; Drs Jurner, Psrks & Hiigfcss DENTISTS. t i Mary Street, Union City ! Telephone 144. 4 Jl 0nion City Commercial, Mtablfuhel 190. ( rnn.ni(,i.tfl BantpmhaT 1 1897 Wait Tenoeue Courier. e.tsblUbed ConoUdta September 1, 1837. UNION CITY, TENN, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1907. VOL. 17, NO. 15 t Might be 'Worth Your To entrust your drug business to the "Red Cross." Others have found it profitable as well as convenient and pleasant. You can always get just what you want and feel perfectly confident that it is up to the standard. CROSS DRUG STORE Crs. Turner, Parks & Hughes DENTISTS. Mary Street, Cuion City Telephone 144. COMMER 'HIP .1 11 il d hile Phone 100. WATSON 6c KIMZEY, Proprietors. .I, .I ...... ........ ., i j WE AIM TO PLEASE and hit the mark every, time with our GROCERIES The stock is so varied and carefully selected that the most fastidious as well as the most frugal housewife will find everything that she may want in staple and fancy groceries high grade, of the best quality, and at prices as low as good groceries can be sold for. W. L. WHITE Two Wagons Two Phones 66 and 462 UNION CITY AND VICINITY In condensed form by Judge J. L. Palmer. f""""'""v F" mk NOW is the time to get our SUMMER PRICES on COAL. UNION CITY ICE AND COAL CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF COMFORT. -arTelephone No. 150. PAINT! PAINT! PAINT! Experience has made most of 119 realize that It pays to buy the article of merit, particularly such an article as paint. It costs just a much time to put on cheap paint as good paint, but think of the time It will last. The paint of quality that has proved Its dura bility is the HEAL cheap paint. High Standard of Lowe Brothers Is proving Its durability constantly. Prepared by the most modern and careful methods, it has long been noted for Its covering power, lasting qualities, wearing evenly by gradual wear and Anally leav ing a good surface for repainting. These are the requirements of : good jjf.'iYu. t&r desired results use the best paint. I The paint of LoW&rothcrs GI VES BEST RESULTS. ' j UNION CITY"150CRY COMPANY ' SPECIAL ACCENTS I 1 Phone 77. H.NJLIGON. 'Manager. i 1 STAR AMUSEMENT CO. ILLUSTRATED PLACE COOLED BY ELECTFf ASS. POniiinrsf Dinfnrnri IM LJUuniR 1 mum CHANGE EVERY DAY, 11 Illustrated Songs sung by Mrs. Mary Dean WheeleXr. Special attention given to ladies and children. Afimiocinn t0 Coble & Clagett Building First Street. AlillllbolUil Ot- DR. WILL A. NAILLING, Physician and Surgeon. Office:- NAILLING BUILDING. Office Phone 413 Residence Phone 41 Q Hours: 9 to 10 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. In writing a history of this kind, it will be interesting to the reader to know something of the primi tive condition of the present lo cality and surrounding country, before Union City was dreamed of. In the year 1839, the first days of December, Jacob Palmer, origi nally from North Carolina, came to Obion county and settled on the present site of Union City. Having secured an option on two hundred acres of land, on the 16th day of December, 1839, he com menced to build a hewed log house of two rooms, each 18 feet square with a passage between, a stick and clay chimney at each end. This house was erected on the very spot where now stands the High School building. There were many obstacles then in the way of securing building material, no saw mills being ac cessible, the nearest fifteen miles through slush and mud. The only way of getting lumber was by hand sawing, with a whip saw. Many of these pioneer houses were' built of rude round logs. All log houses were daubed with clay between the logs, and with the im mense fire places then in use, made them very comfortable. Mr. Palmer having a large fam ily of ten stalwart sons each one had a sisterwe will give this problem to the young reader who may chance to peruse these lines for solution. How many in the family ? Before their sturdy strokes, the place was soon made quite livable. A dense forest encompassed this settlement for miles around. The finest timber in the State, walnut, white oak, hickory, ash, poplar and other varieties not so plenti ful as these. Some of the poplars measured ten feet in diameter, oaks four to seven. The forest abounded with game; deer, swamp rabbits (this is larger than the common hare), w il d turkeys, geese, ducks and quail. It was also al.il 