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Jackson County sentinel. (Gainesboro, Tenn.) 1914-current, August 17, 1922, Image 2

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JacbonCounty Sentinel
E. W. Tardy, Editor
G. B. Gailueath, Business Manager
Subscription price, s
fiatend m atcontf daaa matter at tha Poatoffica la
Gaactbofo,TantL. under AcU of Coognta, 1879
suBCRipnoN rateT
(Outside of County)
, ONE YEAR $1.50
MONTHS ... , .85
What nr neighbart sod
trt doing that interest
Miss Lyda Cummin is in Nash
ville this week.
Dr. H. P. Loftia was a recent
Yisitor in Cooke ville.
Kirk Williams of Decherd, was
liere on business first of the
Kirk Dennis spent the week
end with home folks at Rough
MissOda Herod, of Whitley
tille, is the guest of Gainesboro
Letcher Bailey has gone to
Spencer, where he will enter
JJurritt College.
Miss Leona Haile and Wallace
Haile, of Flynn's Lick visited
in Gainesboro Monday.
J. W. McCoin returued from
Detroit, Mich., Wednesday, and
Is with his family at McC-.ins-ville.
Rev. K. A. Early will begin
a revival meeting at Woodrow
next Sunday. The public is in
vited. Mrs. D. C. Lynn has returned
from a visit with her mother,
Irs. Mary Crawford, in Cooke
ville. .-Mary Joe Meadows has retur
ed to Gainesboro, after spend
ing the summer with relatives at
Bennett's Ferry.
J 'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reeves,
of Cookeville, have been visiting
the former's parents, Dr. and
Most Miles
per Dollar
M ,c
has been
the past
IcontiAbd to his bed for
iweek with a severe attack of
j malarial fever, is improving
, Mary Furgerson Gaines has
returned from a visit with her
' uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
J E Haines, of Whitleyville.
Misses Lillie Brown and Lucile
Gist have returned from Celina,
where they visit relatives and at
; tended the Clay County Fair.
I William Colonel and Wayne
'Anderson have returned from
an extended visit with their
grand parents, Dr. and Mrs.
,W. B. Page at Granville.
j Charley Morgan of Flynn's
'creek, was in town Monday.
Judging from his looks Charles
seems to be iaking on plenty of
of nourishraest
B. A. Butler, attorney of
Nashville, transacted legal busi
ness here first of the the week.
Mr. Butler is a former resident
of Granville.
Circuit Court convened here
Monday with Judge E. GSr.od
grass on the bench. A very
light docket, as has been the
case for a number of terms,
was disposed of Wednesday.
Miss Alene McDearman, of
Defeated, waa a visitor in Gain
esboro Saturday. Miss McDear
man will leave this week for
Knoxville, where she will enter
the University of Tennessee.
New and renewal subscrip
tions are coming in daily. Are
you a subsriber? If not, get on
the bandwagon now and get the
news from all parts of the coun
ty, and other places as well. $1
a year in the county.
Elenor Haile, of Cookeville,
after spending a week with her
grand-mother, Mrs. Pine Mor
gan, left Monday for Flynn's
Lick, where she will spend a
week with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Haile.
Frank Byran has resigned his
position as mail carrier on the
Double Spring-Gainesboso route,
and is running a taxi. His place
as mail carrier is being filled by
Wesley Roberts, of Double
Springs. Mr. Roberts will move
to Gainesboro, as soon as he can
secure a house.
"oi Extra Mileage
IT is aD. trueevery word of the newt, that's
going around about Firestone mileage rec
ords and the phenomenal salt , that have
Chances are you really haven't heard the
full story of the wonderful success of Fire
stone Cords. We'd like you to call and get
the actual facts. That is one sure way to
make your next tire purchase a logical busi
ness buy. Well explain the blending and
tempering of rubber double gunxilppirig
and the air-bag cure special Firestone .
Tha iDontl aaDaaga batnf maata aiaijasara aril
atir ywar ambition to raduca tha opantaaf casta of ytnt
own car.
A call on aa cn tafia do obhgadoo. Oat tha raeawds
divtdt tha Aataneea thaa Oroa ara covartnf by
Firaatooa price. Tbaa yoall be eoovtacad thai Moat
Milaa par Dollar maaaa what It aajs.
Drop la Aaj Tbmm
fawuc ccero
JOtf OMM4 tar . . KM
i . us
Sold by
& McCAWLEY CO, Dealers
"MB Hal . . 46.IS
"V- f II Tu
Bible Gtyimgljifl fnr With
LOVE CAST OUT FEAR. There is no fear in love;
but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath
torment He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
-1 John 4: ia
SEEK THINGS ABOVE:-Set your affiections on
things above, not on things on earth. Colossians 3: 2.
Ye connot serve God and Mammon. Matthew 6: 24.
LIFE AND GOOD DAYS:-He that will love life,
and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from
evil, and his lips that they speak no guile.-l Peter
A CONSTANT PREYER:-Withhold not thou
tender mercies from me, 0 Lord: let thy lovingkind
nessandthy truth continually preserve me. -Psalm
40: 11.
