Newspaper Page Text
V if -- '4 5 V trrv fcert!$herin J ;"r 1 f I SAVANNAH COURIER ' , C. L. 1IEPXEK, Proprietor. NON-POLITICAL. I)evot.el to Iht tntertt of the ' Courier Putront. THURSDAY, JAN. 21, 1886. "We must have CASH in ad- Vance for announcing candidates, an follows: Congressional. $15 00 Judicial .' 10 uo Legislative... 1000 County 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Circuit Judge. To the Citizens of the Sth Judicial Circuit. I announce myself a candidate for Circuit Judge for the counties of Maury, Giles, rence. Hardin. Lewis and Hickman, and I respectfully solicit your support. If elected I will dispatch the business of the Courts as expeditiously and wiih as little expense to the people as possible. Respectfully, 1 JOHN T. ALLEN. We are authorized to'announce JOE H. FUSSELLof Columbia, for circuit Judge of tl e 9th Judicial Circuit. We are authorized to announce "E. D. PATTERSON as a Candidate for Circuit Judge of the 9th Judicial Circuit, composed of the counties of Maury, Giles, Hickman, I-ewis, Lawrence, Wayne.and Hardin. We are authoruedto announce Hon.!.. P. PADGETT as a candidate for Circuit Judge of the 9th Judicial Circuit of Tennessee, com posed of the counties of Maury, Giles, Law rence, Lewis, Hicicman, Wayne and Hardin. For Attorue7General. We are autriorizedto announce W. P. CLARK, of Centreville, Hickman County, a candidate for Attorney-General for the 9th Judicial district 'JZZ ter, Jno. T. to. . . J.T. White, irve$,re authorized to announce JOHN L. .r.i.Jt.Mr.MtuR.nUttt Columbia, for Attorney-ceneral I. UTasw, for iht wWU'llcial Circuit, composed of irdin, Wayne, Lawrence - .ackuiai- .es and Maury. Senator Jackson came near having his house destroyed by fire one morning last week. Geo. V, .' Akers, well knowi. throughout Tennessee, died a Nashville on the 1 2th. The legislature ot Ohio re elected John gberuian to the United States Senate lust week. . He received 84 votes to Allen G. Thurman's 62. Comptroller Ptckard says ; the clerks of the courts throughout the State tie coming up quite promptly with Slate revenues. ,. Congessmuu Taylor has introduced a hill asking for an appropriation ol 7,00'J to complete the United States building at Jackson. A. L. Lnndis, Jr., formerly editor of the Nashville Banner, has settled in Florida, where he will engage in the practice of law. Under its new management the Amerian refcrsfto Its morning con temporary, the Umo.x, by name, a thing it was Lever known to do be lore. Miss Kate Bayard, eldest tlaugh' ter of Secretary of State Bayard, dropped dead of heart disease at her. home In Washington on the evening of the ICth. , 0. P. Uadden was re-elected pres ident of the Memphis Taxing Dis trict on the 7th lust, by a majority f 5509 votes over Mr. GHdenr, who received only 273 vote. A young lady in Philadelphia, who was a witness iu court, refused to kis the Bible because the witness before her who kissed it hud sore lips and ' una before him tehwed tobacco. ' . Jackson haa .made one step to ward prohibition by making it a penalty for any, marshal or police man to drink: intoxicating liquor while on duty. The m-oiui otfense makes them liable to fine and dis missal. It i stated that a society h is been formed in Philadelphia or the introduction ot a new method of dis 1.081 ng of the dead. The society op poses the burial of bix'.ics for saui tary reasons, and denounce crema tion as barbarous. It propose there fore tho adoption of a method of petrifying bmlies a method recent ly discovered by pr regiinating Rus sian. The corpse is ulijectet. to the action of certain "chemicals which rouTerts it into an indestructible stone statue, which can be set up S In a vault, or, if preferred, in a niche , ' iu th dwelling of the surviving ' THK IjrTEKV MUST GO" j ' Kenautr nn n. .... . lai)(K)gaf vitU venty Bve charter ported favorably frtn the Commit I mt,,uj,cr8i lee on 1W Office and Pout Rom In,! the bill intro-luced by him to pro Cupt. H. T. Norman, of L,banon, h.bit the mailing ol nepcr uud tippoiute.l .ncsengerof the ...I..