t i 'OS YCUR-y mm iwrnm A What does your mirror say? Does it tell you of some little tresis of gray? Are you pleased? Do your friends of the sine age show this loss of power also? Just remember that gray ,1 ne!ef becomes darker without help, while dark hair rapidly becomes btv hm ones toe coange begins. 4 will bring back to your hair the color of youth. It never fails. It is just as sure as that heat melts snow, or that water quenches Ore. It cleanses the scalp also and prevents the formation of dandruff. It feeds and nour ishes the bulbs of the hair making them produce a luxu riant growth. It stops the hair from falling out and gives a fine soft finish to the hair as well. We hr a koh OS the ITnlr and Scalp which yon soar obtain rw upon r4uiit. It jrou do not obtain all t lie bandits ynu sspscua from tu ue of the Vigor, writ the Dix-tir lioiit It. AiiarcM, un. J. t A I f,K Lowell, nlass. n Pro tuition. We give one or more free schol arships in every county iu the U. S. Write us. SPolttOMS... Suarttnteed Vnder reasonable conditions .... Will accept nolea for tuition orcf1ino4!t money in nnnk until poattion ia secured. Car tare paid. No VHcatiou. Kil ter at any time. Opeu for both sexes. Cneap board. Send for Ira Illustrated catalotrus. Address J. V. Dkacohon, frea't, at either place. Drauglion'a Dual neaa mm HMIflfllU, TtHlt, AND TEXARKANA, TEXAS. fJookkecptnf, Shorthand, Typewriting;, etc. The most thorovgk, practical and progressive achoola of the kind In the world, and the test patronized one in the South. Indorsed by bunk era, merchants, mlnlatera and others. Four weeks in bookkeeping with us are equl to twelve week by the old plan. J. K, Draughou, 'resident, is author of Draughon's new system of hookkeepluj, "Double Entry Made Easv." tlofna study. We hare prepared for "home study, hooks oa bookkeeping; penmanship and shorthand. Write for price list "Home Btitdy." Extract. "Paor. Drauuhok I learned book keeping at home from your books, while holding at position as night telegraph operator." C E. I.KFFtnowBi.t, Bookkeeper for Gerber & Ficki, Wholesale Grocers, South Chicago, 111. (Mention this paper when writing.) A Quarter Well Spent. Not for a house Ukt this, but for a BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED AHERffiAN HOMES SSI rtIM with fUartf1 Mpl fat Hmtim ; Pn fr ml lrmw4t i fW lsc9rtiktff lwrl ; J.Ma ripfUi. flH A TK4R. arww will mI H I MONT Hit fOft Stl'MiS. on AMERICAN HOMES PUB. CO., Knoxvilto, Term. wf I 1 1 I 1 . . l J 1 1 I"l I j I Sweats, ana inracKiaTa uuuiucuwki iu ru-' ent businessoondacted for Mootaari Fees. JoonOrnettsOFVoeiTijUjjB. PaTtiiTOrrier remote irom n asmuuai. Send model, drawing or photo. With descrip tion. We ad tim. if patentable or not, free oi caarga. Our fee not due tiil patent is secured. a aiamawLIT. " How to Obtain Patents," with coat of aame in the V. S. and foreign countnet II il In m jc.A.snow&co. J Op. Patct Omoc. Wminoton. D. C. tinm i -- mm- LOCAL- :bietary influence. Spain's haughty sons did not pet fat On roastod borse and such as tbat, And yet H seems horsefiush for food lias done a world of irood. For now th hungry Dons commenre To show a little good horse senile. Or it I)EVir town Pub- Publishers Notice. A large number of subscriptions are now due, and our friends are requested to come for with the amounts, v.bic-h though small to each particular one, are large in tbe aggregate for us. We aill esteem it a favor if our frieuds will fav or us In tbia matter, and save us tbs task of sending out statements. Respectfully. tub Sews. Pencil TaDIets ALWAYS on hand. School will bruin poon aul the chill ren will tablet. Call on ua. L'ZZ II Bast ."' 1 I ia Bj rp. Tanaa i i I aa,-. 