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You Rhea Drug Com . adv. llfllMUilllllJIltlllltlHtl(!lHIII!!llllillltlllllltllll I LOCAL AND- PERSONAL iiintiitiiiiiiiititiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiii r, Rub-MyTiem a painkiller. adv Mrs. Lee Hill and Miss Sallie Horton of Memphis were week end visitors to Somerville last week. Hub MyTism for Rheumatism, adv. Mrs R W. Sesumsh been sperd ing sever 1 days with relative in Mem phis. Take Tanlac and eat three square meals day. Rhea DrugCompany. adv ' Somerville Lodge No. 73 F. & A. M. will confer theM aster mason degree next Thursday night, December 15th Visitors cordially invited. To break a cold take 666. adv . B. T. McCaskill who moved from the Bevan place near Wrren last year to Hickory Valley was in town. Saturday and renewed his ralcon subsc iption. Don't blame anybody but yourself if ;Ma nr made miserable yuui ivw - failed to take Tanlac. pan,. Miss Snaw arrived here sev eral day" ag' from Chattanooga and is ...:k. hmthra. It. S. and it r . Wltll k.- Shaw at theic homes here. tktf cures billious fever adv. Miss Llise Catron, County Home r ai ru ion A irent for Gibson cou-ity, ko. i,,on in this county several days this week vising her brother, L. f. Catron, at his home north, of town. . WANTED-Salesman with car to call on dealers with a low priced 6,0.0 mile fabric and lO.UuO mile cord tire. $100, 00 week with extra commissions. Universal Tire & Rubber Company Michiagan City, Indiana. adv An accident at the Water & Light , plant last Saturday night left this city ' without lcnt lor a couple of nights, the tirst iime audi a tmng haa happen ed in a long ume. The plant w.s in . operation again luesd .y night (OR RkNT-A 4-horse crop, at War ten School. Apply to Blake atainback at Fayette County bank. 1 Mrr. and .ra. W, A. Mayo and two child en returned to their tome at Marvel, ArKausaa. after spending sever al weeks here, the farmer home oi both ar. and rs. Mayo. 666 cures malarial fever adv. I h new residence of J. A. Webb on Market street just west of the Episco pal church is nearing completion and is one of the most modern and comfort able homes in th'is city. Mr. and Mrs. Webb are preparing to move into it as Boon as it is completed. . Fob Sale Good family mare, 7 yrs in fine cond tion. Also good i mu e, 4 years, fine shape call or see M. D. Boyd. tf Rev. arii Mrs. Charles A. Harper and children, Georgia Colby and C Al bert, Jr., spent Tnanksgiving in Mem phis visiting relatives. An accident to ' their car on their return trip Saturday necesslUted returning to Memphis to have repairs made, and they did nt re turn home until Wednesday of this week. -Clarendon Ark. Sun. tk demand for Tanlac has broken .u morld'a records. Over Twenty Mil I n bottles have been sold since it was placed on the market six years ago Rhea Drug Company. ad. . . J -i. MIm Marv NeweU Tarns returneu " . .Afrnm New York where heepent several montha in Bellevue n u.i t.irinr ai.prial course of training as a specialist aa a dietician. - ;Ka .ill for a while with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Farrw, al weir home here. Tom Beall has full control of ' the Bon Ton Wood and Coal ..Yard anl wU eervetoe people with pleasure at all times, with both coal and wood. , Tom Beall tf A number of citizens took advantage of the cool weatner ' recently and killed t leir fat hogs and spare ribs, backbone and sausage have been e$n in plenty. where one just had the price. Killing has not yet been very general, many preferring . to wait lor even eolder weather Wanted Man with car to sell Uw priced Graham Tikes. $1W0i) ter . week and commissions GrahamTiks CO , 3.62 Boulevard, Benton Hartw, Mich. . ' 666 cures chills and fevers, adv. H.H.Walker who ha been quite sick tin pist ten days from ptomaine poisoning a slightly improved at this time. He was taken sick during the absence of . Mrs. Walker who had been c lied to her former home in Wisconsin on c count of the serious illness of her father. Mrs, A alWer was summoned home and arrived here the firtt of the week. 1 o prevent a cold take W 6. adv. Little "Will am :idn-y ClutU, infant aonoi A,r and Mrs. LuUier Cut a cl , the second dis nU d.i at tiie huae of J . J .... 