OCR Interpretation

The Sweetwater enterprise. (Sweetwater, Tenn.) 1869-187?, March 21, 1872, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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l'rlE iSlHU'lUSE-
i.i j.j. : v
:;j:nui.t. M.Rcaai.ia7a
Tho I)isruitiouits. j
The North Geortru Citizi-n, Bays it it
i n d in j u 11 ku'o !y iiecosaury fur cur govern-
Decntor cormty ha vote.l in favor el
ft HCUOul t.lV
Dnvi.I Fully, "Red 11?. year, died in
Wayne county two week fttfi. .
John Bullock. Kkii.. a nroniinont law-
li!iiltiiii'iilniil.ifylv.f nui')lUwr- Hiiiliiiiun ulid ftirv idea of iiroirrc sive-! ,, ., ., . ,
! :ii'iit, a L' lioou conceded lv all ripe
Jim K no 'Villa (V.rwni.c i,f the ItHVi Ktatr-Htnen, to lure two partiee at least,
ln.t i.'i .i: iV!n t. lli nabject of rudi-'. each striving to piu the nucen.lenry
'. rU-'ju' tt.nSt it. thi'.t, "TLn liir.l , i,ver tlio other. It in ho. becane of mnu'
n l. 2 1im lc;'uWi';ii'i m:ij'ri'.ie K'ltu np j neiu.
t nW.il 1,'iliO n t Drtiiiocrniiott.n'.tO. l'arti.i', like imlividuulK, are liable to
Til1- '.ho hater it lnre enough inn- commit iniatiikoa, ami no party ban ever
i.iii:7 l-ji-arrv Vmixliti, f;r whom.-benefit . yet luit-n known to exint tlml did not',,., ..... .
!', i - , ii 1 1 ndny ,'21'nd inst.
Thern ill be a convention of tho
Uai Wrn of TcnncHsee, ut Xaaliville, nest
The Ciiarivwion PMncls Mapped Tli Air-I,iiic Koiito-Cointcinplatnl
A Tici:il disjmtuh from N.iMiville, to J
( Inline ht tlm Stlit'diile.
NtiuMieru Xiws.
Artssian wl!i urn going Jon a a'.! over
the Kuoxvi'le C'.n.mWr, mutes that the
Re-distrietinp; Committee, appointed to
ro-ananse the Congressional Districts
of tho State, have agreed on the follow
ing district.
The Fiint Diidrict to bo composed of
the counties of Johiihon, Carter, Sulli
van, Vushington, Greene, Huwlitin
rV, re T-p..-
it starriut;
it M il tuudi.
hold to Home objectionable tiieuimreH.
Yu would ntat for tbe benefit nf the Hut opptming parties nntat exist, and
( hronh-lc which wenia to be rvntly 1 while thiH in the case the evil re.-mUn will
ercined about Vaughn, that the Third 1 be miuntitre compared with thime that
Disirict wan tot made for the benefit of
(if n. Yatiyhn. lave not had any in
timation frota hit'! tortdiin hi pulitjcal
anoirnMous for (."..nsjrHwi. lint think he
dona not have rut notion f the kind.
will follow tho one-idea policy now pre
vai'.ing, te uuite lUdicalisni and Di-ni-
CliuttiiDocgiui, are beginning to ik
Htnne city air. They want a htieet rail
road. Laudordule County Clerk issued eigh
teen marriage licenses in February.
upon aoinu eminent Kcpublican, j Slow for leap year !
Thev are lmttini: up a lartre Agrii'iil-
tlirul Implement factory at Franklin
Success to the Miterprine
The I)yersburg I'nHjnM says Dyer
alia-, "miMterly inactivity, or "piismy
itiu" candidate, ill the coming I'lesido'i-
"While wo would support bi:n if he wan j iml pontiBt. Tho advocates of thw idea
thanoraineoof the Democratic party, it is urt) practically diniplinnift in the fill-
our opiuinn that hewiH have nothing . Ut acceptation of the term - and in this: Pt,unty. i preparing for the heaviest
fnrther to do with politica. : it in ainip'y an effort of theirs to over j cotton crop since the war. Iiettcrgo a
Iti a gratifying thing to t!ie people throw and forever eitnt iuto oblivion "Id ; hI.av.
and toCongivaa that the I.egiulature has Jn'ersi.tiiaii JJcpublicanimn, ami divest j it,,Uftra(iri potintv "old Roberaon"
arranged mutters in emiesM-a in iu-n tho penpleof what nasbeen, ought, could yut(fl, Ji)wn t)ip ,)roj)OHition to tax the
school purpose, March
The 1'resx .iJ llnhl, of Sunday Texas.
morning. lat, saya. at a meeting of Matiftmu jaliatMl.i,ti
Railroad Superintendent, held at Uich-j through tho 3-jutli.
inond, a., lor tne purpa-,0 oi uuopung, u . .
., t .South Carolina Laj only 705.(100 in
, , . ; habitantn.
Nuw Orleaue and Xew lork, bvboth! I
the seaboard and interior routes, tho! TI-6 Meridian (Mis..) Kuklux trials j
last-named being via Montgomery. Ala., . mo tl11 JSB" waril.T tl"K- '
Knosville and Lynchburg two iche-l The iiouvi. U in tho TeiAS jniten. '
Hancock, Cl.iiDorue, Uraiugur, Ju!Turou, , dules were agreed upon, ouu being a ; tiarjr aro put t work ou thu railroads.
