7ARS0LL COURTr. DEMOCRAT. HUNTINGDON. TENNESSEE GIRLS! DRAW A MOIST CLOTH THROUGH HAIIt J-et "Dandirine" save you? hair and douBla Its beauty t r ITT 1 TO Ob. girls, such an abundance 01 thick, heavy, invigorated hair; a per fect mass of wavy, silky hair, glorious ly fluffy, bright and so easy to manage, Just moisten a cloth with a little "Danderine" and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this magically re moves all dirt, excess oil and grease, but your hair is not left brittle, dry, etringy or faded, but charmingly soft, with glossy, golden gleams and tender lights. The youthful glints, tints and color are again in your hair. "Danderine" is a tonic-beautlfler. Besides doubling the beauty of the hair at once, it checks dandruff and stops falling hair. Get delightful Dan derine for a few cents at any drug or toilet counter and use it as dressing and bottle. Adv. invigorator as told on To Acquire Greatness. The best guarantee to greatness is an intense interest in a great program Then it Is that the fellow becomes so full of the job that he hasn't time to think about whether he's great or not. lie sees the thing to be done and be comes so full of how to do it that he rises without knowing that he's becom ing great in the eyes of the world. So the best thing is to be filled with your job and work It until It gets the fruits. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" In a "Bayer package," containing prop er directions for Headache, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheu matism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin toxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin Is trada mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono aceticacidester of Salicylicacid. Adv. Will Raise Foxes in Japan. The increasing demand for furs in Japan has induced a group of promi nent Jnpaijese business men to organ ize a company with a capital of $250, 000 to engage in the raising of foxes. It Is proposed to import the first stock from Alaska. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOffffl SIMM . For many yeara druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Jr. Kilmer'e Swamp-Root, the Teat kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It iw & physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi cine. It hclpi the kidneys, liver and blad der do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the teit of yean. It is aold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney edicine has .0 many friends. Be sure to ifet Swamp-Root and start treatment at onoe. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. DODSOPJ TELLS THE HORROR OF CALOMEL Vour Don't Need to Sicken, Gripa or Salivate Yourself to Start Liver. You're bilious, sluggish, constipated. You feel headachy, your stomach may be sour, your breath bad, your skin sallow and you believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to start liver and bowels. Here's my guarantee 1 Ask your drug gist for a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight. If it doesn't start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel n'hd without griping or making you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Take calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak and sick and nau seated. Don't lose a day. Take a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dod- son's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling splendid. It Is perfectly harm less, so give it to your children any time. It can't salivate.- Adv. Clay Output Falls Off. The quality and value of the clay mined in the United States in 1913 showed a considerable decrease In out put but an Increase In value compared with 1917. The total quantity of clay mined and marketed as such Is esti mated at 2,840,000 short tons, valued at $9,207,000, or $3.28 a ton. This is a decrease of about 304,000 tons, or 10 per cent, in quantity, but an Increase of about $1,105,000 or 14 per cent in value. The Imports decreased in both quantity and value. "FIDDLE-FIT" Keep Liver and Bowels Clean and Active with"Cascarets" Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, sour, gassy stomach always trace this to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the bowels. Poisonous matter clogged in the ln testines, instead of being cast out of the System is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes conges tion and that dull, throbbing, sickening headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poi