1 bis parents oa 1 ecemuer i . buried al Mt. Olive lollowing day Wanted-Fresh Jersey cow -Early hatched pullets. Albert Cox, Forrest Hill Tenn adv Word coding to town thru attendant at the W. L. Tomlin sale at Warren Wednesday had it that one of thelarg. est crowds ever seen at a sale in the county was present and bidding was spirited and the sale was generally counted as a good success for the seller. 666 quicky relieves a cold. adv. Miss Anne Clav has returned to her home at Oakland after her visit to the National Stock show at Chicago last week. Her trip was won by her in the state bread makii'g contest under the county home demonstration agents. She is the daughter of Mr: and Mrs J. N. Clay, and an account of her winning was given in. these columns in the early fall. Her winning was quite an honor to herself and to the county. There is considerable interest here this week over the movements of the oil men who have been working in this rnuntw for man v months past. As stated in these columns before, most oi the lands have been leased for oil purposes and the machinery ha been at the de pot, at Laconia for several weeks. Mon day morning this machinery for boring was unloaded from the cars and has been hauled to a point on the" Laconia and Fayette Corner road on the farm of .Toe Ptrrv and timbers are being hauled there, and it appears toacer ainty that i. ,.,;n in tiuoriin nt once at that uoi nig w - - point The whole community will await develompents with ram h interest lhave a fine binch .of fat young catlle nd hogs which 1 am butci.ering and selling daiW at my store-steakr. ro es, saus'ge.'slull. line of good meats and at very reasonaoie price. Telephone your orders. G. W. Lrcke. Adv. 12 16 For Sale-Blackberry roots, Early Harvest, Delicious berry prolific and long season. M ore profitable for market than strawberries, $2 per dozen $8 per hundred. Mrs. Alma Cox, Foirest Hill The Folsom-Lipsky Company has just installed abran newx gasoline pump at their station in this city and it is something of a novelty in this line. The new apparatus carries a number of new features, the most noiame or wmci a big glass reservoir on top, graduated by gallons, into which the gasoline fint is pumped and the buyer sees exactly what is getting. From there it Roes by gravity into the car tank. Another feature worth while is the filtering devic by which the gasoline is filtered, pre- ventinir anv water or other impuriiy going into te car tank. Suggestion! for Poultry Feeding Mrs. Kate.te. Wells, poultry specialist, Division of Extension, makes the fol lowing soggeitions for feeding poultry for egg production; "The average ben will eat from 5 to 8 pounds of food per Jmonth. She will drink about 6 pounds of milk per mom h, Od limited rsnge she will eat two pounds of grit and three pounds of oyster shell a year. This will vary with different hem, but is a fair' average. Here is a simple and rbeap ration; Scratch. Feed 409 puods crocked corn Dry Mash 150 pounds brn 50 pounds meat scraps 4 pounds fine charcoal 3 pounds fine sslt "Forty, pound of tankage maybe used in place of meat scrap or 40 pounds of meat scrap and 16 pounds of G. P. oil meal timy take the place of the 50 pounds meat scrap. Feed so that hens will eat as many pounds of dry masb as of th country than 'Jl other Owaiei put together, and for rears tt W! i sup posed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falllnf to cure with local treatment, pronounced tt Incurable. Catarrh la a local dlacase, greatly Influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, Is a constitutional remedy. Is . taken Internally and acta thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward Is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Medicine falls 'to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. P. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Drugiiita, 76c Hall's Family fills for constipation, Subscr ibe for tiis falcon How's Your Stomach ? and Your liver ? Health it Most Vital to You Durham, N. C "As for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery which 1 use constantly, 1 don't believe there is a bet ter liver medicine made. I u-w it for head ache, stomach dibordnrtBnd torpid liver. It is not unpleasant to take and does not leave a constipated condition as so many of the liver pills and medicines do. It does its work and leaves one feeling like a new person." Howard Holden, 1306 Glenn !St. You can quickly put yourself m A-l condition bv going to your druppist and obtaining this Discover of Dr. Pierce's in tablet or linuiii. or write Dr. Pierce, president Invalid Hotel, in Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical advice. Money brie without question If HUNT'S Salve UIU In the treatment of ITCH. kCZEMA. RINGWORM, TETTER or btbei itchlnf akin diacaaca. Try cent boa et our rlah. Sold in Somerville by RHEA DRUG CO. I llll S RiiiiiiiiiuimiiiimiimimimiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminillllU , Subscribe for The Falcon I thank all custom ers for past business After December 1 I will sell for cash only, and at lower prices than in the past. Goods deliver ed as before. miiiiiiiiuitiiiiiimimiimiiiiiiiuuiiiiiniiimTTTmml rVTHC UNIVERSAL CAR eCmlfV- Lipsky Brothers Inc W. J. Murrell W. S. NEWBY Licensed Auctioneer Engagements at all kinds of Auction Sales anywhere " in the county. Address Somervllle, Tenncai Touring Car $355 F. O. B. Drirct Go In Comfort G O at your pleasurego where you r choose and when you choose, with your family or your friends. Enjoy the boundless beauties of nature, the pure aiiv a lunch in a shady wood, a fishing1 excursion, a rest by a cool lake or stream. You can in a Ford. Millions have learned by experience that to own and operate a Ford is not an extravagance; they have learned that the many pleasures derived from a Ford takes the place of other pleasures, and the saving thus made often pays for the car and its maintenance. Let's talk this matter over, facts and figures. Get the Folsom-Lipsky Co. Somerville. Tenn. 'iBiBeBBlBBaaiBBlBiakaillllllllBWamaiBkBsjjjjjjH . . eMMllalBBlSBlBlBBM Do Your Xmas Shopping Early The Progressive fanner and Fayette Falcon, both year, 104 papers in 52 weeks, $2.60 . Address THE FALCON, Somerville, Tenn. one r Single Comb Rhode eocka and cockerels for Log (tins. Island Ke j ale W. T. 12 23 Q A - i r iazj ii Grown Bi! Over three-quarters of a century ago " V. V. " brand medicines were put on the market. Starting in a small ;ay, they are now sold in enormons quanti ties. Fresh drugs stan-1 dard strength medicines bestqu&lityonly develop- j ed the Email acorn into a j mitrhtv oak. " V. V." 'j brands coxtr all family eories. Insist on this j label at your dealer. ! Va VW-MaaaOeU Drf C, j 7M South't Urf HTtotoal t a. I I And Buy Useful, Substantial Presents I irst The Kind That Can Be Worn and Give Pleasure and Com fort to the Recipient Fo r He r. Buy Her A Cloak An Umbrella v Hugs (all sizes) A Rockinjr Chair A Hat A Suit Handkerchiefs Comforts Counterpanes A Silk Petticoat A Brassiere A Sweater ' A Waist A Camisole Furs Teddies . Gowns c Oxfords Dresses -Silks Hose (silk) . Hose (wool silk mixed) A Kimona Kid Gloves, Dresses Shoes For Him Buy Mim ASu:t An Overcoat -Shirts An Umbrella Handkerchiefs A Silk Muffler Overalls Collars Gloves Slippers Ties A Sweater , Silk Half Hose A Hand Bap; ' A Lounging Robe A Kelt A Hat -A Fur Cap Shoes Pajamas Suspenders Lap Kobes At Prices That Speak for Themselves Purchases Made for Xmas Presents are Subject to Exchange after Xmas 4 " UPSKY BROS., Inc. V