Newspaper Page Text
HOWARD COLLEGE, GALLATIN, TENN. Q Q O A school standing for thoroughness. College sprirt. Christian character. COURSES:-Primary. Inter- mediate, High School, two year's College. Piano, Voice. Expression, Art, Home Economics, Commerical. Ex cellent Gynmasium, Good Board, Attractive Domitories, Beautiful Campus, Splendid Faculty, Small Classes, 1SW1 Personal touch. , For bulletin, address, Geo H. Crowell. i Pres., Gallatin, Tenn. Fall term opens Sept. 13. 3 . i. 1 Mil cigarettes I 1 VAX 4AVK VP HZ TO i AUTOMOBILE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Au tomobile Service, Day or Night. I will have spec ial low rates to CooKeyille and return during the Put nam County fair. Ride with me and save money. I will greatly appreciate your patronage. Call Claude Roberts, Gainesboro, Phone 93 Will Soon Be Here tut rriCDDATcn " . Putnam County FAll" August 24, 25, 26, 1922 There is no place like our Fair to meet and greet old friends, and make new ones. Special attraction for your amusement a big . carnvial will be on the Fair Grounds all week, Day and Night The best fair we ever held. A Mirror of pros perity. Liberal premiums offered. This will be the biggest event of the year. Don't miss a single day. For premium list and information A. P. Barnes, Sec, Cookeville, Tenn. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE v'- James Hix et ux. VS Wooten Cherry et a!. In Chancery Court at Gainesboro, Tennessee. It appearing from the bill filed in this cause, which is sworn to, that Defendants Alice McCawley, and her husband Willie McCawley, are nonres idents of the State of Tennessee, and cannot be served with the ordinary process of law: It is ordered that said Defendants enter their appearance herein, before the Clerk & Master, at his office in the courthouse in Gainesboro, Tenn., on or before the third Monday in Sep tember, 1922, next, and plead, answer, or demur to Complainants bill, or the same will be taken for confessed as to tbem, and set for hearing ex parte; and that a copy of this order be pub lished for four consecutive weeks in the Jackson County Sentinel, a news paper published in Gainesboro, Tenn. This 7th day of August, 1922. W. F. Sadler, C. & M. D. B. Johnson, Solr for Complt. 8 31. Teachers' To Meet Saturday, August 26. The Jackson County Teachers' Association will convene in Gain esboro, Saturday, August 26. Program. 9:30-10 Devotional Exercise, Hiram Way. 10-10:30 Primary Methods, Hedora Maddux, Mauie. McCoin, Rose Johnson. 10:30-ll:15-My Methods of Teaching the Fundamentals of Arithmetic W. C. Davis, Ver non Ragland. J. F. Gaines. HOMliSO-A Reading, Wil lixrd Johnson. 11:30-1 Noon Recess. l.-00-lO-Disdpline, H. J. Cox. 1:30-2:00 Athletics for Boys d Girls, J. F. Beck, Ernest McDearman, Pay ton Pharris. 2:00--2:30-Cooperation in School Work, A. T. Jackson, Clyde I. Ensor. The Recitation, A. F. Dixon, John Johnson, Mrs. A. T. Jack son, Sallie Myers, Mary Cum mins. Let every teacher be present. Study the program and give us your ideas in these discussions. Estelle Gailbreath, Co. Supt. BIG BRANCH. W They are GOOD! Miss Cora Frizzell, of Cooke ville, has been visiting herspep mother, Mrs. Jane Frizzell. A. W. Reynolds and two daughters, have been visiting his sister, Mrs. G. S. Hargis, of Baxter. Cordell Frizzell is visiting his uncle, J B Frizzell in Christiana. Homer Reynolds has returned from Roberson County, where he has been visiting his uncle, Putie Wheeler. Alvis Byrne and wife spent Saturday night with his brother, Clay Byrne. L E. Wade and family are visiting relatives in Sparta. Miss Mary Dowell is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas Cook near Franklin. Meeting begins here Aug. 20, conducted by Bro. Willie Hunter, of Hilham. Everybody invited to attend and bring some one with them. Lena Mai SpurlocK is visiting near Hartsville Mrs. Laura Anderson and Mable Carter, of Shady Grjve, has been visiting Mrs. Ander, son's mother, Mrs. Lula Dowell Bill Yates was the guest of Ed Mathis, Sunday. Bethel "Frizzell and Cora Fronia Dowell spent Sunday afternoon with Perlie Reynolds. Mis3 Dona Frizzell has return ed from Boma, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs, Susan Apple. A wedding of much interest to a wide circle of friends was that of Miss Annie Reynolds and FranKlin Guess, which occured Sunday at 2:30 P.. M.t near the bride's home. The ceremony was said by Squ. B. J. Jones; They have a host of friends, who wish them much happiness. NORTH SPRINGS. School at this place is doing just fine now. Have one hund red and eight enrolled, and all are doing good work. Pro. Geo. H. Crowell, presi dent of Howard Female College, Gallatin, visited the school last week. He made an interesting talk and gave a lot of good advice to the girls. Dennis Carter, of Castallian Springs, has returned home, after visiting relatives here. Bailey ClarK and family are moving to Red Boiling Springs this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilson, Mrs. Wilson's mother and Misses Auba Keith and Okla Keeling are visiting relatives in Ky.. this week. Miss Dorthula Bohanon is going to Red Springs, also Miss Dovie Jenkins is of the