Newspaper Page Text
SAVANNAH COURIER. C. L. HEFNER, Froprietor. NON-POLITICAL. It'r to tha Itett of the !v9MIfer nl it I'atront. THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1885. In the organization of CoagreM wliicU tiiok pWo lant Monday, John Sherman, of Ohio, was elected Speaker of the Senate, and John G. Carlisle, of Kentucky, tw elected Spekcr of the House. Tennensto has thrtvflve national banks, with a capital of $5 100,000. Ex Senator B.iiley is dying of cancer of the etoraach at his home in Clarksville. Raster will fill on the 25th of next April, the first on that date eincc 1734, and the last until 1943. : The coinage executed at the mints during November was fl.OjJ.Jau, of which $2,500,000 was In standard silver do birs, Wm. Hunter, Saw.A Assistant Secretary of State, is the oldest orflce holder in the United States, having been in office since 1829. Jenny Llnd, for the first time in twenty-two years, will sing In public next summer. It will be purely for a cuariiauie purpose. The people of Dakota Territory are clamoring for admission into the Union as a State. Their motto is: By God the People Ilnle." The las ncrcrreff-.teof Tennessee for 1885, according to the statement of the Comptroller, is $220,749,308; nearly a million short of what it should be. At its nnnual meeting this fall the N nional Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry p:nsed a series of resolu turn commending fem ile suffrage, over which the ladies are quite jtibi- lam. The Dominion Government has made public its defense for the exe cution of Roil. It savs that be wa guilty of high treason for the second time, and had no claim to the indul gence which it has been the habit to accord to political offenders. Tho Teunessee Coal, Iron fc Rail road Companjvadvanced the price of iron $1.50 per ton on Monday. Tha Ifathoille Union says: '"fheindi cations all point to fair prices for iron, and if bo, the South will Lave new life a life in business growth never thought of In olden time. California tried a curious experi ment in her penitentiary. She paid tier convicts a stipitulated sum per day, in the Hope that they would do better work and lead a more correct life. The sum was small-ten cents rer day-and the scheme proved a failure." Instead of saving their Docket monev. or sending it to their neonlo. the convicts ilevelonerT a .k.j..i i ,.!,,, i.i,.i, - ' o ' .li" bimti: ill uu.ui.i. ....u smuggled into the prison. POSTAL MATTERS. The postmaster-general's annual report shows that for the fiscal year ending June 30th the expenditures of tho postofflice department have been over $7,000,000 in excess of receipts. The postmaster general account for this deficiency by the loss of rev enue induced by the decrease In postage rate and the increase of ex penditures to the extent of $6,460, 955, result ing mainly from the etab 5 lishment of over 2,000 new offices and the extension of general mail J facilities. The total cost of the de partment for the year is $50,942, J 415, and the appropriation afcrd for the ensuing year Is $54,936,168. STATE NEWS. A natural gas well has been dis Covered In Maury Couhty. At Knoxville last week five mem bera of J. A. G.lyon' fimily were poisoned by drinking ttoffov in which their col.ireJ cook bad placea pound of arsenic. Another frightful a mill acci dent is recorded from Waldon's Ridge, near Loraiue, Klia County