ty VOLUME IX. COOKKVILLE, TESXFSSEE, TIIUKSDAY, MAWM !) 1:.I 1. NUMBER 10. PUTMAM COIM Mt. View Lodge, No. 17&, I. O. 0. F. held a splendid meeting on JV-arth 4th, 1911, Jas. M. Haynes, N. G. piesiding, with some twenty or more brothers in attendance. Quite a lot of iou tine bus iness was disposed of. Bro. R. F. Pippin was repoited no better. Gro. E. D. Staley was reported Btill seriously bad off. Bro. H. D. iVic Culley was reported convalesent. The initiatory was conferred upon one applicant. One petition lor transfer was duly elected. One petition for in itiatory degree was presented, read aad referred to an investigating committee A committee on program of celebration of the 92nd anniversary of the order, April 26th was appointed. The prospects of the re-organization of the Rebekah Lodge on the 10th inst are very favorable. The call lor pre liminary meeting on the 1st inst.. no withstanding the bad weather, was very well attended. Dr. J. R. Harwell, Grand Secretary, made a splendid talk on the Rebekah Lodge etc., after which Borne 30 gave their names for enrol ment as charter members; light re freshments were served al ter the meet ing was adjourned to the 10th inst. at which time permanent organization will be effected. All eligibles are coraially invited to attend. On March 1st a called meeting was held in the lodge hall for the purpose of organizing a Rebekah Lodge. Some 75 or 100 eligibles were in attendance. The following program was observed. Music by male quartet, Messrs. Barn es, Hamilton, Pendergrass and Wall. Prayer by Bro W. L. Ray. Introductory remarks by Bro. V. Bockman. Five minute talk by L. R. McClain. Music, duet by Mr. Barnes and Mrs Hu.hes. Address by Dr. J. R. Harwell, Grand Secretary, I. O. O. P. - Solicitation of membership by Bros. W. A. Crawford, F. E. Collier. G. W. Stevens and H. M. Hughes. Refreshments were then served by Bros. A. L. Brogdon, F. E. Collier, L. D. Bockman, F. R. Bowden. G. W. Stevens and Dow Ballard. Music, duet by Misses Sims and Mc Cluen. Dismissed by Bro. A. N. Bowden, Chaplain. The evening was well and agreeably spent. The prospects for a Rebekah Lodge are regarded as very good. A much larger attendance would have been had the weatner been favorable. A meeting will be held by the eligibles on the 10th inst. for organization of Rebekah Lodge. Jere Whitson Hardware Co. succeeds Whitson & Barnes Hardware Co. Pierian Club A kind of presentiment that some thing good was going to happen was in the Pierian air on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 1st, so, at the hour appointed, a goodly number have gath ered in the parlors of the Wilson home. After the. routine of roll-call business was attended to. Mrs. Baxter tutned 'the meeting over to the leaders, Mrs. Dorman and Mrs. Gregory. After an interesting discussion of Johnson's Lon- oon, Lichfield, that quaint old Engli.-h Cathedral, was taken up, Mrs. Gregory handling the subject in her masterly way, Mrs. Hughes delighted the crowd with two vocal solos. Mrs. Hamilton Wilson, sistev of the hostess, was the guest of the i'ay; be sides, several members, who have been absent some time, were present. So while the hostess served an elaborate ice com so, with merry chatter the so cial hour passed all too quickly. The club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Algood on Wednesday, March 8ih. Reporter. Be sure you read the big advertise ment of Jere Whitson Hardware Co. in this issue. I A. I ,A CAIN mOT BLW;,g it Mmz NEITHER 5 Route 7 Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bennett visited Noah Lawson tnd wife Sunday. Marion Edmonds' child is very sick. Mrs. Ace Jackson died a few days ago. T. B. Langford says he has six boys at his house. Come on with the news, Lola Lee West. We sure do enjoy reading your letters Wake up, Mrs. Dahuff and give us the news. We miss your pieces very much and hope to see a letter from you this week. Mrs. Jane Masters is very poorly at this writing. I would like to see a letter in the Herald from Mre. O. H. Poston. Jim Hall visited at t S. E. Bennett's Sunday. borne one please give in the news from Ivy Hill. Hello, Cousin Myrtle Lee I would like to see a