4 Scottsboro, Ala., bas a now flour mill. W. E. M oyer s, of Jasper, was in town Monday. Mr. L. W. Gabel went to Bridgeport Monday. M. C. Campbell visited South Pitts burg Thursday. Mr. O. W. Alder, of Victoria, was in town Thursday. V. C. Hill and Henry Kent went to Wbitwell Monday. J as. llavron, of Jasper, was in town Sunday on bis wheel. Mr. Ciiibe'i made a business trip to Chattanooga Monday. The road workers were out on the roads Friday and Saturday. A. J. Bed well jr and family have mov ed into one of the Spears' houses. W. C. Hill male a businoss trip to South Pittsburg and Bridgeport Thurs-. day. llenry Kont iroos to Whitwoll Mon day to do carpenter work for U. P. Hol lo way. Mr. C. F. Schofield, wife and daught er, bavo been staying at the Hotel Ma rion this week. The coal mines of J. R. Rice & Co. at Kimball are shut down temporarily to make improyoments. Misses Rboda Walker and E'lla Boyd, of Jasper, were la town visiting Miss Emma Gabel Sunday. Misses Leila and Lola Eillian, of Jatfpor, spemt the evening at Mr. 8. C. Brown's Sunday. Messrs. John Lay and Turley Rankin and Miss Sarab Lay, of Rankin's Cove, visited the league Sunday. 11. E. Tate, of Jasper, was in Friday. Ho will commence the lie school in Jasper Sept. 5. Jamrs C. Abies and family came down from Dunlay Saturday to attend the uieiuqrial services Sunday. Mr. T. M. Eukin of Whitwell, made us a call on his way home from the re publican meeting at Jasper. Miss Nannie Donaldson, daughter of CapU Donaldson, Jasper, wus visiting Mrs. J. W. Oraham, Sunday. Mrs. C. Gabel, of Athens, Tonn., and children and sister, arrivod on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Uabel, Saturday. On Thursday last Mr. J. L. ScbulU bought out thu stock of Brown & Gra ham and took possession of tbo store. Vi. J. J. lloge, of near Jsspor, called In on us Saturday. Ho is now hauling lo?s from his place to Gabol's mill this city. The demand for grapes from the Vine yards of Scquachce has increased daily. Will the vineyards bo enlarged this fall? Austin Coppingor took a load of Irish potatoes to South Pittsburg which he readily disposed of at OOo ahd 70c a bushel. Services were hold at the Owen Church Saturday and Sunday ovening, Kevs. U. L. Killian and U. II. Oury in chvrjo. Henry Kent is now out of a job, the work on tbo hotel being discjnlinuod (or a whilo until more funds are raised to finish it with. Dallas Dixon was down Saturday to Post meeting. We are glad to know that Mrs. Dixon although not well is ahlo to be about. The demand for Seqnachee grapes this year is constant. We wish the whole of the mountain could be cleared and put into vineyards this fall. Mrs. Dyer, of Whitwell, and Mrs. Ma ry Brown, of Soquachee, wore the guests of Mrs. W. A. Moore, at the Moore House, last week. Dunlap Tribune. Mr. II. G. Blansett had the misfor tune to slip and fail while out on the mountain side Friday, injuring himself somewhat besides getting a Bhaking up. Richard Parka and Andrew Harris, of Victoria, attended Post meeting Satur day. M. K. Shumake, of Inuian, was in town Saturday to attend mooting of Post. Mr. A. V. Crockett, formerly of Whit well but now of Sallisaw. Indian Terri tory, sends for the News to be sent to him out there. He is reported as doing well and prospering. What is tbe matter with our Viotoria correspondents? A year agj wo had four of them tboro and they usod to deluge us with news, now we can't get any news from them at all. Mr. J. L. Eldridge, of Cleveland, Tenn., was In town lust Thursday. He is a brother of J. B. EldrWg.i and form erly a business partner ol Mr. J. L. Schultz, who is locating here. Mr. C. F. Schofield, editor of the Re publican, So. Pittsburg, spent Wednes day night of last week hero. He made the News a pleasant call ana we were glad to make his acquaintance. THINK about your health. Do not ullow scrofula taints to develop in vour blood. Take Hood's Snrsapa- rilla now and keep yourself WELL. Horace F. Smith is the new goneral trallio manager of the N., C. St. I R. R., and it is believed that tbe road un der his management will establish a verv liberal Dolicv to shippers as re gards freight rates. Ruben Warren, of Jasper, was in town Friday collecting taxes. Ho did not collect any from us as by a great efTort managed to pay our taxes last Janu ary, but be paid us a subscription in stead, and It was very acceptable. Tbe quality of the blood depends much vinon eood