Newspaper Page Text
I 1 V ATETTE Jb ALCON H ESTABLISHED 1866. 80MERVILLE. TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, JULY 30, ls-20. New Series: VOL. XIV.-N0. August 5 Election Next Thursday, August I,, is, the data for the regular Auguet electton tbrooat the stste At' that time will be elected in every county a Trustee, 'Sheriff, a Tax Alienor, five members of the County Board of Education, three Advisory Directore in each dis trict and all constable! in the etate. Id addition to these, a direct repre- sentstive for Fsvette county will be elected, under a pedal election order made by the County Election Cummin toners last Monday, on proclamation of the Governor. Thia special election waa made necesssry by the death of Hon. D. C. Weill lome months ago, ani the further fact that the Governor tias decided to call a special session of . the State Legislature to meet on Aug ust 9 to pais on the National Suffrage Amendment and other nutters which he deems sufficiently important to in clude lu the call for the session. In this special election there sre two candidates aonounced to fi l the unex pired term of Mr, WellH. They are H. P. Crawford of Williston and K. N. Ware of Moscow. Ia the regular county election, T. M. Ross for Sheriff. J. T. Jordan for Trustee, and S. P. Crawford for Tax Assessor, are the Democratic nominees and have no opposition in the coming rcKular election. Up to Motidiy night when the time for qualifying ended, Wyatt Wfikinion - wit the vniy candidate to have bis x name placed on the official bal'ot for member of the County Board ot Edu cation from the First School District, composed or Uistncts l, 8 and 15, and is without oppesition. In the Second JSchotl District, compost d of 2, 3 and 4, no one had bia name pliced on tbe official, ballot lor use in the Fourth District, tbe only precinct using an official ballot, and J. C, Perry, present incumbent is tbe only candidate Tbe Falcon has heard of, la tn other die trictf, it is not ktiowa at this time who is running for membership on thia board, or whether present incumbents are candidates. No candidates for Constables or Ad visory members are known at thia time, but as they do not have to have their names on an cffidal ballot except in Districts 1, 4 and 8, they raa annouce t any date prior to the election and use the regular 3x7 ticket. Or in pre cinct using tbe official ballot names may be writ t.'u in where there is no candidate, and marked juat as if the name were printed on tbe ballot. On the same date the aame fficere who hold the regular election will hold a Democratic Primary Electicn in a a different box, in which primary can oidates for GoverLOr, Railroad Com miasioner and Stite Committtmen will be voted for. There sre four candidaies for Gov ernor in thi Prlmsrv: A. H. Robertr, present Governor, Jm. R. Neal, W, R Crabtree, and E.L. Wirt. For Rail road Commissioner there are two cand idatei: Geo. N.. Welch, present in cumbent and H. K. Bryson. For members ot the Slate Committee from (he tenth district there are live candi dates, witn two to be chosen; Mrs Elmer Houk, 0. I. Cruger, John D. Martin, C A. Miller and C. A. Stain back. - And in each district a member of the County Executive Committee is to be voted for, no names on the official Primary Ballot for these places- There has been very little interest manifastvd in tbe election, aitho it has mora varied angles tbat concern people locally than most any of the other elections, &. rar aa appcarancea go there has been no oraaixiUoo in the county for any candidate aad mr work haa beaa dooe for uy one, it being a foregone cencluioii, of course thai the rtomintet for county tfficea will be lected without opposition. Lots of Appetite . Aa a general rule there ia nothing serious a boot a loss of appetite, and if jvu skip a meal or only eat two meals a day for a few days you wMI soon have a relish for your steels when meal time comes. Bear in Bind that at least five hoars should slwsys elspse be tween meals so as to give tbe food am ple time to digest and the s torn sen a period of reat before a second meal is is taken Then if you eat no more than you crave and take a reasonable amount of outdoor exercise every day you will not need to worry about vour appe tite. When the loss of appetite is eaueed by constipation as is often the ease, that should be corrected at once. A doee of Charberlain'a Tsb let'a will do it. adv Falcon ads bring results Tabulated Statement County, 1 ennessee, showing the Increase and Decrease Made by the County Board of- Equalizers- , District District District ... District District District District . District District District District District District District District Totals . 