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MONEY TO LOAN Low on long time rates. See or write v. W. COCHRAN , Union City Tenn. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. d. C. BURDICK Wholesale anil Retail Reelfoot Lake and Mississippi River Fish (X Game Oysters in Season. ., Same old stand, near the ice factory. S. K. Davidson J. O. Stubbs DAVIDSON & STUBBS DENTISTS Office In the C. B. A. Building, front room, second floor , . UNION CITY, TENN. University Uif Tennessee. Head of Pubh' School System Tuition Free, to Tennessee, Men and Women in Colleges of Liberal ' Arts, Engineering Agriculture ,. Traveling Expenses paid by State Ex. pensesLow. ;; Large faculty, fine equipment Loan funds. . Self help. . Law?,'' Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry. . " Write for Catalog. BROWN A YERS. president, Knoxville When Doing. Concrete Work SPECIFY T. L. Bransford CD. Sons Exclusive Agents. FOR SALE. A nice lot of the black winter oats, the best variety for this country, at ooc a hushel, also a few nice Duroe boars. Come and examine for yourself or write your wants to W. J. Beauchamp, R.F.D. No. 4, Union City, Tenn. 24-tf Miss Maggie Lee Harris is quite sick. liss Maggie Harris visited Waverly hist week. Miss Jessie Bowden and sister visited Rives this week. Call 150 for coal of any kind, Mr. and Mrs. Farker Rainey visited Obion last week. Miss Arab Edwards has returned frojn a visit to Jackson. Mrs. R. M. Whipple has returned front a visit to Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis are house keeping on North Ury street. Bon Air Coal, best and cheapest, at Union City Ice & Coal Co. Miss' Salhe Mai Hearn, of Dyer, was here Monday visiting relatives. Miss Dibrell, of Martin, was the guest of Mrs. Chas. Hardy last week. G. W. Worley, county Trustee, is ponding the week in Nashville, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hunsaker are en joying a trip through the East. Oyster season is on at Dahnke's. Mrs. Pursley and family left Tuesday to join Mr. Pursley in Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond White will leave this week to locate in Arkansas. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Sellars have re turned from a visit to Calloway County, Ky. You've tried the rest, now try the best Jersey Cream Flour. Mrs. John Forester is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Abe Turner, near Troy this week. Mrs. G. W. Forester, of Obion, visited her parents on Lilac street in the city this week. Seth Dunlap, of Number Seven, is boarding with Mrs. Clark while here attending school. Mrs. Herman Cross, of Blytheville, Ark., is in the city visiting her parents, Mr. and MrS. T. L. Bransford. Mrs. J. B. Hibbitts, of Cairo, was a visitor in the city this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Whipple. Mrs. J. B. Hibbitts and children, of Cairo, after spending some days her with friends, returned home Tuesday. Oysters any style at Dahnke's. Mrs. O. B. Radebaugh and children of Memphis, are in the city visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Glasscock We are sorry to note the continued illness of Miss Ruby Milam at the resl denceof her parents on South Ury street, C. L. Ridings, Superintendent of Public Instruction, has been confined to his room, suffering from an attack of fever. Telephone Union City Ice & Coal Co when you want coal right now. Miss Genevieve iNaitling leaves tms week to attend Hamilton College, school for young ladies at Lexington Ky. Messrs. LaCledo West and Hallie Al len, of Fulton, were visitors in the city Friday evening and attended the band concert. Horace Gibbs, who is connected with the First National Bank, Nashville, was in the city last Monday visiting reta tives and friends. Fine fruit at Dahnke's. Fresh oysters at Dahnke's. Mrs. Dr. Taylor, of Kenton, was the Saturday guest of Mr. Parker Lane on South Ury street. Mrs. Jack Hubbs, qf Mayfield, was in the city tins week visiting her pa rents and family. Misses Hope and Pearl McWherter, of Martin, attended the band conceit here Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Luton, of Martin, were in the city this week visiting Mrs. Clark on South Ury street. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Craver and chil dren have returned to their home m Martin, after spending a few days with relativesJn this city. Miss Marianna Cox, Messrs. R. I. Neal, M. C. Cheek, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Freeman, of Fulton, were the city Sunday evening. D. W. Cheek, of Norris City, 111., en route to Nashville, Tenn., was the guest of Mr. Ownby and Mrs. Craddock on East Flower street Wednesday. & Coal autoinff in Let the Union City Ice quote you summer prices on coal. Co. R. T. Curlin left last week for New York City and other markets for the purpose of buying his semi-annual sup plies for the coming seasons. Prof. Masters, who has been enjoy ing vacation at his home in Pennsyl vania, lias returned to union tity anu is now at his post as principal of the commercial department in the Union City High School. Attractive, comfortable furniture is a safe investment. It gives happiness and comfort to the wife and children makes the lome. A. S si lie IocBstinni(2init3: V III! Don't continue to sit on ?; come see how cheap we i 1 1 1 i ' i r,;:-"s.