or bad di?PHtion and assimilation. To mak the blood rich in life and strength giving constituents uo Dr. J. II. Mi lan s Mronthening Cordial and Blood Purifier; it will nour ish the properties of the blood from which the elennnts of vitality are drawn. Price l'c and SU a bottle. p Liver Jg and I: Ji Kidney Diseases are manifested by Backache, Rheumatism. Loss of Appetite, Foul Tongue and Weakness Dr, J. El. McLEflll'S LIVER and KIDNEY BALM Is the remedy you need, of equal service in mild or chronic cases. $1.00 PER BOTTLE. J. L. SCIIULTZ. Sickness has provallod in the David son homo this week, Mr. and Mrs. Dav idson having both been under tbe care of Dr. Schultz. Mr. G. W. Lewis, of Whitwoll, was in town Tuesday, shipping the effects of Mr. J. 1). Martin to Chuttanooga, who bus gone there to work at bis trado sad dle and harness maker. It is proposed to hold a service in Rock Church in tbe settlement where Rev. Jacob Houts lived and labored for over thirty yoars as a memorial to his memory some time in September. The date is not yet fixed. Mr. C. F. Schofield left here Wednes day morning en route to Nashville, While there bo proposes to see Gov. Taylor personally and get from him if possible the assurance of the Governor being here at the Sunday School Con vention Sept. 17. 18:8. From a delegate wo get the informa tion that at the mass meeting of repub licans held at Jasper on Saturday, dele gates were chosen to the various con ventions and without restrictions. The meeting was well attended and the bus inoss was trauaauved promptly. We are glad to acknowledge by tbe hand of Mr. Sherman a subscription from our comrado Col. C. H. Carpenter, of Dunlap, and wo shall bo glad at the Camp Fire and Rounion of the Union Soldiers to be held at Dunlap in Octo ber to take him by tbe hand. "We drank from the same canteen." In our last issue we stated in connect ion with the donation of grapes from the Vineyards of Soquaoheo to the 1st N. H. Rogiment, that Mr. Melcher don ated them for himself and associates. We have learned since that it was Mr. Melcbcr's offering and at bis own ex ponse, which was a liberal and a grace ful act to do. Mr. M. W. Anderson, Supt. of Sequa cheo Valley Branch, N. C. & St. L. R. R., fully approciates the importance of Sequaubee grapes and to help the rapid transportation has arranged tbat a car loaded with grapos goes in on the ev ening froight, thus getting in tho day's pioking bore to Chattanooga fresh and nico for the day following. Got more grapes and other fruits and the trans portation will bo all right. At Four Score. Restores Health. Dr. Miles' Nervine V I In man. A. 0. Kelley's horse died at Chatta nooga the other day. Goo. l'rather and wifo passed through town this week. Lester Richmond is very low with ty phoid fevor. Albert Pitman, of Ridgedale, was in the city yosturday. IT NCLE EZEKIEL 01SEAR, assessor and tax collector, lieverly, ftlasa., who bas passed the 80th life mile stooe, says: "Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine has done a great deal of good. I suf rred for year from sleeplessness and nervous heart trouble. Would feel weary and used up lu the morn. In;, had no ambition and c.y work svemed a burden. A friend recommended Vr. Miles' Nervine, and I purchased a bottle under piot est as I had trkd so many romedics un successfully. I thought It no use. Out It gare me restful sleep, a good appetite and restored mo to energetic health. It is a grand gocd medicine, and I will gladly write anyone inquiring, full particulars of mf sat isfactory evperlence." r "Ti" lr. lines Kcineaies or. ' are sold bf all drus; fUErct-e, erst bottle (SrVinO benefits or money re- S ftastOTM funded. Bock on dls- t ,, w. , jenf the heart and ervra free. Address, DR. MILLS XEDICAL CO.. Uabart. lod. CLOTHI Mens' Ming NV m cl on 1 It SSS' uni k ! Boys' ClotliiDg! At Prices Warranted to Please. $4.00 to $14.50. BOYS' Splits. $1 aid Upwards. BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE. Fall and Winter Goods. :j2re now in stock, as we do not wait to the last