OCR Interpretation

The commercial. (Union City, Tenn.) 190?-193?, November 14, 1913, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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Excellent Cast
Mr. and Mrs. J. -Lee 'Hughes, F. P.
McDaniel and G. B. McReeand dauRh
fcr, Corrine, Rttended the' Metfiodist
-Conference at Martin Sunday.
, .Messrs. John Bennett, F. B. Taylor,
D. B. Huey, J. H. Leeper, T. J. Kersey
and John Kavanaugh attended the un
veiling at Hickman Friday.
Hon. Carroll P. Wilson attended the
meeting of the Democratic Executive
Committee in Union City Monday.
Messrs. Jack Watson and J. W. Pon-
xier, two goou lanuciu vu-,
were in Union City Monday.
Ashley Ingram, of the United States
Marine Corps, stationed at Norfolk, Va.,
i hee on a.furlough. .;
Misses Nelle NiclwlsandHattie Clark
were shopping in Union City Friday.
G. R. McDade visited Dresden Sun-
dap'rof. and Mrs. T. P. Kiddick , of Polk,
visited Union City Saturday.
T. IK Harder, Thelbert Taylor, T. S.
Prerwly and Leland Harden took in
Union City Friday night.
Mesdanies Bonnie Maxwell and J. W.
Srearce vfsited Tolk Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Davy Crockett is on the sick list
with an attack of pleurisy.
Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Rodgers have re
turned from Waveily where they at
tended the wedding, of Mr. Rodgers'
Mfeter, Miss Lucile, to Hon. Edward Wi
Thomas, of Washington, D. C.
You Bhkathk It No Stomach Dbs
i.no Clka'hs the.Hkad.
Use nature's remedy for catarrh, or
cold in the head, one that is harmless
yet qui"" and effective.
It is the healing oils and balsams of
Hyomoi which you breathe through a
small pocket inhaler. Tnis curative
and antiseptic air reaches the most re
nuite air cells w the nose, thjjrr-and
lungs, killing the catarrhal germs stop
ping 'the offensive breath, raising of
uiuoiv . droppings in the throat, crusts
in the nose and all other catarrhal
. eyinptoniH.
The complete outfit costs only J1.00
and Oliver's Red Cross Drug Store will
returcr your inouey if not satisfied. Do
ot continue to suffer catarrhal ills
try Hyomei now to-day. advt
Home Made Candy Kirkland.
,vA.-v :,. , ; Obion
Mrs. S. J. May visited her daughter at
Martin last week. ,
Mrs. J. Q. Shires was a visitor in
Union City last Friday. .
: Tom Culp and wife spent Sunday with
relatives in Troy.
R. C. Woods and. Ora Williams, of
Hornbeak," were visitors in Faducah
Sunday. , ' '
' Alfred Ledbetter and Joe Culp, of
Albany, Oregon, were here this week
visiting relatives and attending to busi
nessi They are old residents of Obion
County but have been living in the West
for several years and this is their first
visit back'hoine.
Miss Gertrude Murphy, of Fulton, is
the guest of Mrs. Will Morris this week.
Miss Sallie Reeves visited relatives at
Rives Sunday.
";Miss Grace Tegethoff, qf Bardwell,
Ky.i is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F.
W. ShivelL
Worthy C. Crawford returned Satur
day from Macon, Ga., where he has
been for several months takings course
iu pharmacy in the Max Morris ,School
of Pharmacy.
Mrs. W, A. Pleasant and children
left last week for Mobile, Ala., o join
Mr. Pleasant and reside in the future. ,
R. W. Mahon and wife visited rela
tives at Martin from Saturday until Sun
day. "-' ' j
James Stanfield, E. A. Morris, Willie
B. Forister and Owen Walker spent
Sunday with friends in Newborn.
Misses Kathleen Redditt and Lillian
Burnley visited Miss Verda Vaughn at
Poplar Ridge Sunday. . . .
Dr. V. J. Jernigan and wife and W.
J. Brawu and wife attended Conference
at Martin Sunday and Monday. t
Mrs. W. A. Forester, of Union City,
is visiting relatives in the city.
H. E. Williams, of near Hornbeak, is
finishing up his new residence this
week.' . j . . . .
Miss Annie Laurie GrHlin, of Union
City, is the guest of friends in the ctty.
Dr. Will Bright, of Hickman, Ky.,
is the guest (if his brother; John M.
Bright, and family neaAown. .