Ilamblin and Cocke. : fait ami the other a i.iv one. It ha', ileuiph; hxi nearly thre l.iu.dr.-d
The Second District to be composed ; not been positie!y detirmiued bh yet luwyern and eighty-five ;hy-'iciai!i
ot tbe following counties: ncvier, kiiox, i wlncli oi tlie two will ne pin into opora- wuicu goes to tnow Jiiat Ut .)U:i-;
Union, Cauibell, Anderson, Scott, Mor- i tion on or about the first of April, but; pbiuiix aio mora careful of t ! i -i r jiockut 4
gan, Cumberland, FentrcKS, Overton, J one or tho other of them will certainly j than their lives.
Clay, Jackson, Macon, Smith, Putnam, j take effect at that time. It is gcuendly I jfr. n. he, an old citi..en vf I
'Ilio McMinnville .Yew AVa says the
l:... ii. ii . .....t.i.. l t,t ... I i i
way as v wspeimo i.ii m- .,ii-n.,u- nim woum ne now, i diu lor inese - um- , crilltjty ,ir
sean chief at Washingtun. hut wil HljM1," jjoan rone of the most acceptable
beeomnof him if (mint don t tiil.e limt VV-K pupuhir forms of government known
i i. : . f . .1.1 t, : ......:..: t. u !! . .1. . i l l l: ...u:..i.
. : woods around that town aro full or
have to return to knoxvlle and regime ,, with Central.,,,, as r j wiM ; am, Uwt thu Kp0rU,nen
liis old as.oc,at,on with earpet-lar. , deplorable condition now suowh. iu- j yf iu bg9 M of
and mean negroes , wiad of being euhanced.or strengthened, , .
t.rauts liiuniiiv.
White and DeKalb.
The Third District to bo composed
of the following counties: Iilount, Lou-
conceded that it would bo impraclica-jiinuUville, Ala., died receutly fmm the j
ble to put tho fust schedule into opera- effects of poison imbibed wbilo Bkiuning j
tion sooner than July or August, next, j ,.()W which had laeu attacked with the
and for this reon it is thought that' murrain.
the slow schedule will be run from the
don, Roane, Monro, McMinn, Tolk,
llradley, James, Meigs, Rhea, Hamilton,
Marion, Sequatchie, Bledsoe, Van Bu
ren. Franklin and Grundy.
7'hus it will bo seen that Monroe
county has been detached from the Sec
ond, and attached to the third district.
'ft. n Unnnn.l litfcin! pilfio AWtit-lvliril 111- l- 1 . . , ru u ,1 il 00 fiiimtlAu ltv'lliA aMll'ilnl
... ... . . , . .,, , ,, . . . ., is completed, says tho Columbus (G.,)
most to Nashville. Vhe candidate m which will probably go into effect on tho ' . , ,
.,, , , , ". M.i i ,' Sun, to a point twenty-seven ana a half
this district will havo a hvelv tune can- lirst of April, tho time will bo roducedi ., . .... .. .
In three States of the South the ne
groes outnumber the whites by large
majorities. Iu Mismsaippi the majority
ia 61,305; iu Louisiana, '2,115; and in
first of April until they are ready for the
faster one. Tho schedules oi which we
speak aro thoso of the route by
way of this city. Tho time between New: Sou,h CaroHnaf jo,; H7
Orleans ami .New lurk is now about rj; , ,. ., ,
u uoDuvaunan ana .nempm ranroau
vassing for tho nou'ination in theTi.ext
Congressional race.
It is said t'nm 'liguies v i!l not li."
Thev certainlv n,al.u ..ine strange rero-
by the vote of the llutnocracy, should be j
a!vtild and forever crushed, rooted out i
of the country. J
I n e wiiii o i nor, poHseHH siiinciv.u
Jaa. A. Warder, at Shelbyville, acci
dentally shot himself in the fleshy p:irt
of the thigh last week, by tho explosion
latioM in regard to tSranla promisM , , ,.,. , of a pistol y. his pocket.
eor.oMv. 'l iie foilnwiii' figures, taken
tVom the otliciul I'UurDH f'f iheTreftHiiry,
show that more mopei Mas Fper.t hist ;
vear in colleeting lh interna! revenue,
than under the Rilministralion of Presi
dent Johrikoii, which tirant's fiiemls
take especial delight in representing a
iry extraviigan'. in thix resjiect:
1SW 7.
Total receipts of internal I
revenue $2M,01!7.ri"7 ?
Cost of collection 7,8'J.S,II.TO fS j
rrc(ntugo of collection 3 15 It! .
JS7U 71. j
Total receipts of intcanal
Cost of collect ion
freedom secured to us by onr colonial
' father, are degenerate sons and wholly
uuworthv of our inheritance.
Republicanism, America's proud boast,
1 is fast receding into imperial despotism',
and the monarchical countries of Ku
I rope are advancing iuto Republicanism.
! The sole reason for this is our depart
; tire from those sound, democratic, prin
ciples that characterized tho earlier days
of the Republic
Tarty rnccess is not ho desirable as to
authorize, cr justify, tho ignoring of
sound political principles to attain it.
In the fortieth Congress we had a
i ft mic i :t cm
m'n'm- : little over forty democrutic members; in
i.OiO.lNi lit
; mo lony-nrsi, oier seventy; in the
A citizen of Henry county proposes
to form a joint stock company at Paris,
for the manufacture of woolen goods.
The idea is a good ouo. Can't some
thing of the kind bo done at Sweetwa
ter. Gen. Geo. Maney, President of the
Tennessee ami Pin i:ic Ruilroad, is about j
to complete his arrangements to cr.tond I
hi road Fast, from Lebanon to Sparta.
Success to him.
Tho Supreme Court of Tennessee,
which has been iu session at Nashville
for more than three mouths, adjourned
Tuesday of last week.
