Newspaper Page Text
i SAVANNAH COURIER. ADVEKTISIKO KATES SFAC- " J MO- 4 M0 VlAl t Inch $oo J J 50 S sod I inchei y 4 00 7 00 10 00 ) iiickei v 3 op 8 50 ! oo 1.4 column 3 50 7 00 10 OS t 00 i-i column 7 00 10 00 15 00 as 00 coludtn It 00 is 00 so 00 30 00 THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1865. OUR AUTHORIZED AGENTS W. I. Piokexs. Adamsville, Tenn. Jim Combs, Adamsville, Tenn. B. G. Bkazeltoji, Saltillo, Tenn Miss Mi'i. lie Bakiiam, Saltillo. J. T. Martin. Nixon. E. B Harbeb. Cerro Gcrdo. G. W. Shaw, Sa anuah, Tenn. J. S. Irwik, " J. R. Duncan. Pittsburg, Tnn. SAVANNAH DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH SOUTH. Re. J. T. Curry, Paor. Preaching every Sunday t tt t. m. ft j p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Sunday School Sunday o a nv D. W. BROYLES, Sup't LODGES. Savannah Lodge No. ita F ft A M meets Friday ighton or Wfcr each full noon. H. R. HIXKLE, W. M. W. T. POWEltS, Sec. Hardin Lodge K. of H. No. 174 meets tint and third Tnesday night in each month. W. H. CARRIVOTON, Dictator. JAMES WILLIAMS, Reporter. Awrfent Order United Workman Home I.ode No. jq Beett second ft fourth Thurtday night in each R. K. BENNETT, M. W. J. T. MATinOX, Recorder JAMES WILLIAMS, Financie COURTS Circuit Court, third Monday In Jan . May and Sept. T. P. BATEMAN, Judge. G.W. HARBERT, Clerk Chancerry Court, third Monday in Anr. and Oct, G. H. NIXON, Chancellor J,r.McDOUGAL,C& M Chairman County Court, Alfred Pittti Cleik Conn ijr Court, J. C Mitchell: Clerk Circuit Court. O. W Har- hert; Sheriff. W. P. Storv: Tntee. T. K. HnrMj Reg. ter, Jno. T.Maddo; Ranker, R. Eat. J. T. White, surveyor for the East aide of the Riv. erand entry taker for the county. J. L. Taney, for the weafslde. THE MAILS. Go to Cavender for vur fine flour for Christmas. We call attention to the card of John W. Akin in thin issue. He will be found at the Htnkle & Ben nett old stand. There wl I be a meeting of stock- helders of the Hardin County A. & M. Association at the court house on the first Saturday in January. I. W. Ross, President. L. F. DeFord, Secretary. Mr. N. E. Walkins, of Clifton, was among the visitors la our towu last week, and led us to believe that he would become a citizen of Savannah if lie could rent a residence for next year. Cavender has more linn apples for Christmas tlitin any body. Mrs. II. E. Akin litis a nice line of Christmas roods which she desires the ladies of Savannah and vicinity to cull and examine before buying elsewhere. Acrostic. Savannah Cocrier, friends, isthe'paper you should take; A II its honest pations sr.y, it "Surely takes the cake." Virtue has its own reward, I often hear them say, And hence, this breezy paper is compelled to win the day. Hjovi, friends, you know as well as I, when 'round your evening fires X ews for discussion you must have, 'tis what your home requires. And if you will this paper take, on each page you will find Home and Foreign news comolete, with Household Hints combined. Conclude to give your names at once. In other words, "Subscribe." 0 nly think, each Thursday eve, what fresh news you'll imbibe. U nless you patronize this sheet, while yet 'tis called to-day, It ednced to want, ye editor" in truth, must move away. 1 know you each and every one will in the Courier find E nough of common sense to brush the cob webs from your mind. It esolve to take it for yourselves, and never . be behind. Aunt Jemima. Our Clubbing Hates. Mr. A. F. Whitlow of the Cerro Gordo neighborhood, left two very We will give you the Cockier and large turnips at this office last Sat- any paper In following list lor the urday. The largest one measured amount opposite the name: 24 inches in circumference, and the Courier Journal heaiest one weighed 4 pounds. W. P. Story with a posse visited Alabama last week and succeeded in recapturing Wash Strickland, who had been given a few days respite Co visit bis family but failed to return at the expiration ol the term; hence the necessity for the airest. Arkavsaw Trnvehr . . Nashville Banner . . National Revieto . . . Southwestern Journal Eduaatiun . . . of $2 00 2 50 1 50 2 15 1 20 WTe publish this week among our new advertisements one Irora the Weekly American ptibliHhcd at NuslMille. The Ainericun Is one of the leading papers in the South, and its weekly, made up trom its excel- The time for spare ribs, back bones, and "sassengers" has arrived and dinings are now the order of ,ejt 8 e fftuv 18 fun 0f fresh, in the day. One at Mr. John East's on 8trucuVe and