FARM LOANS Loans on farm lands, at the rate of 6 percent interest, WITH PRIVILEGE OF PA 1NG ON THE PRINCIPAL at any annual interest period. as a rule farmers do not care to encumber their land with a long term mortage without the privilege of repaying the entire loan in a reasonable lengh of time. Many sales have been prevented because the borrowers have been unable to abtain a re ease of the mortage before maturity without the payment of a HEAVY BONUS Under the option in our mortage papers THE BORROWER CAN RE PAY THE ENTIRE LOAN, OR ANY PORTION OF IT, AT ANY INTEREST PERIOD if he de sires to do so. The rartial payment privilege, and long time, make this con tract a very favorable and de sirable one for farmers. WE GIVE ALL LOANS OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION AND CLOSE THEM WITHOUT DE LAY AS WE ARE NOT HAND1 CAPPED BY THE LACK OF MONEY. For futher information ad dress: BRADFORD-BAIRD REALTY COMPANY. Carthage, Tennessee. Tan, Calif. SUNMER COUNTY FARM FOT SALE Located at the head of Middle fork creek, mile of Dike. 4 miles west of Westmoreland. The tract contains 163 acres. 50 acres in rich bottom meadow land; The remainder level to rolling. All in grass. Large fine two story house in go d re- Eair. Two barns, good tenant ouse. The best spring in the state. In fact, this is a dandy good home. Known as the Thorton farm and can be bought for $5,000.00. terms to suit buy er. Call at farm for fufher in formation or write E. L. Rippy. Dallas, Tex. Sta. A. Taft, Calif. July 2, '22. As I havn't seen anything in the paper from this section of the State since I've been here, Thought I would drop a few lines. I am 15 miles out of Taft. with the American Pet. Co. There are several boys here from old Jackson County and all of them are at work, except Arthor Allen. He arrived here Saturday. Arthor says if the world i3 as long the other way as it is from Gainesboro out here, it is pretty good size piece of lan! after all. Ti.4is are very good here. This Company is doing quite a lot of work, although not near as much as when I came here! Jace Stafford and Jim Poston down from Coalinga. about three weeks ago, and went to work. They say times are dull in Coa linga. It is extremely hot here. I havn't seen any rain since I left there, June 4th. It registered 122 in the shade a few days ago. That's some heat, believe me. The sand i3 so hot the lizards have to crawl up the steam pipes to get their breaths. Come on Slicker Snake and tell us the latest from Yuby Dam Regards to all. Nevel Roberts, P. A. P. Co. Box K. Sec 6. 0. G. Fox Declared Nominee Hon. O. G. Fox br;ig the only regularly qualify candidate for the Democr' ,c nomination for Representative, for Jackson County, Tennessee, in theen- sueing primary in August next and, having no opponent qualified against him as required by law, is hereby declared the nominee of the Democratic party, for said office in the ele ction to be held in November, 1922. This July 17 1922. J. L MCCARVER CHM P. J. ANDERSON SECY DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY BOARD FOR JACKSON COUN- TY. TENNESSEE. A man never can figure out to his own satisfaction what his wife saw about him to make her believe he was worth settling down with, and some of us might feel worse if we did really know how it happened. A millon or more dead letters were received by the postal de partment at Washington during the past year which does not include the statues that are not enforced. The reason that an august body like the legislature meets in January is because it would'nt be practical for it to meet in Aug ust for the reason that when it came to September morn there would not be a, man left on the job. Resolutions. We, the committee on resolu tions, submit the following for your consideration. Be it resolved. 1st. That we extend to the citizens of Gainesboro our thanKs for their hospitality to the county teachers, 2nd. That, we express our appreciation for the help re ceived from the interesting talKs of Messrs Cox, Jackson, Perry and others. 3rd. That, we extend our appreciation of the excellent work in music bv Miss Bolen. 