The victim was Moses Davenport, wno,wuuo w....s t M . ..L-!n OIF I I. a c n. bad his clothing caugiit in tae rj.t tkiaery and ws Jragd to IU Jath. beiuj literally saved to V ' - a Two hundred of the dejuiailious taken in the wnoval cuse very rays- triouly dij)ered from the cus j tody of the C'.erk and M;tter at J Falcon, and hesce no trial. Some try to make it appear that B-io Mo- Kinney did it. That will not do; ' for Hob know nothing of such tricks. Such a projeclinir is u'ivri,liv a civilizd people The people .f this county as a whole, both rnoiovalists and non rcinovalist9,denire a speedy, honest and fair settlement ot the matter. ndependent. MISCELLANEOUS. Psasant Lifi In Servii. At this time, when the eyes of the world are turned toward ServU and Bulgvria, the following impression of the Servian people, from the pen of Thomns Stevens, in Outing for De cember, is full of interest: My ride through Servia, save over j.he Balkans, has ln;cn most enjoya- h,U, and fie roaN, I am agreeably surprise to have to record, have av nrnfToil as f?ood ns anv counirtf in Euiodc. save England and France. tU0UgU i,eJng for the mo8t part macadamized, with wet weather thoy would scarcely show to such an 'id vantage. My Impression of the Servims Is mos' favorable; they are evidently a warm-he.irted, hospita hie, and, withal, a patriotic people, loving their little country and ap premting their independence ' as only people who have but recently had their dreams of self government kn(m hm o Bppredate h They even paint the wood work of their bridges and. public- buildings with the National colors. I am as sural that the Servians have pro gressed wonderfully since acquiring their full independence; but as tint i J . I l. .-.:(! , l"rnej uuwu u.e ui-aimmi an.. f(,rtil ol the Moiara, where improvements would natnniiiy be seen, if anywhere, one falls to wou- taring where lliey can possibly hive orne in. Some of their methods would indeed seem to indicate a most leplorable lack of practicability n of the most ridiculous, to the writer' mind, is the erection of small, long sheds, substantially built of heavy hewu timber supports and thick home made tiles, over or dinary plank fences ana gales to protect them from the weather, when a good coating of fcur or paint would answer the purpose of preservation mach Letter. The- structures give one the impresdon of a dollar pi iced over a penny to protect the latter from harm Every peasant owns a few acres of hind, and if he produces any thing tbove his own wants be hauls it to market in an ox wagon with rough ly hewn wheels without tires, and whose ceaking can plainly be heard a mile aw;y. At present the Servian tills hi little freehold with the clum iest of implement, some his own handiwork, and the bast imperfectly fashioned and forged on Dative an His- P1" is ofly the forked mu 01 a l,oe- P,uwa wllu ,mn "UlBeiently to enable him to root ll0,,n', 1,1 the s"rl"ace 8oil- would think the country might ofTor :..! a .1.1 i lniunu.s uuu ior some emerpns inS manufacturer of such implements U'cs, scythes, hayforks, small. strong plowx, cultivators, etc. These people are industrious, es pecially the women. 