OCR Interpretation

The Sweetwater enterprise. (Sweetwater, Tenn.) 1869-187?, November 21, 1872, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89058302/1872-11-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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f i. i . BT O. B. "WOODWARD, . t .
' At Two Dollars u .Year, .
T?yatlo In Alrnnoe. "
. '1 ItMor ADTIBTlHI.tO).
I aqaOT,' 10 II mi or ln, oelnsertios...$l.oO
for Mth subsequent insertion, &"
Tkt rtu, for three months and upwards, will
V (m4 i the following table :
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I HATS Lmu1 ba Tlotd Ultly known m the
8tMy Houk, ami will henceforth eon J not
n Ik anat apprnTed at vie.
' T T patroaaja of the pnhlle eenernllr, and of
2M friaaila partlonlnrlf , who haa Moml by
aa truly 1 ti.a poet, ia reapertrullr aoliciteil.
I promiaa tbem n coriltnl reception and cam
rntakle heaie at the Battle Hou.e.
It will Be aean from the ahort that I hnra
leaead the Stacey Hnnaa to General utile. In
miring fraa tk poaition wliich 1 hare occupied
fr aaveral yeara In thia rity, I desire to tender
aay thanka and kind wlahet to old friendx, and
tarneatly entreat a coRtimmtion of their pat
raae In my aucceaaor, aa one who will make
tneir atay with him camfortnhle in eer re
apt. jylS-tf J - J. E. STACEV.
n s. n A BLESS,
PetMlra Watcliee, Clocka and Jewelry. Alao,
Bella Wntohea of the beat M.iniihoture. Cull
and tee me at A. W. Boyd'a atore. '
' -c... U.S. II AT LESS.
Sweetwater, Tenn., Sept. 12, 172. ly
v T. E. II. UtCIlO KEY,
Madisonville Tenn.
LOUDON and adjoining countiea. I'roinpt
attantiea given to the collection of all clainia,
and the protection of auite either in Circuit or
Ohaneery Courta. feb9 ly
fjTILL devote liii entire attention lo
' 1 the practice of medicine ia its vorioun
lepartaiente. norSO '67 9 tf.
Sweetwater, Tenn.
WILL PRACTICE in the Countiea or Monroe
London, Roane, Mc.Minn, Meigira, Hliea
Bradley and Polk, and in the U. 8. Court and
Supreme Court at Knotville, Tenn.
dec2t-'71-tf t
DEVOTEd hia entire attention to the
praetice of Dentistry. ' - ..
CJ Inauiea aatiefactien, and ehargea to euit
Ike dull tiaaea. . ,
. W. epf aid. f I. VATtS.
Goddard fc Mayes,
Sweetwater, Tcniiestioo,
WILL aell, leane, rent &c, Keal Kstntc of nil
. kind. Those wanting to aril or buy are
reqaeated te come and aee us. No wile, no
verge. GoiiDiRD & Mayes.
REV. W. H. CRAWFORD, Principal.
r. '. " ASSISTED Bf ' " '"
tlixs ELLA '. LEWIS, Mime Teacher
Board In good families at ?8 per month. Sea
Bion opens Sep. 2d, 1872.
A naw building sufficiently coiihihrI:pus for Tonr
hundred pupils, will be in rcmlinesa by thnt
jinie. For further porliculars addresn the 1'i in
ypil at Charleston, Tenn. . -
JOSH T. 001.
OommlMiou 3IorchautM,
308 Brond St., Aupustn, On.
Cpeelal attention given to the sale of Pioduce,
kj and liberal advancea made onConsignmenla
ia Store, or on Bill ( Lading.
References: Wm. E. Jackson, Prea't National
nk of Augusta and Auguata Factory.
Geo. Jhckson&Co. jiolB -ly.
ioax w. ion. r. uillir
Watchmakers a n d - Jewelers
DKAl.ERa IK t-'.:. :
WTaiMa. Clocks, Jewelr, aa4 Silver Plated Ware
TfTS Eeipectfully on 11 the attention of the citl
i V T Sens of East Tennessee te our apieudid
Stock'er - '. " ' ' ' '
Watches, Clooks . and Jewelry,
Table Cuilery olthe Finest Quality.
WaUhes, C lock, Jewelry 4c, Repaired on ahor
Notice on the most Reasonable terms.
C7 All work alone by Etperlonc.1 Workmen
and Wamnteellrl kiii i J . ;
Don't fill to cull and see us wken you visit the
OAT STREET, next DOits above (he entrance to
M spnsi ttraren,-
. . BjaoxTille, Tennessee., :
; i '. J
3 mm ( moa
n.fto M.no
11.00 !.
M.ni lo. na
K.no i.nn
ji.no 41,00
so.oo .no
4ft 00 u. on
Upwards of Vity, First rvemiurns
f 'i-AND .'! .!
G old and Silver Medals .