2 .... 3 .. 4 ... 6 .... 6 ... 7 .... 8 ... 9 .. 10 -.11 ... 12 ...13 ..15 Net decrease made by the County Board Aggregate Assessed Valuation of Fayette County for 1919 H a 5 c (t o C e m o 9 ST A t o ' "1 o o a O o 1 t 1 2 3. 4 .... 6 8 9 $124,835 $ 612,865 142.340 164,820 $ 637,620 154.690 179,720 864.300 212.770 12,350 24,900 43,450 23,7001 12,40oj 10,7501 25,9501 '2,8501 320,850 189,070 221.150 230.310 824.400 287.600 291.900 202.600 3U4.600 310.330 251.650 186,050 233 650 241 060 350,850 290.450 328.600 10 ,86,600 8,690 17,170 127,600 18,400 27,460 11 12 13 14 15 Total. 211.290 321.770 437.930 263.950 214.610 $517,105i$S,925,255! $4,442,360 RAILROADS, TELEPHONES, TELEGRAPHS, ETC. V Total assessed vat- " nation of distribut able property $1,322,524 Total assessed val uation of localized property 21,140 1,343,664 Total property assessed for the yesr 1919 $5,786,024 Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cored by local application, aa thr cannot reach th aiaaaMd portion of tho aar. Tharo la only oaa way ta car catarrhal deafneaa, and tbat la by conatltutlonal rimtdr. laiarraai vaarnaaa ia cauaad by an In flamed conditio of th mucou lining of th Euatachlaa Tub. Whan thia tub la Inflamad you hav a rumbling aound or ira parfact haaring, and whan it la antlraly cloaad. Daafnaaa la tha raault Unlaaa tha Inflammation can ba raducad and thia tub raatorad to Ita normal condition, haaring will ba daatroyad foravar. Many caaoa of daafnaaa ara cau-J by catarrh, which la an Inflamad con"lnn of tha mucou aur facaa. Hall'a Caurrh Mdlcln acta thru tha- blood o th munoaa surlae of tha ytam Wa w4!t glT On- Hnnflrd Dollsra- for aajrcaaor catarrhal Daafm tbat cannot ba eurad by Hall'a Catarrh Madlctaa. Clr calara tro All Crog,tta.- So. r. J. CHENLT.A-COTalada, a Cetter to jlehobetK durxh'. Dear Rebobeth Friendi:-! thank you for tho interest you manifested in the beginning of our work together on last Sunday. It waa encouraging in deed and led me to make the announce ment that we would resuxe the Sabbath School on next Sunday, August 1, at 3.-00 p. m. The lesson will be ! David brings the Ark to Jerusalem," found in II Samuel 6:119 and Psalm 24:710. In the absence of Sunday Scheol Liter ature ws hsve gooi reassa for b in line our Bibles, which after all is the book that we are to study togeibr. Lt everyone talk for Jesus, inviting tl em to his worship. Faithfully yours. J as. W. McNctt, Pastor. Qiaxaberlaia's Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy This medicine always wins the good opinion if not the praise of those who use it. Try it when you hsve usd such a remedy. adv. by Districts of All Taxable Property in Fayette 25 a 3 7' 3 o c e n H o 4 a r o 1 s m a 2. m m i a 816.64U 551 i 555,457 'i34 19.475 20,989 34.425 27.957 23.322 27.945 36.005 666,145 22.100 573.900 52.450 76,100 68.900 74 000 48.500 200.700 4.150 94 650 79.450 52,300 134.250 64.300 44.935 1,464.150 965 800 922.650 1.181.700 1.478 4(0 77 143.600 103.800 135 350 141,050 32.434 1.099 600 1 144 400 986 700 986 800 1,296 550 1.029 890 676,150 33 616 36 87 26.742 29.738 85.556 30.411 32.448 135 M37. 300 B15 189.386 596 !$1.079.150 M.161.S95 of EqualUers . Club Work Wednesday, July 21, Yum Yum com muuity, Brunswick slew and barbecue ot camp ground. Gamts. music, ar.rt plans made for community fair. Thursday, July 22. Brunswick stew and bread contest at Warren, nine women and four girla txbibiting bread (yeast, biscuitand corn muffins). Score: Mrs. R. L. Jones, blue ribbon, 972-3; Mrs. Berry Terry, red ribbon, 962-8; Mts. Ben Cole, white ribbon, 95 2-3. GIRLS Daisy Foote, blue ribbon, 922-3; Msrgartt McKinstry, red ribbon. 