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This Means You When you get a bad taste in your cenuth, a dull'cired feeling, no elishfor id and are constipated, you nay know Qtt ycu need a dude uf Camberlain'a Tablets, They not only cause an ag reeable movement of the bowels, but cleanse and invigorate the stomach and improve ihe digeation. Jam Wton Say "l'U Neer Forget Whea. Father't Hog Got Cholera MICKIE SAYS WHAT THE ANTIS DON'T TELL YOU WANTED lOOBales of Old Cotton Bring Samples Saturday 3 "On morning h found 2(l hog- dHd and several irk. He ca'l-d n the Vet. who f -r dissecting rut eauifhi in the prennineo, decided that the ridents had conv -ved germ. Since then I am never without IUTSNAP. It's the mr st, quickest rat destroyer I know." Three sizes. 25c, 50c, $1 00. Sold and guaranteed by (i Wj. Locke, RhealDrug Co. and vV. S. Shinault f E THE N TWE Bfr The Advertised Article CtTV PfcPERS, ftUt WOU DOn'T READ SVO UN N 'EM, 1N- Antl-suffraglsts tell you that between J916 and 1918 the Socialist vote In creased 22 per cent. So It did, but what the antls don't tell you Is that the Increase came In the year 1916-1917, whan woman ware not voting. The' Socialist state vote for. governor In 1918 was 23,623 less than the city vote alone for mayor In 1917. City vote: 1916, for governor 33,578 1917, for mayor 145,32 1918, for governor 86,427 A dscrsass of 58,901 In tha city S elalitt vote In tha yaar weman vetao. If you are going to disfranchise any body for being a Socialist, disfranchise CUUONflr THE A.OS, LIKE VOU .DO IN fVE HOME PPE. la bs la which Uw marcaant liimaslf has iaipUclt faltn alsa at would not adrtrtlaa it Ya an sals In patTOsiiui ths soarchanta whoas ads sppaar la tMa papar bacaase thatr goc4a are sp-te-daU aad navsr saopworn. OO NOU MOV4 ?' In damp, chilly weather there is al 3aya large demand for BALLARD'S aSNOW LINIMENT because many peo ple who know by experience its great relieving power in rheumatic achea and vain nrnnira In innl it at tha first F..H. Lightfoot K'-f-" rr-j " . wloge. Sold by Price Drug Co, Subscibe for The Falcon Kill That Cold With crt turiii 1 1 1 f i iii 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 j i : :i 1 1 1 1 ii iiii 1 1 1 1 ii i i it ii i i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 if 1 1 1 1 imiiiiiiiriiiiiifiit: the men. They contribute the bulk f Socialist vote. 1 i .. - r JMUS l is S B L3 xrrriTfiJiiiiiiiiiiii iii it iiiti tii iiiitiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii iiiiiiiiiiii if iiiitti iii iiitiiiiiiiiiir? rHE most magnetic people of the . I world, according to astrology," are those bom under tho water signs. f joacer, between June ill and July 'i .Boorplo, from Otober 23 to November 3, and PIsrcK, from February 19 to :arcU 21. All these people are In fluenced by the vibratory forces of the laaet and have great hve for the sea. They typify the feeling. Instinrta nml amotions of inun, ore pHycblc nnd in fultlvc and have more jmlsi thnu the fteople of the fire, earth or ulr trl illeitles. Strong, emotional nature- nrv eie flatfy typical of Cancer jieople. who fctand at. tho ha1 ftf thn u-nlii (H. i)llelty. Cuucerlnns nro v;ry Moiiaitire nna ure much Influenced by surronud ' luga. Romp-life means a grrnt deal to them; they reuiko the most devoted lathers and mothers. They are indus trious nnd economical, tur they dread poverty. Fame uud iuean n great deal to them. The mechanical mmd f thf Cancer fiatlve ttake hiin especlnlly duptcd to nanufacturlng nnd trading; any work ttf t public nature la also congenial to Um, K other Irn of the zodiac has s clear nnd retentive a memory for de tails. Often the women of this sign -turn to literature. They make brilliant tonversatlonalisis. although most men orn of Cancer ure alleut nnd uncoin uunlcatlve. Love of dress and color is typical of fEhia sign. , The womeu have also a fondness for jewels and for finery of tl kinds. They enjoy anything that Is sensational. -tUaxm Makes Capricioutneis. The moon governs Cancer and makes natives of this slga naturally ca . fvriclous. They are tncllued to be in constant and to crave change In their pome and business as well an In friend tehlp. Marriage for Cancer natives Is usually airncu t. for titer