Chas. M. Sticff ,
For the Best iuno, in competition with till the
a loaalinj Factories in the country, i )
OJJk and Xno Uumwiuw, 9 N. Liberty
' ' tf., atoue Baltimore .,! i
TheStielT anos contain all the latest im
provements to be found in a firrt cI.ihs' Piano,
with aililitinniil inipiovenientvof his own inven
tion, not to be found in other.inntruinents. The
tone, touch and tinUhof their inMruiiienta en
not he excelled by any manufactured. ;A large
asroi'liueht of Secondhand Pianos alwaa on
hand, from 875 to J.'tOil. parlor and Church
tlrgans, some 2 ) different stales 0" hand from
$51) nni upwards. ' 77.
ICT'J'ene lor ItliiMrated cntnlogne, contalc
Inir names nf over 12IID Sontheruem.. (5111) of
which are Virginian', 2n North Carolinians,
1 511 Kant TenniBBeenns nrl otliers thmngrmnt
the Pouth) who have bought the SflEFF PIANO
since the clote of the wur.
Prospectus" for 1873!! ;
TF.TEUSON'S MAGAZINE has the best Orig
inal Storieeof any of the lady's bonks, the bent
Colored Fashion Plates, the best Receipts, the
bent Steel Engravings, &c, &c. Every family
ought to take It. It eivea mere for the money
than any in the world. It will contain, next year,
in its twelve numbers
One Thousand I'ageal
Fourteen Splendid Scecl Plates!
Twelve Colored Berlin Patterns I
Twelve Mammoth Colored Fashions!
Nine Hundred Wood Cuts!
' Twenly-Fnur Pages of Music !
It will also give Five Original Copyright
Noveletls, by Mrs. Ann 8. iurphena, Frank
Lee Benedict, nnd uthei s of the best authors of
Amn icn. Also, nearly a hundred shorter sto
ries, all original. Its superb
are ahead of all others. These plates are en
graved on steel, twice the usual size.
Terms (Always in Advance) $1.00 a Tear.
Great reductions to'.'lubs.
(Willi n copv of the superb
incjjcitint (20x10) "Christ
i Weeping 0or Jerusalem,"
3 " " 4.50 I to the person getting up the
4 Copies for 8(1.50
6 " " 9.00
10 " " 14.00
f With an extra copy of the
.Magazine for the year 187:1,
as a premium, to the perxan
getting up the Club.
8 Copies for 912.00
With both an extra copy of
the Magazine, nml the pre
mium mezzotint, to the per
son getting up the club.
12 " " 17,00
Address, post-paid,
. : CHAI.I.KS .1. PETKltsnx,
300 Chcrtnut tit., Philadelphia, Pa.
Specimens sent grnis if written for. oct 10-ly
Look at the Premiums
AChromo "Our Darling" to Every
Subscriber lor 1873.
Lady's Book.
Tlwohh.it Magazine, in Amrrica.
One never offered by any magazine, either in
this country or in Europe. Since we are farced
into this business, we arc determined to lunKe
it difficult for otliers to follow us. Let us see
who will come up to this:
A Clmmio-' OLR DAKLIXG"-
To every Subscriber, whether single or in a
Ono copy one year 83 00.
Two copies, one ; ear 5 IMI.
Three copies, one year 7 5H.
Four copies, one year 10 00.
Five copies, one year, and an extra copy
the person getting uptheclub, maliliis
six copies H 00.
Eiglit copies, one year, and an extra copy
to the person getting up the club, mak
ing nine copies.!.. 21 00.
Eleven copies, one year, nnd an extra copy
to the pcrtnn getting up the club, lnak
inir twelve eooies 27 00.
Tciity-threecopi,onycar,Andauex- 1
tra copy to tlie person geuing up ine
club, making ttfenfy-four copies ....... 55 00.
Let it be understood that every subscriber,
and the cetter-np of a club, will have the benu
liful Cinomo of ) :
Sunt to lhnn,five' of Portage.
(It is a Perfect Eijou )
The price of the C'hromo in filestores is Three
Ti,,ll,i: Ami anv mihscriber In a club, or
simile subscriber, who may wUh ti have "Our
Darling" mounte.l on stilt unsioi ooaru, anu
rpailv tMi tVaiiilnif. can have it so prepared by
remitting 25 cents ex!r-nt the time of subscrib
To the getter up of a club of 6 or 9 copies, we
will eeuil, as an extra reinium, a copy nl '-The
Offer" or "The Acceptance. ' 'Ihi in addition
to "Our Dariing." s
To the titter up m a ciuo oi l cupica, n
will send bothof the Cliromos "The Otter" and
"The Acceptance," nlopg with "Our Darling,"
or "Akini a Blessing and "Our Darling." '
To theutttcr-iip or a ';luh of 24 copies, we will
send "Asking a Blessing," "The Oiler," -'The
Acceptance," ami "Our Darlimr."