1 jg miestea oy lerocious animals ana reptiles: wolves, wild cats, rattle snakes, copperhead, adder and cotton mouth. The forest has given away to the hand of improvement, the game to a great extent, the wild animals and reptiles to the march of civ ilization. The country was very sparsely settled, owing perhaps to large bodies of land owned and con trolled by a few individuals, and the swamps and mud, the inevit able chills and fever, were not specially inviting to the faint hearted new comer. - There was twenty-one hundred acres owned by Gen. Gibbs ; Union City is now located upon a part of this. On the east of this, thirteen hundred acres belonged to Wilson Cage, Sr.; on the south and cast, two large plot3, owned Vvy heirs of Cullenail, who lived in thoVState of Pennsylvania, and Coonnqd, of North Carolina. On tJthGibbs land was settled, George Gibbs, a noted land lawyer and politician, John White, William ScotV Ezekiel Harelson, Elisha Parker?These were our nearest neighbors and were liv ing there prior toj' 1839. About the yeajr 1850 the large surveys of land above mentioned, were divided and thrown upon the market. The choice tracts were sold for four dollars per acre; this was land now owned by John Fletcher, Archie White and Sol. Ward. Eleven hundred acres of this body of land sold for fifty cents per acre to John Maupin. This included Rives station. The Gibbs' land had some of it sold from four to five dollars per acre prior to 1850. It will perhaps be interesting to know that the Robert Ury and F. W. Matthews addition to Union City, including the Dr. T. J. Ed wards farm, was at one time sold to George Dowdy, of Fulton county, Kentucky, for three dol lars per acre, was abandoned by the purchaser, thinking the price too high. Afterwards a part of this three hundred acres was sold to Clevis Swift for eight dollars per acre. The Public School building now standson a part of the Swift land. Swift transferred the land to McPage, McPage to Robert Ury, Robert Ury to C. N. Gibbs, and C. N. Gibbs donated the ground for the'Public School building. The ten thousand acres belong ing to the Cullenail heirs, portions of it were purchased by Littleton Ward, Monroe Ward, John Thomas, John C. Grizzard. Some of the present owners of choice parts of this land have been men tioned. The Coonrod tract lying in Hauser Creek Bottom, was bought by Uncle Billy Bell, Hugh Catron, Ira O. Bradford, Capt. James Turner, Sam Wade, Sr., Rev. E. Osborne, Thomas Batte and others. In the year 1848, a preliminary survey of the Mobile & Ohio R. R. was made. In locating the road in 1851 few changes were made from the original survey. At the time the location was made, every one owning land on the line had a particular spot of ground, suitable as they thought for depot pur poses. In about 1852 the pioneer set tlers began to revolve in! their minds the building of a town. In the year 1851 or '52, a char ter was granted by the State Leg islature to a company to build the Nashville & Northwestern R. R. (now called the N. C. & St. L. R. R.), the terminus to be at Mad rid Bend or Tiptonville. Gen. Gibbs being a man of fore sight, went to Nashville during the sitting of the Legislature and had the charter so" amended that the terminus would, be at the future unnamed town instead of Tipton ville. , Gen. Gibbs returned home, or ganized a company to continue the road to Hickman, Ky., , called Hickman and Obion R. R., he be coming president of the company. The Mobile & Ohio R. R. hav ing been located at this place, and the plan consummated bringing the Nashville & Northwestern R. R. to the same place, and the con tinuation of the Hickman & Obion R. R.f this necessarily brought about a crossing at this point. : Gen. Gibbs employed James M. Daniel, a civil engineer, of Rich- ' - - v . ,. I .... Xn. 