91; Marguerite Atkinson and Allen Doug las, tie. 83 1-3. Bread was judged by this score csrd: w i. ueneral apyearance 20 J () Size . 5 (h) Shape ! 5 (c) Crust io (1) Color 4 (2) Character 2 (3) Depth 4 2. Flsvor 35 (s) Odor ; . nj (o) Tsste.! : 17 o. .Lightness 4. Crumb . (s) Character 20 (1) Coarse or fine...5 (2) Tough or tender..6 (3) Moist or dry 5 (4) Elastic or not 5 15 .20 (h) (c) Color s Grain (distribution of gas) Total 100 Per Cent 30 30 10 30 100 30 BISCUIT General appearance.. Texture and lightness Crust. 2 Flavor-.. Total Murras General appearance . Texture aod lightness Croat . flavor .10 Total .100 Tbo women's club-at Mseoa held Mm regular meeting Tuetday, July 20. Miss Gutbriv of : Km,xviO, . gave a spieodid lecturer on- "Household Fur nisbing aod Decoration." C. R. N. Ware for Representative The name of R. N. Ware of Moscow haa been carried in the announcement column of The Falcon for a month aa a candidate for Represented in the August Primsry, but the Governor hsving ordered special election to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. D. C. Welis, Eq. Ware announces that he will make the rsce ia tbe special election ordered for August 5 ami Tbe Falcon is changing bia an nouncement accordingly. Esq. Ware his been prominent in the social and official life of the county for a great many years and haa doui much for bettering the conditions in the wsy of public Improvement!, etc. ia hisjpart Lof the county. He is a Democrat and asks the sup port of the voters of the county as a Democrat. OH o o e c 3? ill srS. e Q. O a I y N,3 8 - o 1 N, It t 6ioi 1.5o6. iT3.77o .521.470 688.245 626.350 6,625 694.900 685.3;)0 1.428,730 1,061,600 41.000 111,520 1,640.250 1.034.700 26,900 996.650 131 996.781 1.230.2 59.000 28,175 71.100 43.660 72.720 247.390 13.985 1.171.200 1,794.425 1.822.600 1,103.750 1.342 850 60.6CO 1,164,350 1.271.750 1.022,490 1.101.730 1.324.465 1,080,115 729.835 1.066,150 1.174.450 1.671,850 1,094,100 721. 85 8.750 117.419,9308117.776 16.849.191 . $570,774 To Election Officers t or information of thoae who were appointed recently by the Election Commissioners to serve ss officers, jud ges and clerks in tho election on Aug ust 6, The Falcon cat's attention to the new law governing such service. It appears that thruout the atate for years good men have ref rained from election service and refused to serve so officer, judges and clerks, to such ss extent thst many precincts have been unable to hold elections at all time after time. The legislators seeing this con dition enacted a compulsory law, mak ing it unlawful for any citizen named as an officer, judge or clerk In a regu lar or legal primary election to refuse to serve, snd it thereby becomee tbe duty of every man appointed for such service to serve. And every one ap pointed who ref usee or fails ta serre is subject to punishment juit as a citizen who would refuse or fail to terve as a juror when named for tbat post. We are calling attention to this simply for tbe informstion of those that might think they were too busy to serve or wbo felt thst other business was more important for them. Every man appointed in either the regular election or the primary is sub ject to indictment by tbe grsnd jury if be fsils or refuses to serve as ap oointed. A Texas Wonder. The Texaa Wonder for kidney and bladder troubles, gravel, diabetes weak and lame back, rheumatism and bladder in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by yourdruggest, will be ent by mail on receipt of $1 25. One small bottle is two months' treatment and often cures. Send for sworn testimonials. Dr. E. W. Hall. 2926 Olive street, St Louis. Mot Sold by druggists. adv. tf SomerriUe Presbjteriaa Ctarch Dear Somervill Presbyterians:-We are having moat helpful atudiee of the Bible iato- Sabbath School' at 9:45 every Sabbath mornraay V7e cordially Invite yoo twjoitf in' wltV ue ia this er vice. Let Irs Wed our owU hearts-with" God's word then we msy expect to be helpers with God in presenting his truth unto others. At the morning worship our theme for discussion will be 'The Christian Mission." Tbe un ion services will be held in tbe Presby terian Church at 8.