1 have fre. quently met a Servian peasant wo rnan returning homeward iu the evening from her labor in the field carrying a fat, heavy bnby, a ctuiny i10e, not much lighter than the voungxter, and an earthenware pitcher, and at the same time Indus riouslv s duning wool with a hand spindle. And yet some ueople hi 'Ul- about the imposilily of doing two thing at oicv! htlher poor women h ive been hoeiuji ptiUt toes, carrying the Infui.t and spin ning wool at the same time all day. I am unable to say, uot h. ving beeu an eye-witness, though I really should not be much astonished If they had. How to Seelaia Cli Fields. riant them in locust. It matters uot how badly washed the fields may be. they will gio locust trees, which in a few years will Iks worth, for leiicing purpose, many times the value of the land. Mr. Vance, of Giles County, a few years a:;o phuted a worn-out hill side with locust, and he cxuressed the opi ion it yiel-lci a greater profit Uian any part of hu farm. Mr. P. Alexander, of Nen Liberty, K has ten acres planted in locus row trn venra old. Not inlv is tht tirn I ' w -nrth tur mn. h tl.o but the grazing capacity uf the bind has been greatly improved. Ileal vises,in the Flume and Farm, fiose who have Gelds washed tat' inn i tneruhlf gnlliH, which me yeur b i year growing worse, to plant black locust. Level down, he syn, the hud places so the team can cross. rlow and plant In com early. If planted one way, set tiees in every hah or sixth row, fifteen feet apart. The cultivation is not to much for the crop as for the benefit of the young trefs. Being pluuted in the rows with the coi n iusures their pro tection from the and in some degree from the the singletree. One difficulty to be found is, the trees alionld !6 put 0'.i ss & gener:'.! thing, before corn will do well. Avoid this by taking up the trees and heel ing them in near where wanted. 1'his will check their growth for while. Exercise care in Uiking up and handling. Cut luck the tops aw you would lruit trees, and for u IVw years protect from stock. A mericcn COItliESPOXDENCE. 12& District Hons. 51 r. J. P. Story ni ived out of the Bend to the Speers place in the 13th district, last week. John Tidwelland f imily, Abe and lames BlanKenahip arrived a few days ae;o from Arkansas. They talk ike making Tennessee tbeir future home. Mia. Eenie Spencer moved into the Bend last week from near Rock- laic. Mrs. Burris is teaching instru mental music at the Baptist church. Prof. Carter is teaching vocal mu sic at Liberty; his school closes on the 5th inst. . He has been teaching there about ten davs. Mrs. Te:igue of Lexington, Tenn., is teaching instrumental music near Oak Grove. If. the music boom continues In the 12th it won't be long till most of the Hooker Bend girls can thump the piano. There is p-aycr meeting at Witts Chapel every 21 and 3d Sunday nT'L""1 umy l3ta,ul 4Lh a,T Prof. Richardson's school at Lib city begins ou the 7th. Prof. James Allen is teaching public school near Dr. John Her bert's Rev. D. Vt, Bl'iokenship Intends moving into uis new House ucxi week. Clark Brandon left with bis fami ly on the 3d instant, to his tew home in the 14ih. The Pickens brothers from Him burg, are as.ii.sUng Prof. Carter in his iniihic school at Liberty. We have heard of several sweet compli ments being passed ou the two brothers iduee they came iuto the 12th. It a lady and gentleman living in the 12lh wants to many thy have only to let a certain Enquire know their wish and ho will ninny the n whether they are ready or not. Mr'. Waddcll is driving through the 12th this week celling organs and