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Sequachee Valley news. (Sequachee [Sequatchie], Tenn.) 1896-1952, December 30, 1920, Image 1

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NO 24
Four Workmen Lose Their
; Lives At Wilson Dam.
Florence, Ala., Dec. 27. A
derrick boat used in the con
struction of the Wilson dam, on
which seven men were working,
broke loose from its anchor Fri--day
evening and was carried by
the swift current of th river a
gainst one of the piers of the
dam and sank, four of the seven
men going down with it and three
making their -escape. Foreman
AT P. O'Neal was one of the
men losing their lives. None of
the bodies haye been recovered.
The horrible accident cast a deep
gloom over the entire Muscle
Shoals district.
The Hicks Weather Book for 1921
This famous and unique book
is now ready. The 1921 edition
is the best yet; contains all the
old popular and many new feat
ures. It is worjth its weight in
gold to those whose occupations
or pleasure trips, are affected
by the weather. The predictions
of storms, tornadoes, blizzards,
floods and earthquakes are mar
vels of accuracy.
Price by mail, 50c. The same
publishers also publish the
monthly magazine, Word and
Works, a family magazine with
the weather forecasts as leading
features. Subscription price oi
Word and Works is $1.50 a year
with the Hicks Almanac to each
subscriber. Send orders to The
Hicks Almanac and Publishing
Co., 3401 Franklin . Ave. St.
Louis, Mo. """ .
To the stockholders of the Farm
ers Supply Co:
On account of the First' Satur
day being the first day ot the
year, we will have to postpone
the January meeting of the stock
holders until Jan. 15, 1921. Tnis
will give the store mannger am
ple time to get out his report.
Let every member make an
earnest effort to be at the meet
ing. Officers are to be elected.
J. D. LAY, Pres.
JAS. WELLS. , Sec.
Jasper, Tenn.rDec, 20, .1920. .
The Nashville Banner is pre
eminently a; home newspaper.
While it has unsurpassed facili
ties for giving all the news (lo
cal, state, national and foreign),
yet it prides itself upon the clean,
wholesome and reliable QUALI
TY of its news. ,
Its editorials and features are
meritorious, yet refieshingly free
from coarseness, sensation and
flippant snggestion.
It is taken in the mo3t refined
and cultured homes with the full
assurance that its influence will
be who'esomely instructive and
morally uplifting:
Read The Banner For
True, Pure
Served by theAssociated Press,
International News, United
Press, New York Times Cables,
and a large corps of special news
gatherers. Nashville Banner,
Nashville, Tenn.
Christmas Cantata
Very Interesting
The cantata given at Owen
Church, proceeding the distribu
tionof gifts from a Christmas
tree Christmas Eve, was very
interesting and enjoyed by the
laree audience present There
was perfect order also, which
added greatly to the enjoyment.
The cast of the cantata,
"Queen Christmas," was as fol
lows: King Christmas Chas. Curtis.
Queen Christmas Miss Eliza
beth Deakins.
Spirit of Love Miss Nell Leland.
Bells Irene Lofty.
Light Frankie McCullough,
Mildred Curtis, Thelma Grif
fith. Snow Mildred Hill, Juanita
Brewer. " ''
Gifts Wilma Lawson, Myrna
Decorations--Mary Harris, Ava
lee McCullough. " ' " '.'
Christmas Tree Glen Curtis.
Feast Pat Brewer, Jr.
Herald John Leland.
Steward Louis Harris.
Courtiers-Roy "Curtis, Clark
Minor, Jess Coppinger.
Workers Jas. Barnett, Gerney,
Clifford and Ray Lofty, Louis
Lasater. '
Santa Claus L. P. Brewer.
" The exercises were opened by
an address by . the pastor," Rev.
Dailey, followed by prayer. A
nice collection was taken up for
the benefit of the Sunday school.
After the cantata gifts from
the Christmas tree were distri
buted, and the younger classes
of the Sunday school remember
ed with apples and oranges."
The exercises closed with ben
ediction by Rev. Daily.
Miss Lena Lasater, of Whit
well, and Mr.N. E. Sexton, of
Dunlap, were united in marriage
at the parsonage of the M. E.
Church, South, Dec. 22, at 7:00
p. m., Rev. A. F. Phenix officiat
ing. Mrs. Sexton is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Sallie Lasater, of
Whitwell, formerly of this place
The News arrangement with
the Progressive Farmer gives
you both papers one year each
for $2. Order today. : ti
Playing Mother and Father to His Baby Brother
4. ft''-:'
ftp ' h ,
4- , .
