OCR Interpretation

McNairy County independent. (Selmer, McNairy County, Tenn.) 1902-1969, October 01, 1920, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89058154/1920-10-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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After Thorough Trial a Detroit,
Mich., man Endorses Po-ru-na
The following letter written
from Detroit, Michigan is do map
Judgment expressed on the merits
of Pe-ru-na, the well-
knowncatarrh remedy,
bat rather a mature,
sober opinion formed
after a full year'strial.
This Is the way Mr.
Michael Fako of 906
East Palmer Avenue,
in the MichlganMetro
polis. writes i "After
using PE-RU-NA for
about one year will say
I have found it a Tary
good medicine for ca
tarrh. It has helped
me a trreat deal and I
am very well satisfied. I have
gained in weight, eat and sleep
well, my bowels are regular ana
better eolor in my face.
r give them
Stock & Poultry
The old reliable 4
MtrmantS sJtjnurJobri
mw W Bc D9C
The empire of Morocco is the most
Imimrtant country that is absolutely
without a newspaper. '
Uft Right Off Without Pain
Doesn't hnrt a bitt Droo a little
"Freesone" on an aching cora, Instantly
that cora stops hurting, then shortly
m Uft It rleht off with Oncers. Truly I
Tour druggist sells a tiny .bottle of
"Freestone" for a few cents, sufficient to
remove every hard corn, soft corn, or
corn between the toes, and the calluses,
without soreness or Irritation.
Virtue and riches seldom settle on
ace man. Machlnvelll.
fry Tiii.iiiill T'"
I ear mm mwkm m. ea
California Syrup of Figs"
' '
Delicious I-Axativ for QulcT- Liver and Bowels
Hurry laotherj Ui teaapoonful of trre" is of ten all that is accessary.
"Californlaf fejrrui ,ej ; figs today Children lovs the fruity" taste of y
Stay prevjpt Vc WW tomorrow, genuine "California" Syrup of.Flge
If your cinid Vnfipatad. bilious, which baa auctions for babies and
f.riO, fistful, aa'iocU colic, or If ehlMran printed on tha bottU. Say
stomach IsouiJongoe coated breath "California" or yoa stay gat aa tank
lad. resM&bar a food "physio-lax UUoa fig syrup, Bswaret
i PRU-NA has done wonders
and to me is worth its weight in
gold. I shall continue to use
ra-KU-JNA as long as
I live and recommend
to my friends who are
troubled with catarrh.".
Nothing on before
convincing than an en
dorsement of this na
ture fwm an actual
user. There are Many
people in every com
munity whose experi
ence, in using Pe-ru-na,
has been identieal with
Mr. Fako's. It is the
standby for coughs,
colds, catarrh, stomach
and bowel disorders and all ca
tarrhal conditions.
Put up In both tablet and liouid
And women NEED not Buffer
from the ills peculiar to the
eminent doctor's prescription
that for three generations has
been RELIEVING Buffering
women and keeping young
girls from BECOMING suf
fering women.
Sold by your druggist; upon
tlia distinct agreement that
if the FIRST BOTTLE gives
no benefit, he will refund the
can do no HARM, even if it
does no good. Why not TRY
it instead of sufferingt-
Mrs. Siiiie Sutton, of Dunmore, Ky.
says: "I couldn't stand on my
feet an hour without lying down, I
used one bottle of STELLA VITAE
and now I can be on my feet all day."
Cbattaaooca. Tni U. S. A
Necessity Is not only the mother of
Invention but the divorced wife of
plenty. .
They Work while you Sleep"
' if
Doyou fee all 'jangled up bilious,
constipated, headachy, nervous, full of
cold? Take Caseurets tonight for youl
liver and bowels to straighten you out
by morning. Wake up with head clear,
stomach right, breath weet and feel
ing fine. No griping, no Inconvenience
Children 'love Cascarets too. 10, 25,
BO cents. Adv. .,
One glance at a political orator
proves that all are not geysers that
spout '
A Harmless Soothing, Healing Remedy
for Coughs and Colds.
Here Is s remedy for coughs, colds,
bronchitis, throat Irritation, and espe
cially for lung troubles, that has been
sold all over the civilized world In
many thousands of households for the
last fifty-four years. Its merits have
stood this test of time snd use, and
surely no test could be more potent
or convincing. It gives the patient
with weak and inflamed lungs a good
night's rest, free from coughing, with
easy expectoration In the morning.
