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nutattiin,.. A-7 'K - :: H a 11 o Twenty-Seventh Year. JOHNSON CITY, TENNESSEE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1910. Whole Number 1372 4 a M if;- "Hooper No GOOD OLD HUMPHREYS IS II LINE COMES TO AID OF "OUR BOB' T Senator Delivers Addresses to Big Crowds, Who Gladly Stand in Rain to Hear Democracy Weaverly, Tenn., Oct. 21. Senator Itsbert L. Taylor was greeted here to day by practically the whole popula tion of Humphreys county when he arrived to tell the people in his good old-fashioned way about the good old fashioned democracy of good old-fashioned Tennessee. A large crowd met the Taylor special at the depot, and right there began an ovation which lasterd until the back platform of the train was in the distance as the "Ap ostle of Bunshine" sped on to the west ward with his messnge of peace. The rain was still falling in a heavy drizzle as the senator was whirled from the depot to the courthouse in an automobile. The size of the audience was limited only by the seating capac ity of the courtroom, the largest hall in the whole county. Over 750 peo ple were inside and many were unable to gain admittance. SKIN AFFECTION'S, Whether on Infant orUrown Person, . nred by Zemo and Zemo Soap. An I'nusnal Offer. The City Drug Co. says to every person, be it man, woman or child, who has an ir ritated, tender or itching kin to come to our store and procure a bottle of Zemo and a cake of Zemo soap, and if you are not en tirely satisfied with results, come back and get your money'. So confident are we of the efficacy of this clean, simple treatment that we make you this unusual offer. Zemo is a clear liquid for external use that has cured so many cajes of eczema, pimples, dandruff and other forms of skin eruption. Zemo and Zemo soap are the most economical as well as tne cleanest and most effective treatment for affections of the skin or scalp, whether on infant or grown person. IW JUDGE HENDERSON STUMP ING. "A free and untramnieled judiciary" was the plea with which the people of Tennessee were led to indorse the movement for the independent judicial ticket at the August election. There was no trade, nodicker, no compromise with republicanism so far as the hon est electorate was concerned. The peo ple wanted the disassociation of the Judiciary from partisan politics, and they got their wish. Now we have the spectacle of the attorney-general of the state and reporter to the supreme court, himself a loud preaeher and an active worker for the principle of the separation of the judi ciary from politics, going on the stump, stultifying not only his whole previous record as a democrat, but his more re cent utterance in the judicial campaign and thus lending color, if not direct proof, to the charge that a trade was made with the republican leaders by which votes were to be delivered for Hooper, the republican, in exchange for republican support of the independ ent Judicial ticket. Mr. Cates t:i the stamp is going t do the tut!se in in which he was only recently enlisted a fearful injury and create in the minds of niny Intelligent voter rej ubli enns, as well tis demcrut a grave doubt s In whether after nil he and the other leader of t!ie u dependents wi re xinceru in standing solely for an untrammclcd Judiciary, for it would lissin that he nt least, a court oftkial, is 'trammeled to the point of being compelled by promise or otherwise to rush in public to the support of the 'trade." Another instance of the insincerity nf the "traders" comes from East Ten nessee. The republican machine, fright ened bv the enthusiasm with wntcn Senator Taylor is being averywhere greeted, has ordered Judge Hendeeson a man whose voice was loud and clo ouent for a 'free, untramnieled and wnnartisan" Judicary to go on the tump for Hooper, and Henderson is fiend going r.ol withstanding his Judicial robes which he is going to "trail in the mire" that was the language he used in expressing his horror of what he said the Tatterson convention was try ing to do with the courts. We can conceive of no better proof the people could ask of the insin cerity of the leaders of this movement to turn the state over to the republi cans, doing as they are the very things against which we were all so recently in revolution. We remind East Tennessee demo crats that Judge Henderson can't claim to be on the stump in behalf of a pu rined democracy. Chattanooga Times. Mr. C. K. SlonneRer. The world seems dark and life not worth living to the person who suffers from indi gestion and stomach trouble year in and year out, in spite of his efforts to be cured. But it is all a question of being fortunate enough to strike the right medicine. C. K. Slon