4th. That, we express thanks to the girls, who gave reiding and music, which we enjoyed so much. 5th. That, we extend to Judge Gardenhire our thanks for his presence and very earnest lecture, stressing our opportuni ty for service in school work. 6th. That, we exDress our thanks to the County Court of Jackson County, for the opportu nity to give the children of Jack son County a real school term, and we pledge them our very best efforts to be of real service 1ALLY At C 0 O K EVIL L E, Thursday, July 27, 1922 Hon. Benton McMillin, Guest of Honor He will address the voters of Fourth Congressional District in the interest H of Us (ardidacy for the gubernatorial nomination. Don't fail to hejr Tcnns most beloved stateman discuss the issues uf the campaign. 3V Tbia iY Itartaeftt P To be spread for this all-day 'love-feast' You cannot afford to miss this I great get-together meeting. Delegations will be there from the fourteen J mia t( tit pAnrfli rnnrrraecinrnl Hicfrirf Tolro vrnr fomilu until vnn in this county. 7th. Beit further resolved, that we extend to Supt. Gail breath, and the County BoarJ, our thanks for their hearty co operation and consideration, and hope to be able to make their vision for the better schools a reality 8th. Also, that, we have a copy of resolutions printed in rthe county paper. Respt. Submitted, Mrs. Lona Stanton Elora Fox Mrs. Lois Reeves Democrat Primary Election Notice, Thursday, Aug ust 3rd, 1922. We, the undersigned Board of Dem ocratic Primary Election Commission ers for Jackson County, Tennessee, hereby appoint the following officers, clerks and judges, to serve at the Democratic Primary election to be held at the various voting precints of said county on the 3rd day of August, 1922, and all persons named below are required under the statute to serve, under penalty of the laws of Tennes see. 1st District Officer R. A. Montgomery, Clerks-W. F. Sadler, C. C. Gore. Judges-F. L. Tardy, J B Dudney, Ree Roberts. 2nd District Officer-W. F. McCawley. Clerks J V Pistole, Forkum. Judges-J C Hackett, R. B. Huffines Henry Sadler. 3rd District Officer Pierce Byrne. Clerks J T Lansden, Curry Huffines Judges-J M Dixon, W H Richard son, John Brown. 4th District Officer-M. G. Cassetty. Clerks Cap Clark, Leslie Clark. Judges Houston Webb, B. M. Crabtree, Jeff Cherry. 5th District Offier Bascomb Brown. Clerks Guy Maddux, Henry Page. Judges Heneerson Eller, Henry Holleman, W. R. Watts. 6th District Officer-John Cox. Clerks-T. H. Norton, G. W. Gentry Judges-J L Hawkins, Minis Barlow, Jonas Reed. 7th District Officer-John Carter. Clerks Vernon Ragland, O B Brown Judges Jubilee Wheeler, John Brown, Will Carter. 8th District Officer-O. L. Scantland Clerks Andrew Flynn, Harve Smith Judges Bent Smith, Hamp Lynn, Perry Crowder. 9th District Officer-Alvin Hix. Clerks-B M Hensley, Judges Albert Lynn, man, A J. Holloway. 10th District Officer -William Pippin. Clerks-J H. Cummins, Whitaon. Judges Boone Anderson, Davis Ma berry, Meredith Fox. 11th District Officer VV. A. Jones. Clerks-Charlie Ragland, J. T Hogg Judges-T .M. Ragland, Shelby Har gis, John P. Gailbreath. 12th Diftrict Officer-Buck Billingsley. Clerkf. Bedford Anderson, Flatt. Judges T. E. Anderson, Bart FoX C. L. Lock. 13th District Officer Marion Crowder. Clerka-Ewing Ta:lor, Bedford Van hooser. Judges R. B. Crowder, Son Botts, G. C. Quarles. 14th District Officer -M. F. Butler. Clerks -Vasco Murphy, Rufe Smith, Judges-White Myers, Ira Dixon, W. A. Corn well. 15th District Officer- Johnnie Phillips. Clerks H. B. Dodson, Jesse Casou. Judges-Henry Hall, Walter Hix. Barlow Willi ford. Respectfully, J. L. McCarver. Csw. P. J. Anderson, Secj. F. A. Cornwell. H L. McDearman W. L. Law son. Board of Commissioners. W. O La wso". Frank Ch;ip Dillard Dugg guests of Mrs Henry Holleman. Mr. and Mrs. Raymoid Haile have returned to Gallatin. Miss Marguerite Hands has returned home after attending summer school at T. P. I. A. A. Stanton, Misses Fannie and Ethel Stanton and Mrs. Robt Stanton, of Nashville, are spending a few days with rela tives here Miss Maggie Lou Huff is visit ingnear Gallatin. Mrs. H. J. Shanks and child ren of Cookeville are here for the week:. Chas Kirkpatrick, of Lebanon, was here last week in the inter est of Cumberland University. Miss Mary Nell Ferrell is visiting Miss Virgie Johnson at Fiynn's Lick. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carter, of Nashville, are visiting re latives here. Cnt Pharris has returned from Cookeville. H1LHAM Floyd Bilbrey was a recent guest of Bill Lee and wife. Marion Murphy, of California, is visiting relatives here Jesse farmer, who is attend ing summer school at Livingston, is now at home, on a short visit. Re. Judkins, pastor of the Celina Methodist church, was in Hilham a few days ago. COOKEVILLE R. 7. R A Webb, miller at Windle, was here recently. C P Roberts has returned from Gainesboro. Sunday school at West is pro gressing nicely under the man agement of Clint Masters Supt. Amos Mabry's little Infant, died last Saturday nicht and was burried at Dodson Branch. ; Mary Bartlett, Birda Hardy ! and Mrs. M. J. Roberts visited Mrs. Jay Carrington Sunday. Dudney s Hill Singing Cbx The Dudney's Hill shgins Class, under the leadership cf their efficient instructor, Lev! Bowman, passed thru town Tuesday morning en route to woodrow church, on Roaring river, where they were invited to conduct the song service in ft protracted meeting, which is In progress there. Three farm wagons were necessary to carry the class, which is composed of the following: Levi Bowman, teacher in charge, Mrs Emma Bowman, Lassie Trisdale, Edna Bowman. Lena Netherton. Durward Staff ord. Ruby Trisdale, Mary L Trisdale, Addie Bowman, Ishmel Netherton, Donald Bowman, Ruby Roberts, Joe Hamlet, Bed ford Martin. v Elijah Bowman. Kose and Ruby Netherton. Mamie Bowman, Neill Leslie, B. Trisdale. Manson Byrd. Lucy Hanner, Jordan Hanner. Mary Roberts. Martha Keith. Oth Mabry. Willie Bowman, Mattie Clay Trisdale, Ruby Young, Rose Young. Flora Pharris, Ada Sue inaiiio, uuiuiic iiiaino, uituj Pharris, Hubert Pharris, Lewis Pharris and last but not least, "Uncle" Matt Keith, soloist FOR SALE-Two good tracts of land, lying in the 11th civil district of Jackson County, con taining 50 and 66 acres. Both tracts have reasonable good houses and barns. Term: One third down and balance in one and two years time. For furth er particulars write W. W. Jones, Westmoreland, Tenn.. K-G. or see J. B. Jones, Gaines boro, R-3, near the land. (adv. MM Ifl Clearence Sale Of Slippers Now going on at Dennis & TmsIVs sUn-e. Buy. a D;iir of th slipp-n whili; ;u hvc tlie opportunity to get them cheap Our stojk is urge and the prices small These slippers nie a!! j;ood style and made to give service. You must see ihese slippers to really ap preciate their worth. Call when in twon. a cordial welcome awaits you. . DENNIS & TINSLEV, North Side Square t HOWARD COLLEGE, GALLATIN, TENN. R A school standing for tin roughness, College sprirt. Christian character. COURSES: Primary, Inter mediate, High School, two year's College, Piano, Voice. Expression, Art, Home Economics, Commerical. Ex cellent Gynmasium, Good Board, Attractive Domitories, Beautiful Campus, Splendid Faculty, Small Classes, Personal touch. For bulletin, address, Geo. H. Crowell, Pres., Gallatin, Tenn. Fall term opens Sept. 13. GRANVILLE. BRASS BAND, PATRIOTIC MUSIC, NATIONAL AIRS, A "HOT TIME" Sidnev French Former, of Louisville Ky., is here for a few i weecs. ' Flavy Pate, of Gainesboro, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Leslie ! Hargis. Misses Doris and Willard BURRITT COLLEGE Famous Old Mountain School-Established 1847 , Healthful location on Cumberland iNIountain at Spencer, Tenn. Primary and Grammar School Departments. Four-Year High School Course. Two years College, Classical and Scientific Courses. Bible Department Commerical Department Teacher-Training Depart ment. Home Economics. Physical Culture. Music Expression. Atheltics. Gymnasium. Dormitories. Literary Societies. Good Libraries. Delightful Stud ent Life. Constant oversight of pupils. Expenses Light RUN for the CHRISTIAN EDUCATION of BOYS and GIRLS and NOT FOR PROFIT. Students admitted any time during the term. Fall term begins August 15, 1922 For complete information, write H. E SCOTT. President, Spencer, Tenn. 3 'Johnson, of Gainesboro, are the