This la a common sight In Poland today, eight and en-year-oId cWldren
mothering and fathering their baby brothera and alatera. ThU photograph,
ecured by an American Jewlah- Kellef worker at Breat-Utorili, ahowa aO
elght-ytar-old boy feedlng hla Uttle brother from a bowl of hot oup Just
secured at a feeding atatlon supported through American funds. The relief
workers found 10,000 chlHren, mostly .war orphan, living In deserted dug-outa
at Bfest-Utovsk. ; '
It Is to aid such waifs Is these that the European Belief Council has
been formed by merging the relief activities of the American Belief Admin
istration, the American Bed Cross, the AmerlcanFriends' Service Committee
(Quakers), the Federal Council of the Churches ef Christ In America, the
Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the Knights of Columbus, the I.M.O.A.
and the T. W. C. A.
Spuial U the tfews.
Xmas in over and everything pass
ed off very nicely. There was a
nice Xmas tree at the Ebenezer Sun
day school and also a nice tree and
entertainment at Pleasant Grove.
Everybody seemed to enjoy them
selves. Some bad a little booze but
it seems that booze is plentiful.
There is more drunkenness now than
when we bad the open saloon. If
the Sequachee river was brandy and
some men were ducks they a dive
to the bottom and never come op.
Walter Spangler and family, of
Dunl p, spent Xmas with bis father,
Bill Spangler.
Mixs Lore n a Lambert, of Guild,
visited her grandparents, Mr, and
Mr. Sam VVTebb, the first of the
week. '
Charley Kauluton visited Leonard
Webb Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Martha Lambert called to
see her son, Ike Lambert, who lives
at the lock and dam, one day last
week. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Jones took
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ilershel
Minter Sunday. ;
Bill Rogers is home visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rogers,
thru Christmas.
Mr. an'd.'Mrs. A. A. Billingsley
visited -Mrs. Billingsley's parents,
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. VV. B. Rog
ers, of near Sequachee. "
Dan Lambert visited V. C. Webb
Mrs. Albert Brewer spent Sunday
with her uncle, C. E. Hancock.
Alex Quarles visited Sam Webb
Sunday. -
Mrs. J. L. Webb visited her fath
er, Harbert Webb, Sunday.'
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb visit
ed in the county for the first t;me
since he married in the spri rg. Hi
wife is a stranger in this county, so
it was the first greeting his parents
had with his bride.
Ilerscbel Webb made a short call
here Monday rooming". .
B. J. Lowman made a short call
here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Anderson vis
ited Mrs. Anderson's mother, Mrs.
Andrew Hancock, Monday. -'
Miss Myrtle Hancock ' called at
this" place' one day last week;
Robt King of ; Guild, called on
William Webb Sunday" afternoon.
.. .... "j "."RoeluI ,
Sptcial to the News. . .
Cold and rainy weather seems
to be the order of the day.
R. C: t Pickett is on the sick
list. ' ' -
Noah jNewman spent Christ
mas with hism'other; Mrs. J. C.
James Crawley and family
went to Sunday school Sunday v
. Bryson Brimer and family
have recently moved into our
burg and we are glad to have
them with us.
Mrs. Dale, Hutcheson spent
Christmas with her father,
Hops everyone had a Merry
There have been a number of
weddings during Xmas. Ray
Martin to Miss Ella Standifer
and Clyde Hoffman to Miss Clyde
West.- We wish them a long
and happy life.
- Earner Brimer called on R. C.
Pickett Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keith, of
Chattanooga, spent Saturday
night and Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Aa. G. Gibson. -
There was a Christmas tree at
the M. E. Church Friday night.
Friday was R. C. Pickett's
Well, "Uncle Tom," you might
get you a wife if you would come
over in this part of the - country.
Seems like everyone is getting
Miss Willie Lee, of Bakewell,
spent Saturday nteht and Sunday
with the Pickett, girls and report
ed a nice time.
Mrs. Chas. Cliff and little
daughter spent last week in
Chattanooga.' - .
There was a Christmas pro
gram given -at the Sale Creek
High School Auditorium Thurs
day afternoon.' Everyone en
joyed themselves.
Mrs. R. C. Pickett weqt to
Sale Creek Monday- , '.;
Bryson Brimer and little
daughter called on Mr. ind Mrs.
R. C. Pickett.
Come on, all ye writers.
' Old Maid.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grimes
and children, of Bass, Ala., spent
Xmas here with Mrs. Grimes'
mother, Mrs. Orpha Coppisger. '
8. B. Alkander, Pru. T. O. Garrett, VuPrti.
F. A. Kxixr, Cathier
Capital, Surplus and Profits,.
We pay interest on time deposits.
Combine absolute safty with satisfactory service.
Give particular attention to business of farmers.
Invite new accounts upon our merits for strength and superior
A strong bank can accord liberal treatment to its patrons. Our
past policy and ample resources are our guarantee for the future.