letter from you. D. S. of Ark., send in another letter. I think we were once little playmates. Here comes a quarter for which please send me the Herald one year. Happy Girl. r M Jit ' For a mild, easy action of the bowels single dose of Doan's Regulets is enough. Treatment cures habitual con stipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist for them. Notice to Taxpayers All taxes not paid at once will be put in hands of an officer for collection. This is a provision of aw. I hope every person in the county will pay their taxes and save the penalty and cost. O. N. Draper, Trustee. Notice to Teachers All teachers of public schools are required by law to send in an abstract from the register for the entire term taught. This i3 im portant as the county Superin tendent can not make his report until this is done. Please do thk at once. Respectfully, J. M. Hatfield, County Supt. For Sale A fine refrigerator used two months at a bargain, 125 lb. ca pacity. S. H. Young. e o w 3 When you have earned your money, don't let it slip away from you; ten here, twer ty there, a hundred somewhere lse, soon make a thous and dollars. We offer you our bank as a safe place in which to deposit your money. We are always glad to take care of those who wish to open a bank account. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Cookeville, Tenn. V Capital Double that of Any Other Bank in Putnam County UNDER DIRECT CONTROL OF THE U. S. GOVERNMENT , T. Anderson, 1 President Thos. Mason, Cashier Gid H. Lowe, Vice President J. R. Douglass, Vice President 00i a Dividing With Bill. A good old preacher who lives in a small town down in Indiana received au Invitation a few days ago to travel several miles into the country for the purpose of performing a marriage service. Being too feeble to go on foot and having no funds with which to hire a conveyance, the reverend gentleman was somewhat perplexed until he happened to think of Bill Haines, the proprietor of the local livery stable. lie called on Bill and mentioned the fact that a young man and a fair maiden were waiting far from the madding throng to be joined in the holy bonds of wedlock, and Bill, being a man of keen preception, re plied: "I allow you'd like to get a horse and buggy to take you out there?" "I had an Idea that it would be a fine thing If you could help me in that way. I'll tell you what I'll do. Wil liam. If you will let me have one of your rigs. I'll divide what I get with you when I return." "All right." said Bill, "that's a go." The parson was accordingly provided with a horse and buggy, and be drove away. When he got back, covered with dust and considerably fatigued, he climbed out of the buggy and. handing the reins to BUI Haines, said: "William. I thank you five hundred times." "1 thought you was goin to divide with me." Bill answered. "I am doing so. When I had pro nounced them man and wife the groom offered me a thousand thanks." Chi cago Kecord-Heraid. Jas. F. Ford came down from Livingston Friday and returned on Sunday. Wllliamsport Where if Mrs. Mollie Dahuff? Come on with your letters as we all like to read them. What has become of G. B. Davis. Ada, Okla.? I have not read a letter from him in a long time. I was glad to see a letter from Obey4 City and Mayland. It seems that the writer is gona from Brotherton as we haven't had any news from there lately. Middle Tennessee Railroad is moving business fine, and the first train passed over Snow Creek bridge on March 4, 1911, engine No. 10. Frank Craig and Mrs. E. F. Davis . went fishing last night in Duck River and caught several nice fish. J. H. S. Rickman, Route 1 The Warren Brothers have been teaching an interesting sing ing at Oak Hill Institute. Every body is highly pleased with the. progress that was made. W. C. Cooper of Oak Hill has; just returned from Nashville., where he has been, buying new goods for the spring season. T. J. Stewart has enlarged hist stock of goods. E. W. Christian is having quite a large amount of timber cut in to lumber. C. P. Maxwell and family will leave to make their home in ster ling, Colo., soon. Smith & Marlow are putting!! a new saw mill at the Burrett;. mill. Sallie.