Rev. Leonard Jackson, of
Nashvile, closed a very success
ful revival meeting at Meagsville
Sunday night. Much interest
was shown all along and large
crowds were in attendance.
There were four additions to the
church. Bro. Jackson retured
home Monday.
J. D. Dudnev of Detroit,
Mich., came in last Wednesday
and is the guest of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Dudney.
Mr. Dudney says the labor prob
lem is getting to be a serious
affair in the big city on account
of the coal situation. Many of
the big indurtries are closing
down, and others are cutting
wages in order to be able to
operate, he states.
B. L Quarles and Miss Mona
Sadler, of the firm of Quarles
& Reeves Co., have gone to St
Louis, where they will spend the
week buying fall and winter
merchandise for the firm.
E. M. Hix, of Venture, Calif.,
came in last week, and is visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Hix, near Whitleyvflle.
I IT! J t .1 .
air. nix ana nis iatner were in
town Saturday and spent a few
minutes with the editors.
Garland Jackson, Register was
out of his office several days last
week taking a little vacation.
Mf RajvWr Saw
He spent from Thursday till
Monday morning with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jachson,
near Bloomington, and says he
feels more like registering deeds
than he ever did.
Mark Minor of Cookeville, is
is the guest of Mark G. Tardy
this weeK. Mare is a former
Gainesboro boy, and is pretty
well acquainted with everybody,
although his parents moved to
Cookeville when be was only a
J. H. Stafford was in Nashville
firstofthe week.
Miss Lellie Draper, who con-
ducts a millinery shop in the
department store of Draper &
Draper Co., left Monday for
Cincinnati and Louisville, where
she will spend two weeks buying
fall millinery.
Lordell Young; has returned
from a ten days: stay in Nash
Hugh Howser of Lafayette,
and Ollie York, of Nashville,
popular insurance writers, were
in' town .Wednesday and Thur
.John j. Gore, of Cookeville,
attends circuit court here this
LOST-Between Brook's Fer
ry and Gainesboro, a palmbeach
coat. Binder please return to
N. B. Richmond, Gainesboro,
Mrs. Martha Jackson, of Galla
a. W M
tin, amvea Wednesday for an
extended visit to her sister, Mrs.
W. M. Gailbreath.
Mr. and Mrs. Carson Tyler and
little daughter, of Cookeville,
1 i m
passed mm nere ruesday, en
route home from a week's stay
in Celina.
Flour that produces better re
suits Polly Rich. Tip Top, Cake
Taker, $1.20 per 24 pound bag
We also handle Sweet Wheat at
Jlper bag. Graham flour at
45c per bag. It's delicious. Try
one of these brands. For sale
byM.F. Bailey & Son. (adv.)
R. J. Griggs, of Nashville, well
known insurance writer, is here
this week,, looking after busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Luke McGlasson,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGlasson
and Freeman McGlasson, after a
ten days visit here, left today,
(Thursday,) for their homes in
Indianapolis, Ind.
Joe McGlasson. after an
absence of about ten months,
returned home Monday. Joe
spent a few months in Philadel
phia, Pa., but for the past four
months, he has been tourinsr
the country, having visited a
number of the northern states.
Joe is of the opinion that Tenn
essee is just as good as any of
11. L (Jack) Stephens las
been visiting his parents, Mr.
Mrs. M H Stephens on R-4 He
left this week for Red Springs,
where he will spend several days
before returing to his work with
the Washington Mfg Co., of
Otto Price and family and
H P Price and family have re
turned to Christerpher, I1L
R. A. Montgomery and family
went to Spencer today (Thurs
day.) They were accompained
by Cannon Meadows, who will
enter ihool there.
May start a blaze that will throw a spark to
PROPERTY and destroy the accumulations of
time. If matters not how careful YOU are, you can
not guarantee the carefulness of other people.
Tn c f f M n r s c on protection
llloUrdULC for your property,
I write the most liberal policies, in the leading com
panies of the world. For safety see me NOW.
Fa La Tardy, Gainesboro
Miss Loraine Sullivan of West
Point, Miss., is the guest of re
latives here.
R. P. Pharris has returned to
Miss Virginia Carlen and
brother, Henry, of Cookeville,
have been visiting here.
Mrs. P. J. Anderson and
Harry L. Page of Gainesboro
spent a few days recently with
their parents, Dr. and Mrs
W. B. Page
John Watts has returned from
J. H.. H. D. and Leslie Hargis
and Albert Ferrell have gone to
Aberdeen. Miss.
Miss Katherine Hargis is
spending the week in Nashville.
Miss Helen Page Jackson has
returned, after an extended visit
with relatives in Ky.
Miss Sallie Myers of Gladdico,
has been the guest of Miss
Medora Maddux.
Mr. and Mrs. Ramond Haile
of Gallatin spent the week-end
Jim Frank Hargis has return
ed to Murfreesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Duke
Hartsville are here.
