberts. Gaines
boro. Phone 9a Telephone
calls give prompt attention.
Mrs. Polly Ann McGlasson and
daughter' Miss Avo, and grand
son. Eugene Sadler, were recent
guests of relatives in Gainesboro.
Jim Pearson, of the 14th dis
trict, was in town Tuesday. He
brought a nice size yellow cat
fish, which he sold to M. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Maxey, of
Celina, were in Gainesboro Sun
day to meet their son, Fred, who
was en route home from Nashville.
L B. Pate, the popular repre
sentative of Harris-Da via Dry
Goods Co., Nashville, spear,
a few days in the house last
week, getting new samples and
The class of people who en
dorse Tanlac is a convinsing
guarantee of the medicine's
merit Give it a trial. Ander
son & Haile. Gainesboro. Tenn.
John McCauley, Frank Bailey,
Chas Young. Ed Draper and
Arvin Roberts went to Harts-
ville one day last week to set
some cars for Draper and If c
Cawley (X local Ford agents.
Miss Mamie Morgan, of Wash
ington. D. C, after spending a
few days with relatives in Cooke
ville, came down last wees for
a visit with Gainesboro friends
and relatives.
W. M. Gailbreath. who bat
been confined to his room with
paralysis for the past 15 months.
is getting along as well as usual.
His general health is very good.
but there is no change in his
paralytic condition.
F. L Tardy has begun work
preparatory to building anew
residence on the lot recently
purchased of D. B. Johnson.
The lot joins the old Marry
property, in the north east sec
tion of town, and is a very de
sirable location for a home. .
E L Burton, of Willette, was
in town Tuesday on business.
Mr. Burton owns a farm on
Fund's- Branch, this county,
where he had been spending "a
few days. He moved to Macon
county two years ago for the
benefit of his wife's and baby V
health, which he reports much
Mm. J. H. Stafford, who tam.
tained a dislocated hip by fall
ing a few weeks ago, is doing
as well as she possible could un
der the circumstances. It will
be some time before she will be
able to set u p, however. She ha s
a trained nurse, and is gettirj
all the necessary care and attention.