BWillthe'getters-iipol clubs of G, 9 and
12 copies please be particular and write whut
premiumrthey desiie. "
f9The premiums are only forwarded when
the rifnitiiince is scut to us.
tQ-When the subscribers all r. side in sno
place, the premiums will all he sent to the per
son who eemNthe club lor distribution.
8V' le person sending a full subscription
f&3 (1(1 can have bis choice of "Vie Oiler,"
"The Acceptance," or "Our Darling."
,..jp3i'he money must all be sent at ono time
tor an of the claim, anil additions may be mar,e
to clubs at club rates. The L iH v'b Book will be
sent to any post-oHice where the Stibscrrber tn-iy
reside, and subscriptions niay commence with
any month In the year.' We enn lilwaj s sup
ply back numbers. Specimen numbers will be
sent on receipt ol 25 cents.
UOW TO KEMI I. In remitting by 'Mail,
Post Office Order on Dhitudelphin, or a Draft on
pliiladelfhia or 'New Tork, payable to the order
of L. A. Godey,is preferable to bank noted., It'
a dralV or. fast Offlce order cannot bo procured
send United-States or National Bank notes.
jgAVe advise an early application, as we
expect our list, with.the inducementa we offer,
will reach 200,0110 subscribers. Address L, A.
GODEY, N. E. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Srt.,
Ptiladelphia. octl8 J872 . . i
. i i l1 itt it; 1 v
-S. I ,''' r Nil J 4L
For the Enterprise.
The beautiful Summer ia ended
The Sells and the forests now tell!
Green, yellow, and bl own, are all blended,
t Aai naturostesis whispering fnrw)L ''"
The birds are all gathered in crowds,
And send forth a diige for the leaves,
That" fall as the dark 'railing clouds f i C I
Are borne through the heavens in reefa.
. i' ' ..II 1 1
The flowers now shrink from the fiost,
And the insects retire to sleep; , , , ,
While the beauty of earth forever seems lost,
And the wind o'er the ruins to weep,
Like the voice ol a friend that stands by
And mourns o'er the deutli-bed in gloom
While rain-drops, the tears or the sky,
Fall down on the head of each bloom.
Now slowly, and sadly, the trees ..'
For wintery hours prepare ;
And colder and colder each bieeze,
Till stript of their folhige bare.
Oh ! I sigh as I look o'er the scene,
Prophetic of man's own decay,
For he fudee like the foliage green
How soon he is withered away I ,
But yet, it is sweet consolation,
To know thnt the storm and the rain, .
Though they bring for awhile desolation,
ill restore u the sunshine again.
And oh ! Winter is not all dreary,
Foi whoin bis stormiest nighl,
Ol'the (ire-side has ever grown weary f
I turn to its charms, with delight I
'Tie nn Eden of social enjoyment,
' From which, there is Bone that would part ; i
When we rest from every employment,
And friendship entwines round each heirtl
Then let the fierce storms l. uilly blow,
Though we sigh fur the spring of the year ;
For we cannot but welcome the snow,
And this then should solace einh cure.
Second Love.
Tlio November afternoon was darken.
hi"; into nilit ul l'luieiitu mid I drove
back lYoni tlio cemetery win re wo hud
seen our futber luul lo rest ' I vut twenty-two,
tuut nuinuier, ami tbo utliunct'd
bride of Allien Freemuii ; but, Binee uiy
fulliei't) deulli, I hud Uol heeu hiiu, una
my heart told nie only too plainly, tlml
thulove whicb had been givui to Muriun
Wilbor, tlie favorod of foitune, had not
been tiunnfeired to Munon AV.lbor, Ihe
hiiineless orphan. '
Florence, though yoanger limn I, was
mitn ied; bail her home and her husband,
and couid afford to look upon my fithtiB
lailure and death calmly; but I what
was I lo do? I miibt bcjiii the uoild,
and earn u living for mywlf.
We stopped before the mnnsion that
hid so Ion;,' beeu home that., alter to
night would be home no longer.
.; -I wish to tpmik to you, Marion,"
Florence said.
I led the way into the library. -
"Well V" I said, sitting down in the
gloom. "What is it Florence ?'' .
"It m this Muriou. Whut do you
mean to do?" ... ...
"I don t know," I said drearily enough
"It is lime you did," said Florence.
"You must earn your own living. I ttli
you frankly that I cunnot offer you a
home, und you must get some situation.
To-morrow you must leavo tin house.
You have no mouey. "Where are you
going?" ,
I droppod my bead on the table nnd
burst imo tears. Oh Ihe unspiakable
desolation and misery I felt ut that mo
ment ! My sister had never been over
stocked with affection for her family, and
thoughts of the world had always filled
a large place in her heart ; but it did
seem us if she might at lenst give me
time to bury my father bifot'e thrusting
me into it and not my father only, but
my lover, for was he not dead to me also,
and must I not bury him out of my
sight? " .