A. J.;7ruett and daughter, of Clover
dale, were visitors in Union City Satur
day and Sunday.'
Rev. W. R. Puckett, of Hornbeak,
was here Monday en route home from
Kenton. Rev. Puckett has accepted the
pastorate of the, Baptist Church at Ken-
ton and will move there in the near fu
ture.':;'.' .'
-Mrs. C. Stewart and children, of
Chaffee, Mo., were the guests of Mrs.
Stewart's sister, Mrs. "Laura Maloney,
the first of the week. . .
Mrs. W. S. Crockett has 'returned to
her home at Troy after a, visit to rela
tives here and near Glass.
,: KENTON. -
Messrs. John Braden, W. C. Stovail,
Louie White and Mrs. C. T. Arnold and
Mrs. JH., White atttended Conference
in Martin Sunday. V';',
"Messrs. G. R. Throop, C. T. Arnold
and Mesdames E. T. Cantrell, Ed Gar
rett, Joe Mitchell were among the num
ber from Kenton who attended Confer
ence in Martin last week.
Mrs. C. G. Tilghman returned last
Friday after s'everal weeks visit with rel
atives in Ever.Green, La. '
Mrs. Ed Garrett visited er sister,
Mrs. Hal Ramer, in Martin last week.
Miss Elise White atteuded Conference
and also visited Mrs. Hal Ramer in
Martin last week.
Mx. and Mrs. J. E. Atkins are visit
ing their son, Mr. Harry Atkins, and
family 'in Union City this week, after
which they will go to Semler and on to
Texas, where they will speud the winter.
The Baptist congregation of this place-
have employed Rev, Puckett, of Horn
beak, as their pastorfor the ensuing
year. '
Mr.-Bob Cowsert, who formerly lived
about four miles north of town, died
last Monday at his present home, four
miles south of Martin, and was brought
back here for burial at Concord ceme
tery Tuesday. He leaves a mother,
wife and one child to mourn his death.
Miss Mildred Killingsworth and Mr.
Waller Kerr, who are teaching in the
public school at Woodland Mills, will
be at home until the first of the year,
the school building at that place being
destroyed by fire last week, but they
hope to have other arrangements made
by the first of the year so they can con
tinue tho school. . -
Dr. Bt R. Baucotn wishes to announce
to his patients that he will leave Mon
day for California to accompany his
mother, but hopes to' be back by the
5th of December. V
Send all your magazine orders, both
in clubs -and single subscriptions, to
Mis9 Minnie I. Bowen, Hickman, Ky.,
R. F. D. No. 3. 23-tf.
t JL. J
Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Camp
bell last wee .a girl.
Prof. Rjngs visited the school here
last week and found a good many ab
sent on account of cotton" picking.
Mr. Leon Park has sold his farm to
Tom Vinson. Mr. Park has not decided
yet where he will locate.
A great many of the farmers are feast
ing on Bpareribs and backbones since
the recent cold spell.
Mrs. Leonav Sturgis left Wednesday
for Portageville, Mo., where she will
make her home.
Carl Killion, of Winburg. Lake Coun
ty, was here last week to visit his moth
er, Ho was accompanied home by the
Misses Stanfield & Cole.. '
Dr. Bond was here Saturday looking
after his small-pox cases and had Mr.
Webb's family carried to the pest house.
Several from -here are spending . the
week on the, Lake shooting ducks.
R. A. Bumpious and daughter, Miss
Elsie, were shopping in , Union City
Mr. and Mrs. Dock Hawkins, who
left last fall for Maiden, Mo., have re
turned home and will reside at Fre
mont. VlOLKT.
:'''.'. . NUMBER SEVEN. . ,
' Miss Cecil Olive is at home after a
month's visit in Paris.
" Miss Be mice Shipp was a Saturday
and Sunday guest of Mrs. Hunt Roper
in Union City. -
Mr. Percy Barbee, of Mount Pelia, is
in Memphis for a while.
Mrs. Rush Brantley, of Mayfield,
Ky., has returned home after,a week's
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Alexander. ,
Miss Iva Shipp was a week-end guest
of Miss Ruby Jones at Fulton.
Mrs. Kate Bryan attended Conference
at Martin. -
Mrs. Lena Callicott, of Jackson, was
a Sunday guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gammons, near Mount Pclia.
Miss Dave Brown visited her parents
Saturday-iind Sunday near the lake.
, Miss Eleanor ' Bryan has returned
home after a'visit with her sister, Mrs.