neger, Liberty, Ind., says the right mecli zine for indigestion and stomach trouble is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which cured him. It is absolutely guaranteed to do what is claimed for it, and if you want to try it be fore buying, send your address for a free sample bottle toPepsin Syrup Co., 119 Cald well Bldg., Monticello, III. It is sold by all dealers at 50c and $1 a bottle. LARGE CROWD IN ATTENDANCE GREAT DEAL OF INTEREST Is Shown In the Work the Club is Now Doing Hope to Secure Large Industry for Gty The semi-monthly meeting of the Commercial Club was held last night, and M as well attended, and a great deal of interest shown in the work the club is now doing. It. N. Dosser, chairman of committee on the location of the summer school, made a detailed report opwhat this committee had been able to accomplish so far. Superintend Galbraith will be back here this week, when the matter will be taken up with him further, and it is hoped that a favorable decision will be reached, and that Johnson City will get this school. The location at Johnson City of the short course in agriculture, to be held during Christmas week, December 26 to 81, was taken up, and the club de cided to urge Prof. Kefler to consider favorably Johnson City as the proper place for this short course. The necessary fund to advertise and to pay incidental expenses will be raised by the co-operation of the Commercial Club and the Watauga valley farmers Club. The members of the club held a heart to heart talk regarding' the location of new industries. It looks as if Johnson City will have morefarge industries in the near future. The Commercial Club is exerting its every energy along this line, and it is making decided progress. Reaching the Top in any calling of life, demands a vigorous body and keen brain. Without health there is no success. But Electric Bitters is the greatest health builder the wotld has ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, tones and invigorates the whole system and enables you to stand the wear and tear of your daily work. "Af ter months of suffering from kidney trouble," Mrites W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me., "three bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." 50 at H.C. Miller's. JOHNSON CITY IS DESIGNATED Washington, Oct. 24. The board of trustees of the postal savings bank sys tem has approved a list of forty-eight second-class postofflces at which the plan will be given its first trial. The list includes one office for each state and territory. The list includes Johnson City for Tennessee and Clifton Forge for Vir ginia, Watch babies bowels till the frost come Dr. Fahrney'i Teething Syrup keepi them in good shape. Sample free. (sep-oc COMMER CIAL CLUB MEETING of 'Boys woo Wore JUST OUT OF 5T. The Steamer Regulus, Bound From Belle Island to Sydney, Report ed Wreck cd with Crew St. Johns, N. F., Oct. 24 News of the wreck of the steamer Regulus, bound from Belle Island to Sydney with the loss of nineteen men of the crew was received here today. The wreck occurred at Shaol Bay nine miles from this port. It is in time of sudden mishap or accident that Chamberlain's Liniment can he relied upon to take the place of the family doctot, who can not always be found at the moment. Then it is that Chamberlain's Liniment is never found wanting. In cases of sprains, cuts, wounds and bruises .Chamberlain's Liniment takes out the soreness and drives away the pain. Sold by all dealers. FELL UNDER FREIGHT CAR Harrison McNafeb, of Milligan, 16 Years Old, Attempts to Catch Freight and Foot Slips Off Yesterday afternoon while attempt ing to board a freight between Milligan and Johnson City, Harrison McNabb, aged 16 years, met with a serious acci dent that came near costing him his life. In attempting to board a freight train he missed his footing and fell un der the cars, resulting in the loss of one foot and serious injury to the oth er. The freight train moving so fast that not one of the train crew heard the young man's cries but luck ily for him the regular E. T. & W. N. C. passenger due here at 3 o'clock hap pened by a few minutes later and the injured boy was placed aboard and as fast time as is possible to make over that road as made. On reaching the city the young man was hastily remov ed to the office of Dr. Matthews who called in Doctors West and H. D. Miller and removed one foot just alove the ankle and the first two toes of the other. Dr. Harry Miller stated to a Comet reporter last night that the young man was resting well and that chances of recovery were very good. This should be a warning to the young men who make a practice of swinging freight trains. It is getting to be a common sight to see youngsters