entertaining matter. It last Sunday, and one at Mr. U. W, j8 Doran's Sunday before last, which we attended and to which we did ample justice, were in our eye, successes. Willie Ross, 95; Hardin Ross, 96 2; Albert Barnhlll, 96.9; Edgar Pick- ena, 95 5; Otis Baruhill, 96.5; Arnn- la Hudiburg, 96.2. These students hare a high standard of Deportment and Punct utility, Depoitment making one tenth of the Average, Punctality one tenth, and Scholarship eight tenths. Most of the scholars have done good work this term, yet, as we en ttr upon another term, it i with the hope that all will attain to high er grades than th"ey have in the past. H. Wekdin. Hardin College The first Terra of the present Ses- sion or narriin uoncge win ciose Dec. 24th. Ou the evening of Dec. 24th, beginning at 6:30 pm., in the College Hall, will be given an Enter 'Aintnent the closing scene of the Term. The main features of the evening will be, Quotations by the little people, Recitationo, Music and a Declamation Prize Contest. The music will be, first, General, then Songs, then Song by the Qnar tetClub. then Xmas Music by Mus ic Class. In the Declamation Prize Contest there will be six or eight Contestants, and the Prize is $5, or its equivalent, offered by Prof. Cox, and to be awarded to the best Dc claimerby three judge9 selected by the parties Interested. AH friends of education especially! and the public are invited to attend. H. P. Wood. Source of the Mississippi. offering valuable clubs of subscribers to which it in vites special attention. Len Gansett. Go to Cavender for your sugar and coffee for Christmas. The bottom is out. In the isue of The Arkansaw Traveler dated December 26th, will appear the opening chapter of a Our Clilton correspondent reports npw serial, by the editor of The Ar the marriage of Mr. J. E. Edmiston kavsnw Traveler, entitled: "Len to Miss Mattip Walker. The Courier Gnnsett; A Story of Afknnsaw Life." shakes hands with the happy pair The newly found source of the Mississippi is a sparkling little gem of a lake situated above and beyond Lake Itasca. It nestles among the .. .... P otII.I piemiums iorii""UBin u" u"i'?4'iuicu u mm region of Minnesota, many miles from the nearest white settlement and just on the dividing ridge which forms the great watershed of North America. Within a few miles of it can be found streams whose waters are tributary to the Red River of the North and the Yellowstone, thus reaching the sea thousands of miles from the mouth of .the mighty Mis sissippi, which flows in a trickling WATSON & HEFNER, Real Etate Agents Savanuh Tenn. Will investigate titles, buy and sell lands. Titles to lands in H.trdin County investi gated free of charge. Lands will be adver tised free. No charge will be made for any service unless a sale Is consummated. A rea sonable commission will be charged on all sales perfected. Send us a description of any lands you de sire to sell Parties desiring to buy or sell land will find it to their advantage to call on or address as above. Corrected every Thursday by J. W. Cavender. Corn, per bushel 40 Cotton, per lb 8 iQ Sugar, brown, 10 to 14 lb I 00 granulated 10 I 00 Flour per barrel $4 J$(n6 50 ' sack Vifiao Coffee, 6 and 8 n., 100 " 61b., roasted loo Lard... , 10 Bacon, sides 9 Sorghum 405 Meal 50 Tea 75' Dried apples 3 Dried peaches 5 Cheese 1$ Mackerel, per kit 65(S7C Raisins soaaj Currants S't Butter IU20 Kraut 3 Pickles, in bostlcs 1 0(20 Vinegar, per gallon 15 Coal Oil, per gallon a) Cream Tartar 30 Soda, per lb $(io Potatoes, Irish, per bushel 5 Potatoes, sweet 5 Salt, per barrel 1 50 I'.L'es. per dozen 10 Salt, pur sack 5'o Yeast Cakes lo Citron... 35 Hominy.. 3 Beans 3 Buckwheat o Oatmeal 5 Nsw Firm, New Goods, New Pricci.J- Barlow & Hurst, DEALERS IN DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Goods will be sold JO to 15 per cent lower than ever before, and only for omm OK PUODTFG Mm -OLD 11 K IABLE FIRM. Keep constantly on hand a full line of Gents Furnishing Goods NoUons Dry-Goods Family Groceries, Hardware, Tinwareete. At the old standcJ SAVANNAH. TENNESSEE. OUR COLUMN. Pnriy o Swnnnsh tvery day axcept Sunday- Arrives 11 AM, leaves 1 P.M. Savannah to Waynhnro .eaven Mutitir... and Ertd.iy at 7A.H.1 arrives Tueidays and Saturdays t t T M. ivannah to Waterloo IavesMondayi and Fri 4ayi at ; a m.; arrive! Tuesdays and Saturdays at r.. Savannah to Pyhurn's Muff Arrives Mondays, Wedatsdays and Fridaya at ti a.m., and leaves at i . D. T. Stukkt, P. M. ? If you want a Cavender. fine cigar call