"I havo been niore thoughtful for you
th.'.n you have bet n for yourself,' pur
sued Florence. "I have found you a
temporary home. Mrs. Brown is in
want ti a seamstress. Ihuvespoken for
you; her terms are liberal, and you ore
to go there ut once." ,
Marion Wilbor go out. aR a sc'tuntstrcss !
How coolly she talked of it! It is as
tonishing how persons w,l! talk oi dis
comfort when they tire not the parlies
concerned. I made no answer. . I did
not lift my head, but cried on, silent,
wretelipd tears us ever n woman wept.
"You will go there to-morrow morn
ing, when yon leave here, and while there
you can ndvertiso for another place. I
must be going now. Good by." .
' I did not answer, nnd she was gone;
then I sank down in my loneliness,
poverty and misery, and cried until I
could cry no longer.
"O Alden, Alden !" I cried, in my great
wretchedness. ( "Is this the love you
professed for me ?"
And so that long night pisst-d, as all
trghts must; but the morning found me
a changed woman. It si enied as if in
that one night I had given up everything
that had bebu dear to me. It did not
break my heart, either; Alden Freeman
should never do that; when my heart
broke it should be for a worthier object.
No ! I thanked God that I had learned
Alden Freomun's tuivftf-lh so boon. '
With no choice left, I took my way to
Mis. Brown, and remained for three
months it' 'member of her family. One
moaning, nn advertisement in the paper
attracted my attention, and I determined
to answer it. ' It was for a copyist. . A
few hours laler I knocked at the office
door of Edwin Graham. He' was a
lawyer, and , one of the most talented
jaieu.ut the New York bur. ' ,
"You advertised font copyist," I said,;
and I called to eee if I, could do what
you require'.", :.:.!.?'.,
'i "Will you write something for me?"
he said, placing willing muteriuls before
in.' ' - .t i..- .; -
- I wrote several lines, which be esam
ined, r.nd then -said they "would do."
' ' I found the terms liberal, and carried
home quite' a large roll of pnpers. It
wasurrungfd that after this the office
boy was lo call for my writings, and
bring me further orders. ' '
Mr. Graham tailed occassional)- to give
some directions about the law papers;
he witil h nan of about thirty-five, very
kind in his manner, and be occnnionnlly
brought mfl a book lo rend. His little
kiudncKsts were very welcome tg nie in
my gicat loneliness. " ' ' i '
I have forgotten to sny tlm(I had
gone to live with nn old Judy ' whpm I
had once bifrietidi-d during long ill
uess, but who had since rcc rived a f mull
h-gmy which enabled her to live com
fori ably. i ' ' '. , '
'In time, wy writings grew to be-other
than the) copying of law papers, t Firht,
I wrote n short sketch, and sent it lo one
of the lending journals; it was'rtceived
and paid for, nnd I continued vtriting.
Soon after, a new book wns girt'to the
public, und loudly npplamlcd.; A ' few
evenings afterward Mr. Gralnim called
and brought me ' the book, fnyittg he
wished me to rend it, us he felt mre I
would like it The author was tyiknown
he said; the only gave a fictii'ons nnme;
nnd till the i flbrts nf (hc'pnl lie Lad been
unsuccessful in finding her out I suid
nothing. I chose lo keep my secret. '
I had made up my mind to give np
copying, and told hi in so. He looked nt
me in astu piiscd way for a moment
then said ' ' . '
"May I ask why, Mifs Willbor? Are
you to l;e married T Tell me that it is
not go !" He took niy hand, then went
on hurriedly,
"I love yon; yon ennnot he surprised
at this; 3 on must have seen ' It before;
tell me that no one tl&e has a claim upon
your heart "
I told him the stcy of my past life.
"You cannot care for second love," I
said. , ' ' '
Bui ho only clasped me in his nrnip,
"Your second love is more precious
to me than the first love of any other
I told him that night, who was the
authoress of the book he so much ad
n.U'cd. A look of proud joy came into
his face.
"I thought it was like you; it made
me think of you when I read it; but I
did not dream of this; why have yon
kept it such secnt?"
"Can yon womlei ?"' I 6nid. "Hnve I
not hained what it was to be lovi d for
my good fortune, nnd 1'orMiktn when
that forsook me ?'' I wished to be loved
for myself idono."
Only nee have I met Alden Freemen ;
i' was seven years after my father's deal b.
He did not know of my marriage, and
begged me to fo'give him.
"O Ma ion !" he said, "jori'wonld fol
give and pity roe if you knew what I
have suffered. Only forgive me, Marion
and let me win your heart once more.
Promise to be my wife, and nothing on
earth shall pint us."
What a flood of bitter memories op
pressed my heart !
"There was a time long past," Inn
swered, "when my heart was nil your
own; but yon cast it back as worthless;
have I not suffered, think you ? . I would
not trust you with my heart if it were
ever so free; but it is not; I have given
it to one who loves mc not for my gold
but for myi-elf." "I inn married to a good
and noble man, and I love him with my
whole heait" '
A Quaker's Letter.