A. M. Bradley, known as "Sander,"
l,ur,,ititfii, if ,lTaet ii in Ti
from -vhat the Rutlicaln ate in the habit
ef rnpeving.
il ,n lh, TacifT AflVrts Printer.
230 Naslivlllo Merchants Fighting
From thn Hrtnmr of Sunday we tal:s
tho following:
On the loth of March, 1SC0, thn Leg
islature passed a law prohibiting the
adulteration of liipiors. and requiring,
among other provisions, that cvury deal
er should appear before the County
Court Clerk and take an oath not to
mix strychnine or any other poisonous
ingredients in tho liquors sold by
Last Saturday, tho County Court
Clerk called the attention of all onr
wholesale merchants who dealt in li ,
quorsto the oath prescribed in the law
and informed them that tho Attorney
General had determined upon its en
forcemont. So far, so good. Forewarn
ed, forearmed, They took the oath
liko law-abiding citizens and thought
I tn lino fvnti t Wnl t IV n I'll i u vt tt d ttm a
three hours and a half, or tho tinio be- ,. , , ,
..... , , . 1 direct to Tuscutuma throufeh the coal-
tween New lork mid New Orleans, will
, , . -- i i m -i t Colds of Alabama,
be but " hours and 50 minutes. Iu
case tho fast schedule is adopted, the ! 0f tllfi 42(5 PaR8eJ b.v tLe Alabama
4 : t it -o .. l
time between tho two cities will be OU , """""e. "S""'
and 35G of a local character. Of the lorn
hours and 50 minutes.
The time for leaving N'v Orleans on
Knoxville, Tenn.
' i i'f-
acts 51 were "prohibiting tho sale er
the above schedule is 5:45 p. m; arrival K'""K aJ 01 "P'ruuoue or t.ooo.
at New York, HI:-!!) p. m. The time by ' lilluorg witLia" certain "ndies there
thu fa.-.l fchedule. leaves New Orleans;"1 K1,m6j-
p. m , ai.d arrive at New York 1:20 j w r" fr',,u tl' K(l8t Miasissippian
a , that tho negro who killed Suuator Oam-
Euougli is kt.own.howevcr.to convince , bril. ,)f Keiupor, escaped from tbe jail at
us of the fact that the slow schodule will DeKalb, last Friday. Another prisoner,
bo the first to go into operation. This named Higgins, walked ont quietly,
of Sumner county, while in an intoxica
ii.-.i .1
me same j condition, was rtiu over and killed no more about it. What wa their
perseverance and ratio of gain, the next j bv R train tllfi aali-rillo and Louis- ainnzenient then, yesterday, nt bciug ar
Congress. with the Flectoral College, j vule road last week, at Richmond ata- ! rested by tho sheriff and bound over for
will be our. Why, I hen. sound an ig-, tion. I trial before tfte Criminal Court, because
noniinioiisr.Hr, at. or tamely surrender j A winter, named Win. Simmons, ; they had, "on tho 20th day of M,iy,1871." te,j
will not alter the running of tho day
trains, materially, as to time, but bring
them t this city ut about tho same time
as nt present. The run of the night
I trains will bo so changed us to bring
each of them to this city about four
o'clock a. 111., at which point it is expec
ted the eastern and western bound trains
will pass each other.
The slow schedule will be nine hours
faster than by thoSeaboaid route, and
tho fast schedule a littlo over fourtcon
A bill is now before Congress provid
ing for the repayment of all taxes colloc-
TneSiu-i.,,;:;,,;.! Ohio . Tr .iiV says: ; 0,u' t''''l. victory is almost
The tp..-f.mnd-r of the Fi.ited Slates wl""u K1""!'- ,'" us '"' K"r'P fm' j nessee, recently took poison through
lmveceruii.lv seen: ! a taril. upon im- ,m""Mr-wmi ,!lfl woM "' ''""".' e- u.istnke supposing it was wiuo. He
ported typo tiiat give tiiem all the "in- i "V"" r-"' ; ,lie,l ; a few minutes after.
eiilental" prole.-lion that the Inosl devo-
! will yet rally around it sufficient to res
ted friend or protective tariffs could de- i ur t."''in.e,,t from tho vanda'.ic
11 re.
war, "body" tvpeof the simi called "long
primer,"' by printer, cost exactly 32
r,m,!4 Her iionrid. It now pM)- at .,."i
. , . .,, , 1 to Illinois, and that
rniiw Ml iiiercie 1,1 io.mo h. per rein
The greatest outrage upon printer.
, who resided in Sevier county, EaatTVn-1 j"'cc mimlh.i before the County Court
1 . . . . . ....
Clerk had given tuom nonce sol.l li
quor without having sworn that they
would not murder their customers In
putting poison therein.
7' he following list of firms will show
the class of men who had to give bond
yeM'crday for their appearance before
the Criminal C urt, or 711 lnjnil, because
they had not complied with a law of the
verr e;;i "fence of which they were igim-
The Ainx'xl ways tim transcript from
tho Courts of that city, sent and to pe
1 sent to tho Supremo Court tho first.
on raw cotton during the years 1805-
C-7ainl 8. Tlie passage of the bill has been
urged by memorials and reports from
the South, and it will be remembered
that the LcgMiittir of Kentucky re
quested its representatives in both
hou.icK of Coiigre.-s to vote fur it. It is
urged in support of tho bill that oven
the coimtiUI tonality of the tax has been
doubted in ihu Supreme Court of tho
United States, and that in its operations
it has been unequal and unjust towards
x K-i.tfU example: Rcfore the j wnlm tWt nHiiareits existence
I The '-( of last week states that M"'"1ll.v ' April, will amount to 20,
i John Hcl.,, has left Athens and rone , 000 P!l-"'K of dl)K,1-T wriltHI1 ''""""'' 'P''
t. the people of tl,Ht;"", w' l"",es ,,,r t,"J
1 i t- .1 nttii ti,jnr mr iimrinri: n.itti it in in ntttfii
.own ami Bunounamg country regret , , ' i rant: Hcrrv k Demoville, R. P. Jciikin i (i, ,.,i,.r TI... f,..