swing trains as they pass through the main part of the city and it is surpri-iing that no more accident do not oocur. Hoarseness in a child subiect to croup is a sure indication of the approach of the dis ease. If Chamberlain's Coueh Remedy is given at once or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent tne attacic. Contains no poison. Sold by all dealers. CONVENTION NOM- M INATES BUTLER Senatorial and Flotcrial conventions of this district was called to order yes terday morning at 10 o'clock by the chairman, Pierce YV. Julian. Hon. E. J. Vaucht. the secretary, read the call. Hon. J. It. Gardner was made temporary chairman and the Hon. E. E. Hathaway temporary secretary. George W. Doughty, of Grene county, was made permanent channan, end R. h. Navc o'f Unicoi county, was made secretary". ; : ' , : On motion of J. W. Howard commit tees on organization, credentials and resolutions were appointed and the con vention adjourned until 12:30 o'clock. Upon reassembling nominations were made, reports of committees read and resolutious adopted. .On the first bal'ot Butler received 22 votes, Bowman 13, and Nelson 17. On the second and deciding ballot Nelson received two and three-tenths votes, Butler thirty-two and ten-nineteenths, and Bowman eighteen and sixteen-nineteenths. Chairman Doughty announced the nomination of Mr. Butler and he re sponded with a speech of thanks, as did also Hon. Geo. E. Burbage, who received the nomination for floater. Kills a Murderer. A merciless murderer is appendicitis with many victims. But Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, pre venting that clogging that invites appendi citis, curing constipation, headache, bilious ness, chills. 5c at H. C. Miller's., . m wm OF COCKE COUNTY MAKE PUBLIC HIS HISTORY SAT HOOPER IS IT TRUE Members of Order ' in His Home County Declare He was Never Friendly to "Gray Boys" Newport, Tenn., Oct. 22. As show ing that the" Confederate veterans of Tennessee are not being misled by the profession of love and brotherly feeling expressed by Capt. Hooper, members of the organization in Hooper's home county Friday gave out a statement. The language employed by these veter ans, who know Capt. Hooper almost from his childhood days, leaves no doubt as to his standing among them. The statement follows : Newport, Tenn., Oct. 21, 1910. To the Confederate Soldiers: Much is being said throughout the state concerning the reception that is being given the republican nominee for governor by our comrades. Living in Capt. Hooper's own county, and knowing him personally, we desire to make this brief statement: Capt. Hoop er has never been a friend to the Con federate soldiers here, and has never lost an opportunity to knife the demo cratic party when that opportunity presented itself. We have known him ever since hej first began to manipulate county poli tics, and during this time he has never shown that love and admiration for those who wore the gray as he is now doing over Tennessee. We deeply regret to note that some of our comerades are beins misled into the belief that Capt. Hooper is sincere in his expressions in our behalf. Noth ing is further from the truth. His re publicanism is of the rankest type, and his love' for our thinned ranks should be taken with a grain of salt We desire to go on record by stating that we are for (Senator Robert Love Taylor for governor. Comrades, there is only a handful of us remaining. Let us not forsake the principles of the democratic party by indorsing a repub lican for governor of Tennessee. (Signed) : J. C. Brown, E. H Tay lor, James Wood, R. B. Neely, W. M. Whitson, Martin Shelton, J. K. Gor rell, W. M. Stuart, Willisfiray, Allen Brooks, A. C. Kaubian, J. T. Huff, Jas. Allen, T. D. Harper, J. L. Rollins, J. H. Gilbert, W. A. Denton, David Stokely. , . CITIZENS RFTURN - FROM ALTAPASS The crowd from here who were the guests of the Altapass Inn at Altapass, N. C, returned Sunday afternoon. They report a delightful time and are loud in their praise of the manage ment of the hotel. No effort was spared to give them the time of their ' lives. The, menu was unsurpassed, and the serv!c; to any received at the Ica&rigctry hotels. A special party was also there from Spartanburg, H. O. Saturday after noon was spent in climbing the moun tains and viewing the magnificent scenery, uhd at night a delightful ; dance was engaged in by those who tripped the light fantastic, a splendid 'orchestra dispensing beautiful music, j The crowd voted unanimously tore turn again Thanksgiving. Cape Town, Union of South Africn, Oct. 24. The mail steamer Lisbog, I with 250 passengers, was wrecked to day near Tatcr Noster Point on the J west coast of Cape Colony, j Three jiersons were drowned