pianos and enjoying himself with the fuir sex. Cymuo. Dec 5, 1SS5. Clifton. Items. Clifton has the itch and has it bad. - All other towns had it a year ago, hut, as usual, Clifton had to be behind the times. When the. girl's smiles of heavenly sweetness flicker and wune all on a ndlen, one nced'nt think thoy are medi tating suicide, or have seen ghost I of their granrlfsthers, for nothing-of the kind has ocrumd; they are thinking, "a kingdom fir a close eommtp ion with a doorfm-itig," or something else equally a3 substan tial. O'tis awful! Llge Walker is clerking for T. K. Kickctts A Co. and in'nt lrarried tiny atall, as Jack Don reported. Mrs. E. V. Siu.s has b.-en quite .sick for the past two week, but is improving now. Several socials and one dance in town lust week. 1'lenty -f ruin, frost, mud and lo.-t temper this week. Mrs. T. A. f 'opil.'inl died the 27ih ult. of fotiMinipiion. Tlie re maincs were ititered ut the ftmil burial grouti'i on Indian Creek, Si;n day a'ternoon. Mrs. Cooelnud was a lady esieemud by ail, aud rll de plore lie r Vath. Mrs. Etigene Coats is visiting her parents near our town. Hiss llorteusc Tyrec was visitin iu town this eek. nr. liiii::ie dtvier was on our; streets lust Wednesday and Thur day. Mr. M'-rey visited Lawrenceburg lhl week. M'.ss J- nnie Tintmn, who, f .r the ' pnt two month's h-n b.-en visiting I relatives in Murray Ky. returnel j home on the Joh s a lat M mday. 1 Tom Vyy enme iu ft.'m S.ivBtinrtlt last Thursday. I The Lucy Hiibinson made a trip up to Clifton this week. She came after a hog and half a dozen pigs. Quite sn enjovab'o dance at Dr. Clarke's Friday night. Tub Edini-iton h at home this week. jus, received the Cockier of Dee. 3d, and rf com so was very much surprised to see the marriage of Mr. Gill and Miss Hudiburg con. tradicied.ns it was he current report here, aud was gei crally believed. I a;n s::rry to have offended the lady, but did it innocently; but In the language of J no. A Logan, "1 wont do so no more." Hoping to be forgiven without a fight, I am, AJot rewpcctfuily, Rip Van. Dec. 6, 1885. IMKUKSi 1X1 TO LOTH SKXK. Anv man rr woman mtik'ng less h'.in $40 u e.-My should try our easy money-making hu-iuc.t. We want Agents lor our "celebrated Madame Dean Spiual Supporting Corse's; also, our Spiu-il Supporter, Shoulder Brace, ivn 1 Alviominnl Protector Combined (t'"r .Men and B"ys). No .xrericii'-je required. Four order? per diy give th,1 Agent $150 month ly. Our Agents icport four to twon ty pales daily, if' outfit free. Send at ouce for full particulars. State sex. Lew's Scliielc & Co., 3i)0 Brodway New York. WEEKLY AMERICAS liasivills, lenn.- GoLJ. 3. mimSWJditsr. 01TL7 C1,TS DOLLAE' A YEAR. An iuluml uico of valuable reading lor little money Market Reports n Special Feature, Changed regit- liiiiy. For Hard Times, TIE EA7A1SAH C01IER .u DEMOP.ESrS 1LL.USTRATLD MONTHLY With Twtltf Ct f ,1-i r Pitt-rnt of your ow S'lscticr v.1 nf any sire. iiCTH PCSLICiTIO'aS, QSE YEAR, $2,C0 (TWO SiXTY), THE I3ES I Cf &M iha Magazines. 'v",,7''l';.ji iU r tit, P je ins and rtinr Vitjrsry v' i.