1 1 1:1 . VO MIL' ( I 11 11'. " 1 " 1" ' 6
however, censisfs in the fact that Ihel ",M ""l rn- ' ' . : ('"- Jr"nis lt Straticn. McLnugolin , t,ia tl,x have been repealed and its in-
11 u no not kuowio wnat extent tie 1 ""is'" " v "l,1,n 1. v,,.i,. u,,,, ( cwv 7'einiHs A-1 1 , . i .
. , . , , , , ,i , .V J'UUei. .M'li.on A rycny, ienass v justice being now determined, it cortain-
At!ie..,ian have become nttac'.ied to car-. t''" enunnal judges, aa some of our... , ir,iU. , ,,,,.(. 1?, 0 , .. ',
. -n" iv seems moil reioouaoie uiaiiue grow-
npuiiocit i. 1.0., vviieainam . iviiine , , pr() ()f cotton during tho years covered
t lieatlmm A: Wooils, ti. Iu. enkley, i ,y tm) 6wM not b miKie to 8u(Tur
t.'pe fo'tnders hare formed a union for i
the purpjiie of presenting a reduction ;
in price, and every type-founder in the I
Right acroH the border, in Canada,
"!oii p; i r.i'.r" type, of finer finished and
icoin ." tiisl de tl:sn that nianiifactnred in
thi e.vnifry is soiling at 21 cent per
Det-bftL'L'iri. takinw int.. eoii.i,linti,.. 1 contemporaries have iti were to
1. . 1 ... t . . . , ; v.-i,m t..o xi l '.. ...... f...
is a member ot this combina- I loratw : ;
j there since the close of tho war. In 1 with reference to the jury system, and
fact there is no town in Fast Tennessee 1 present the result of their conference to
that has been cursed with them like : the legislature.
Athens. It. appears that the Supreme I The turnpikes in this Stato played
being has had a npile ut the good j a very important part in the develop
people there, and smote thorn w ith j ment of the country, and are still of
carpet-baggers and scalawags. God's great local importance. Tennessee has
Word teaches and tells us of plagues in I over a million and a third of dollars
This is protecting Ano iican industry
with a vengeiiaiice ! The printers em
ploy : thousand persona to every one
furnished employment by the type-founders.
It i 1 time that this tariff lax upon
spelling books, primary book and in
telligdnce should be reduced.
( old Coml'iirt for llitxtpr k 'o.
l!ost.on, March 1 1. --Francis W. Ja
cobs, Democrat, was elected to the Mas-
sae'iilHetts Senate to-day to fill the va-j
raney caused by tho lesignati.m of 1
Charles Hale, recoiving tili!! votes against
270 for Lewis Rice, Republican.
1'ortlund, Me., March 11. - Francis G.
Warren was elected Mayor of Bedford
without, opposition. Tho Democrats
elected the entire cily government 01-
eept two coiincihncn.
a great phiguo as Athens has had to con
tend with.
It is to be hoped that othora like
Helms will leave Athens, ami that the
air will cease to be impregnated with the
odor arising from the awful filth of carpet-baggers
that have been there for
the paM. seven years.
Tonple are beginning tc laugh in tlie
Senate gallnrio when Mr. Sumner Imp
pel s to mention "civil right." It is n
natural thonch lieurtleiH way of Mum in;
the popular celint; on this question. All
Mr. Su iriitor nolle ffrvicea in the pant
will not ive him from ridicule, (lerisi.ui,
and finsl rvnteuipt, if he persist in his
present emirte. The people have ,10 He
me to see a generous amnesty defeated
..... . .-. ........ ,WH ulii iiiiie II.IC
the, ,i;,i kr. 11- 1... '
jiv urnyiv. ,,n III,. i.uij. s(. ar. on
1.... :..,.... .... .1 . . i . ,
The above from our telegraphic dis- '.'"''; "... uen, .n.is or leg.
' j islation ubout butter-plates, bridal cliatu-
patches s.iows that the disorganize! hem, nmiqiiern.le l.:.!li, and cemeteries,
have not, in the language of our Fast j The negro lis the ballet and every facili
Tennessee friend, made a !..' v.t. ; 4? f,)r 'dci,ti..n. He ftarts under the
Novvhero except in Tennessee, by
Baxter party, hnve we seen it annonn- much bit-!im,e growth a he can well
end that the dinovganization of the Dem- j i"itain. Let him now earn his social
ocratic party is ewa-ntial t tho defeat of Priiyil'gN l'm hns earned them, lie
T. , . ,, ... , ,, ... will eet them. nd not before. Mr. Sum
Itad.esl.sm. li,, tlral llepnnlican, .r UJ,,lt , klllw tl,at he can not legis-
know that l!;i eniy hope for rallying , late pe'upla inti pnrlurs ur into seat at the
Hie iinsiiiii.oiu and cordial support of j '"ble; an.! we can hardly see whv a hotel.
fi.e lmoera-vMoth-ivticltetis thr.imd, ! 'T. fh'M !'ot "h
"... " ; 'iiKcretion 111 siudi matters that Mr. hum-
the Ken.ocn.tic. .tgumzation. John Hx- j Br l,iPlf woij probably ssk.
tir cud hisco-ii.ljiitora are simply en-j Hut this, while important, is not tli
lcavoring to use tbe guise of Liberal t rtllt "xl"'"n- 'I hut is to see a mi.n like
Renublicr.nisn, to ,!isn, ,1.. T..m. I S"m.'.,,r !,olJi"f ba" hand
. ., ,., ! tbe orth would stretch out to the outh.
j.emg witiioiii 11111, 1 tone orino nf ,.,,-.. ....... 1, ,., ...k
charity, they, in their desperation, are at
war with all organiatioii. - Ex,
The Noxt tioifrnur.
some of its contemporaries in Middle
Tennessee are bee luinggieat'y exercised
ofer the matter of a successor to Gover
nor John C. I'.rown. We cannot t.er-
oldon times, but it fails to record such ' still invested in stock in turn, ikes,
which yielded no appreciable percent
of interest to the Treasury.