-00 p. m., conducted by Rev, Mr. Maer, and Rev. Mr. Tuck er of the Methodiat church will preach. "Come thou with us and we will do thee good." Your eervant in Christ, J as. W. McMrrr. "I WaaldYt Ca Caaiai WUkaat tat Saaa," Say la? Waits. "Wife and I spent our vacation camp ing last summer, smell of rooking brought rsts. We went to town, got some RAT-SNAP, broke up cakes, put it outside our tent Ws got the rata alright-big fellows." Farmers, store keepers, housewivee, should use RAT SNAP." Three sizes, 25c. 50c, S1.00, Sold and guarranteed by G. W. Locke, Rhea Orug Co W. s. Shinault adv 9? The 1920 Tax Valuations In anoter column of this issue we are publishing a table which shows the tsx siues, fixed by the County Board of Equalization which recently sat in th county. The table ia complete just aa it waa forwardod to the State Board of Equalizers by County Court Clerk C. W. Crawfcrl. With it we are pub lishing, also, the values bj districts of last year's assessment, so that the cit izens can see exsctly what waa done for them under tbe new tax laws. A comparison of the final figures fixed by the County Equalizers with the fig ures fixed by the State's Statisticians who were here last fall ahowa thst thj raiues nxeo oy rnu ataustioans were I n . i . . ... followed almost exictly by tue County Aasexsrr and his uitat.tJ in fixing the values, uuii itie County Equalizera cut a hair mill, on dollars from these figures. AImuii one half this cut came in toe tnuuetun dint rut where the assessor figures were reduced by the County Board $217,360. (eductions were made in nine dis tricts, 3. 4. 7, 8, 10, 11, 12. 13. and 14 and lucreuses Mere mde in L 2, 5, 6, 9, and 15, aix districts. The eighth district shows toe largest DeTsonaltv assessment of ail tbe districts, wite and 13 next in order and 9 the smallest personalty assessment. The eigth shows, also, the largest land vslue. who 4 a ciose second, while 2 shows the smallest realty assessment. Eleven districts show a total valuation each of more than a million dollars. Tbe total valuation of all property this year is S16.849.191. almost four times ast years assessment whicb was $4,442, 860, neither of these figueres including the railroads, telephones and telegraphs Ihese last named were asaesssed last year $1,343,664, and as the Stats Rail road Commiasion which fixes toe valua tion on them is made tbe State Board of Equalizers under tbe new lew, there can be but little hope of their increasing their assessment materially, and cer tainly there is no hope of increasing it w iwu tiuica ia)B jraar valuation. Fayette county paid $31,096 in state taxes last year on valuation of her real and personal property, with railroads, etc. not counted, At 70 cents on each $100, If tbe state rate ia .25 on each S100 this ytar this county will $42,123 stste taxes on her reel snd personal property now assessed at $16, 849.191. This is an increaae of $11,000 over laat yeai. The county's total school tsx laat year including high school, wss $34, 838.37. The county court at its April term without a discerning vote adopted a resolution promising an increase of 331 in the county school fund. This will add one third of the above sum. $11,629, making a total county school fund of $46,517. Which will necessitste a total common school and high school rste of 24 cents, when the poll tsx of a little over $6000 is taken from the $46,000 total. All county funda must be incressed in a ratio not far from the increase in school fund in order to meet the county's exoenses. When tbeie Increases in the tsx money are counted, it will be seen very readily tbat tbe county rate can not be much less than 75 cents on each $100 if the county is to meetjts running expenses. With the state rate of 25 centa on each $100 added to this, it can not be seen how the total rate will bj much under $1 00 on each $100 of valu ations, if the n cessary money is to be raised to meet the county need. aay. counties have already, fixed their1 rates at $1.00 per $100 and' aWve that figure, but no county tbat baa fix' ed its 1920 tax rate haa yet fixed a fig ure bokw'tl.00,per$100, afcd' anyone maklag-a caietriatioa of past taxes' and pf the-new- valuationa and- comparing closely can but see thst the rate most be around that