-r -c'vU, r0.t'i.iti,:.g Artistic, Sciantifio tao ik''p! I '.iatr. ytlinff-'rir-t Wf! O- tvinat Strel Kngraf fl.rt.nje;vwi, Oil futures nui fine H 'svfrr. f, making it (he Model fllirfjttMine 1 America rF,a h Va v,-tne vonfcilns a COrTON OimEit imtn iinir tho lioMor to the dclcctlon of NV PA'i' ' iiluratcd iu that iiuui'jer, arid In AMY" ME. DI-IOHiWS MOV'rnr.Y i9 titly rntlthd Ub '.Vi.rlu' Mo'lnl Jl'.:mzine. O'he farpi-at in r'-rn, th. L.i jr-st iu Oirculntion. und tbn bpft I' WO Dollar Vanily ris;:iTjiif iannrd. KS6 wUl b' M10 Xwcnty -svin l your t-t it publlect'on ; it is eoritinwiVv 1-n r. n-j and po exrivciy 11 to );? ir in titmt sask cf Famtiv IVrlfHliinlp nnd p-u'el to any mn?nztne. It coiilinns72 ra.n..i;.r c obmr", 8x:Ht ltirhca, oloifK'itlj pnntpil und -fully lll'ptrt4?d. Pub-Ik-bt-d b.v V. Jc:inbiK Deroorest, JS'ew l'uik, AND BY SPECIAL ACRF.EMENT COMBINED W.I 111 t.lfc, Savaaiali Cnnricr at $2,60 Per Tear. ftffll RECAPEIflQ It wilt rmrlfynr I r-Hoh 6101 rcprl til 1.17 s T.'.a llll KldTllHfc Tim HEALTH mid WOteof YOl'rilt til Svll ll:)3 dis;:iu r.iiiri"at'i-rtii!,iiind ntlclen 'I'ONlc, "l'e .ll!v lvsi" li..Vntol ApieUU'.linMe tiiiit, l.n. k il Sir; iitin, v'c. Us u.c Is niarkvd with liDUH-t!iiii in.l whimI.t.iiI rMills. huiit'S, nnicls t:il nr-v.'S rr-i fl, e iiw force. Elillvtu:' tiiu uihul und ' ppt s lirain Tttwir. r,)c"l' p-i'rlii(r irom sll pmnlslnrt fcf Wlf'iJ )ii-.-.:liai-10 ll.elrsix Kill find iii I a.ilAJTi-:a i XCNIO r run-mid s;'i-Jy euro. :t UK i ru ir an'l hosithy coiinlcMio'i. Vlio 5tr..iui'-. t - 1 .i.i o 11 y , ilir value of On. n.lKTMt' lll.K 1'HMC 'S llllll fl'illllt altlMi!l3 M cor ulert'. itliij linvf ft'ily iiildeii l llitlioplilar llyol Hit' oilrti:.l. If y.iM -ri:rMlv drain' limlUl do nut xr Ji ini' " rvi Hie OumiSAL and KM. V. 1 1 :U. j., t..r oar "BSEAM BOC K." 9 t'Llt f -Iran i'-a! tiv-ful iittomntioo. Um-W Dr. H.vrs. "a ion tcnio 1a ro Sale by all DRUUi.9A.lO DK.U-CRS EVERYWHERE. TbamontpnfmUr Weekly nwyuer4Totd to't-'icroe, rne?n'mi?s,ensiiBtriojr ak&cnB, in Tf atifftw nd ptnt ever p ibtished. Frery ntn hr IIitrf;d with pplndid ncrtTincs. Thi T icRt inn fnrcishaf a m't TaluAliif ocyc1opdifc ff itiforinMion w hi 4 no nwnhoald w:tnoM. 1U pulanty of ilift ttciKHTinc Amt.iucaH 19 tnrh tttat n ciir'iiftion nrly quAldttiat nfill other p-irMn of itrnMCOmnd. Fnr. f3 jTir. pisronnt t lClnba. Buli hy all npwsda 'er MVN'N ACU..Pi:WUhT. No. 3tn Broadway, R.V. It v a fwjr mm m Mann m Co. ww m priu-lK BNior u'tV 1t CtRrm snd hs vrvmi v mr, tnii One HundnKi Tnsu 3 J,T . 1 SP-IWn, ra 11 uinrr p(iti. '' f Mnrmnnt to inventors thir nhts in lb trf United Stt, n1. Enlsnrt. .rrsnos, pij'ifr-usriy snd other forie "if, pre- t: parcl s: -r.nrT nour sr.a c.n tww.n vr SiiS Inlor-j-suon sstoeStminiBK mtents chser K l'ni y Tin vrtfcont ehsree. Brid-iliS of "inlnnni'MiV wot fn. PslTOts otiod thrw-a Mnna A frv r noticed in 1S Fcientitio Aeric'il tii Tbi dTsntjrlfrarhotiei vsli -i ler.,(id be s'.l persoo who wis to 4- cf Thir r-tenss. Adirw WI NS 4 CO. 8LM 1U10 ituus, 3 iosawsj, Wmm loifc. 7 jf. r mnrt rut v ttstt JP? i''' Aufi fe$Sr-'iafaWW IIISlllllM SO i ICE. All Administrators, Exec.itors and Guar dians, ho have not made settlement with the Clerk of Hardin County within twelvemonths prior to this date, and all Guardians who nave not renewed their bonds within two years prior to this date, are requested to come forward at once, make settlement and renew their bonds. Also all Merchants whoes Licens has expired, must settle the same at once. This Oct. 8th. 18S5. J. C. MlTCllKL, Clerk, 'C5 AG3A1TD COKfilNATIOIT. '5 Tha Savannah Courier, AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-jQuRHAL One year for $2 00. Two