There are 120 lawyers in Atlanta.
Savannah has peach-trees in bloom
since the middle of February.
Tho Augusta police arrested a negro
woman for correcting her child with r.n
iron rod.
Augusta expects to manufacture her
own ico this summer cheaper than it can
bo imported.
The Griffin, Monticello and Mad s in
railroad will soon be graded to Jackson,
Butts, county, Gu.
Tho Savannah City Council nil mar
ried men met at 8 at night, and ad
journed at 2 iu the morning.
Judge, Linlou Stephens, it is said, ex
pects to In, Joshua Hill's succestor in
tho United States Senate.
Mr. Markwalter, of Augusta, in a fit
of insanity, Thursday, cut three of the
toes from one of his feet.
Aaron Alpeoria Bradley has removed
to Beaufort, South Carolina, and com
menced the practice of law.
The wheat crop of North Georgia is
said to be immense, and promiso to be
one of the best ever harvested.
An improved plantation near Colum
bus, Ga., was sold at auction Thursday
for $5,100 cash about $1 20 per acre.
The remains of Edward L. Bailey, the
popular colored preacher at Columbus,
Ga., were followed to tho grave by a
procession a mile long.
The Macon Telegraph says that the
Swedes in Jefferson county are not do
ing very well, and that the farmers will
W. W. Jotton, S. L Demovillo k Co., I fri)lu t,ut injustice and inequality. Such
J. H. Buddeke, and scores of others. 1 u t(U fuu ony U)0ll tll0 pVOticer ,,nd
7'he rounW-.r. says, twoorthrec therefore was eminently prejudicial to
r t,..i,ii..u 1 ii.,,,, t.yt'in ,.v tiie growing of tho staple. No oilier
changes, are beginning to discuss the j r!iw llriclllUmi1 P""Juct has ever been
situation with all the intemperate zeal of j 80 tuxed in this country even during
that sort of igi.or.mco which is able to r; il " to 1,6 '"'H1 f'en, that tho
ascribe nothing but corrupt motives to niniiiftsHt justice of the provisions of the
all who do not tuko its view of afl'airs.
If tin, Democratic party is so poor and
weak that, in this period of the public
exigency, it can not consider what is
best to be done without running t lie
risk of its ruin mid inflaming and em
bittering its different sectioi.s, why it is
not lit to live and were better de.i.l ..11 i
buried. But Mich is not the fact. Tin
Demi nuts in Congress and the nation-ally-orgntiizcd
channels of tho party arc
of one mind, nod are working harmoni
ously toward a common end, which will
of course vury its shape, though not its
direction, according as it is affected by
the events of the next three months.
Meanwhile, the people should put a
clapper on the mouth of every noisy
zealot who is not able to open it without
befouling his neighbor and disgracing
took a comfortable supper and a glass
of grog and returned to his quarters in
the jail.
It is the Lebanon (Tenn.) Herald that
is guilty of this: "A member of tho last
graduating law class, who was noted as
a male Malaprop, in taking leave of the
lady with whom he boarded during the
session, remarked, patheticaliy, that he
"disliked to say farewell parturition
with friends wub always so painful!"
Grant, Alexander k Co., of Atlanta
have leased the Georgia penitentiary
with all the prisoners, for a term of two
years, they paying fifty dollars por enpi;
ta por annum. They expect to work
them in different parts of the State
where work can be procured, so is to
give the people generally the benefit of
the labor.
The warehouse of Mr. J. P. Mason, in
Greenville, Tenu., was burned to the
ground ou the night of the loth, and
among the ruins next morning wore
found the charro I remains of the unfor
tunate owner. From various circum
stance attending the event, it is tup
posed that he was first murdered, the
safe rifled and the building firud to con
ceal the evidences of thx crime. No
claw to the perpetrators.
The Waco (Tex.) Journal says: "From
what we gather from our exchanges,
Tom Scott proposes to make the Texas
Pacific Railroad a reality. It has been
lliliiiU. . r. WALKER.
White Goods, Embroidery &c.
J. C HI M1MI ; T.
Wallicr L Hnsay.ir
13 1: l 1: It -N
lirv (i.,o.ls, liroccrivj, llnri-i , dfiuw,.
oU..3nate, I'ikIk'I a el '!', lj
Imforttprn, MunufarturerH and JnM em
Bnucl Trlramln, rk oil Nnli Kibbuat,
721737 31222 D2T3, 7323.
ronnt Hilks, 8tiim, elfin anl Cr:i -.
J-'liniTrs, Feathers, Ornament. Fiaitrs Jr
Straw llnnnet & Lnln k Cl.iMrco's l.'.i!, j
Triinmil ftn.l t'ntri mmil . '
"White (loodt. Linen. AW.rt.wVn'c., O II I
LjaroB.NotB, Collars, SttK, IIn.lkfrcl.iet', j y 1 I
&c., he.