same mind Lula Jones is still swinging on the pearly gates, but the hinges are getting rusty, and she came very near breaking them a few Sunday nights ago. Miss Nola Quarles and Walter Birdwell are frequent visitors at N. S. H. S. Misses Lorelle and Grace Sadler, Nola and Maurine Quar les spent last Wednesday night in Red Springs. The young people of Whitley - ville, and some from N. S., went to Red Springs on a picnic last Wednesday and reported a nice time. Mack Smith and family spent Sunday night in Willette. Mr. and Mrs. Harding Shoul ders, of Castallian Springs, have been visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Benton Haile, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meadows and children and Mr. and Mrs. Hard ing Shoulders took dinner with W. P. Jones and wife, Sunday. Ruby JenKins is one of-the best writers of poetry that we have. She wrote a beautiful poem entitled, "Honolulu Blues." Anna Lee Smith isn't a teach er yet, she is trying to get a position. Edith Cassetty says the roads at Celina are very rough, or they haven't any good drivers up there. Had an interesting ball game last Friday between Teal's Chap el and N. S. Scores 15 to 7 in favor of N. S. I -3 Fine slock and grain farm, known as the G. P. & W. C. Utley Faro ON THE PREMISES Thursday, August 24, At 11 o'clock A. M. 1 One half mile on county road from the L N. Pike and one-half mile North east from Coodlettsville. 12 Miles From Nashville. This fine farm contains 373 acres of level fertile land, 100 acres now in cultivation the balance down in grass and hay. The soil is particularly adapted to all kinds of grain, such as corn, wheat, oats and barley, etc. Great possibilities for cattle raising and other live stock. The improvements consist of one six-room residence with sun-parlor. Two barns, one garage, granery, servants house, smoke house and all other buildings. An artesian well never known to go dry. Two good springs and running stream right through the property. . As an investment you can't go wrong, as you make your own price. It goes to the highest bidder. The property will be divided into two tracts. Tract No. contains 200 acres with all buildings. Tract No. 2 contains 172 acres, unimproved with about 75 acres in creek bottom. Terms will be reasonable and made know on the day of Jthe sale. All farming impliments, live stock, consisting of one lot of yearling mules stock, cattle, hogs, etc., will be sold just after the real-estate, as lJie owners are retiring from the farm. This farm must be sold to wind up the estate that has been in the Utley family for over 50 years. Barbecue will be served by the Ladies' Aid Society at noon. Free conveyence will meet all trains at Goodlettsville on the day of the sale. For complete information and to be shown the property see, or call G. P. . Utley at Goodlettsville; Tenn., Telephone 12, or Blair Auction Co. M. W. BLAIR & SON, Auctioneers, Maui 2542, 409 Union St., Nashville, Tenn. T ya QAmAtnliAiiA KAftnAAit Am" n wa vam s amaham RpwarP of small pnpn?M for a ' ov""c""CiC Wl"'wu 'Vl W1C "c uuc ucw. on nficiA onn ennoar rr vAhiAn Httlp leak will nink n trrpat shin ..m. aKgcu nuyvum little leak will sin a great snip. hQurs but nQ reward .g offerred out ag much as w Washing Made Easy. Rompers, dish towels, overalls, jumpers, work shirts all can be washed CLEAN Without Rubbing if you use La France. Saves the clothes saves you. Just as safe and quick for cu tains. laces, lingerie, and party dresses. Tablet or powdered. For sale a HAILE'S GROCERY adv M. P. Bailey made a business trip to Spencer Tuesday. Note these New Prices on U.S.lires rXR July 29, 1922, the lowest prices ever quoted on U. S. Passenger Car Tires went into effect Royal Cords included. These new prices should give confidence to dealers and car owners that no lower basis of quality tire prices will prevaiL Bear in mind that these prices apply to the most complete line of quality tires in the world. Remember, too as you read the follow ing table that U. S. quality has been posi tively maintained. Royal FADRIC SIZES Cord Nobby Chain Vtco Plain 30x3 CI. $12.55 11 MO I $9.75 $9.23 30 x3ft" $14.65 15.60 13.00 10.65 31x4 " 23.00 21 JS 18.65 30x3l4SS, 14.63 32 x 3Vi " 22.95 20.45 16.90 15.70 31x4 " 26.43 32x4 " 29.15 24.33 22.45 20.85 33x4 " 30.03 23.35 23.65 21.93 J 34x4 " 30.85 26.05 24.15 22.40 32x4V4" 37.70 31.93 30X5 33x4Vi" 38.35 33.00 31.05 34x4tt" 39.50 34.00 32.03 33x4Vi" 40.70 33.63 33.53 36x414" 41 JS 36.15 34.00 33x3 " 46.93 35x5 " 4 9 JO 43.20 39.30 37 3 " 51.83 I 45.75 4170 mm i ' m.m m x jm i k-si,''i iiii i WAJt tisa I -si Lg I II .?S1 Federal Excite Tax m tht above hat txen abarbe4 by the maiwacMrer The dealer with full line of U. S. Tiree at iheee new price can aerre yon better than yoa ha ever been eerred before in the hit- lory of the auto nob ile. If there ever waa any fan ded advantage in hoppinf aroand for tiree It diiep peered oa July 29, 1922. usco FABRIC $105 30x3 Clincher and Straight Side RoyalCordl4$! . aaxexeanaaasaasBgBg 1 1 i ei i xanamanaaBeaeananagaaaanoaap United States Tiros I United States Rubber Company 1 1 Where You Can Buy U.S.Timt DRAPER & DRAPER CO. Dealers