sons in the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will have yon feeiicg clear, rosy and as fit as a fiddle by morning. They work while you sleep. Adv. Britain Had 8,654,467 Men in War. The British empire put 8,054,407 men in the war, according to figures announced by the war cabinet. Of these, England recruited 4,006,158, Other white enlistments in the do minions and colonies brought the total hite enlistment up to 7,130,280. En listments of -races other than white, Including 1,250,000 from India, were ,524,187. State of Ohio. City of Toledo. Jucas County ss. Tianlt J. Chenev makes oath that ne is lor partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney sOWi ciomg Dusiness in tne uiiy oi role-do County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEZ. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A D. 1SS6. (Seal) A. W. Gleason. Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak en internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. 4 J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Yesl "What Is the proper length of a girl's dress?" "A little over two feet" Cartoons Magazine. Important t Mother Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOItIA, that famous old remery for Infants and children, and 6ee that it Signature t In Use for Ovpr 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Havana has one of the finest boule vard systems In the world; Including nearly 200 miles of paved streets. You never can know hew superior to other preparation Dr. Peery'e "Dead Shot" la un til yon have tried It once. A aintle doe lean out Worm or Tapeworm. Adr. Man who said things would never be the same after the war was right. ' Two of a Kind. Bing The way these colleges scat ter around their degrees is absolutely nauseating. Every Tom, Dick and Harry with a little cheap notoriety can figure on getting one. The whole system Is absolutely indefensible. Don't you think so? Bang Yes. I didn't get one either. KEEP IT HANDY If you paid a specialist $25.00 for a prescription, you would not get any thing that would give quicker relief for Croup, Catarrh, Colds, or Sore Throat, than VACHER BALM, which only costs 25c fn jars, or tubes. Write for rkmples and Agent's Prices. Beware of imitations. E. W. JTaeher, Inc., New Orleans, La. Adv. Distinction. "Did you go up Mount Washington Y' "Oh, yes; we stayed overnight at the summit." "I suppose you lived high?" "Yes, we had a tip-top supper." The Btronr Wlthitand tb Heat of Slimmer Better Than Ui Wuak Old people woe are feeble and youncer people who are weak, wUI be strengthened and enabled to co throain, the daureseina; heat of summer by taltinj Grue' taatatefl chill tonin. It purifies and unrlchra the blood and bullda up the whole system. Tou c soon feel Its Strengthening. Invigorating JBffect SOe. A walkout of actors might be termed a continuous run. fftiit ant) Uormtoi, Haw Strong, Ziiihy . If they Tire, Itch, for &?L2f smart or ium, ii oore, VhiiTfrC Irritated, Inflamed -or lUuR LlLJ Granulated, use Murine often, So(h9, Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult. Atall Druggists. Write for Free&e Boob Kariaityt tatty Ca 0249 mm Mm hOft&AV ' .v V r fi nil U ' Lfu F.M..,W..,-,...l. W,... ' Jj -iKmnm,,,m,J .. .... - j' Pi - ' The following simple recipes have fto harmful ingredients, and will ac complish results as well as : ready mixed remedies for the same ailments. An Astrinflent Cream. A well-recommended astringent 1 cream is made from four ounces of mutton tallow, one and a quarter ounces of glycerin, one-half a drain of tincture of benzoin, a quarter of a dram of spirits of camphor, one-eighth of a dram of powdered alum, one-quarter of a dram of Russian Isinglass and one-half an ounce of rose water. The rose water is warmed In a china cup set in hot water and the Isinglass is dissolved in it. The mutton tallow, which has previously been tried out at a gentle heat and added to the gly cerin, is then blended with the rose water, and the other ingredients are added while the mixture Is being beaten. This makes a cream which Is astringent, tightening the skin, with out allowing It to become flabby, as often happens when one is reducing flesh. Receding Gums. Good teeth are requisite for both health and good looks. Go to a dentist and have the tartar removed from un der and around the gums, then use table salt on the gums several times day. Scrub the teeth downward, never crosswise. The teeth should be cleaned before