Nos. 237 k 239 lialtimore Stre.it,
T!ie roo''p arf ueinurartnrpil hy urirLnuit
Tor eiBlnlireclly from tie Kurnpran an l A;nrr.
ican Muiiufiictnrer. emlirpinjj U llio Hint
novelties, unequal! in variety mi l l.vpm :
in any maiVet.
Oi-'lsri Ello'l with cre, prouiptDsn and ic-path.
R Y,
SS"i Coffee, Kvrop, Tu-lliro MiJer aul
kiuU ut
13 a' 1; h 'r i! 1 ir h .
Chancery Court at Miuiisonville
O. D. Clmrlcn t. W. T. Spilliimn ah1 Otl)Vrt.
1 n thiii runne, on motion of rmj.Iniunt br iti'
J Solicitor, It it or'I'T.'il hv tKo ruiirt tntt pui- j
lit'ntion in ud p h rt'-uirfil Lv law in ihe rahp
nf non-rtVnlent "Irfcix'tinti, for the drfn-lrint
W. T. Hpillnin, wlm a 'in-n-ii ior. of Mi
Sii of Tonnetit't, to Mif nr nt the next rtn j
t hi- ftuit to ht hfM nt M.iHiKvnvillf, on tin fir
Monltivof JuiiR ntxt, nri'l iincwfr, or oihc wiri ;
mnkf rlrfenrc to rornpliiintint'it en i i hill, or tti- I
iaiiit' vrill he takrn irr cutvi nn-i the mil! 1
ift for liMrinir extiHrtf1 to him; nwl I tint thin
onlrh( pnhlinhH f'r four conhcntivn w. '-ti in j
thMwiiftWAtr Kiittrprint. i ltW,i M i
T W Dunt. Sol f-r Wmpl't. nich;4-4t-p(.r. j
Chancery Court at Matlisonville. j
John Mcliuflin ti. .IiimM A Wnlker, unj Jn
cuh llarriis, ct. al.
; t'ulicucn Lest Print, Ot-imlmr,;!, '.S.,trlinf .
; riineiiiJti. Alp.'M un, Noiiuint Ac.
j t.Ic Mi's bo H'-uH, Mtfii-, I tat. , itinl I. A
nii'l Mif.-cn SIi'm-
VEUY LAl lls r
I i
A. I. , ... -
. ompMt'n: - n M - -ol
tLe dtii.t, xii 1 ' .
on cuhtu.. e..
both in g'(xl anj yiu
TX this f.mii?, "n motion of coinjil."inant l,y hi t old 4tni oi l'r. It.
X Nhritr. nnd it i.tip"un,ii: lo itie curt rru
liis hill, tb:it ilefcniliinin .lutnea A Vlker n l i
Jm .ib ll.irriH hi-,' non-ri'siilnnin of tbe Stt of .
Tai.n.d... tl iu t h pn l'r .rM nrdrpfil lir tlie ,',,rl )
that nniil James A Walker aii'l .cob llnrrii. hm j
..li i'i . i
n, n.e i-l...r
in. i re
a' ik. ia
Hf .V . V
a myth loil"r enousll, ami it this last required to appear l.efoie tl,. Cbunevry Court al
J " . .. MiclihOiiville, untlielirsl Mon.Uv of June If7",
hi purpof. Ilia iilens onco adopted,
i.ni tn ti i id to b itituitioim. The roin
niltteen over which ha linn presided have
been the Mihjectii nf a tyrannical chair
man. IfatlV mil. flifTrtrn fmm hint If uu
7'he Jackson ll'iy ami Trilm.u- hmt ,' only he from iiiterehted or Lurtinan mo.
toen. I ha nlil
dominion of lilortv in
M t'line, he ia the inot intolerant of
lion. I'ictorial Tax-Taver.
Two jeara ago it was apprehended that
cuive tho nocoasitv for any other surma- i 'li country was about to bo overrun with j regret havinp plan ted com bo early
aion in the approaching election than
himself. Ho has certainly done liia tlutv
in the position he occupied, and, if lie
deairos a re election, ia l,y all niraim en
titled to l.o hia tun Mircsor. '"hia
paper ia not the oran of Governor
Brown, or anybody else who aapire to
political poNition ami has spoken in lint
bahalf solely becanwi we Ji'onestly believe
that the public good will he gtihserved
by hie re-election.
lint we notify our friend in Middle
and Fart 7'cnneHiir, that if (iovernor
Urown ia to bo ovewlauglie.l. West
TViineaace will put in her jutst and
e.-juitahlo .Maim to fiirnialithe next Chief
Jiapatrate. Perlinpa Madiuon county
Liay contain the man!
Where aliall tho Fair Ornunda be locat
ed t Tltie 1'HMimi will be aettltd the
fir't Mnndav in next month.
Chitiexe labnr. The nru.lie-ii.u has Droved 1
utterly lallacioua. Xotaitliatandiiij; all j Alabama,
the arrangements that wero nn.de, and nil i
the agencies formed. John Chinaman h ii ! Tha citiiena of Eiif.nila have organtxed
been very chary of hie. piesenea. Kxcpt i a board of trade.
in 'alif..rni and ab,.l)? the lin.- f th. The C0Kt f , 93cnt jUtum of
luoili.1 railroad he u rarely to bo met: ... . .... ; ,P. nun
with. The fact ia that John never e.ni- Alabama . a estimated .t $7o,0U0.
urates to America except fur the pm pose The Columbua. Fayette and Decatur
..f makine money en.mjfli to enable liim . ruilrond can be constructed at a cost of
to live at ease in his native land. So tvon n00
long aa liis religion teaches him that, bin I ..
future liappinesa depend on iiiteriiient in Horace Kin, colored, wu the success
the (Vleetial Kmpire he will be of no oc- i fnl bidder for building the bridirn acrosn
cunt m ini Amerie.m. When tbe doc the V,rrlur at Tuacaloosa, at $U,0UU.
triiioi of ( omi i in L'ive way to Christ!-. ,
a-.ity, perhaps John may r) mqui-h tliuse I 1 he JKennedale cotton factory, near
eccentric ifiva of his that now an coin. ' TukalnoHa, baa in snccaful operation
plctoly dixqualify him aa an American, j five thousand self-acting mule spindles
j and one hundred and tcn'y loams.