-,; t,in,.l,1t.rvi"e,on the recoiuinenUtttiou of advertisements. The Coinmittet eaya the bill is undoubtedly cotmti- tutiouid, and quotes a decision ol the supreme court, upholding the right ol Congress to pass such lairs, and conclude its report by saying: "uVt'oiltiiii of the press was not grant ed for the purpose of intrciiehing In our'aystem au enemy to its better conditions. On the contrary, it was cstnblihhed lor the purpose of pro moting such conditions. If it be prostituted to the base purpose of crime and the demoralization of the people to the swiudling devices of the manipulators of lottery schemes, surely Congress may say that it shali not be entitled to use the instruuteu tality of the mails to ctlect its ends. Evil agencies in society are nulli cienlly and effective of harmful re sults in spite of all that is done to restrain them, without being re en forced by a doctrine and practice which would entrench them in the constitutional guarantee of the free doui of the press, and assure them immunity in the use of the mails." Tennessee has the following pluc es on Committees: McMillan, wnys and means and American shipbulld era and Blup owners; u.iiunwue, naval affairs and militia; Neal, miu ing and mines and claims; Richard hoc, Pacific railways aud war claims; Pettibone, elections and expendi lureson public buildings; Caldwell, commerce and the cbrirmanship ol the committee on election of presi dent and, vice president; Glass, ag liculture and improvement and lev ecs of the Mississippi; llouk, mili tary affairs; J. M. Taylor, postotfice ud post rouds and chairman of the committee on expenditures iu th iiavy department: Z. Taylor, pen mono and expenditures in ' lie post office department. Caldwell and J M. Ta lor olone have chairmanships The people ol Atlanta are having an interesting time over the recent local option election. The anti-pro liibitionists are doing all in their power to prevent the operation of 1 lie Drolnbitiou law. They have abandoned the discussion as to whether prohibition prohibits, are endeavoring to throw doubt ou Mie proposition that an election elects. Under the hw 'one tenth of the vot rs who voted caif petition tho supe rior court for a contest within twen ty days from the announcement ot the result. The anti prohibitionists have secured the requisite number of signers, The prohibitiouists ure indignant but confident of ultimate success. A FKOZEX SOUTH. The extraordinary cold wave which ha9 swept over the country lins surprised the oldest inhabitant in tiie Southern States, and caused immense damage in the farther South. Iu New Orleans, Galveston, and many poiuts iu lower Testis 'the ice has been thick enough fur skut ing, and even in semi-tropical Flor ida there has been a remarkable ami damaging freeze. In Texas the loss of cattle ilias been very great, uud the loss from frozen oranges in Flor ida is estimated at $1,000,000. On the 11th Gov. Bute commuted the sentence rf William Spence, who is serving a life sentence in tn pen itcntiary for murdering his son in law Ed. S. Wheat, to five years from that date. Should he live to serve out the five years he will be eighty years old he leaves the peui tontiaiy. The Boston Putt objects to hold ing a world's fair at Chicago In 1802 on the ground that it ii au udvertis ing scheme. If Chicago is willing to risk New Orleans' experience let her go ahead, especially os she asks no aid from the Natio lai Govern ment. Secretary Lamar has decided that a suit should be brought by the United States to seitie the validity ot the Bell telephone patent. STATE XEWSo A. A. Lewi, editor of the Tenner i sttan, ht been .ppoiBteU pot.Un.ts let at Gallatin. j ur.nrr the recent cold np.ll Du.