on .JVTrs. R. East, in visiting her sister Mis. Aulii E-ist, in the country this week. The characters in this story are brook frora Lake Glacier. This lake, drawn Irom lite and will be present- discovered to be the true source of ed in the author's happiest style. tlle greatest river of North America The short stories which have long Capti William Glazier, on July ben a feature of that paper have 22, 1881, is about a mile and a halt On the evening of the 12th young h,een widely copied, and the serial I jn greatest diameter and would be loiks ot our town exjoyeu a very "Annie Green" now running in it is nearly round in shape but for a sin leaHant sofiablo st the residence ot ft storv of absorbing interest. "Len urb nrnmnntnrr. whose rockv shores , B. r. j , j Gansett" is a work of wider scope give it in outline the shape of and stronger character than any of heart. the original stories that have yet ap pen red in that paper, and it wil doubtless receiv a hearty welcome from readers of fiction throughout the country. across the space that divides us and wishes them a long life filled up ith an endless round of pleasure. r. R. D. Morrow, complimentary to Mr. Harry Harn, o! Evnnsvllle. he elurming hostess cannot be surpassed in point of courtesy, and er generous hospitality was appe lated by all. Christmas Entertainment. H. H. Hardin of Waynesboro, vis ited Savannah last week on legal business. Go to Cavender for your candies; he has all kinds, and prices to suit. We were shown Saturday the model of a'ar coupling. Invented by nderson Palmer of this county. It is certainly a valuable improvement The Sunday School of the Meth on the old style coupling, ami should odist Church will give an entertain- it be adopted hy the railroads It mout on Christmas night. Ou ea- would orevent much loss ot life. The tering the church every one will I coupling can bo done without going have the privilege of making a free- We publish to day the programme for the entertainment to be given at the M. E. Church the night of Dec 25th Every body should attend. The Reading Circle has received the books for the first course, Mem berg can find them at the offiice of W. J. Watson. Lewis M. Hurst who is canvass ing West Tennessee for the Nation al lleview. has been in this county the past week. (o to Ca vernier's and see his fine oranges; it will make your mouth cry. Oonnty superintendent Will J Watson will receive subscriptions to th S'liithipcutern Journal of Edu ct!.ion; price :$l, Every teacher fchould take it. Parties in need of se ing machines would do well to call on W. A. Mor rison who will sell you the best ma 1 bine in the market and at bottom prices. Messrs. Lute Pack and Tom Wil liams, of Texts, came In Monday They will spend the Xmas holiday with relating aud friends in and around Suvaunah. between the cars. Mr. J. W. Cherry, a young lawyer of much ability, ami his estimable wife left here last Saturday for Paris. Tex., where they will make their future home. While we will he losers by their departure Paris will be gainer, and we hope for Mr. Cherry an abundance of business with a good supply of the "filthy ucre." Corn Sheller. aicuousai & Mia arc now me cole owners of the right to soil The Eclipse Corn Sheller iu Ha'din County. These shellcrs arc easily opei atcd by one man or boy, and have an easy capacity of eight to teu bushels per hour. Price, 5. It should be in the hands ot eer farmer. tf. If you want a rubber stamp of any kind for marking business card note heads, or with indelible ink for clothing. Addrc, Joe M.Stewart 137 Curvb Strwt, Nashville, Tenn. Mr. F. M. Freeman is now propri : r f the Freeman House, in Ad i-'"le. He is the right man in ht place, inskl.ig hy guests .i : ' . home on all occasion". History of Hardin County. We are In receipt of a copy of the History of Hardin County, by H. G. BrazcUon. A slight perusal of its pages convinces us that it is full of information to all Hardin Countians. Mr. J. E. While is agent f r the east side of the river. Below we quote what is said of this book by Thomas H. Paine, Stale Superintended, and Will J. Watson County Superintendent: Dear Sir: Bonk received. Think it an excellent little work. Every family in Hardin County ought to have a copy. lours truly, Thomas H. Paike. Nashville, Nov. 16, 1S85. After careful examination I cheer fully commend Brazelton's History of Hardin County. Tenneee, to ev err titixen ol this county. H ex cellence is admitted by all who have examined it. Will J. Watsos. Savannah, IC. 14, 1S85. will Chri6tmas gift to the Sunday School Library. hrcrv boay is cordially invited to attend. The fcllowing is the Pkocrammr. 