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3 Jssktm County Sentinel rVBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY AT CA1NESBORO. TENN. , EW. Tardy. Editor GajluEATH, Business Manifer StaWription pries, I wmwmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm mm mm . i , $991 M atfeontf clus matter at th Pwtofflt la rt;flM.Tm wxltr Acta e( Omgnrn, Wt SmRIPHON RATES ' " $1.00 iti THE C0UN1Y CTOirnviu ihiti'rr '' ' IOuNii -t ON P. YKAK $1.5(1 i MONTHS 85 About the t i i no a fellow think8 jit a "LV sun," someone eomes alonj: and tires him. S An optimist is a fellow who oan a guy $10 when said guy already owes him $20. Looks as if a lot of the girls were actively participating in i the "paint up" campaign. Maybe the reason the ocean .is blue is because it has so many things thrown up to it. When a man is so cheap won't buy a pair of glasses makes a spectacle of himself he he Qtblr uJlioitgljtB for UirlDrrk CREATOR WORKS.- Verily, verilv. I say unto you. He that believeth on me. the work that I do. shall he do also; and creator works than these shall he do. John 14: 12. ; --. IP YE ABIDE: If ye abide id me. and mv words abide in you, ye shall asK ye will, and it shall be done unto you. John 15: 7. RAISING THE DEAD:-Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you. that (iod should raise the, dead?-Acts 26: a NOT BE AFRAID: Heboid. God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOV.HA is my strength and my song; he also is become my sal vation. Isaiah 12: 2. JOY OF SALVATION:-With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of Salvation. Isaiah 32: 3 . WATCH: What Watch. Mark 13: 37. I say unto you I say unto all . The fellow who watches the elocK can hardly expect to be but one of the hands. After traveling across the con tinent you wonder how Colum kis could avoid discovering America. ' A fellow's best girl may not tare much about the future, but it if she is always ready for the present. i II a man would only put as work as he there would mach "pep" in his doet in his cussin. be more rich folks. Some times a fellow gets pret ty well along in years before he realizes that brains were given him not solely for hair fertilizer What has become of the old fashioned boy who used to take pride in telling how many cords ofstovewood he could saw a week? in The way to help people is not . so mucn oemg good to tnem as being good with them, a sort of co-operative kindness. There are some men who male ic a point to treat every other man's wife well but their own have smiles for all but their kindred. Tha infl norma mVitnVi vnii , cforf today in the home, the neighbor hood, or the social circle, be it ever so small, will roll forward through the ages, growing wider tad deeper and stronger with every passing hoar, and blight ing or blessing as it rolls. i. "In unity there is strength. Tiiis is never more true than in ' home. A home strong to meet adversity and the most adyerse circumstances in life is where there is union of the hearts and union of hands. There will be joy in such a home despite dark days and peace despite the tur noils of life. C A R Of Galvaniz ed ROOK Our Car of Galvanized Roofing, which we placed an order for Aug. 15, was shipped from the Factory Tuesday, Sept. 26. We are expecting to receive the car of roofing within the next two or three days. Get our prices we will save you SOME MONEY L. C. Quarles Gainesboro, Tenn. Co. Phone 94 0000 LOCAL HAPPENINGS What mt Kighbers tad friends are doinf that interest is all. P. F. Willbanks, attorney, of Sparta, was in Gainesboro this week. L G. Strode and family have moved to Grady Gore residence on College street. S. 0. Tinsley of Livingston, was here this week. Preston Crowder and Comer Whitaker left Wednesday for Mexia. Texas. . Everybody, thet can do so, is requested to bring some flowers to the fair next Saturday. Mrs. Anna Tate, of Jackson ville, Tenn., is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Geo Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Bilbrey and two children, of Rickman. were guests of the former's sis ter. Mrs. J. H. Stafford, Sun day. V Rav. and Mrs. D. M. Mc Cauley, of Algood, spent' Satur day night as guests of Mr and . Urs. J. L. McCauley. Rev, Mc eavlt? delivered and interesting "Wrmonat the M. E. Church that evening, his subject being ."What shall it profitetha man if he gain the whole wtorld and lose his own soul." The sing ing was under the direction of Orley Warren, of Cookeville. They left Sunday morniar for 'Red Springs, where they will conduct a revival meeting. t Hon. W. F. Clouse, candidate for Congress, will speak at the courthouse Friday, Oct 20th, at one o'clock p. m. Everybody cordially invited. . , Ssra Tompson. of Lebanon, will be here . Friday, and Satur day .to buy good, fat mules and horses. If you have any' to sell bring them to town. '. - Vivian Reeves, daughter of of Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Reeves, who was stricken with a severe attack oi appendicitis while at tending the State fair, is con valescent, and will be able to return home within a short time. She is in the home of her sister, Mrs. Hugh Darwin near Gallatin- Team Die From Result of Bee Stings. T. M. Ragland. of Flynn's Creek, one of the leading far mers of that section, lost . a fine mule and horse last Thursday, death resulting from stings inflict ed by honey bees. Mr. Ragland had been hauling wood and had left his team to get a drink of water, and while he was gone the team moved up several yards and rammed the wagon tongue through the fence, up setting two hives of bees In trying to rescue the team from the raging bees. Mr. Ragland wss severely stung about the J L . . i ace ana ooay ana twice in one of his eyes. His condition is improving and it is hoped that he Trill soon recover. The mule lived an hour and a half and the horse about hours. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 if ffTlrftTnT? U TT Q - . Trl TTT 57 : TI j .... ', c a a a ML SUITS, DRESSES AND LINER Y i ' We have place on sale for tius week 100 NEW DRESSES AND SUITS i The Largest Collection Shown In Gainesboro. EVERY GARMENT AND HAT FOR THIS SALE IS SPECIALLY PRICED Ever .1' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q IF YOD INTEND TO BUY A HAT, SUIT OR DRESS THIS FALL YOU CANT o Fashion Show Big Event. -Ml a . ineautum fashion show put on by Draper & Draper Co., last Thursday, was a big feature of the week. The Red Springs band furnished music for the occasion and everything passed off pleasantly. Both the after noon and night shows were at tended by. large crowds many of them from the rural sections. Some of the most btautif ul gar ments ever hown in thia towni were attractively displayed and modeled to a queen's taste, un fertile direction of Misses Lei- ue uraper ana ciancn uarwin. Miss Bonnie Shoulders was a warded the prize for being the best model. The prize was of fered by a number of traveling men who were here for the night G G G C G G G G G G G AFFORD TO MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. c 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 and was presented to the win ner by Mr. Chas Jernigan, in a most complimentary way. Draper & Draper Co expressed themselves as being well pleased with the show, and were highly complimented on their great col lection of wearing apparel. Mr. and Mrs. C. . Reeves, of Cookeville, were guests of Mr. Reeves' parents, Dr. and Mrs. C E. Reeves Tuesday. Mr. Reeves owns the Strand moving picture theatre in that city, and is meeting with cess. ' - sue- LADIES AID SOCIETY TO SERVE LUNCH DURING FAIR-BEST OF EVERY THING TO EAT. The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church will serve lun ch in the courthoue yard during the fair. When get hungry give them a call. Mules and Horses W A M T E h I will be in GAINESBORO ' 6 To buy good fat mules and horses from 4 to 10 wars cio. nignesi marKei pnees paid. It yea ba?e any to sell bring them.' Sam SWtvpsow Lebanon, Tenn. ' -'