I herewith send thee my pocket clock,
which staudeth in need ot thy friendly
correction. The hint time he was at thy
friendly school, he wns in no way re
formed nor in the least, benefitted there
by; for I perceive by the index of his
mind that he is a liar r.nd the truth is
not in him; that bis pulse is sometimes
slow, which betokenelh not a even tem
per; at other times it wnseth sluggish,
notwithstanding I frequently urge him;
when' he sh'inld be on duty; s lion
knowest his'himd dcnotelh, I find him
slumbering, or, as the vanity of bumu:t
reason phrases it, I caught him napping.
Examine him, therefore, nnd prove him,
I beseech thee, -thorou.hly, tbiit thon
may est, being well acquainted with his
inward frame ana disposition, draw him
from the error ol his way, and show him
the path where lie should go.- It grieves
n.e t . t ink, i nd r, h n I ponder tier in
I am vi lily of the opinion that his hod.v
ia foul, nnd the whiJenissKiscumrpted.
Cleanse him, therefore, wiih thy charm
ing physic, from all pollution, that may
vibrate nnd circulate according to the
truth I wilf place him for a few days
under thy care, and pay for his board as
thou requirest. ' I entreat thee, friend
John, to demean thyself n this occasion
with judgment, nctording to the gift
which is in thee, and piove thyself a
workman; and when thou lajest thy
corn cling hand upon him let it be
without passion, lest thou should.st di ive
him o destruction Do tbnvy regulate
his motion for a time to come by the
motion of the light thnt rnleih the day,
and when thou findest bira converted
from the error of his ' ways, find more
coufotmable to the above-nrettioned
rules, then do thou nenrVhim homo with
a just bill of charges-drawn out in the
spirit of moderaiion, nnd it shall be sent
to thco in the root of all evil.
tA sanguine young Ohio blaclismith
had faith in bis ability to make himself
the receptacle for. four pints of raw
whisky within fifteen minutes. He wntr
ered. -twenty five dollars .to that effect,
with a skeptic of his heigboi hood, nnd"
made the villngo bur-room the scene of
his brutish performance. Cpon his ueut
and unotnaniental tombstone, 'now in
process of construction, will be inscribed
Ihe simple ep'itnph. "Ho 'smiled' and
died.".....;;.. .;. , ; ;
to Immense is the demand for the
eye's of peacocks' iuils, as accessories to
'the art of millinery,.' that a benevolent
gentleman thinks it will soon be time to
establish a blind asylum 'for peacocks
Bjiliout eyes.; ; , "'.'' " " 7 ' ' ' :
Hill Arp on the Collapse., ., '
Ai the poet sed "the agony is over."
Them cards in the sleeve would hsv Leal
any honest bund. Eos-i des, ng Ihtnnp.
Allan would stiy.'we jplayd badiy, , E'l
limoie Convention, and O'Conor and
Alck Stevens and a limited supply of
votes has liciit us. i Well, wtj Mill live.
I'm not goin to bed about it' Old Gr eo
ley ain't no kin to me. Grunt ain't
neither, nnd thats winds the m alter.- I
talked for Greeley nnd writ for him imd
voted for him, bnt I never did hnnktr
after him. It made mi h nn everlabtin
luss in my family I bad iiko to Tim swny.
Yon see Mrs. Arp wnsetit rekonsiled.
.She were a strait, and whi n she aiut rt-k-oiimled
things uilit us plftssid as a silver
lake around my house. I dont menu thai
times is hot or despertile, but to say the
least of it they are pc kulinr. A man bkes
to hav Inn bed nnd his board screen
Dont I e ? S yon see as my wife Vug a
strait it'dident Income me Ur bo viry
crooked. And I wont at heme. Shes
a good oninn and sho'l endure everything
slid never grunt nor groan, but she woul
compermise wotth a cent. I told her I
had no peitikler use for Grteley and
(hat he was adarnd old infatyated bum
bug, but that our paper hclongd to the
great nnleny fide, onsatistide, tranrmor
rilide Democratic party and must keep
into line. She sed sum remarks about
papers lying by the day and by .the
weik and niiout self resprct and inde
pendence and the. like, and I giew as
meek like Moses in a few minutes. The
fact is I n u meek man. I've laid awake
of nights iirnmiuatin how meek I was.
Mrs. Arp thinks the paper outht to
take truth" for a motto and work up
to it. I told her it would be a danger
ous (xpeiimint, but )-l:e says it has never
been tried yet. If I wnceut afeerd the
little Arps would perish to deth durin
the epciimcnt I would try it. Old
Shank says we cant lie worsted for he
has I ride lyin for 20 years end it wont
pay. Heknys it would be nn episode in
ihe press, a kurosity, somi thing like a
elephant or tin tklipseor John Eoby
koii's circus. He says somt times a
persnkneds by ly:n, like the New Yoik
Una! d and the TnLunf. . and Forney's
paper, but it has to be wtllbacki d. The
Iln-ahl has got so now it can quit party
mid set buck in a cheer ur.d tell the n ut b
in its old age; like an old sptkulutor who
has niadb a fortune by cheat in and lyin
and then puts his mt ney in stocks and
leliies. He says that, political papers
lie from 1)0 per cent, down to 10 and
that Forney is the only man who ever
went full up to a 100 and kept it there.