breakfast, after each meal and before retiring. For a Slight Scar. Spirits of camphor, touching the skin with it twice a day, will some times eradicate the spots left from pimples. The liquid should be gently rubbed in. To Remove Corns. Sallcyclic acid, 1 drain; trim the corn with a very sharp knife or razor blade. Apply the acid ; cover with a piece of court plaster. In three days remove the plaster and the corn will j come with it. Soft corns may be cured i by wrapping the afflicted toe with a soft linen rag which has been satU' rated with turpentine, night and morn ing. Care should be taken to wear shoes sufficiently wide but not too large. Excessive Perspiration. Sponge off the parts affected at least once a day with boric acid; nse 20 parts of hot water to one of acid. Also dust the face and neck and wher ever it is necessary with a dry boraclc powder. To Overcome Odorous Perspiration. When bathing put a few drops of ammonia , in the water, dry the skin well and dust with the following powder: Oleate of zinc, ounce; powdered starch, 1 ounce; salicylic acid, 1 scruple. For Chapped Lips. To prevent the chapped Hps that so frequently result from the high winds try rubbing the lips each time before going out with rose water and glycerin, mixed In the proportion of two parts of the former to one of the latter. For the Feet. No. 1 Wash the feet in warm wa ter to which a little hydrochloric ncld or chloride of lime has been added. No. 2 Bathe the feet often in a strong solution of borax or in com mon kitchen soda dissolved in water. Change the hosiery every day. 1 Breakfast Linen. Colored breakfast linen Is in favor. Square cloths which hang only a few inches over the edge of the table and small napkins, about 14 inches square, are either of colored linen or else are bordered with color. Some in sets show border wreaths of red roses, some show red roses with bright green leaves. They suggest breakfast sets of English china with its gay colors and stiff figures. The all-colored sets show pink, blue or yellow flowers on tan or gray linen. The Firs! L Bottle 'I1 Pwm POP PI -A '7 A Relief so Writes -Mr. M. YanBnrtn, Engineer, O. R.&I.EV..17 Highland St, Grand Rapids, Mich. Entirely Free frcsi Catarrh of it I enrich "Pernna has positives' flnne for me what many leni a to do. I have been tiwa d ajratn compelled to taka J W "! r days. The first bori1 ct i'eruna irave relief and wimi I always keep It in the hout f r emerg encies, I consldr h i f atlrely free from catarrh ot nlomarh, the trouble from I suf fered for so long; beute taking this remedy." Uqnld or Tafetot Feral Sold KTcryt ar AsIc Tour l i " I pj mm i am Ship Highest Cash Prices Paid We are in the market for coon, mink, opossum, skunk and all other kinds of furs, as well as goatskins and hides. Ship to ua and receive check by return mail at the highest market prices. Write for our price 11st and snipping tags. WESTERN HIDE & FUR CO. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. N.N. "VZV Slim Lines and Gorgeous Fabrics f , A mh-s .. v 7 "Ik 1 ' - ' l 1 i If K , y tfisr j , Wtirtnn Nepnper Union MJf j nrir '--fiiMfi rr -ir-k if Mianiiiin nil limn 1 miiit,1ri-mtAggfpfc ! 'iMiiint Dinner and evening gowns, perhaps as the result of a reaction after the restraint of war times, have swung to the other extreme and are as elabo rate as Ingenuity can make them, and rich beyond anything that has gone before for many a year. Cloth of gold and silver, satins with gold or silver figures scattered over their sur faces, brocades, rich embroideries studded with Jewels,' laces and nets that are a mass of twinkling sequins, fringes of all kinds, and always more gold and silver cloth, entice those who are looking for regal things to choose from. Metallic threads are woven in with silk in all the lovely evening shades so that rose and silver, tur quoise and gold, nile green and silver make wonderful shimmering cloths. Wherever fashionables foregather there will be much glittering this winter. And these rich fabrics are not mo nopolized by the full-fledged women of society. The younger set Is allowed them as the foundation for frocks, usually veiled with tulle. Artificial flowers deck out pretty dance frocks and sparkling bands of sequins In all colors are used on tulle to match in color. For older women ostrich plumes onrlch gowns where one might lock Xor flowers, and are used ia the eve ning coiffure and In the most splendid of fans. A lovely example of a sequin-covered gown for evening