-k , River (rovs over at Lolucibi. for , first time in ten years. Ex Gov. Brown has resignetl the roeeiverahip of the -Texas Pacific; Kil.,.a.l; a position Le has held for I several years. A German Knights of Labor a- aeinblv Uas been oraanizuil iu Glial- Mr. Mc Mi Ilia. The Commissioners for the West eunessee Insane Asylum have ap pointed as building commissioners, Ausliu Miller of Hardeman, Johu R. Goodwin of Memphis, and A. W. brockaway of Haywood. The residence of Mrs. Miles, who live five miles from Uuiou City, was burucu one night last week, as was also Miss Coi'iune Miles, aged 16, aud a negro woman. The fire was not discovered until it was iuipossi ble to get all the occupants out. Those who did escape were badly burned and frost bitten iu the cold. While a freight train was passing through the tunnel on the East Ten nessee, Virginia & Georgia Railway under Missionary Ridge, a locoii.o- tive which was loaded on a fi t car scraped the arched top of the tuunc aud displaced several of the arch bars, causing a cave in. About 30 tett ot the urchiug caved and the train wus split in twain The engine was derailed aud otie car lo led with merchandise eiuirely crushed. The tracks were blockaded for 24 hours. Passeiigers ou the main stem were transferred over the Ridge, and pus sengerson the Geoigia division went by the Western & Atlantic to Dal ton, Ga., and thence South. One of the mo-t deplorable rtcci- dents that we have been called upou to record was the accidental shoot. ing and death of young James R Merri wether, son of Thomas Merri- wether Esq., of the 5th civil district of this county, last Wednesday. The unfortunate young man was at the residence of Mrs. Dr. CritteQden preparing to go bunting when a bird tlew by tit which he fired killing it. Uefor shooting the bird it is sup posed he cocked both barrels of his gun and forgetting tins he was re loading when it was discharged, the entire load taking effect in his neck just below the chin, se ermg the windpipe and jugular veiu and pro dueiug death in a few moments. The family and friends of the deceased are deeply grieved that one so young, impuiar anu promising should meet such a horrible late Whig. ' . Tenesses Teachers' Sealing Circle. The valuable books below named have been a iopted by the Tenness see Reading Circle Board, for the Teacher's reading course: IIAKNts' BttlEK HlSTOKTOr TIIE WOULD. The most attractive and cnterlaiu ing work of the kind ever placed be fore the educational public. Elegant ly printed, beautifully illustrated aud substantially bound. Contains 632 pages, 240 illusttalious and 34 chromo maps. A book of rare merit and one of particular importance to educators. Selected overall competition lor the Teachers' Reading Circle of Tennessee, and other States where Reading Circles hare been estab lished. Price, postpaid, $2. PAGES' TUEORV AND riUCTlCK. Revised Edition. This volume has, without doubt, been read by several hundred thou sand teachers, and its popularity re mains undiminished largo editions being exhausted yearly. It was the ploneir, as It is now the patriarch, of prolessional w rks for teachers. It treats of the