by the 'capsizing of a small boat in which l.i .M..,..,f I..!, tn luaira I ll O llicy were kiui'u"b ... wreck. Three passengers are also miss ing. The others of the passengers and crew are also missing. ' The Lisbon is a Portuguese vessel and sailed from Lisbon October 1st for Mozombiquc. She was commandid by Captain Menezes. the Gray Declare MlltEK HEH Miss Leneve is Prostrated Outcome of the Doctor's Trial, who is Still Protesting Innocence London, Oct. 24. Dr. Haw ley H. Crippen, convicted of the murder of his wife, Belle Elmore, the actress, will be hanged on November 8. The date originally announced was November 15, but today the sheriff advanced the day one week. It's the World'd Best. No one has ever made a salve, ointment or balm to compare with Bucklen's Arnica Salve Its the one perfct healer of cuts, Corns, hums, bruises, sores, scalds, boils, ulcers, eczema, salt rheum. For sore eyes, cold sores, chapped hands, or sprains, it's supreme. Inf all iable for piles. Only 25c at H. C. Miller's. :S GLAD Parties Come Miles to Hear Candi date Climax of Trip from Mountain to Capital Gty. Nashville, Oct. 21. It was a scene that would have given an inspiration to a wooden man that greeted Senator Bob Taylor at the great rally of demo crats on the public square, the throng baing estimated at from 15,000 to 20,000 in numbers and 50,000 in enthusiasm. It was easily the largest crowd that has assembled. Although travel-stained and worn with the fierce campaign of the past few days, the senator was in the happiest vein, but had to forego giving his speech in full, as the outdoor speaking in the crisp night air was thought to be too menacing to inn the risk of tieing up "Our Bob's" voice. Long before the time of the speaking there was. a good-sized crowd present, and by 7 o'elock, an hour before the opening, at least 4,000 had assembled around the speaker's stand that had been decorated with bunting and flag?. Dense and more dense did the crowd fall in and around the stand, and it was with the greatest difficulty that the po lice were enabled to make a pathway for the leader and those who accompa nied him from the Maxwell, headed by the Nashville military band. Those who rode with "Our Bob" were ex-Gov. McMillin, ChairmanjW.O. Ver trees, Joe W. Byrns, R. B. Ilickey, F. P. Bond and others. Congressman Byrns was selected to present the democratic nominee, and he performed the part with the greatest satisfaction to his friends, who have felt gratified over the early stand that the Hermitage district congressman took for the unterrified democracy of Tennessee. The city of Nashville with its big marching clubs from the various wards did not by any means furnish all of the vast throng that assembled to do honor to the senator. Delegation after delega tion of mounted men and women came in from the country districts. The Nashville people and those from the districts made up a crowd of 12,000 be fore even the speaker arrived, and with those who came with the procession and from the wards, the great number already present was increased from 3, 000 to 5,000, many of the marching clubs Joining in behind the carriages of the Taylor party!-- As usual, there was the greatest rivalry ' betwern the "Bloody Ninth and" the First and Second wards. The first named perhaps carried off the palm with its 500 members1, flags, firecrackers and transparencies. By the time Congressman Byrns had concluded his speech the scene present ed from the stand beggared description. Everywhere, except where the bunches of women stood, the men were massed almost into a solid mold. The crowd was crs'ing to "Our Bob" "Just let us see you," and the appeal was so strong that the beloved demo cratic leader was forced to mount the press tables, and when he opened up his batteries there was almost a sacred attention given him until his sallies and witticisms caused wild enthusiasm to break loose. Many hundreds of Confederate soldiers were on hand. Senator Taylor's reference to them and Hooper's heartless treatment of them vt as one of the greatest features of the speech. One old ex-Confederate, JH. Wiles, bad all day long carried through j the streets a huge "Bob Taylor" banner decorated with white carnations. This same banner was conspicuously dis played near the stand. The speaker's thrusts at the Nash ville Banner and its owner were most pleasing to the vast audience. The speaking last night, the climax of the triumphant march of Senator Taylor from the mountains of East Ten nessee, can not but be an indication that there will be great crowds from now on in the lands of democracy in Middle Tennessee. Forced to Leave IIoiiip. Every year a large number of poor suffer ers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., " when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight. It's surely the king of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to it. It's positively guaranted for coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup, all throat and lung troubles. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at H. C. Miller's. The Misses Mollie Nuckalls, Mamie Nuckalls, Cora Lee, and Irene Stakely, and Messrs. Pearce Eberhardt, Will Doane and Joe Pence, of Bristol, com posed a jolly party that visited friends here Sunday. SPECIAL I SENATOR'S TRAIN WILL CONTINUE MEMPHIANS FOOT THE BILL Resumes Whirlwind Campaign of the State Today Stronger and Stronger Everywhere Nashville, Oct. 24. It was announc ed from the democratic headquarters last night that the Bob Taylor special will be continued for perhaps the re mainder of the campaign, beginning Tuesday, the regular scheduled train to be used in making the appointment at Covington today. The use of the special again will en able the senator to fill many appoint ments where the greatest demand has been made for him. The money to continue the special was made up at Memphis by the friends of Senator Taylor, they think ing it advisable for him to make more speeches in West Tennessee than his original schedule provided for. With a special there are many more important points that can be reached even if old appointments are met. DpafneSI Can Not Be Cured hy local applications, an tliey can not reach the UiseaKed portion of tbe our. There Is only one way to cure deutnesg, and that Ik by couttiitu tionul remedies. Deafness is causod by an in turned condition of the mucous lining of tbe eustachian lube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling tound or imperfect hear ing, and when It is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless tbe inflammation can be tukPn out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine ease out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inllamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any. caso of deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O Hold by druggists. 75c Take Hall's Family IMlls for constipation. fsaaaaaeaaaaaasaaaaBaaaaeeas ru m m ru ru m fj m fa ia iioial Bail JOHNSON CITY, RESOURCES ONE MILLION DOLLARS -'.. We Want YOUR Business SaaaaaaaaeaasaaaaaaaaaaEEiu Veterans dicksdn- OUT FOR SENATOR GETS WARM RECEPTION Taylor Lays Bare Plot of Hooper ites to Pull Wool Over Eyes of Confederates of Tennescee Dickson, Tenn., Oct. 22. "Dickson county for Bob Taylor by 1,000 majori ty," emblazoned across a large banner, is the cheerful message that greeted the eyes of Senator Taylor, democratic candidate for governor, when his train pulled into the depot at Dickson, and the senator, disembarking, was caught up into the arms of his admiring friends and conveyed two blocks away to the court house, outside of which the speaker's stand had been erected. And as an evidence that this assur ance of a large majority was justified by popular sentiment, upwards of 2000 people, aged veterans, women, all classes and conditions of people, stood out in the drizzling -rain, and for an hour and a half listened to the doctrines of democracy declared by Robert L. Taylor and Frank Bond. SENATOR TAYLOR HEARD AT JACKSON Jackson, Oct. 22. The largest crowd . and the most enthusiastic reception of the western campaign was given Sena tor Taylor, harmony democrat, candi date for governor, in Jackson at 12 o'clock today. The number of people in the crowd at the beginning of the speaking was variously estimated at from 1,500 to 2,000. Senator Taylor was loudly cheered as he passed the court houfc on the first lap of the parade and again when he alighted from the automobile and approached the speaker's stand. Many persons crowded around him in an ef fort to shake his hand. J udge Sidney J. Everett presided and introduced Senator Taylor. Judge Ev erett is the first " free and untrammel ed " democrat who has taken a public part in any of the meetings west of Nashville. . HENRY JACKSON LEWIS. Henry Jackson, the six-months-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. C. Lewis, died of croup Saturday after noon. This was a severe blow to the fond parents and they have the sym pathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. After services at the home Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. 8. B. Vaught,interment followed in Oak Hill cemetery. Your cough annoys you. Keep on hack ing and tearing the delicate membranes of your throat if you want to be annoyed. ' But if you want relief, want to be cured, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Sold by all dealers. Hi ru ru m ft) ru m ru ru w n m ru TENNESSEE.