moment to buy them, and our ready money buys the goods at any time. Large Stock of Dry Goods, t0 select (rom New and Nice! Hign Grade Footwear. YY E believe we have the DC$t DltC of Shoes in town, considering wearing qualities. We buy nothing of the shoddy make, but all good, first-class ma terial at prices to please. Our- Grocery Department is always Fresh and Clean. SSkSWe do a big business in baiter and can handle more of it. Bring on your chick ens, eggs, produce, &c., and trade them with us. Respectfully, WHITWELL, IRLEY. TELT2NT. Memorial Service. As previously announced services were held Sunday morning- at Owen Church in recognition of the late Jacob Uouts, and we were gratified to see the ohurch well filled with his relatives, friends, and neighbors, many coming from a great distance. Tho servicoh wore opened by singing of several selections by thu choir. Then Rov. R. L. Killian rend selections from Paul's 1st Eoistle to the Corinthi ans touching tho resurreotion of the dead, and alBO from the Psalms of ba vid. Then another selection by the choir. Then prayer was offorod and an other selection by the choir. Then fol lowed the sermon of Mr. Killian from 2nd Timothy 4th Chap. 7th and 8th ver ses which was a fine eulogy of Mr. Houts in his variod relations as a min ister, citizen, neighbor, and friend, and introducing many instanoes showing the earnestness and benevolence of his nature. Mr. Killian was followed by Rev. R. H. Oury, who testified to the grand character of Mr. Uouts, and quot ed many Bpeclal instanoes of his desire to do good. Mr. Oury closed with a well worded eulogy. After prayer by Mr. Mason, the services terminated. To what was said at tho publio expression of respect and esteem we add the lines of Whittier: "Thanks for the good man's beautiful example Who in tbe vilest taw Some sacred crypt or altar of a temple (Still vooal with God's law. "Men failed, betrayed him but his seal seemed nourishe d Hy failure and by fa 11, Still a large faith iu all mankind he cherished, And in God's love for all. But round his grave are quietude and beauty, And the sweet heaven above. The fitting symbols of a life of duty Transfigured into love. (Successor to Uabel & Rrown.) MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Rough and Dressed Lumber. Flooring, Coiling, Siding. Always in the Market for Rough Lumber. jlESTI MATES for buildings furnished on application. SEQUACHEE. TE1STN. Mew Amphitheater. Monteagle, Aug. 10. The trustees of the Monteagle Assembly appointed un der tbe recent reorganization met this ,li.pnnAii &nri AlActAd ntrlnfira as follows: General Manager and Treasurer. W. R. Payne; Superintendent ot riatiorm ana Schools, frof. A. V. Bourland; Resident Physician, Dr. K. W. Drake, Chattanoo ga; Resident burgeon, Dr. A. Hudson, Nashville; Resident Dentist; Dr. W. 11. Richards, Knoiville. Dr. J. I. D. llines, of Lebanon, form erly Superintendent of Platform, de clined to stand for re-election. The trustees also decided to build a now and handsome amphi-thoatre at a cost of 13. 000. R. E. Hunt, of Chatta nooga, bas been selected as the archi tect, and at the meeting this afternoon be submitted plans which met with the approval of the trustees. The plaos call for a modern and very haudsome -i. ,n wiit. atone walls. The site will be the one on which the present amphitheatre stands. Great Cures proved by thousands of toMiinonials kIiow that Hood's Sar sapsrill jiofSHOkos K)wer to purify, vitalize and imi h the blood. Hood' PiH are the only pills to b Uktn with Hood's SarsapaxiiU. QUALITY, RESOIIAIIGE, arethepfortiof DEPTH, POriER. TrZTuTi One make of Piano may have one, another two, another three ot these properties, j j" j i ' f - ' Has them all in harmonious combination. Agents lu most all cities. Ii none in yours, write us. Established 25 years. Ft riaync Organ Co., Ft Wayne, Ind. LcestahoHostCompletlSuccyIactoryoIlartii Write for Prices ano Catalocue - . i v. ' Ou Coons Ape Thf Dest Our? Price the Lowest PARRYMFG.&,ii,,aia?0l5vd BEAD THE NEWS. 1 lor tale by Brown A Graham. ,