iollowiug subjects: The Spirit of the Teacher, Responsibility of the Teacher, Habits of the Teacher, Literary Qualifications of the Teacher, Right Views of Education, Right Modes of Teaching, Conducting Recitations, Exciting an interest in Study, School tiovern.nent, School Arrangement, The Teacher's Relation to the Parents of his Pupils, The Teacher's Care of his health, The Teacher's Relation to his Profession. Miscellaneous sutestions. The Rewards ol the Teacher. Price, postpaid, f 1.33. An entirely new aud carefully re vised tiii ion of WATTS IMP It1 'VlJltN T OF THK MIND, nrriii'eil witli spt-t-ial view U the Iv x-iu3itiij Cu t li OrM-tln, is now revly ntl nhS IHI1 rf!tlliriV fSHptetl as one of the iMtoks of tbe Tenuc-ae cur and is n; of th most lioln f! ' s ,tM- teat ders t ver publish- :ei. e"" lV' e.-e"'' r ffa-l !o without a copy. Price, ' x- . . :. . .i . .fh b(,.(k3 ohWineA tt H olfKe ..f the Countv urinten- dunt Will J. Wau.w, tt the folio. ..!..! I'rics, viz: B.rnes' Gen-; oral H'?rrry, l 40; Paces' Theory j arl i'.af tire, 90c; WatU Iiarove-; THE ARKANSAW TRAVELER The most refined and most popular of all the humorous journals Eight pages, Fcrty-eight Columns, Of the choicest original and selected matter every week Price $2 a year Post-paid, to any address. SPECIAL OFFER. Hy special arrangement with the publisher of this paper, Tie Arkantaw Traveler will be clubbed with the Courier for $2.50, thus aHording an opportunity to secure both pa pers for a little more than the price of one. This is a rare offer. Take advantage of it at once. Sample copies of The Arkansav) Traveler will he mailed on application. IQrWe also furnish the two large and col ored engravings "The Arkansaw Traveler," and "The Turn of the Tune," which, together with the original story of the ArkansawTrav eler, as told by Col. Sandy Faulkner, will be mailed to any address on receipt of 40 els ; uostage stamps taken. These pictures are not given as premiums, but are mailed, post paid, only on receipt of price. Address 111.-. 1, ... iirvn t t n..l.l:..u... ItrwYU OC 1LJ.1 ll.'l.M, I UUIIMICI Little Rock, Ark. THE AVALANCHE, THE DAILY Delivered by -mail, post paid, $10 per annum; $5 for six months; $2.50 for three months. THE WEEKLY Contains all important news of the week, agricultural, commercial and choice literary matter. Terms by mail, $1 per annum, postpaid. Address all letters and telegrams to THE AVALANCHE. Memphis, Tenn. '85 A 32AND COMBINATION. '85 Ths Savannah Courier AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL One year for $1 oo. Two papers for little more than the,pnc of one By paying us $2 00 yon will receive for one year vour home naoer with the Courier-lournal. the Representative Newspaper of the South. Democrat ic and for a Tarin for Kevenue only, and tne oest, brightest and ablest Family Weekly in the United States. The Weekly Courier-Journal has the lar- America. Those who desire to examine a sample (rest Momefttlc circulation if any Newspaper in examine a sample copy of the Courier-Journal can do so at this office' INSOLVENT NOTICES, Kavinc this day duly suggested the insol vency of the estate of I. s. Pickens, deed, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereny notified to hie tne same properiv authenticated with the clerk of Hardin Coun tv Court, on or before the Sth day of April, 18S6, or they will he torever barred, bom in law and equity. This 5th day of October, 1885 Rilrv Pattkrson, Administrator. ' Having this day duly suggested the insol vency of the estate of G. W. Worle y dee'd, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby potified to file the same properly authenticated with the clerk of Hardin County Court on or before the 1st day of June 1880, or thev will be forever bared This, January 4, 1886. J. II. Al.LP.N, Administrator. 