Try .one bottle, accept no substitute.
Tor sale by all druggists and dealers
In medicine everywhere. Adv.
Approximately' one-half of all the
people In the world live in China and
India. -,. - "
Watch Cutlcura Improve Veur Skin.
On riding and retiring gently smear
the face wtth Cutlcura Ointment
Waab off Ointment In Ove minutes
with Cutlcura Soap and hot Water. It
la wonderful sometimes what Outicura
will do for poor complexions, dandruff,'
Itching and red reogb hands. Adv.
No one ever heard a pretty girl say
anything about her beauty's being only
Skin deep. .'
Mother! Watch
ChlU'a Tongue
Estimated That Robbers Secured
Mere than $100,000 Stolen Mall
Sacks Contained Registered
Letters from South.
Chicago. Two men, one of them a
paroled convict with a long criminal
record, were arrested by th3 rifle
squad aa suspects in the Illinois Cen
tral train holdup. They were sur
rounded in an obscure South Side ho
tel and taken before they bad a chance
to put up a fight. ' .
Tha bandits boarded the train at
Tucker, 111., 50 miles south Of Chicago,
when it was stopped on a block signal,-
entered the mail coach, bound the
five clerks and rode almost into River
dale, just outside the city! There they
pulled tha bell cord, stopping the train,
and , leaped into the darkness.
It' is estimated' that the robbers se
cured from 1100,000 to $150,000 In
the ra?d of registered mail. The
stolen sacks contained registered mail
from nearly every large city and
town in southern portions of the Unit
ed States.
It was the same train tha wis held
up last May by Horace Leroy Walton,
who escaped with $85,000, but was in
tercepted just as be was entering his
f.at by Policeman William A. Rob
erts, whom h9 killed. Walton then
barricaded himself in his flat, but
was shot to death by the police.
Finger prints left by the robbers in
the side of the mall coach were pho
tograph3d by the police.
The robbers were thoroughly fa
miliar with all the details of the train
and went at their work quickly and
systematically. The police and rail
road detectives are searching all ho
tels which are known to be ths haunts
of criminals in the hope of turning
up some of the plunder. ,
Rescuer Lathed with Ropes to Bucket
is Lowered into Gas-Laden
Huntsvllle, Ala. Walter Alberson. a
farm lad who lives on the Maysvllle
pike, la being hailed as a hero for risk
ing his life in saving Lucien Smith,
who had been overcome by poisonous
gases in a well that is being dug in a
cave on Chapman mountain.
Howard Strong and Lucien Smith
were digging a well in a cave and
Strong was emptying the debris which
was being loaded at the bottom by
Smith. Strong say that Smith
stopped work and failed to answer his
sails, thereupon Strong went down Into
the excavation and found him uncon
iclous. He tried to lift the unconscious man
sut and was soon overcome ' by the
;as fumes. He succeeded in getting
)ut after a time but was to weak to
rive an alarm except by throwing peb
oles against his home, a short distance
down the mountain. In the crowd that
soon assembled, Alberwas was first to
volunteer to enter the cave and rescue
Smith. He was lashed with ropes to
a bucket and lowered Into the excava
tion. He was hauled np 10 minutes
later almost unconscious but with
Smith's body tied to his. The men who
were gassed will recover.
8. : Soldiers From Govtrnors
, Island Protect Millions.
, tfew York. United States soldiers
iu-e here to guard $900,000,000 in gold
in the subtreasury, which was dam
iced 'n the recent Wall street ex
plosion. It is the first time in his
tory that 'this record-breaking sum
aas been In the subtreasury. . With
Used bayonets the soldiers guarded
the building and helped the police
;rsserve order, while the SOO , dead
ind wounded were taken away.' Every
window in the treasury was broken
snd the interior damaged by the ex
plosion, '
I. O. Carj Was Prominently Connected
With Early Railreads.
Houston, Tex. J. O. Carr, 79 years
jld, pioneer Texaa railroad man, died
here. Carr came to Texas in 1874
and obtained rights of way for th?
Houston A Texas Central railroad.
From 187 to December, 1910, when
he was retired, ba was paymaster tot
the line. He was a Confederate vet
eran and a native of West Virginia.