Miss Mary Emma Cooper has
returned, after a visit with
friends in Cookeville and Mary
a? a VaTiia a
miss Mattie Mai Morgan ana
Oliver Johnson of Flynn's Lick
were here recently.
Mrs. Chas McClaren of Carth
age is visiting her mother, Mrs,
Mantha Maddux.
Mrs L C Williamson and child
ren. Anna Holmes and Eleanor,
of Nashville are here for a few
Mrs. Walter Dowell and child
ren spent the week-end
Sullivan's Bend.
Mrs. W. C. Williamson is in
Mrs. W. H. Cornwell is on the
sick list.
m a p m w t i
Miss uutn McDonald has re
turned from Buffalo Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. H J Shanks ant)
children spent Sunday here.
m a rti i art a
miss niancne Darwin ana
Annie Sadler, Bayless Anderson
and Frank Bailey of Gainesboro
spent Sunday here.
Boy Scoots Enjoy First Camp.
The Boy Scout organization
in command of i. L. Tardy,
Scoutmaster, spent several days
last week camping. The camp
was located on Cumberland nv
eratthe mouth of Hamilton's
Branch, nine miles northeast o
town. The tents were pitched
under large maple trees, which
affored ample shade, making it
an ideal camp site. -
The weather was ideal, and be-
iweennsmng, nunting, swimme
a 41 l.a
and other sports the boys had
the time of their young lives
Meals were served on schedule
time and in army style, the menu
consisting of fish, bacon, chick
en, potatoes, eggs, coffee, and
various fruits. Xne vigerous
exercise and the outdoor life
gave the youngesters a ravenous
appetite, and it was more than
a one man s job to prepare
ml i . it
ine Doys ai me camD were:
Morgan Johnson, James Draper,
Fred Reeves, Charlie Younir.
Letcher Bailey, Rogers and Will
Grundy Qurrles, Will H. Bryne,
Cordell Brooks, lark Tardy.
John E. Gist, Fred E Tardy, Ed
Draper, Raggio Settle. Brockett
organ, and Edgar Reeves.
A large number of visitors
were at the camp, one of the
most prominent and helpful was
Johnie Gipsoh. .
The many courtesies shown
them by Ir. and Mrs. Hamilton
were highly appreciated and will
long be remembered by the boys.
County Fair Oct
ober 6-7.
Officers Elected Premna
List To Be Published.
All the necessary arranse
mentsforthe county agricultu
ral fair, to be held at Gaines
boro on Friday and Saturday,
October 6 and 7, were made at
meeting held here Satuaday, and
the officers of the various depar
tments named. .
S. G. Rogers was elected gen
eral Manager and R. S. Dudney,
Secretary and Treasurer. .
A premium catalog is being
printed and will be handed and
mailed out as soon as completed.
The premium list will appear in
next week's Sentinel.
Officers for the various depart
ments are as follows:
Executive Committee White
Myers, W. M. Draper G L Dud
ney, H H Brown, J W Fox, J.
M. Draper, Lee Carter, F. L.
Tardy, B L Quarles, Herman
Haile, A. McCawley, M E Pate,
Sylvester Rogers, Joe Lee, W.
B. Flynn, G W Gentry, Jr. Hen
ry Hall, J L McCarver, Vaden
H Whteler, Bo Hargis.
Agriculture-Oliver Johnson,
White Myers, S G Rogers.
Horticulture John W. Fox,
H H Brown.
Home and Educational Wo
man's Section-Mrs W E Mc
Dearman, Ferol NQrton, Mrs.
EW Tardy.
Women and'Girls Home Dem
onstration Work Hermanf-Haile,
Mrs Ben F Baugh, Mrs D C
Home and Educational Chil
dren Otha Smith, Sallie Myers,
OC Norton
Sensational -A T Jackson, A.
Relics-F L Tardy, Harry
Page 1
Poultry, Swine and Sheep
Sylvester Rogers, J L Dudney.
Mules, Horses, Ponies, Cattle
R S Dudney Jessie Cason.
Every citizen in the county is
requested and urged to get busy
and booit the fair. Its for the
benefit of all who "will take an
interest in it This has been an
ideal season and the exhibits
are going to be numerous in ev
ery department
Mrs. George Gpsoa.
Mrs. George Gipson, age 42.
died at her home in White coun-
y, Mondy, August 14, following
a relapse of typhoid fever. The
remains were brought to this
County for interment, which
ook place in the Anderson cem
etery, on Flynn's creek. Tues
day afternoon, Rev. K. A. Early
of Gainesboro, conducting the
The deceased, before her mar
riage, was Miss Lula Jones,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wade
ones, of Westmoreland, and
was born and reared in in thet
1th civil district of this county,
where she lived, up till about
wo years ajro. at which time
:y moved to White County.
Besides her husband and parents
she is survived by ten children
and several brothers and sisters.
Putnam County fair, August
24, 25. 26.

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