1-4 All parties holding claims against the es tate of B. M. Daren, dee'd, are hereby noti fied to file the same properly authenticated with the Clerk of te County court of Har din county, Tennessee, on or before the 15th day of April 1886, or they will be forever barred both in law and equity. Rohkrt Russell, Adm'r. This Nov. 17, 1885. Having duly suggested the insolvency of the estate of C. W. llennett, dee'd., all par ties holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to file them properly authenti cated with the Clerk of Hardin County Court or) or before the 15th day of April, 1886, or the same will be forever barred both in law and equity. This lath day of January, 1886. V2n24t. J. L. Bakir, Administrator. BeTnf ft.u ftw&re nf th put inttrett the Udie kra taking in KeminvtonWork, w have preptrra ft 0m Plote Oatflt cottUlntog Mfc tU BtaaiviM Ml twm on bett government txifxi parcnmcni raprr. in Sen;n t. iacludiu Spnyt of (Mtlea Rod. Tnnjtrt. Wild Rcae. Fortrt-me not. TbiMlct.Scnwberriet, Outline of Boy, Girl, Bug, spiders, Storks, Scollops tor Skins. Crujr Stitch Pat tenw,Cryttsl Etchinp.Bor. detn, Pond Lilies, Tulips. Scc.. ., In U, ringing in site from i t-itn. to cheslso 1 !Ui BUcfttMr 1 Bi W , and Ml mi complete directions fcr Kosin(toa Stamping ,n4 and Irrldoscnt Pahiunf . Colon uMd ud mixing of Color. Ribboa BmbrovSenr. Chtnllta and Aimsme Work. Comet r-l..M th iliibmii ftnwm. IVtrrintton of v,rv Btttca ixroKMrr, Kmiuus ptinuog. uam, ""'"J wed la embroidery ore., auku a OMipltn Outat thai caa ant be bouiht at retail for leu tkaa I4.00. Te fatrodue timi N n UOIIARMOI.D. tae lanre. moare lllusrtmted Mst sitae derated to the Interesa of tne Country Home ARM AND HOUSbHOLU. rjw urre, 3 l...riujMtfnli. the Interests el th and Homekold. ire will send out of theM Outfits complete 3 mot. rebtCTipttoe to the Miffs tine. Fire (or (l. Money cheerfully renutded If But more tnaa satisfactory. Address FARM AND HOUSEHOLD, to 41, Kutfwi Con to so lady M u send tor For Hard Times. TEE SAYAMAH C01IER dem6rests- ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY '"MAGAZINE Wi Twelve) Cat rSper Pattern of your m Mlmtwa an! of aay liia. Both Publications, One Yeir, $2.60 (TWO SIXTY). flEMOREST'S T 1 THE BES Of all the Maerarlnaa ontaininq w etwirtonry attrtietieeM. stahtMie ArtmrauL a...t.a. Ill HoshmIwW aMtiar. HosHMlmlel sMtleea. Iltnfrmtmd trilh OWerieuU a.l is, i-MsseatreimetrM, IHl rutrri mnd JIsM W eXMfraK. euMllf ii th Jf MM Mafmrina wtn-itm. IV Earh UfaMaine) m rflrtnir Yft.''n?.rni una-toe ooiaer u ITM Mlectino nf jr watt EHuiustretod lu tut uuutr dbmorkts jr(o?rrHLT to jtorti mui UPSSrVJS. p th TweotT aeeoorl Ter of ita DtiMiratinn 1 'JSL fiSSfg 5 rfc A"0 ,v pEc'At ameiemciit combined Onw-,-.,,. ftnir?n- cV ei Cfl TJr, Trr, limm Courier nt $2.60 Per Tear. mm ONLY OKU DOLL A It for the WEEKLY AMERICAN A GOOD EDUCATOR IN THE FAMILY Fresh News and Choice Reading on all Subjects. Market Reports a Specialty. Liberal premiums offered for clubs. Send for our premium lists. Agents wanted every where. Address, THE AMERICAN, Nashvii;e,Tenn. Is always spicy, full of news and entertain ing, it has an Agricultural Correspondent In each county, and makes a monthly re port of the condition of crops and stock, which is of great value to farmers and mer chants. It is one of the boldest and ablest journals in Tennessee, and is a perfect terror to rings and monopolies and machine politics. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DAILY. I WEEKLY. One year J$ 00 One year 75c Six months a 60 Six months 50c Three months I 50 Three months 25c . Clubbing Bates. The Weekly Banner, a 56-column live newsy paper, and the Savannah Courier, both one year for $1.50. WQiisiUirficlieiCii. For Florence and Way Landings STEAMER CLYDE, R. D. Morrow Master, Will DUNCAn Clerk Passes Savannah going up Thursday night. and rnday night going down, reacmng t ansville Manday. E. C. KENDALL, Agt Savannah, 'I enn. PiU mi 71a fM Co. v For Florence aud Way Landings STEAMER W. A. JOHNSON. J. B. Slieth Master, S. K. Hale Clerk, Ptsses Savannah Monday morning going up, and Wednesday morning going down reaching Paducah Thursday nay night. I Savannah, Tenn. E. C. KENDALL, Agt, STEAMER W P NISBET, I. II. Griffith, Master. Dong Dallam, and Ab. Veatch, clerks, Leaves St. Ixuis every Friday. Leaves Clifton every Sunday night. Jenkini & Sons Agts. St. Louis. OUR No. 40 WAGON. We manufacture Ooen and Top Bngcirg ennsbting of tha bide bprirjn, End Spring, Brewittr, Hmken, and Edward btoria Spring. Also Tnricmi" styles rf Two Seated Car rlagea, Wagons, Cutters and tSleighs. Liberal discount to th trad. R nil for Cataloguo and Prices before buyiug. i HOTCEZIN CARRIAGE WORKS, Syncus9, N. Y. TtieOlipperTricycle HOTCHKiN CARRIAGE MS mi 5 ino leaamg wncel; Plow on tho market. There is nothing that can compare vith it in Lightness of Draft, Strength or Excellence of Work mans hip. Endorsed most stronglj by every one who has used it. WrRe for prices.rrms or descrlplivs circulars to PilM 4 OMlflEFF CO, lLsuuiactarers, CANTON, ILL. tf Al--o raaks a fa 1 liua of Plows, Cuiu'rOors, H&rotx, etc ic JE2m O. IE.IVi-IjiIji, DEALER IN Family Crcssrlcs, Tinware d General Miik: FUENiTURH A SPECIALTY. Buys Hide, Furs, Ega, Chickens, nnd AH Kinds of Produce. "DUCKWORTH JOH.Y S. JftKM.V, WITH BROOKMIRE, RANKEN & SCUDDER, 13, Bt k 117, N. 2nd Street, And 213 & 215 Locust Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Well Paid Employmcsit Can always be secured by you, if you are a competent Shorthand Writer. This you may become in a few months, at very little expense, by entering the Short hand Institute at Louisville, Ky or Nashville, Tenn. While Shorthand and Typewriting claims our sole attention, our students can receive the very best tuition in Penmanship, Arithmetic and Book-keeping at greatly reduced rates. If you cannot come to us HV can Teach you by 7 if an Thorough. Send for Circulars to Prof. II. A. Hale, Principal Shorthand Institute. Address him either at Nashville, Tenn., or Louisville, Ky, uhichever is the most convenient point for yourself. HASSLOCK & AMBROSE, PRINTERS AND PUBLIHSERS, No. 1 22 Church Street, MSHVILLH, - a. m m T2NN. TELEPHONE No. 615. Subscribe for the Nashville Join n il'of Mediciae and Surgery, 2 a year in advance. HARDIN COLLEGE REORGANIZED Instruction tboro igh In the Deimrtments of MATHEMATICS, LANGUAGE, BG1 EXCE, MUSIC, and AlfcT. liIMlIinE;l,,1mSfSkil Charges reasonable. Call on or address Savannah. Tenn. THE r- CTRBS - Slphtherii NATURES a aa M aam m n awe aan eM as, ew.jei' Belal n in iBiirii in i 13 HZ sVi. I It l;M KSi II i ii i ja ii s'-i at W - Diphtheria, Crorp, Aathma, BroooMtta, Htnraltrla, BhmmaMaTii, Werrllit at tto T,irVe. aae, Influenaa, HMklnr Cona-h,Vnioopiiwr Coujrh. C.tArrh, Choiere, Mo tbtia, Draessar, Ckns a. Kidney Trouble., and Spinal Dleeaaea. Pamynit free. Pr. L ti. Johnaon M Co., Beeitom, Hm. VUrrt Hoaraani M aesa. ars aa ThMi trilla wtrft ft vrondefrful disotmry. Koothtwllthm In h world. W.u poiilvi tmrm am . Pills. IMnrJ out kboot ihem and you will A.wtyt T . wiot UHMti 