A ilender roan nsled a friend what j" j j McL.:more has retired from the
churactcrho had better aasumc a: a moa-.; ditorial control of the LaFayette Rr-por-rpiera.le,
and wni advised to braid Lis j tor, on account ef political difference with
Irgs and appear aa a whip-lash. tin priprietor, .1. M. Uiclmrdi.
The Norfolk Virgim.-.u haa the fol
lowing: "We learn that one day last
week lir. Geo. Woodhouse, of Princess
Anne county, ati ex-rebel, who lost his
arm in tlio service, executed a feat which
ahould he commemorated He waa in
the wooda huntiur, wlion he discovered
a tree with a number of coouh in it.
Procuring nu axe he cut the tree down
with one band, mid out of ten-coone
.vliii'li were iu the tree he secured niue.
Ti.:, too, after the tree hud fallen nc oss
him, while endeavoring to .'tout of the
way of its fall. 2'hi is a feat in which
we are side in saying line never been
Hurpntihed. Of coui hH he wub aided by
his dogs, or there would have been fewer
animals killed, hut even with the dogs
the light is dew-iilted iib a desperate one,
and Mr. 'Woodhouse hud his clothing
torn a good deal iu the fracas.!'
Washinetou, March 18. Tbe nomina
tion nf Parker aa collector of customs a
New Orleans still hangs.
The cniiiinittca on coinmcrco have had
the matter under consideration several
days, and the result is problematical.
, The Senate is dincusHing apportionment i
resolution regarding recommendation to
The Senate resolution of inquiry re
garding the Senatorial interferanuo in ap
pointment and removals was adopted.
The Chicago -olicf iietion was dis
cuaseu to adjournment.
The Iloue was GllibiiKterin ou the
civil rights bill over the inorniriL' hour.
The supplementary civil rights bill
goes over to next Monday.
Tho proceeding of tho Uouse aro of no
Ccnrral interest.
hill in rpiostion will lead to its passage,
The bill provides for the appointment of
a commission who shall deeido upon the
claims of diticroiit applicants for return
of taxes paid. KonttK.kian.
New York News.
Dispatches from New York March
!.;ili. t!i '.' Jiy (iotild has resigned
t. . '.iit.csl.ip in Eric. Jay Gould
test. md hefoi'o the hgislativo cornniit
tees, that the charges against Judge
Darimrd of corruption in Erie affairs
were unfounded. Gould paid Tildeti
ten thousand dollars iu lbd'J, as a re
taining fee in Erie h flairs.
Horace Greely in an editorial en the
Cincinnati Convention, snys: If free
trade is to be made a plunk in the plat
form, he asks to be counted out. All he
asks is that there be left a freedom to
all classes on the Economic question.
About sixty thousand mon will join
in tho procession of fit. Patrick's day,
and fifty bauds of music. The military
will number six thousand.
There were eighteen small pox cases
y eaterd ay.
The Jury for damages in the Wesfield
disaster have disagreed and one juror
holding the defendants were not liable,
attributing the accident to the dispensa
tion of Providence. Eleven jurors fav
ored a verdict ngaii.iit the Company.
Tom Murphy, formerly Collector of
Customs, was before the Retrenchment
Coniinittre. He testifies he was not in
fluenced by Grunt Porter or Babcoek,
in the Leet nnd Stocking order but-'hiess
affairs. Grant wanted Leet to leave
New York on account of the scandal.
The bank statement for the week
Loans decreased $1,500,000
Specie increased 500,000
Legal Teuders increased 1,250,000
Deposits decreased 4,250,000
In Kan, the Legislature ha been
busy investigating the alleged corruption
in the senatorial elections. The testi
mony ;o far taken has a bad look. From
it we aro in a fair way to learn the aver-
I age price in currency of a legislator's C'n
science, and what punishment the people
of Kansas think sufficient for such ss be
tray them.
A struw, significant of the popular cur
rent, is the fact mentioned by the Wash
ington correspondent of the Cincinnati
Commercial, that when Sanator Morton
took the floor to reply to Senator Schurz'a
recent speech, the audience crowded out
of the chamber aa soon as he begun to
'Come out here and I will lick the
whole of vou," sid an urchin to some
ticks of peppermint candy, in a onfee-
doner window.
change does not result in something
better than tho Fremont and Roberts
aianagnmeiit.wc would od vise everybody
to hush ubout the Texas Pacific, and
prepare to freeze, if they should be com
pelled to joaruey Cidiforuinwardsou the
L'niou Pacific in winter-time.
A bill has passed both branches of the
Mississippi Legislature, and is now a
law, which provides that all lands which
havo heretofore been forfeited to the
State for the non-payment of taxes shall
revert buck to the. counties in which they
are located. They shall then be adver
tised in the counties for a period of six
ty days, after which all hinds thon un
claimed by proper tux receipts and un
redeemed by the pnyniciit of unpaid
taxes and costs, will again be sold as
delinquent tux lands are usually sold.