figure. Sumner Complaint in Childrea There is not anything like eo many deaths from this disesse now as before Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy came into such general use. When thia remedy is given with castor oil as directed and proper csre is taken aa to diet it ie safe to ssy that fully ninety nine out of every hundred cases recover. Mr. W..G. Campbell of But ler, Teno., ssys, "I hsve used Chamber lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy for summer complaint in children. It js far ahead ofoythiog I have ever used for this porpoee." advr When the baby is suffering tbe doa ble affliction of hot weather aod bowel disorders, tbe remedy needed ia lie GEE'S BABT ELIXIR. It reduces the feverish condition, corrects the stomach and checks tho looseness of the bowels. Sold by Price Drug Co. adv Hugh P. Crawford for Representative In the column of announcements this week we carry the authorized announce ment of Hugo ft Qrnwford of Williston as a candidate for Jct;Repreeenta tive from Fsyette county in tbe Genersl Assembly of the stste. Herons aa n candidate io the Special Election whicb baa been irdered to fill the vacancy caused by trie death of Hon. D. C. Wells, who wss elected two yesrs aso and eerved until his death. Tbe term will expire next January, and the elect ion to fill the office for the new term to begin then will be held at tbe regu lar election date in November. Mr. Crawford is a n.tive Fayette countian, bom at Williston, a son of the late Jno. K. Crawford, for years Chairmau of the Cwui,tv CouiL H Was tducattd in the nuhlie arhnnla ater going to the West Tennessee Nor mal for lunher training. He ia a yaung man of fine reputation, reared under democratic influences and is, therefore, a Democrat, and asks the support of the people of Fayette county as a Democrat. By education and experience be is well qualified to represent this county in the legislature with credit to himself sad the rounty. HOUSEHOLD CARES Tax the Women of Somer- ville the Same as Elsewhere Hard to attend to household duties. With a constantly aching back. A woman should not have a bad back) And sne seldom would if the kidneys were well. Doan's Kidney Pills are endorsed by thousands. Have been used in kidney trouble over 50 yeara. Read what tbis Someryille woman ssvs: Mrs. W. J. Hswy, N. Covington St. ssys. 1 nave been subject to kidney trouble ever since childhood. I bave suffered a lot from pains through the center of my bsrk snd it would be herd for me to get through with ny house work, I had a stinging sensation in my hands and arms, my blood didn't circulate, and I would have ahortness breath. My kidneys didn't act ght at these times, either. was ad- ised to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and got a box and began using them. I waa completely cured, and highly recom mend thia medicine." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'i Kidney Pills-the same that Mra. aryey had. Foster Milburn Co, Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. How Loaf Will a Post Last? (From Iowa Experiment Station.) rhe following ie a tsble showing: ength of life in yean for fence post woods. Kind of Post Untreated Creosoted Ah 6 - 25 Brasswood 3 Blacic Walnut 10 Box Elder 4 27 25 27 27 28 27 2 2 30 37 3T 25 29- 40" 27 80 25 30 27 Butr Oak 12 Cafslpa 18 Cottonwood -.3 .4 -.4- Hard Mape Hlclrory i Hooey Locust.. ack Locust. Red Cedar R.d'Etm ll-d'Oik KedMul berfy Soft Maple wnite Cedar. ..14 wait Elm.. White Oak willow 4 -17 .4 Stings or bites of injects tbat are followed by swellings, pain or itching should be trested promptly, as they ara poisonous, BALLARD'S SNOW LINMIENT counteracts tbe poison. t is both antiseptic and besting. Sold by Price Drug Co. adv Tm Caws' AfajlMt larilafS, Aseet lata let Wist Rata steals millions of doliars worth of gram, chickens, eggs, etc. Destroy property and are a menace to health. If you are troubled with rats, try KAT SNAP. It will surely kill th em-prevent odors. Cats or dogs won't touch it Comes in eskaa. Three sixes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold aod guaraetsed by G, W. Locke. Bhea Drug Co., W, S. SHaaolt elv 12 ...30 4 ! mel 30 -..,,6t 35 4 V