Jeff Kee, at Ripley. '
Mr. Vaughn, of Number Four, at
tended preaching at Crittendon Grove
Sunday. '
Baggage a specialty.
Phone 639 and 629.
irL, jL j
rives; ' .
. Hisses-Hattie Mai Clem nions and
Davis Shropshire were Tuesday visitors
in Union City. .
Messrs. John and McAdoo Harris
joined a sporting party at Union City
and are on Rcelfoot this week.
Mrs. Laura Hutcherson is at home
from a pleasant visit with relatives and
friends in and near Obion,
Mrs. E. P. Lindsay and son, Ki Wade,
of Memphis, are guests of Mrs. Jane
Wadef. ' ,
Miss Ruby Milam, of Union City, was
a mid-week guest of Mrs. R. L. Phebus.
Recent guests for the day of Mrs. T.
J, Bonner were Mesdamee Dell Harper,
Magliarris, W. J. Caldwell and R. L.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Botts will leave
in a few days for points in Arkansas.
Mrs. T. A. Cummings visited friends
in Union City over Sunday.
Mrs. Eliza Wallace is a guest of Mrs.
Anselmo Harris near Union City.
, T. A. Cummings and daughters, Eu
line" and Mary, visited relatives in Union
City the first of the week.
Polyanna, the glad book, or Laddie,
a true blue story, will make charming
holiday gifts. The outside and inside
cover pages of Laddie are beautifully
illustrated by Mr. Peiffer in lovely na
ture studies. " Little Sister and Angel
Boy are rather precocious but interest
ing characters.
Mr. Ernest Shropshire is attending to
business in Lake County.
Mayor McNeill is at home from points
North. While in Wingo, Ky., the
Mayor was shown over their new 'school
building (cost f 10,000 we elicve), two
sfory, steam heated and modern in
every particular. ,
Miss Annie Laura Griflin, of Union
City, was the guest of Miss Florence
Botts Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. W. G,' Harris, of Moffatt, was
in town Monday shopping.-
Mi.s Pauline' Thorne was the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Tliurman Phebus,
west of Union City, the past week.
Two invitations are on our desk to at
tend the great meet this week in Colum
bus, Ohio, of the AntiSaloon League.
Numbers of Governors, ex-Governors,
Congressmen and several noted women
are on the program. We notice with
pleasure that the South is well( repre
sented on this program. ; ""' , .
Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Beadles
and daughter and Miss Garrison of
Seats on
Sale Tuesday
at Dahnke's
Kenton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Spikes.
Mrs. E. P. Lindsay, guest of Mrs,
Jane Wade, was the honoree Tuesday
of a luncheon given by Mrs.- T. P.
Palmer. Others present were Mesdames
E. H. White, Jane Wade, T. J.. Bon
ner, R. L. Phebus and Master Ki Wade.
Crocheting, tatting, embroidery, and
rare repartee made the hours pass as if
Friends of the family sympathize with
Mr. and Mrs, Ed Houser in the death
yesterday of their infant child. Funeral
arrangements had not .been made when
this item was penned.
Mrs. Holland Bittickison aten days'
or two week's visit to her son, Charlie
Bittick, in Memphis.
In damp, chilly weather there is al
ways a large demand for BALLARD'S
SNOW LINIMENT because many peo
ple "who know by experience its great
relieving power in rheumatic aches and
pains, prepare to apply it at the first
twinge. Price 55c, 50c and 11.00 per
bottle. x Sold by Oliver's . Red Cross
Drug Store. advt "
.1 will offer for sale to the highest and
best bidder at my home three miles
west of Union City, .on
SATURDAY, NOV. 15,. 1913,
at 10 o'clock a. ni.,
all my stock and farming implements.
Terms made known on day of sale.
31-tf - . C. Compton.
Notary Public
Phone 220. ; Union City, Tenn.
Locke rt fic Roger Stable
Will go out of town if necessary.
Arrive Union City.
' eat rovsa , - ' "
No. 55 7.55 a.m. No. 8S. 06p.ru
No. 53. .11.15 p.m.
No. 62 -.6.10 a.m. No. 4..12.50 p.m
No. 54,. 7.52 p.m. ,
Mo. Six-Sixty:Six
' Ttis Is a prescription prepared epeciIIy
rive or si? doe will break any ewe, cad
If taken thea at a tonic tb Fever will oof.
return. Il aet ea tfca liver better th
WorBel tti (5ae est grip or tickco. w
1 1

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