- V i ' . inn Why shouldn't you have the comforts of life? ricketty chairs and risk breaking your bones, but will furnish attractive, easy chairs. m Don't, from penuriousness, sleep all the balance of your days on un comfortable mattresses and springs. The house without comforts is no home. We have the comforts and there is no reason why you should deprive yourself longer. Our store has been much improved. Let us show you the many con veniences qJ OITl2 ,-IFTiiMlit-TLiiriB (Co. The Home Makers R. J. Barnott, local agent of the M. & 0. R. R., this city, left Monday in response to a message notifying him of the serious illness of his mother at Hartford, Ky. . Rev. Swingle, of Evansville, Ind., pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of that city, was here last week visiting Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Hudgins at the manse. H. A. Bransford, of the firm' of Bransford & Andrews, dependable jew elers and opticians, went to Chicago this week to buy holiday goods and new supplies for the store. Misses Shive and Parduehave return ed from the St. Louis schools of milli nery and fall exhibits in St. Louis to the Morgan-Verhine Co., parlors bring ing the latest to their patrons in Un ion City. Miss Adah Cascbere went to Corinth, Miss., this week to teach in the public high school of. that city. Miss Case-' bere is one of Union City's most popu lar young ladies and an accomplished teacher, one of a coterie who have made the public schools of this city well known among the foremost public edu cational institutions of the State. Miss Casebere was engaged previously in the Paris public schools and the change to Corinth was in the way of substantial promotion. Call 150 Uniou City Ice & Coal Co. and get summer prices on coal. Obion Presbytery. Obion Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church meets at Salem Church near Humboldt at 11 a. m. next Tuesday. Rev. J. L. Hudgins and a number of the members of the local C. P. Church will attend. Lightning Killed Pigs. Eleven very fine pigs nearly grown, the property of A. L. Brevard, were killed on his farm west of Union City list Saturday night during the thunder storm. Lightning struck the drove and killed them all. crai MID-SUM Ml Sale Opportunities to Obtain FOR ALL SUMMER GOODS HAVE THE TOUCH OF OUR BLUE - PENCIL EVENT WHITE SHIRT WAISTS for hot weather. Bargains at $1.00, now to close 1 ;. 69c LADIES' READY - MADE GARMENTS Linen, Cotton and Muslin Suits, now to close- .At Half Price HOT-WEATHER PRICES on all Wash Fabrics White and Printed Batiste, Linen, Cambric land Persian Lawns, White Dimities, Flaxons, etc. ; . ALL MILLINERY, trimmed and untrimmed, at. 1 Half Price and Less Now is Your Opportunity for Summer Bargains. U. D. C. Ladies. The U. D. C. ladies served dinner in the court yard last Monday and the pro ceeds amounted to about $50 for the benefit of the Obion County Confeder ate monument. The dinner was about the best we have eat in many a day. Call 150 Union City Ice & Coal Co. and get summer prices on coal. Marriage Licenses. Fred Bradshaw and Edna Ward. L. L. Lamkin and Helen James. Ira H. Jordan and Roxie Barnett. A. Polsgrove and Linda Harpole. H. Sammons and Rosa Underwood. Otho Adams and Marie Hogancamp, Cullie Adams and Beatrice Stephens, John Mays and Bessie Kennedy. A Pretty Business Front. The business houses of Hardy, Ma- lone & Jones on First street are under going a complete transformation in sub' stance and appearance in the way of improvements being made on the build ing, consisting of a new plate-glass, cab inet paneled front, new flooring and a general change in the style of the front. This firm always keeps ahead with up- to-now merchandise and improvements, and the additions mark a new depart ure in the appearance of the business section 'of First street. T. CURLIN Use Dahnke-Walker Milling Co. Jer sey "Cream Flour, a home product, and guaranteed. Fine Bloodhounds. Geo. W. Simpson, a resident of Dyer County near Dyersburg, was in the city lis week attending Circuit Court. Mr. Simpson is the owner of the celebrated bloodhound kennels near Dversburs. He manages the breeding and training of his bloodhounds and takes commis sions to run down criminals. His dogs are the very finest of the bloodhound species. He has six one-year-old, four jur-months-old, and five five-weeks-of- age, all fine specimens of the stock. Mr. Simpson's address is R. F. D. No. Dyersburg.'Tenn. A Clean Cannery. Mr. Nagle, manager of the Union City tomato cannery, informs us that reports tothe effect that their cannery is not kept clean is a misrepresentation out of the whole cloth. Mr. Nagle tells us that the cannery is kept thoroughly and scrupulously clean, that of all things his personal attention is directed to this particular feature first, and there fore the product which comes from this concern is pure and clean. Mr. Nagle is a good citizen and his word regarding this matter is of more value than all the gossip concerning the cannery. FOR SALE The Cutler farm of 105 acres of land, of which 100 acres is in cultivation; has good improvements and is one mile ea?t of Uniou City, Tenn. Can be bought ou If. r. it terms, t a V .