paper for little fuoie than the price of one. By paying us $2 00 you will receive for one year your home paper with th? Courier Journal, tits Kepreentativt .Newspaper of the South. Democrat ic ajid fw a TaritT for Revenue only, and the best, brightest nnd ablest Famtry Weekly in the United States. The Weekly Courier-Journal has the lar Domestic circulation of any Newspaper in America. Those who deirf to examine a ample copy of the Courier-Journal can do so at this office' li MA hi Is always spicy, full of news and entertain ing. It has an Agricultural Correspondent . In each county, anil makes a monthly re port of the condition of crops and stock, which is of great value to farmers and mer chants. It is one of the boldest and ablest journals in Tennessee, and is a perfect terror to rings und monopolies and machine politics. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY. One year $5 00 Six months Co Three months 1 50 WEEKLY. One year Six months Three months 75C 50c . Clubbing Sates. The Weekly IHnner, a 56-column live newsy paper, and the Savannah Courier, both one year for $1.50. Best Hook for Kvkrybody. The ne illustrated edition of Webster's Dictionary, containing three thousand engravings, is the bust book for everybody that the press ha pToduced in the present century, awl should be regarded as indispensable 10 the wcll-reg ulated home, reading room, library, itiid place of business. Uolden t.ra. THE AP.KA.i3A? TRAVELER The most refined and most popular of all the buinorg as journals Of the choicest original and selected mattei every week Price $2 a y r V i-paid, to any address. SPECIAL OFFER. By special arrangement with tho publisher Ot mis pap?r, J ( irrsiww rivciri n be clubbed wiUi the Couriv.r for $2.50, tluis affording an opportunity to secure troth pa ner for'a little nwre than the lirice of one, This is a rare offer. Take advantage of it at once. Samnle copies of Tie Arkansaiu Travcltr will be mailed on application. r.Sf We alfo furnish the two large and col- .... ,.T1 , A. I.... T.-....I..- ore-l engravings i uc 11 ivutna, n..ivi. and" I'he Turn of the Tune," which, togethei with the original story of the Arkansaw Trav. .Oct. as told bv Col. Sandy Faulkner, will b mailed to any address on receipt of 40 ctn : tjo-itape stnnips taken, lliese pictures or. not given as premiums, but are mailed, post paid." only on receipt of price. Address READ & BENHAM. Publishers, Little Rock, Ark. THE AVALAtiGKE, tit THE DAILY Delii:red by mail, post paid, $lo per annum; $5 for six months; S2.W for three months. THE WEEKLY Contains all important news of trie week, anric.tltural, commercial and choice literary mr.tter. 1 erins by mail, Jl per annum, postpaid. AiHre is ail letters and telegrams to THE AVALANCHE. Memphis, Tenn tWln n m EWslWW iii i I For Florence and Way Landings rtr vn-w R. I). Morrow Master, Will Duncad Clerii Tasses Savannah going up Thursday nii;ht ana rriday niyht going dewn, reaching t,v ansvuie Man-lay. fc. t. lvdNiJ.U.1., Agt Savannah, l enn. For Florence ud Wy Landings J. li. Si.SETH Master, S.IC. IlAUtUoik Tastes Savanna') Monday morning point; up, and ednril:.y ninrnin; coin dow reaching 1'aducah Thurtv nipht. E. C. KKMIALL, Agt, Savannah, Tenn. 5 .vn h fiiwn 'N-'sO-wi BtitidUj tri ..1tt lillil IcIms.'M iSfci2SEi3r5Sr?sr?i ETEAK1"3 V7 P 2TISI.3T, J. H. GritSth, M.mer. Dong Dallam, and AK Veatch, clerks. Leaves