appears at the right of the two pictured above. It is a combination of white and black, In which these glittering fabrics are at their best. This gown has long and almost straight lines and the skirt shows the disposition to grow shorter which is making itself felt. It Is short ened at the front. A tuft of ostrich feathers at the left side In black and a big fan of black ostrich find them selves in perfect setting. A wonder ful Spanish comb makes a simple coif fure, Impressive and In keeping with the gown. But not everyone cares for so much glitter even for evening wear. At the left Is a less pretentious gown that la dignified and beautiful. Black satin, georgette crepe and beaded bands of Jet are put together in a composition that can hardly be improved upon Its lines are classic. Three-quarter length sleeves and a draped skirt (that Is un usually long) take cognizance of the mode. mm W Ml Zr " SOLD FOR BO YF.AI1 For MALARIA," CHILLS and FEVER. fNLaS0T;NE 2EEEE: For Grip, Colds and MALARIA 7-11 CHLUrUG E kills the Malaria germ and regulates the liver. 25 CENTS CABBAGE PJJ1NT8 FBOST PROOF. CUAKJLKSTON HAKEHELD, Early Flat Dutch, Succession, burehead and other va rieties, per thousand, two dollars; Ave thou aand or more at one-fifty per thousand. Cat alog true. Coden Nurseries, Coden, Ala. RUSSIANS HIT BY FAMINES Shortages of Food Date From 1600 8,000,000 Persons Reduced to Star vation in Famine of 1911. Next to the proletariat of India and China, the Russian peasant feels the pinch of poverty and hunger more keenly and more frequently than any other, says the National Geographic society. One of the earliest Russian famines on record was that of 1G00, with a death toll of 500,000 peasants. Cats, dogs and rats were eaten, and even the strong overcame the weak, tluman flesh was sold In the markets. Three Russian famines of recent date were among the most severe In history in 1S91, 190G and 1911. Dur ing the ten years following the first of these, the government alloted nearly $125,000,000 for relief, but the sums were not always judiciously ex pended. In 1900 the government gave 40 pounds of flour a month to all per sons under eighteen years old and over fifty-nine., Those between these ages received no allowance, and the older and younger sharded their pittance with the others. The famine of 1911 extended over one-third the area of Europe and af fected 30,000,000 persons, while 8, 000,000 were reduced to starvation. Weeds, the bark of trees, and bitter bread made of acorns, constituted the chief diet. Denials make little faults great. TEACHERS Fifty to one hundred requests daily fres all classes southern schools. If you want rural work, graded, high school or prind palship, salary $50 ta $150. writ u today for special enrollment SOUTHERN TEACHERS' AGENCY 63-54 Newi Bide. Chattanoota. Taaa. Raw Furs Hides We pay highest prices for Furs, Hides, Wool, SheSk Goat and Kid Skins, Tallow, Beeswax, etc. W charge no commission ; make prompt returns. Writ' for prices and shipping tags. J. D. TAYLQJfc FUR CO. 401 Decatur Street NEW ORLEANS. I Reference: Liberty Back. & Trust Co. TRACTOR WON'T JUMP FENCES Some of the Arguments in Favor of Its More General Use Will Not Bite, Balk, or Run Away. Some of the many arguments in fa vor, of the tractor are given as follow In Farm Life: It will not bite, balk or run away. It will not shy at a loose scrap of pa per in the road. It will not kick th stall at night and keep the tired farm er and his wife awake. It will not crib the manger. It will not break out of the barn at night, jump the fence and eat your neighbor's cabbages. It will not lie down in a particularly moist spot In the barnyard, roll over on Its back and elevate its four fei into the air. It does not have to be curried sponged off or treated with horse lini ment. It Is not addicted to colic, conglv heaves, spavin or wind-gall.. It will not snort In your ear or whl&le Its tall in your face. It will not "haw" when you tell it to "gee", or vice-versa. You do not have to pull on the line and holler your head off when yosS want it to stop. It does not "up and die" just as tfct spring work is coming on. One ton of water may be colored by a single grain of Indigo. P A Saver to packet book;and health, and adelight to tlie palate; Do as your neighbor Is doinj and cute Jhiaft cosivof :lbdtag - by drinking Instead of dofee No liaise In Price SO-CupTlns 30?-'iaOiCup:Hn3 Made byv Eostum Cereal Company Battle Creek,Midi. Sold by Grocersiand General'Stcrca