t re or anv relationship that must endure. The Wd astrologers limited Cancerlans to Pisces and Scorpio la choosing mar riage companions. Occasionally they wed happily In the earth signs of Virgo knd Capricorn. ' ' V ' The only vulnerable lolnt of Can cerlans Is their sensitiveness. Although invincible to argument, their feeling pre easily wounded nml they will nu;iii lon a project upon which they have (worked for years. This Is a very jear us sign and a very selfish sign, but jthe faults of Cancerlans often go tin iiotlced because of the great ningnetisiu of these natives. Scorpio for Soldier. j The second martin! sign of the & Ulac Is Scorpio. Next to Aries, the friead pole of the firo trlptlclty, Scorpio (Is best fitted for leadership, eeclal 1 In warlike pursuits. These is'ople wre natural gamblers, nud are very fortunate. A Scorpio leader will win at any cost; principle or moral scru ples do not concern him. Self first is a law of nature with him. Jealousy, revenge and cruelty are prominent traits of his character. This of course N true only of tho unbridled Scorpio nature. Educated nnd spiritualised lrsons of this sign never reveal the faults of Scondo uncontrolled. 1" Tact, the wonderful secretive faculty which is a heritage of Scorpio makea It iossible for all these natives to cov up their shortcomings. They rarely admit a trausgitwslon. for they are very proud and egotistical and can al ways, defend themselves. Their na tures are cold, unfeeling nnd exacting; they have strong iippetltos and pa-, sious and hate to work with their hands. Public opinion is law to the Scorpio native; he has also a great resect for those in high positions. Vindictive nnd subtle in anger. Scorpio natives are dangerous enemies, and susplclou usually put them tit a frenzy. They like to rule in marriage its In other things. In business or profession they like to lead and to be led that is, they like to have a head from which they receive orders, to le enforced In turu by them. Have Self-Control. ; lTuck, iKrwer and unbounded vital ity are Innate In every Scorpio nature and frequently self-control. TbU quality revolutionize the Scorpion. Tho world's greatest surgeons are born of Scorpio; they never lose their head hi an operation. This Is a splen did sign for all physicians, nurses and for soldiers uud politicians. These, Iteopie have great itowers of endui a nee, and the only disease to whlcnj they are constitutionally liable is heart' disease. j In marriage they will find the most, harmonious mates in the neighboring water sign. Pisces; lu Libra (Septem ber 23-October ''). or in Virgo (August 22-September 211). , Very lovable people are the natives of Pisces, the negative pole of the water tripllclty. They are the least self-confident people in the 'world aul, always need to be pushed forward ly! a more aggressive nature. Pisces peo-' pie seem destined to work for others, and there are no more honest, just or kindly people lu the world. These persons have well ordered minds aud a strong sense of law and order. They belong lu positions of re- 8onslbllIty aud trust, and the better: their education in youth the more like-! ly will they be to have success In life, Lovars of Animal. These people love animals and the sea and make good travellers. Theyi have very coniidlug natures and usual-' ly depend upon their families and friends for advice. They worry alwut mouey matters and are inclined to an ticipate accidents. J'bicea people need bright, optimistic companionship. This Is a very emotional sign, and It natives nfnke splendid. loyal husbaudi aud wives. They do not like, however, to make explanations, though curlosltyj Is a prominent trait of the Pisces na-i tore. These natives constantly astj questions, though frequently they do not listen to the replies. They are luH clined to be Inattentive In conversation, and often interrupt while others aw speaking. The women of Pisces are born homo makers and have excellent taste. P.oth the men and the women of the sign are orderly and, while they ate. not usually original, they can bring out with splendid results the half formed Ideas of others. Many artists have! been born under Pisces and some pop-( ular writers, includlug Victor HugoH and du