1. Song: Joy to the WrnJrl, 2. Prayer. 3. Song: Holy Night 4. Address by the Supt, J). W. Hroylcs, 5. Sonp Tell it again. Hy Stella and Irene Barlow. 6, 7. Song: As the Hart Panteth after the, Water Brook. 8. Class Responses, 9. Recitations by Misses Mary Cherry Ella DeFord and Allie Donohoo. 10. Song: Solo hy Miss Annie DeFord 11. Recitation: by Miss Bessie Williams. 12. Song: Tidides of Joy. IX, The Child's Creed:" by five smal1 classes. 14. Song: Solo by Mrs. Barlow. 15. Address: by the Pastor, Rev. J. T, Currey. 16. Song: Duet by Misses Ella Broyles and Annie DeFord. 17. Doxolgy. The waters of the lake are exceedingly clear and pure, coming irom springs, some being at the bot torn, but the three most prominent rise a few miles back in low, wet land and flow into the lake in little rills. On the very point of the piouioutory is a spring whose waters ire as cold as Ice and which Capt. Glazier's weary party slaked their thirst while exploring the shores ol the new lake. So lonely is the re gon around the lake that f ir four teen days no even a redskin was seen, and wearied by the hardships of this rough country, yet with a feeling ot having added something to geograpical knowledge, Capt Gla zier and his party were glad to come into voulacl ugaiu with their fullow- creatures. OUR JOB OFFICE is complete in EVERY RESPECT, Including facilities fur doing JJtt giato Work, -FROM A- J. K. Barlow & Co., DEALERS IN Drugs 31 editing Paints Oils, Varnishes, BOOKS and STATIONERY, i WATCHES, JEWILBT, Ete. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. , Tobacctt amd CI fart. W. A. MORRISON, . DEALER IN UNION AND HOUSEHOLD SEWINGMACHFNES. Every Machine Warranted. Machines delivered to any part of tke Cointry and Sold on Reasonable terms. Do not buy a Machine. until Yon have examined the Union and Household. lisigmaM Office on Main Street, West side of the'Square. See.'Union and Household Signs 10-ly. SUCH AS Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads. Statements, Bills Lading Envelopes, Rusincss, Invitation or Wedding Curds, Pamphlet Work, Posters, Circulars, aud Notices oi l Every Description. MARTIN & SHAW. T. 13. JHLAJaTIIV, And Justice of the Peace. GEO. W. SHAW, Hon Resident Notice. J. A. Hanna ) vs. in county t-oun at J. S. Watson et ats J Savannah Tennessee. In this cause it"anpearini from!thepetition that defendents. VV. S. Watson and Tiny Hambricht are non-residents of the.State of lennessee. It is therclore ordered by tne Court that publication be made for them for lour, successive weeks, in the savannah Courier, a newspaper published in the town of Savannah, Tenn., commanding said de fendents to enter their appearence herein.ann make defence on or before the first Monday in February, 1 886, or this cause will be pro ceded in txpartt as to them. It is futher ordered by the Court that this notice be spread upon tbe minutes of this Court. J. U MITCHKL, weric Our Efforts Shall Be to PLEASE IN ALL OUE WOES. We Have the Best SELECTION OFJOB MATERIAL Of any Country Job Office In the State Tv Also Agent for the Singer Sewing Machine, Otliee together on Public Square, one door East of Barlow's. J. V. CAVENDER, -DEALER IN FANCY, iAND FAMILY GROCERIES CF ALL KINDS Gunned GoodS, Tobaccos, EDUCATIONAL. ONLY ONE DOLLAR for the WEEKLY AMERIOAH Ross Academy. Friday the Ross Academy closed its hrst term. I he following are the grades of students in the Aca demic Department who have an average of '. 5 or more during the term: Laura Holt, 97; Maggie Brown, 95.3; Belle Covey, 95: Cor nelia Doran, 95.5: Fani le Ross, 97.2; Bulah Franks, 96.7; Eddie Barnhill, 95.8; James Covey, 97.5; Abnei DeBerry, 95.5; Elijah Ross, 96.5; Oscar Edwards, 95.1; Samuel She! by, 95; Archie Walker, 9S.4; Hor ace Hinkle, 7. Those in the Primary Department are. Msttie Covey, 97.5; Ella Wal ker,98 3; csie rran, 95.1; Nettie 4 Bryant, 97; Lola Spencer, 95; Lola Franks, 95.S;- Emma Barnhill, 98.7; A COOP EDUCATOR IN THE FAMIL Fresh News and Choice Reading ol all Subjects. Market Reports a Specialty. liberal premiums offered for dubs. Sen! for our premium lists. Agents wanted eve where. Address, THE AMERICAN. NashviTe,Tenn. iviiiii jr. iitfrso.v AttQrngyatLaw, SAVANNAH . TENS. . F. OOEA'E1, CARPENTER & UNDERTAKE SAVANNAH, TENN. Keeps on hand coffias and gaskets ia r style which can be furnished oo short ootid Shoo at home on Main Srreet.