MacoL, Ga, Robt.it V. Nottingham
56 widely known i a chemist, died
tuddeuly here. . ,
i Tornado Kills One.
Kingston. N. C Sol Jackson, 40, was
killed and several other persons in
Jurtd by a tornado that swept portions
of Pitt county. At WiUervllle a sjor.,
cotton - oil mill and other buildings
were damaged, while the stoie and
dwelling of Roland Cannon, one mile
fiora Ayden, were wrecked1. Jackson
wa kihed In the wmrage of the Can
non store.
( Top of Head Blown Off.
McAllen, Tex. Peter Roe was in
stantly killed at Sin Juan near here,
when a motor truck tire explod.d
while he waa inflating it with air. The
top of his head was blown off and a
nearby brick- wall blown in by the ex
Clemence'au en Hunting Trip.
Paris M. Ctnmenceau left Paris for
Marseilles, where he will embark for
India. The former premier wlU spend
ereial weeks bunting In the Himal
"Black and Tan" Police Are AI.eged
To Have Committed the
' , ' Murder. . '
Dublin. County Councillor Lynch, a
prominent Sinn Kelner, was shot dead
in his hotel apartment in" the center
of Dublin. His assailants are "alleged
to have been "black and tan" police.
The murder took place at 3 a. m.,
according to the Press association's
account, when uniformed men entered
the Royal Exchange hotel, and going
straight to the room of their intended
victim, shot him dead. .
Fifteen minutes later the police ar
rived, stating they had been instructed
by the military to take charge of the
body in room No. 6, which proved to
be that of John Lynch, of Kilmallock,
a member of the Limerick county
council, and alleged to be a judge of
a Sinn Fein court. "'
The police next morning1 were still
guarding the room, to which no one
was admitted, while the street nearby
was full of excited crowds and a de
tachment of the military was parad
ing outside the hotel.
The guests in rooms numbers four
and seven of the hotel,-nearby the
chamber occupied by Lynch, laid they
had heard no unusual, noise during the
night -
Driver of the Death Wagon In New
York Described By Four
Persons. .
New Yorlr. Four workmen appeared
at- the municipal building and de
clared they had spoken with .the
driver of the "death wagon" that fig
ured in the Wall Street explosion.
According to their story, the
stranger said his horse and wagon had
been blown up after he had, left the
vehicle to telephone to his employer.
He said he had been ordered to take
building materials to Wall and Broad
Streets, but he bad been unable to
find the indefinite address given him.
After talking to workmen, he disap
peared, they said.
The workmen, employed by a house
wrecking . concern, ' described the
stranger as either a Slav or German
about five feet' seven and weighing
160 to 170 pounds.
Carpenters Unable To Build Boxes For
,V Cholera Victims.
New York. Carpenters are unable
to build enough coffins for cholera vic
tims In West China, declared a letter
received here by a foreign mission so
ciety from Dr. Josaph Taylor. "The
cholera is raging in Cheng Tu. Peo
ple are dropping dead in, the streets
and the supply of coffins has run out.
Although carpenters are working day
and night the dead have to ba burled
in trenches," Dr. Taylor wrote.
Will Meet Every Dollar of $290,000,000
Loan Due Oct 15.
Paris. France will pay every dollar
of the $250,000,000 loan due in New
York Oct. 15, M. Francois-Marsal, min
ister of finance, officially announced
to the cabinet council. This aim is
Franc's share of the $500,000,000 An
glo-French loan floated in the United
States during the war.
Crash on Georgia Road Also Injures
Seven of Train Crew.
Atlanta. Two railroad men were
killed and seven or more of the crew
and passengers were injured in a col
Us'on between west bound passenger
train Nto. 15 and an east bound freight
train on the Atlanta, Birmingham ft
Atlantic railroad, between Beall and
Woodland, Ga,
1,500 New Cases of Cholera Reported.
; Total 20000. I
Tokyo.v-Filteen hundred new cases
of cholera have been discovered in
Korea,, according to an Official state
ment issued at Seoul. This makes the
total number of victima of the disease:
more than 80,000, of whom more than
9,000 have died.
Atlantan Jumps From Ninth Floor ef
Office Building.