'f V. .. ! rV ' . J . ., , ' f J V" v - V h ' J. W. TEMPLE. One of Union City's well known and esteemed citizens, Joseph Wil liam Temple, quietly breathed his last at home in this city last Satur day morning, June 29, at 9 o'clock. Mr. Temple had been afilicted for several months, suffering with Bright'a disease, which was com plicated with dropsy and weak heart action. His last illness was aggravated with flux and the end was not far away. The following extract published in the Cumberland Telephone Jour nal on March 15, 1906, r.ives a brief outline of Mr. Temple'n life: The gentleman whose name heads this article was born and reared on a farm in Madison County, Tenn. When the Civil War broke out he joined the Confederacy, enlisting as a volunteer In the Sixth Tennessee May 22, 1801, thedayhewas twenty years of age un tne Datueneia or smioh he was disabled from a wound received In the face, and being 'left among the dead was captured and made a prisoner of war and transferred to a Federal hos pital in St. Louis. , There he was ten deny carea ror oy tne enemy and ex changed at Vlcksburg. October 20, mond, Va., to survey and locate the road .to Hickman. Mr. Daniel returned to the crossing point af ter the survey had been made, placed his instrument near a large of tl,e month. ' " I 1 1 1 J 11.1.1. white oak tree, about three feet in A'7' "f. "aL u.0uiu0itUm4DulUD urn uu eu 11 changes, at Troy and Itives. The could be written on, with red company has recently purchased and chalk, wrote the name Union City, handsomely fitted up its own ex' Gen. Gihhs oivino- tha nam, sn change and office building, with an 1802, but was never again able to take up arms. Mr. Temple was married twice, at Henderson. His , first wife was Mis Hattie Wells, with whom he was mar rled Dec. 24, 18G2. Of this union there were three daughters : Mrs. Garlandi of Texas; Mrs. Orr, of Paris, Tenn.; Mrs. Wheeler, of Jackson, Tenu. The mother died May 2, 1884. His second wife was Miss Margaret Garland, who survives, and to them were given a daughter and son, Miss Mamie and Joe, Jr. The latter marriage took place Mar. 1,1887. His daughter, now Mrs. Mamie Wheeler, was for many years chief operator of the local ex change at Union City, and assisted him largely in the management and success of the company's interests here. TheCurnberland Telephone and Tel egraph Company established an ex change in Union City In the early eighties. The first toll line reached Troy soon afterwards. The manage ment was then in the hands of LvP. Cardwell. Mr. Card well secured a number of subscribers, probably fifty or sixty. Mr. Temple then succeeded to the management, retiring In ISliO to enter the timber business. In September, 18t2, he returned again to the tel ephone service. He assumed the re sponsibility of manager this time with thirteen subscribers and no toll lines, except a grounded circuit to Troy, which was then the county seat. This was thirteen years ago on the 13th On February 1, had thirteen operators. ' 511 besides two branch ex- tlque oak furnishings and complete up-to-aaie switcnooara apparatus, wnicn supplies a metallic circuit each subscriber. Mr. Temple, while successful In this unaertaKing, is also a thoroughgoing school buildings,' commodious and tleman of well known character 'and lovelv homes, thev would donht- Integrity, and It is a matter of con- less acknowledge their fondest hopes had been outstripped, the town was torn and christened. Could these early settlers wake from their long sleep and behold the busy city, handsome churches, gratuiatlon, not only to himself, but but to the citizens of this citv and county, that the company has reach-J" ed the hitfh standard whtrh will nrn- In the year 1854, the author of vail when the new office and connec tions are complete ana Jn working order. - these sketches being a farmer, had little idea of becoming a railroad man, but in the year 1854, 18th day of May, was called to the en gineering department of the M. & O. R. R. by Capt. J. J. Williams and Capt. John G. Mann. Re mained in this capacity until the Mr. Temple was familiarly!? own as Uncle Joe, and few men d ijoyed the confidence and esteem of a great er number ot friends. Out 01 the fullness of an honest heart be re. turned this confidence. He was al ways faithful and true to every road was completed, then took the trust He was a gallant soldier and station afrencv at Union Citv. hn- an honored civihan. -5 - -, - j ing the first fetation agent at the place. ; The first depot was built on the same spot where the present one now stands. This ; first depot was burned by Gen. Forrest during the Civil War, on the 21th Decem ber, 1862. Mr. Temple was a member of the Methodist Church, services being held at his late residence Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev, II. B. Johnston. The remains were escorted to East View for interment, and the last sad tribute paid to the dead in floral offerings. '-