Well, now that Grunt has got in, I
don't see any necessity for runiiin the
Commercial at a high pressure. If nil
the lyin issues ait ded, they ure past
doetfiu. Now is a good lime lo go lo
developin the countrv We can taise
children nnd chickens by the 1,000 in 4
years. Some of our folks is a ti-llin
around how the country covld have been
saved, and nil that. Old Shank thinks
he knows, but be don't. He's a good
fellow, old Shank is. - He don't gas
around, Lut jest tells me privately, nnd
sks me to sny nolbin about it, wuiih I
don't. But I heard one feller a goin it.
and he said, "Gentlemen, if the people
of the Soutii had hav taken my advice,
this kiihim ly wonldcnt have happened.
I talked to em, and prcuchfd to em, but
you might us well hnv trie d lo stop a
Ciiwlamaller huricane wiih a thimble
full of sulphuretted hydrogen gas,"
Well, I don't like his sort, nor l.is gas
It don't do any good. The thing has
hitppi tied the dog is ded. Grant itint
agoin to tiiLenwuY our bred corn nor to
baker. ' As for a few little post offices
mid tax collektors, I dident cure any
thing about em. Than w hals got em
needs em, I reken, and i- s took a power of
low down Lord work to get em. ,
We've got all the State officers from
Gov. Smith down to the bottom, and I'm
satisfied. Hurrah lor old Georgy I
' . : .; ... Bill Anr.
r P. S. I remarked to-day in a crowd:
"We are a nation of thieves," and nn
office holder slipped up to me and whis
pered, "Calll no names,- Bill, cull no
ni'ines." - Thars something wrong about
that man. ' . B. A.
My Own, iny Native Land.
The man who stands npon his own
soil, who feels that by the laws of the
land in which he lives by the laws ot
civilized nations he is the rightful and
exclusive owner of the laud which he
tills, is, by the constitution of cur na
ture, under a wholesome influence' not
easily imbibed from any other tource.
He feels other things being equal
more strongly than another the charac
ter of ' a man 'as lord of an animated
world. Ot this great and -onderftil
sphere, which, fashioned by the hand of
God and rpheld by His power, is rollinis
through the heavens. part is bis his
from the centre of the sky. It is in the
spaco on which the generation before
moved in its ronnd of duties,' and he
feels himself connected by a visible link
with those who follow him, and to whom
he is to transmit a home. Perhaps his
farm has come down t him by his fath
ers.' They havo gone to their last home;
but he cau trace their footsteps over the
scenes of his daily ' labors. The joof
which shelters him was reared by those
to whom he owes his being. : Some in
teresting domestic tradition is connected
with every inclosnre. Thefavorite fruit
tree was plan ted by his father's hands.
He sported in boyhood beside the brook
which winds through the meadow,
Through the field. lies, the path to the
village school of earlier days . He still
hears from the window the voiee of the
Sabbath-bell which called his father to
the house of praer; nnd nearer at hand
is Iho spot where his parents" were laid
to rest,: and where, when bis time has
come, ho shall be laid by his children.
These are the feelings of tlie owner of
the 6oil, Words cannot paint gold
cannot buy them ; they flow out of the
deepest found.itfon of tho hert.j they
ore the life-springs of fresh, health and
generona notional ebarsx&r. . , . ;
. . . ' ....
' -A Sad; Sad Story.- -
Twenty-five years ago, says n letter
writer, a company of young people,
farmers'; sons and daughters, to the
number of thirty-two, drove in tho early
morning down lo the anciei.t little city
of Amboy, New Jeisey, to tmbuik in "a
sloop for a sail down tlie waters of ono
of Ihe prettiest bays that wash the At
lantic coast. rArrived t Sandy Hook,
they feasted, fished nnr frolicked and
flirted, too, no doubt, for, the wash-tub
and the dairy can never deprive the
daughters of Eve uf ther prerogative.
At tho close of the afternoon they pre.
pared for glorious bath in the surf ot
Florida Grv ve, the young men retiring
round ti e point, leaving their fair friends
in unciiibaimssed enjoyment of the sit
uation. ' Upon their return the young
farmers saw tight that might well
strike terror to the stoutest heart. The
cniol undertow . hnd sucked the poor
girls down to their deaths, nnd the
waves had cast their bodies on to the
sands from whence they had dnshed so
merrily into the rolling sui t a short half
hour before mid not one of the whole
parly was left alive. Sadly tho young
men bore the remains of sisters, friend
and sweetheait back to their homes, now
made desolate indeed, nnd wido-spresd
was the grief and anguish in the hither
to happy township of Piseataway. There
was not a family that did not niouru the
loss of a beloved child and daughter;
and such was the shock produced by
Ihe terrible occurrence throughout the
whole State of New Jersey that the
memory of it is preserved to this day,
and the story told by those who listened
to it first, perhaps, from the .lips of a
sorrowful eye-witness.