'l am lUonDHion i-owar t ftboiutoiy pur ond htch'yoou oentrttd. Onoonno lo worth pound of: ny other kind. It is trtotly o modiolao to "ww fnrjwnirf, or mtk oy mU for 13 TEAGH ANY ONE CAN Beeeew ae Ihuroewhly pwaira la three) wee a,.' rstelawlaaj with the) COMMON SCHOOL Aiiii.tirr.ufnllrrianthririo.tdlfllraltarirllarhni'-al lral cnuutriailona ft teartiere' certifier.. aid lliuaMinui.f uun ixvplc oarn an i.riiM! aii.l Incrvlve ll.rlMi.K.l. ( u ihi- muel DuatilZ ia'm Jf.'t. 1 stork puliluhed. lful i oten tiuily Irival jn.ue lo It-acucre. ilnllctual.le lu ei,oul. "sur CERTIFICATES CASM BE OBTAINED.' A Itettet rertew ran hr malr fntn iht, book la oo wtck toaa fruea Ten Buuka In tbre nuath. i. -7 auiu lor exaniinaiKiMa l h no equal. "ioa. it pre PAHLIAMENXAKY RULES It doe, not deal la proof, or nnenmenta. Uueetlno, arc etated. and H, and eompreUrBM.. tlreit ll.iirT'll''. a.snl lone fell aitiotm icach-r. In rr wwiimj lirierlr and aHt,-n nrtrlr ,h, 'JIS11I1J ranchee laiiKht In our at lHioU. wlitiovt rrpovw tnilie? protes. .if rianilmi i the ten k. i. elzfrSr ??r;ii, .TL"''- The arranp-n.ent ha. heen carefully Mtedled. f nee4l..n. . ea. i f lhe,i,IJ"i: atlwleadhiK and levknkal polma. Thli wirrsi ., r,?.'.aii. adapted to N.rnti irminlnit. laMttaTel !r?5 rival llhrary when a eTtitrai rrrlew I, rvqulred lo prrtre lor ecnH cenlnr aire. Il U mii, u. hTlTL. be apprerlaieil. Mut claim ihalibe book can bate art ttqaal eonetderlnet wl.taiM-e tt rrnieea 17 In and hrtnln back lo ruemorj the principal a, ocHlone rpprnenied In roHiiiioa etkool aiadle KlaTaeaeae.MearneMBBeam - 3500 3SO0 auMTioai umu Kaek branch fadlTldedlnto rsrn drparimcnia. one for qoeattoae and one for an ewcr. Kach aeration I, limbered and a like nemher la eiren Ihe Currcapoudluc anewer. Cl.ll liereniairat. rarllisaratarT Ralee, BVedla. ad Eae. Inaltlte and Partirlplee rentaaashlp, Fh Taitiloerj. taltH State HUtory. eraph,, ft drararaar, a rttte ArtthtHh PkTlral Weoftranha, Orthoa-rvphj . eaewaeanaBBvaMaaes,l Ose Ceef, 81 I ple, R-nlt bv Vf.tT Ot'ter eir P- OLD STAND. JffM 11. P. WOOD, Principal. 5-4. INCUBATOR! BEST KAEE IMITATION OF NATDRE ON THE MARKET. It is perfect I j dimple and never falls to hatch if nianngvd proporlj-. 200 EUG SIZE, 1'KUE OXLY $22.00 Other sizes eqnallj as loir. Th prln-lpleu(tblklnrubt'rli ntlll!V alieu anting nn a neat full of el', and tor pr-'tlf-l srrrW It la fdllj equal to I ha mtwt oU liiik'huiro. and ia iul.1 at 1m tlian hui' the prim. Uuarnntrod repruariited ot moDr ir refimded. bcud tor free Ulu.traua olr oulkr lo HATD1ES INCU3AT01 CO., Quincy, IU : Wa alio maka taa SaVTUHES BBOOStft. Or Mlall (HO IB I X -vV w - - . a Slnev " Be aa .a.' arouuu wman mix wgnn vb udn xrm coal Of box of bo tlunltfal. ARE WORTH THE PRICE, aiia mm m u aa m ui as u u v SCHOO TIWTIMOIIIALS. fyrtlfn Uutrt all. Crntf. rapreeiua ihottnex ar daf on.' . Hdw Vr.-? haTdtoM ami tint) eoplaa. and the demar' 1 haft Ha, handled a book which a e ,uch cmi t.i i-t-eik.. W C. IIAOAK kd I' lpU'aCvea It.1111.. V T Tm Ki A ...... . . claaeaa, and II la bueud I have a Terr l.-ce a. !.,. f,T7 Vf C W. liAKuKKX. lit-aler h hvtwt ZjS (ST. AtlltL Vs. Tbe Bell .1 .1 -tit and tilvhtv , v. j . - . advanctd teechere, . ALbtk t.Lxl!r Bar x. Tel. I hare seed Tnttr Book for eerenl and am alceMd wtUtV M A. BAN k&. A. JL. hap t CU. '-mIi, So, Twe Capl.e. a).S Thre r.., avaj BB. .. (r-hcetl kp naatll. AeTaa4hf 2? I 10 sa CGT fne ranvaeetnr bonk: tertr, and tnetntHeta w trim. trtM. 'M .. rterrt, itotk, Ui vliia, ate. Thin eenia attuJL 3 rv ui rued la esi-Lanire for gutil book. e A. H. CRASS, 52ESSS Ca!dwB!l, Racist e'f. T- T j mnt of !he Mind, fiOo. i - L.