We Want Your Business
Jasper ,
Special It the Nevis. ,
' Christmas is over and we should
all be ready for business again.
Many children were made to re
joice over the enormous sacrifices
made by parents and others. . ,
Sam Sbadrick little boy of about
4 or 5 years was so delighted he ran
to the first neighbors house before
good day to show the tine watch he
had cn his person, which Santa bad
put in bis stocking.
One more 12 months and Santa
will be with us again. Let us be
good children awaiting his return.
Evil communications corrupt good
- Righteous communications pre
serve good morals and ensure long
friendship. We all need more
courage. Any energetic enterprise
deserves speaking well of. Speak
ing well of a boy or girl gives , them
courage. Many boys and girls have
been made worthless by being dis
courased in their vouth. It is the
desire of my heart to see the grow
ing generation prosperous.
It is also the wish of the editor to
make the News profitable, interest
ing and pleasantT We all seem to
like to read of marriages, etc in the
News. When we help the News
we are helping make our community
better, as well as others. It gives
us all the latest history . of our
friends with all other incidents tak
ing place, which we cannot get other
wise. '
Denver Guffey, of South Pitts
burg, is here looking for a location
in Jasper for. the incoming year.
Vann & Alley's stores have had
many customers bince advertising
in the News columns. We all look
in the News to see where we may
be most respectfully treated and
profited. Send in your advertise
ments to the News.
Bro. Cox is persevering and self
reliant in his efforts to make the
community better. We receive ex
cellent advice from him. He tells us
how we are living and how we ought
to live, one of the most essential
things for our happiness and welfare,
His personal acquaintance renders
him competant to do so. All other
ministers of Jasper seem to be well
informeJ as to what we need. Let
us all join in the good work of pros
perity and happiness. Let us help
each other. This is the road to suc
cess. .,
Some of the readers may not have
heard of the accident taking place
at the new gin in which Albert
Pry or lost' three fingers. Parties
state he ventured too far, but owing
to his great strength saved his life.
Mrs. Wax. Guffey was the guest
of Mrs. Sooger Sunday.
Laurence and John Guffey re
ceived a fine chicken for Christmas.
Sheriff Coppinger killed bogs and
is making ready for the busy time
after Christmas.
Mrs. Charles Quarles.. waa the
guest of Mrs. Songer Sunday after
noon. Working
men are still, riding to
South Pittsburg;
from Jasper. Id
.9 25,000.00
. 123,000 00
seems that business is still alive.
We have a good prospect for
colder weather.
Let us hear from the west again.
Glad to read your letters and
learn how business is prospering.
The president only promises to
nrntoot. na an lat. na atit.Ar fhn haw
r i -
year' with greater effort and inde.
. Retired Farmer.
Morganville. -
Special to the Aems.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Green spent
Christmas with Mr, Green's father.
The school gave an entertainment
Thursday night and a Christmas tree.
Miss Ethel White and William
Scruggs were married Christmas af
ternoon. '
Misses Mae Teague, Zetta Smith
and Alva ' White went to Sunday
school Sunday at Cedar Spring.,
Miss Gertrude White gave a pound
supper Xmas night. Sure, was a big
crowd there.
Wilson' and .Chas. Condra and
Will Davidson, who are working in
ChattaBooga, Jspent Christmas at
borne. -
The C. P. Sunday school had a
Christmas tree Xmas Eve night.
Wonder if Miss Gertrude White
has that box of candy eaten that Old
Santa brought her. "
Miss Gertrude Morrison was all
smiles Xmas night.
If you want to see fida Griffith
ask her about that package Monday
morning. "
Mae Teague and Wilson Con'dra
seemed to be enjoying themselves
Sunday afternoon. U.
If you want to see Rosa Morrison
smile ask her who she ate supper
with ChriHtmas night.
Misses Gertrude White and Ella
Ashburn went to Sunday schoolSun
day. J. E. Smith and S. E. Griffith
went to Whitwell Monday. -Wish
all a Happy New Year,
Mama's Pet
Miss Delia Smith.
Miss Delia Smith: acred 26.
died at Erlanger Hospital, Chat
tanooga Monday of last week
following an operation. Miss
Smith had undergone an opera
tion a few years ago. but a sec
ond one proved necessary and
was accordingly resorted - to.
She was connected vii.h Dr. Cur
ry, formerly of So. Pittsburg,
as assistant, and when he moved
to Chattanooga recently, went
with him. She had many friends
who regret her untimely demise.
Her .remains were brought to
So. Pittsburg Tuesday, and in
terment made at Battle Creek
where her parents reside.
The public school has been in
session this week, having closed
Wednesday or the holidavs.
The school closes Friday and un
less a subscription school is start
ed the kiddies will have a long
vacation until next August.
Read the News.

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