An Indian's Mistake.
Some months ago a lot of Sioux In
dians robbed a stage couch on tho plains,
and found among the packages of freight
a clothes wringer. One of the chiefs
had observed certain beings grinding
tii iilrc music out of a machine with the
same kind of a crank as that upon the
wringer, ro a conviction f-eized his soul
that that was a barrel organ. He had
the wringer carefully carried back lo
cauip, and he made up his mind that
from that day forward the silence of that
solitary wilderness was going to be
broken by a ceaseless round of tunes
and vibrations. First be grasped tlie
crank nnd began to turn it, in order to
show his braves how the thing w as done.
He revolved it for sixteen hours, but no
music came. Then the other Indians
took a hand, one after , another, for a
week. Then tho squaws were turned
on. bnt with i:o effect ; - : '
1 ben Ihe chief went out ond stole a
mule and a threshing machine, and rig
ged np a lot of blocks and pulleys, and
ran a bell over the ( rank; then exploded
pow der under the hind legs of Hint mule,
so that he kept charging up the inclined
plane of that threashing machine, and
the wringer mude sixty revolutions a
minute. But 'it wouldn't work. So
Ihe chief came to the conclusion that the
concern was under some kind of a curse,
and he ran out the medicine man, and
had a war dance, and drove yellow pine
slukis through a couple of white cap
lives, and jumped some wild mysterious
mns'c on the drum. Then the medicine
man filched np the mule again, and.
aftr starting Ihe machine, he leaned up
against it while he muttered an exorcism
In a couple of minutes the rubber rol
lers clenched his breech clout nnd began
to haul l.im in with his knees doubled
up against his face. When ho got hall
way through he stuck, and the machine
stopped. He couldn't move, and the
chief was afraid to touch the wringer;
so the braves fell ou the rloctor. and
jabbed him with a knife, and sc ilped
him; then they buried him and the na
chino as tiny were. This wns the last
attempt of the Sioux Indians to culti
vate the fine arts.
Terrible Sentence.
The Iiev. Oial Oielscn a Norwegian
rniuister, was beheaJed on the 20th of
July, ut Tromsoe, in the extreme north
of Norway. He had been- convicted of
having poisoned his aged father, and
having assassinated his three ille"ititrit
children. He was arrested at the insti
gation of his former mistress, Bertha
Hilgren, und, iu consequence of his
strenous denials of cult, sul'iiected to the
torture of being deprived of water for
ttiree days, nnd once, for twenty-four
hours ho was chained to the wall of his
dungeon in an erect posit ion. The sen
tence .linuiiy piouounced against him
w as that for tw enty-four hours he should
be exr.osed to the pillory with his rwht
hand nailed to the board of infamy, and
that he should then hsve his rr'trht hand
chopped off nnd his head cut off with an
axe. Upon bearing his doom, the uu-
lorinnatemun tell on his knees and mi
plorcd tho audience to shoot bun. in or
der to put an end lo his miscty. Nearly
20,000 people witnots the execution of
tlie ci wnnul. ; ' . :
A good story is told of a widow lady
in town. Her husband . died fur nvyiy
from home, and it took so long for his
remains to reach Now York that his relict
had quite recovered from her grief and
was giving a large lunch party when they
finully arrived.,! A wagon drove up' to
the door,, and a long box was handed
out. Curiosity ran high among the .a .
dies nt the window, and with one accord
they exclaimtd, "Why, Mis. Jones, what
can it be?" Up went Mrs. Jones' eye
glasses, nnd after a glance she coolly
said, "Why,, it must be. Jones come
homo. Charley, ran down and open the
door for your father.
Ono of the saddest sights in this
season of ihe yhec is a young man who
has waited outside tho church of an even
ing tin.ifl he is chilled through only lo
see his gir Wdk " ? with some raacid
who has been inside nil the time rooaU
ing his sinful shins at the stove.
' .The Way to Keep Sunday. - -. .