Atlanta, Ga. P. T. Heath, a well-
known manufacturer's agent of this
city, committed suicide by leaping
rom the wmdow of h's office on the
llnth floor of a downtown office
juildlng. ' . ,
1 Destroyer Damaged.
San Diego, CaL The United States
lestroyer Bailey was laid up here for
epalrs as the result of a collision with
the destroyer Swassy during the ma
neuvers off this port The Bailey) was
moving at high; speed when the crash
K-curred and her bow was curled back
'early 86 feet. The Swassy was only
illKhtly damaged. None of the crew on
iither vessel was Injured.
Passengers Gat Best of Bandit
Denver, Colo. Passengers on Santa
Fe train No. S were robbed by a lone
nasked bandit between Las Animas
ind La Junta, Col., and then cap ured
:he robber and delivered him to po
lice at La Junta after recovering near
y all their valuables.
Scientist Diea of Fever.
Geneva. George JJasmyth, widely
known American sociologist and In
ternatlonalist died of typhoid fever
here Monday. He was born in 1882.
HU home was Ithaca, N. Y.
' Bandits Get $30,000 from Bank.
Detroit. Foar armed bandits held
up a branch of the First State Bank
at Mount Elliott and Mack Avenues
here and escaped in an automobile
with an amount estimated by bank of
ficials at $30,000.
Paralyzed by Haxlng.
Emporia, Kan. Andy . McCoy of
Wichita, Kan, a freshman In the Col
lege of Emporia h?re, is paralysed be
low the waist aa a result It is said,
of hazing by -upper clas men. He
waa struck with a paddlo.
Lydia L Pinkhajn's Vegetable
Compound Made Me Strong and
Able to Work I Recommend
It To AH My Friends.
Baronne. N. J. "I had pains tn back
and legs so that I could not stand caused
Dy lemaie trouoie.
I felt so tired all the
time, bad bad head
aches, and for six
months I could not
work. I was treat
ed bv a physician
and took other re
medies but got no
relief. A friend told
me about Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Comnound and
:3it has helped ma
very much. I am well and strong and
now able to do my work. I cannot
thank you enough and I recommend
your medicine to my friends who are
sick."-Mrs. SusiB Sacatansky, 26
East 17th St, Bayonne, N. J.
It must be admitted by every fair
minded, intelligent person, that a medi
cine could not live and grow in popular
ity for over forty years, and today hold
a record for such wonderful success
as does Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, without possessing great
virtue and actual worth. Such med
icines must be looked upon and termed
both standard and dependable by every
tbnrin, rierson
Successful theatrical
should thank their stars.
Tf rom mi smart or feat acalfad. Romas
Bra Balaam applied upon (olna- to bad Is
uat tba thin- to rallava them. Adv.
It takes a pretty sharp man to cut
a slow man to the quick.
Find the Cause !
It iw't right to drag along feeling
miserable half sick. Find out what is
making you feel to badly and try to
correct it. Perhaps your kidneys are
causing that throbbing backache or
.those sharp, stabbing pains. You may
have morning lameness, too, headaches,
dizzy spells and irregular kidney action.
Use Doan'a Sidney Pills. They have
helped thousands of ailing folks. Ask
your neighbor!
A Mississippi Case
Mrs. W. Sprat
ley, Dupont Ave.,
Pascagoula, Miss.,
ays: "I had a
dull, constant
ache through le
small of my back,
and often aharn,
cutting pains dart
ed through my kid
neys. My kidneys
weren't acting
right and I had
nervous headaches and dlazy spells. I
began using Doan'a Kidney Pills. They
helped me from tha first and I kept
on until I was cured."
Gat Deaa'a at An? Stara, 60c 4 Box
Mi a. sis va.
It Ctani the Teeth, Dltlnfeott the Mouth
end Keeps the Gurai Firm and Healthy
SO Years Old
Was Sick
Now Feels Younrf Alter
t Taking Eatonlc for
Sour Stomach
"I had sour stomach ever since I had
the grip and It bothered me badly
Have taken Eatonlc only a week and
am much better. Am 80 years old,"
says Mrs. John Hill. -
Eatonlc quickly relieves sour stom
ach, Indigestion, heartburn, bloating
and distress after eating becaua It
takes, up sad carries out the excess
acidity and gvses which cause most
atomsch ailments. If yon have "tried
everything" and still suffer, do not give
np hope. Eatonlc has brought relief to
tens of thousands like yon A big box
costs but a trifle with your druggist's
tor vanp, Coma had
kill the Malaria germ and
regulates the liver '
"SJlt Skin Seautifiav?
ax av sad sua Jan always "
brrwet't you
and thti Sun.
la a aor Smtaauon
aalnal ibe bam-
tnf on ar fclutor
Isc wind. It bring
ilba akla the Tol-
retv anftneaa of nmtb.