The first number of the Memphis
Daily Register, a Democratic evening
paper, has appeared. Among its edi
tors are Messrs. W. L. Barry, formerly
of the Nishville Union and American;
O. YV. YVinchester, Etnmot L. YVoodson,
and 0. E. Tucker. The senior editor
was formerly connected with the Appeal.
Iu its salutatory it says: "'Wa have no
generals, colonels, captains, or majors in
our office. Ve are all plain men with
plain names, and will thank our friends
to leave the handles off. YVe do not
desire to be known by any but onr true
nnd mnko defence toxaid bill or the (ome will he
taken for coufewaed and the cause itet for hear-
inn nparte as totliem. It finilicr urdere l
that thia notice be puhliKhed f.rf;iiri-Q!citife i
week., in the Sweetwater Kiilerprise. A trn
cony ofttie onler from the recoro.
BichI I-4I-PU5 Atdvt: SI" 11 AI.K, I S M
Kansas City proposes a tea-acre union
dopot of glass ami stona-
The wheat crop of Missouri, so far as
hoard from, promises to fall below an
Columbia, Mo., haa an unweaued pig
which has beer, adopted by a motherly
cow, they say.
Mat:ldn Stone, of Livingston county,
gets $1,000 from H. C. YVilnon for breach
The northeastern extension of the
Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad will
bo completed to Mobcrly this sum
John F. Richett, ex-sheriff of Clay
cotnty, was not long siuco bittou severe
ly by a rabid dog. At last accounts he
was doing; well.
Clarksville, Pike county, hath a young
gent with a hole iu hisback,auda young
lassie who exclaims "I did it with my
littlo pistol." Kansas City Times.
Chas. T. Cate, recently appointed tn
the vacant Attorney-Generalship of tho
Third Judicial Circuit notifies Judge
Hall that ha has sonc in his resignation
of tho 8am e to Gov. Brown. Here is an
oponing for aomo young "limb of tho
Sweetwater Tenn.,
of the Heat Quulity of Cooking Atove. with
all tho Intent Improvements, which he otTera for
sale at Knoxville pricen, or nn cheap aa the name
article can be bought in any market. Ho keeps
conntuntly on hnnd, and innkea to order, all
kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Itiana Ware, which
he oilers to the public ut M liolt-xule ami Ketail
aa cheap as it can le bought anywhere. Mer
chants will find it to their int.'rcat to call and
examine bin atoclc of Tinware before purahaaiug
elsewhere. A good supply of I. aid Cans always
ou hand.
With oompetent Workmen, ho is prepared to
do all kinds of repairing quick and chtap. Call
aud examine his i""' .
Auodrnc liiin Kill It.
CURKS Pains in the lla.'k, Chest, Hips or
Limbs, Kheunutisru, .Neuralgia, (.'ouhu.
Colds, llioiicliial Affections, Kidney Diseases,
iJvnpepsia, Liver Complaint, Clic, Cholera,
Cholera Morbus, Pleurisy, Asthma, Heart Burn,
Tnothuche, Jawachc, Karacha, llcud.tche,
Sprains, bruises, Cuts, Contusions, Sores, Luce
rate.1 Wounds, Scalds, Iturns, L'billblains, Frost
Bites, Poison of all kinds, vi-HPtnbleorunim.il.
JSf" Of a'l tbe Remedies ever discovered for the
relief of sulleiinn Immunity, this is the best
Pain Enulicator known to Medical Science. The
cure is speedy and permanent in iho most in
veterate diseases. This ia no humbug, but a
grand medical discovery. A Pain Killer con
tainininif no poison tu inflame, paralite, or
drive th inflammation upon an internal organ,
Its efficiency ia truly wonderful Relief ia iu
etantnneous. It is destined to banish pains and
aches, wounds and bruises from the face of the
earth. Prepared by L. II. URADriHi.n,
je22-ly Atlanta, (ienr ii.
We luve ' nv .. .j .
I'ini:ilcte Stuck ul ."it .
to suit tint time. You can lu.
Flannrlg, as'td colors,
131 link ets,
Breakfast Capes
and NOTIONS 01- A
W rr.ake e'..!:
IF 90, take our advice, and purchase ) our l ick
eta over the "old reliable" Missouri F.tclfie
Railroad, which is, positively, the only Line
that runs three Daily Exprosa Trains f.om
St. Louis to K annas City, and the West, and ia,
positively, the only Line which runt Pullman's
palsce sleepers, ami nne .lay loacnes (espe.ial-
for movers) equipped with Miller'a safety
platform and the patent steam brake, fnm St.
Louis to KanaaeCity, Fi. Seott, Pm asonN,
Lawrence lavenworth, Atcliisun, St. Joseph,
Nebraska City, Council lllulf. and Omaha, with
nut change! For information in regard to Time
Table, rates &c., tnnny point in Mieiii I, Kan
sas, Nehraska,Color:.M, Texas or I'aliinrnia, call
unou or address J. F. TiiiiMr.N, Air. nt JTiasou-
rt Pacif.fi It. H., Chattanooga, Tenn., or Atlanta, votir ():its, !I't!i , I",
Ha.; or t. A. iorii, General rasa.nger Agent, j rutt I'e.i. Ac.
n: ixna, nm. nr iriuoie to answer cueamoat i I
Fe1r:?til.W7I I
il A U Ii W A il E,
-,. . in'." . ing on Lund to suit Boj
cr nil k.nds nt"
Meu'tiunics' 1 ools,
liuilihiig Hard'varc,
Cutlery ofull kindu
mid everything in tin.- I...,i, ...id will sell
tlicu, as l.nv u, tl'ry cm ! bought and
brought here.
Wo will lniy your VI, . . 1 "
i, II itt.tr. !.,.--, ...-. '
.c. Ac.
Hid H i' & iSCU'Cuuo.

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