Maurlor. Pisces Is very congeulal with Vlrg (August 22-Septemb?r Zi) in mend ship and iu marriage, also with Capri com (December 21-January 20) and, with its own neighborm? signs of the water trlpuVity. Subscribe for The Falcon EHJf Moner back without question If HUNT'S Slv fella (a tha treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA. K1NQWOEM, TETTER or other Itchlnf akin diaeaas. Ttr a 11 cant bos at our riak. Sold in Somerville by RHEA DRUG COMPANY Oft J, A SfSMUUILDEHs onmnnnnnnnnonnn u a a a People who have been tick, need a tonic to help them regain their strength. After severe illness, you know the tired, wtak, no-account feeling that hangs on, titer you get up and begin to go about. The sooner you get your strength back the better, and you should derive' valuable assistance, in enriching your blood, renewing your tppetite, helping you to digest your food, and to build up your system, by taking a X3 SDK C3 n u n u a a a a a nn The Scientific Iron Tonic Mr. Ervin Horton, a prominent citizen of Horton, Ala., writes: "I have been taking Ziron, and it is t wonderful medicine. It helped me more than anything else, after I had the influenza. It is a great system builder. ! appreciate what Ziron has done for me."' The merit of Ziron has been proved by the good results obtained by thousands of men and women who have taken it 'You should try Ziron. Your money win be refunded if Ihe first bottle of Ziron fails to help you. , . . Ask your druggist for Ziron. Accept ao substitutes. ZJ. 2 DO fr1 XTT I e- vz KMocoiacesmn tlteHimderful Centers YOU'LL have to bite into one of these chocolates to learn just what that means. Flavor doesn't show on the sur face. In the meantime, ' stop at our candy counter and get some to take home. Packed in a strikingly handsome orange-and-gold box. RHEA DRUG CO. The ttexnll Store YOU don't use as much of Calumet as you do of most other Baking towders. It has more than ordinary leavening strength. You save about half. You don't pay a big price for Calumet It's sold at a moderate price that rep resents another saving. You don't feel uncertain as to results. Bakings never fail because Calumet sever falls below the proven standard of "Best by Teat aBMBBBaajajjBjajiBina' "taM A V S ity ever put into a Baking Powder. Contains only such ingredients as ha" ve been offi- cisuiv endorsed by United States Food Authorities. For weeks, for. months, it keeps as fresh and full of strength M the day it left the Calumet Factories, the World's Largest, most Sanitary and Modern Baking Powder plants. . - It is important that yjw cm only straight wheat fSocr (not aei rising flour) and pure baking powder if you wish to obtain the gluten o manded by sound health. fiUraat Cold Cat Radpa Yolks of lVjcupsof gran ulated sugar, cup of water, Vi cup of butter, 2Va cups pastry flour. 1 level tea epoona Calumet Baking Powder, 1 tabkepoon of vanilla. Than mix tntbe regTij lax way. roR Coldi, Covghi CASCARA FfQUlMNE AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous TaW no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for tha first sneer. Breaks op a cold In 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the headCascara Is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Murrell-Scott Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Clean Stock Give Us a Trial Telephone 49 All Persons Who owe us are requested to pay their accounts aud past due notes before November 1 as I am trying ' to pay all my accounts and must collect in order that I may pay. All not paid by November 1 will be put in the hands of an attorney for collection. I hope my friends will not embarrass me by forcing me to do this. My business was a partnership and we desire to close out the busi ness completely at once Thanking all customers for prompt settlement. C. A. Oliver Free - Free Free Examination of Your Piano A first-class man from Witzman Piano Co.. Memphis, will be here for a. week to look after every piano in Somerville, It costs you noth ing to have it examined. All minor repairs and tuning reason able. Your piano is money and it . is worth while to have it inspected. Send Name and Address - to This Office UOQSDQQQQDQDQiCSQQDQDDQQQDa v . .,... - ' ' " ' - - . - , - . .. . ...