Uaed awfnra aolna oat
UM ermine, h aunrae
faaltlaaa comyleitoa
Belter LaiMrfttorios, Mcrnprus.'feiD
bOMKTHlMu litWi KBD Sac for S mlaa
earaBha pletarea favorite Mori Stara
Grady stadlo. Boa III. Naahallla. Teaa
W. N. U MEMPHIS, NO. 40-1824
ihihihe -r-
aids o good looks sound
teeth, eager appetite and
digestion are only 5C a
The i
Crisp, tasty pancakes sizz
ling hot and right off the
griddle. Treat your family to
pancakes tomorrow morning.
It's easy to make good pancakes
-with GlLma'l Best flour. Milled
from selected soft red winter
wheat, Gilster'i Beit ii a biacuit
snd paatry flour of lurpaiiinffuie
Best and whiteneit.
You will like GiUTta'sBEiTf lour.
Offiet, Chester. III.
MMi Steelevillc, III.
I l l'talla I ll M JtSl
You Can't Rub It Away; f
Rleuiimtbm is in the Bloor?
LinitnenU Will Nerer Cur.
, If yon are afflicted wlthJlneumatism,
why waste time with liniments, lotions
snd other local applications that never
did cure Rheumatism, and never will?
Do not try to rub the pain Iway.
Try the sensible plan of finding the
cause of the pain, and go after that
Remove the cause, and yon remove tha
pain. , " x '
Toa will never be rid of Rheumatism
until you cleanse your blood of tba
The Real Shock.
Knlcker Campaigns cost money.
Bocker But Just look bow much It
costs not to get elected.
' 99 OUT pF 100 '
Need Vacher-Baltn at Times.
. t
, Nothing better for summer colds
hurts or Itching. Keep It handy.
Agents wanted where we have none.
E. AV. Tacher,. Inc. X'ew Orleans
La, Adv.
He who does not mix with the
crowd knows- nothing. Spanish
V important to Mothers)
Examine carefully every bottle of
CA STOMA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that it
4 TtAnpa tha
fclgnsture ofrUyi&r
la TJse for Over SO Years.
Children Qry for Fletcher's Castoria
The Ioks of a friend adds one to
the list of foemies.
f r they Tire, Itch.
fiOr Smart or Burn, if Sore,
Xr.CVrC Inltttcd, Inflamed or
lOllR LlCO GranmatetLuseMurina
often. Aootkata, Batraahaa. Safe for
Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for
Free Eye Book. RsnasEiskssirCa.adcaej
All.. l 1 I
niier every meat .152
germs that cause the disease. 3. 8. 8
baa never had an equal as a bloot
purifier, and scores of sufferers
that It has cleansed their blood ol
Rheumatism, snd removed all trace
of the disease from their system.
S. 8. 8. Is an excellent system-cleanser
It la hot sold or recommended for Vena
real Diseases.
Get a bottle of 8. 8. 8., and get 04
the right treatment to-day. Special
medical advice free. Address Medical
Director, 111 8wlft Laboratory, At
lanta, Ga.. .
Domestic Repartee.
"My face Is my fortune, sir," she
"Yep." he replied, "snd I'll say youl
money does a lot of talking."
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
sjjIILL roitic
fOU rot SO TEAM rot flVitlA CBIUJ
AXS FEY EI. AlMtrajaflaaatuaaitkaMatTeaM
phMtM -w s-. -'mSailKy.
Films Developed
iti Printed Ttlsx
We aaitrtt the patroca of
tboae a S a k naan wha
oaaiaad Iht baa Kodak sie
Writ tor Kadak Catalce;
TW WWi' fejffl UTflT C.
M M nut K
1 rii ! m BBI '-r lsaasB-r-ni vk-iar- I liTHlMr
UtaewUreaaaealear "
aaaeaa) amcaiaiwlag I
eropoeMoe aa GIL.
STia'l HIT Beat.
I w"
r-a- I 1 If
as Si Wawataa. ssssMAasa awaaBaaaa.

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