The Lord's day is a good day in which
to learn to love you neighbor as your
self. I do not thiuk- it is a great sin if
your neighbor has his side door opeu ou
the Sabbath day for you1 to walk serosa
the lawn and sit on his porch, and tnllr
with him of seemly things. -1 think the
Lord hkel that I do Mot think that if
your household is more radiant, and
yonr children wake and say, (as I never
did). "Thank God, it 'is Suiiday"!
don't think that if you wake it the best
day of the week, aud your children are
good uutured, and joyful that Hay are
any the worse.' I believa in letting out
the harness a lit tie. I believe hi making
the holes for the buckle a little. lower
down. Let our Lord's day be a church
day in the iroriiing and a family day the
rest of Ihe time. I thiuk that we pre'uch
too much. I think we overteach and
overtax in the Sabbalh-school. I thinl
we are' waking iWlViud'a.cta.vluhaiuiaaw-
I do not think we use Sunduy enough
to mako the family finer,- bwscter, morg
homogeneous, more social and so more
religious. I see ninny, many men who
come to church stern and stiff. " They
wonld not for all the world ride in a
street car on Sunduy no; nor go over
the ferry on Suuday uo; . nor do any
thing at home that made them agreeable
nil!. I do not hold up their way of
keeping Ihe Sablmth as a model. Sun
day is n day of household love. It is n
day in which the children ought lo fuel
that their father ajid mother never wete
so handsome before, and never ho good.
It is a day in which ever part of the
household should, at the going down of
the sun, be able to say, "Thank God for
this open door of heaven, which bus
poured ou'. so munv happy hours on
us?" .
Not a Pleasant Ride.
' Interesting accounts have b""cn given
of rides with actual or supposed lunatics,
and some of the criminal records of the
Europer.n cities givo graphic leiniuis
cenceaof criminals as companions on
railway and coach routes. But 'one 'ex
perience of a Warder of Newgate prison,
in a van loaded with criminals, is told
in the Pall Hall Uuzttte, as follows:
It scums that tho prison van was con
veying fifteen convicts who had been
sentenced to long terms of pennl servi
tude at the last session of the Criminal
Court from Newguto to the House of
Correction at Pentoiivillc. . One warder
was stationed inside the van, in a small
space frclwcen tho compartments-,' and
another wurder on Ihe step of the ve
hiclei The journey passed offplcasanjly
enough until the van reached Islington,
when one rf thepnsoiiers begun to break
in the inner iiariel of his cell.. His ex
ample was followed by three others, and
there appeared every prospect of a des-
perato truggle ensuing; iu the mean
time the warder inside had given the
alarm to the wurder outside, who com
municated the danger lo the driver.
The horses were accordingly urged to a
rapid pace, and dashed niiwprd toward
Pen ton ville Prison in the lopes of nr-
nving there before the convicts succeed
ed iu regaining their liberty. It must
have been an exciting moment a the van
flew through the narrow streets with
this wild turmoil going on wilhin its
gloomy panels. At lust the haven was
reached in safety, and the relief of the
wurder insido when lie found himself
within its gates and handed over hs
passengers to the rcntonville officials
niay be more easily imagined than de
scribed. Realities of Manhood.
To the boy, tho world beyond his im
mediate surroundinds is only a picture.
He does not know how real arc the sor
rows, the passions, the ambitions of nun.
Its absorbing interest, its heroes and its
martyrs, are heard of by hiiu without
understanding, or with indifl'eronco
His sport, his lessons, his homo life, are
alone real,. But thero will conic a change.
The ordinary slow growth into manhood,
with its business or professional pursuits
and widening relations, or btarlling
event, such as the death of a parent, or
some intellectual or spiritual appeal,
striking out the latent soul, will mako
vivid and earnest what was indistinct
and uninteresting. Like a sterescopio
picture bifore it is put in the storescopic,
tlie life of men has no body or reality;
but when the hoy awakens as with the
picture within the instrument so with
him. a solidity and naturalncsss w ill bo
acquired by the external world, und he
will feel that it is henceforth to live and
move amongst these granderand graver
forms. Many mistakes will he commit,
falso estimates will he form of propor
tion and perspective, the earnestness of
new conceptions wiil hurry him into ex
travagances and generous errors, but if
there is truth in his nature, and noble
ness in his spirit,'' just views will be
formed, and the day in which it is given
him to work will find him not unmind
ful of the responsibility which arises
from a knowledge of the coming night.
Vfuhian's Smile.
' A beautiful smilo'is to" the femnla
countenance what the sunbeam is to the
landscape; it embellishes an inferior hce
and redeems an ngly one. A smile,
however, should not .becomo habitual,
or insipidity is the result; nor slypuld
tho mouth break -into-a' smile on ono
side, the other remaining passive aud
unmoved, for this imparts an air of de
ceitful i grotesqueness to the fuce. A
disagreeable ,smile distorts the line cf
beauty and is more repulsive than a
frown. There ore many kinds of smiles,
each having' ' distinctive, character;
some announce goodness and sweetness;
others betray sarcasm, bitterness, and
pride; some soften, the conntouance by
thoir brilliant and' spiritual yivncity.
Gazing and poring over a mirrnw can
not, aid in acquiring beaatiful smiles half
so v ell as to tain the gaze inward, to
watch that the iieart keeps unsullied '
from the reflection of evil, and is illu
mined and beautified by sweet throbs.
.". ..J S. I fe-oO

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