St. I.ouU every Friday. Leaves Clifton every Sunday nigiiL Jenkios & Suns Agts. SL Louis. INSOLVENT NOTICE. Kavinp this day duly auerted the inso ency of the estate of J. S. l'icken deed, all perom holding .cbinn. .gainst said estate! kic he. u, iiui.ui'i ... me 111c 9iiic umrtcnv aulhenticated with the cttrk of Hardin t orn- Cotirt on or Wore the 5th -lay of Ann). ,SS6. or they will he forever Mrrrttoth i. law and equity. This Vh day of October, I&S5 KlLaY pATrtasox, Admin'iitnitLir. THE WEEKLY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT. One lollar n Year. 5 READ CAREFULLY. " The following coinpaiativc statement of a number of tho mo t promi. i.ent weeklies puhlisned iii the United Sta'es el ows conclusively that the Weekly Globe Democrat is from 23 to 50 per cent the thenp:t. ' WEKKl.Y OI.OBE-DF.MOCRAT, St. LouU Weekly Republican, St. 1-ouis, Xi'etkly Tribune, Chic.ig), III., Weekly Time. Chicago, III., Weekly Inter Ocen. (.hr-ago, Bl , Wf ckly linquirer( Cinciunuti, Ohio, Weekly Commercial li..zcuc, Ciociuati, Oliio, Weekly Times, Ne York, Weeklv Sun, New York, Weekly World, New V-nk li COLUTS 05" S0LI3 ESABISU UATTZIOT IFAVGS C? 8-D. Ton pauM tii.i.le up of the latest telegraphic news and correspond rnce liem all p' lta of the world, political news, complete Market re ports iiiid choice miscellaneous matter selected especially for Farm fc Home. Sent to any a :drcs one year for $1, postage prepaid. It is the largest and best family ptiper'in the world. Samples seu ou ap plication. Prices of Other Eitlitons of the Olobo-Dcmoci'nt: Daily, per annum ........ Tri-Weekly, jrer annum... Semi-Weekly, per annum . . Pustmntiti rs "tml News lcuU'tJi are nuthorizcl to rectivo stibucrip tious, or st'iiil iiircct to the GLOBE PKINTING CO., St. louii, Ko. JOS1.V IS. f.'81'Z.V, WITH BROQKMISS, RANKEM k SCSDDER, its' if W vsi ..Xb t XJ 413, 413, h 417, And m & 2i: HASSLOCK 7-TTV I 1 1 1 a T-V 1ULUO No. 1f2f Church Ktreet, NASKVILLS, - - - - TMIrilOXB No. 615. SubscrilM1 Ur the M:ishvl!U Jotirn-il Islc! srjiti uvr(.'ry. 2 a j ! In a-avifi ?. ilAilffiN COLLEGE RIMGA.MZBD. Instruction tliora h in Vli? DqwrimentB of MATHEMATICS, - OOl ExNCE, MUSIC, antl ART. mm mitt ill . in Chaig.-a rcasrtaublt. Savaiuutli, Tcnu. KEMTUCKY MILITARY ErE4XlTIITl l.-clttnil" 'llr" - - - - " mmm twii.iviin( Iflplllpplfs i MM I HiEUT IT CTBra-irtphis)vCronp. A.thB, BreviMtM, HmrvicU, Hairtaiir, Tft r M Mw 1 ' E oai-SSUKSs. I: hu':.. M.-ui( CtKh.Wlloorlli Cc4K, 6 . r.-h, Cii . !f.o.b-.i, ;i.VT, 0euS liiarrfuw, fcwuv . inwiiw. if3r fa Ma rtsfc, t a rHitdurati rtsiep'-lnmreawcnaerSss dltsjTry. Kos),rtltlte)t.rinia'se-)il, tPin pr(- j o ri'.r. : Riaur of dttaua. Tti. infratioB arow.d miiH iHUtia vmIa Ms Mciaa la Mrtst .a nt pills. 1ud oat .tout aluim and yon will always Da tbanrrai. caa rlU a noaa. Etrtrtv-d pa uM.l 'rt.a. fJoid eve-rri-a.'Si.Qrsoritbyint.jlf-irsao.inKa-iipa. Br. l. Jv'ff.Si'OK A O.. 1) O.K. , "sr- j SB H IU Ul-,i.J worth ft pound of 111" .-Wla7 iVSIlU. .Vw Ntnetly BsQioIneVoft bt ctvaii with feoO. B tic verrwDr, 09 sent by i ik A 1 om hy smm, ymsmidt mm PIAK0S-G3CAN9 Thm dewiad foe th. Itnrared K ,aov k ffAMtJjr Pitsos Is now so larce that ' secotid s.wltl"! lo iha fsrlory has liernme imp1 rattee. Do not eegulra one qusner as morh tuuins; as I'isnoa on lh. preTaillsf wreit-pln sTStem. 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