-. T DRY GOODS Athletic Association is Formed. Last Tuesday the Athletic Associa tion of the Union City Training School was formed by the student body in the morning session. The following elec tions took place: Bob Marshall, pres.; Dick Honeycutt, vice-pres.; John Waddell, secretary and treasurer; F. C. Aydelott, mana ger; Jacob Harris, assistant manager; Carl Key, captain of the football team for 1909. After the election the president took enlarge of the meeting and formulated the regular order of business. The membership of the body was larger this year than it ever has been in the whole history of the school, and the enthusi asm manifested on the occasion prom ises to add greatly to the life of the in stitution. The secretary reports more than forty names a list which will be added to as the months roll around. As stated above Karl Key has again been elected to lead the Knights of the Pig-Skin to their fate and that the park will soon be the scene of spirit-stirring action is plain. Manager Aydelott re peated to-day that it is his intention to start an early practice and dispatch or ders for the necessary team equippage at once. He is also of the opinion, af ter taking a caucus of the lusty mate rial on hand, that the school will do work in this particular- line on a pre miere classe order. At the above election a captain of the baseball team was not-selected nor will be for some time yet. It is extremely probable, however, that this honor will be tendered Stevie Camthers, who ex hibited such a sensational aptitude with the Grays last season. Now is the prices on coal. time to Call 150. get summer Summer Recital. ' The recital given, on last Friday even ing by Miss Lillian Maddox, of New York City, was indeed a grand success. Miss Maddox has been studying sing ing with Minnie Crudup Vesey, Carne gie Hall, New York City, for the past three years and has had piano instruc tion from Frederick Schleider, Carnegie Hall. She has been giving professional recitals in the East for the past year, and ilie people of Hickman, her home town, feel very proud of her and were delimited to hear her in one of her r?- citalt - the rendition of her Chopin numbers especially. She is a favorite with Hickman au diences and was greeted ehusiastically when she appeared for her. first number and was encored many times. She is a brilliant player and' performs with an intelligent understanding of the contents of the composition; always technically sure of herself and is pos sessed of a temperament that enables her to deeply impress an audience. Her vocal numbers were sung with beauty of phrasing and breadth of tone. She has an excellent tone of sympathet ic and carrying quality. Miss Marguerite Fuqua, one of Hick man's young musicians, was her very able accompanist. She is especially talented in the art of accompanying and great hopes are entertained for her fu ture. Miss Maddox will open her studio in Carnegie Hall immediately upon her return to New York, where a busy sea son awaits her. Hickman Courier. Special Fair Premiums. The West Tennessee Fair 'Association authorize the addition of the following premiums to be awarded at the sixth annual meeting in Union City this fall, Sept. 29 and 30, Oct. 1 and 2: By the ladies of the Domestic Arts Department Best piece of needle work exhibited by lady over 60 years of age. First premium, $2; second premium, $1. By the Superintendents of the Wo man's Department Best one-piece dress, complete. First premium, $5; second premium, $3; third premium, $2. Dressmakers requested to enter for premium. ' ' . . By S. T. Wade and D. A. Edwards-: For best Poland China boar pig. Premi um, $10 in cash. x r . By the John B. Gordon Chapter, U. D. C For the best riders among the Confederate veterans. First premium, gold headed walking cane; second premi um, gold mounted watch fob. Contest to be on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, October 1. ; Additional special premiums will be published in this column, and all those who desire are asked to send in any additional premiums they wish to offer for publication that the fair may be made a success. itddy Washed Nut Coal is besl ! a- At Union City Ice & Cost, tal - "1 J 23-4t . " I IT "1 if rv