Our ItvPico Annnunpp- II H I The Fabric of the Moment Whatever your fancy may be, we are able to meet it from our array of more than 500 select pat terns in Toggery Tailored Clothes $15.00 to $45.00 It will pay you to allow us to take your measure for real tailored-to-measure clothes. You are invited to Gome in and Look Over Our Line. In our Furnishings for Men we carry the latest in style. Shirts; Underwear, I ics, Hats, etc. Shoes for everybody. Before making your purchase give us a call. The Moose Lodge. The organizer was here this week with the Loyal Order of Moose, and moose- heart got a great boost in Union City. There were something like forty or fifty ' candidates initiated. The club rooms Lave been refurnished with handsome , fixtures, pool table and reading acces sories, magazines, etc. .The lodge is considering a proposition to enlarge its quarters and interest the owner of the adjoining building to put up another story for that purpose. All Sold But Three. House and lot, East Cheatham street, lot 10G feet by 264 feet; fruit; concrete walks paid for. Cheap, half cash, bal an?o twelve months. Colored tenant house, two rooms, on Melrose avenue. Large extra lot thrown in if bought at once. House and lot, West Church street, three blocks from First street; bath and lights and cabinet mantles; 4 rooms. Half cash, balance twelve months. 47-lt Bkn C. Branseord. Card of Thanks. Together with Uie other members of the family, I desire to express our ap preciation of the kindness shown by our many friends during the recent ill ness and death of our beloved father. At all times there was a host of friends jready to extend a helping hand. The niiice flowers presented also helped to make the sick room more cheerful. This also includes our appreciation of Hue close attention given by the attend ving physician. May the Lord graciously i j-evvard each and every one who thus aninistered to his needs. T. A. Covington'. SEVERE PUNISHMENT Of Mrs. ClappeUr of Five Yean Slaoibj, Relieved Ij CardriL Airv TM f! Mm. Sarah M. Chao- fiell of this town, says: "1 suffered for j ive years with womanly troubles, also stomach troubles, ' and my punishment was more than any one could tell. I tried most every kind of medicine, but none did me any good. , I read one day about Cardul, the wo man's tonic, and 1 decided to try it. I had not taken but about six bottles until 1 was almost cured. It did me more fjood than all the other medicines 1 had tried, put together. My friends began asking me why I looked so well, and i told them about Cardui. Several are now taking it." Do you, lady reader, suffer from any of the ailments due to womanly trouble, such as headache, backache, sideache. sleeplessness, and that everlastingly tired ieeling? If so. let us urge you to give Cardul a trial. We feel confident it wilt help you, fust as it haa a million other women in the nast half century. Begin taking Cardui to-day. You won t regret u. au uruggibu.. Advisory Dapt. Chattanooga, Tnn lor Sfteti , j . ...... .... AIjma hnnir "Watt jnwirnrtK'xi wn yvu vj w- www-.. " t- u w U.M.nmnlain wrnnr N P. ISA i in mm ORDER TO REMOVE TELEPHONE POLES Board of Mayor and Aldermen Is sues Mandate. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen at the meeting last Tuesday night took up the telephone proposition again and finally deciJed, after some discussion of the subject, to reduce the matter simply to enforcing its demand for the removal of the poles downtown and better service in a general way. Mr. White, from the Business Men's Club, came before the board, and reported that that body bad disagreed with the proposition made by the telephone company, offered to the people of Union City and published in the papers a few weeks ago. lhisjirop osition, they find, has some of the ear marks of a subtle move on the part of the Cumberand Company to enmesh our citizens into an agreement that will im pair our rights under the present fran chise. Attorney Miles was present and explained the legal aspects of the mat ter. He stated, in substance, that the Telephone Company was seeking to bind the Board of Mayor and Aldermen and the citizens of Union City into an agree ment, which would place the Bailroad Commissioners between us and our rights granted under the charter and thereby disable us in legal - procedure under the charter. A motion followed that the board proceed to enforce its demand for the removal of the telephone poles from First street between Harrison street and the N., C. & St. L. Railway, from Washington street between the court house and First street, and from Church street between Second street and the de pot. . Mr.' Adams asked to know where the poles were to be placed, and this brought up another question, whether in the side streets or under ground. The Board then came to the conclusion that they might as well begin the un derground work now as to wait in definitely to take this step. According ly a motion was made to enforce the removal of the v poles from the streets aforesaid and have them placed under ground, and that the offices of the Cum berland Telephone and Telegraph Com pany in Union City and in Nashville be notified in writing by the Recorder at once that the work outlined must pro ceed within thirty days. Embodied in this motion was also a demand for bet ter service. , The Board also decided to Lave some concrete walks made where the owners agree to settle with contractors for the work. These walks, however, are to comply with the city specifications. Reports from the Water and Light Committee and tho Superintendent in regard to improvements of the plant were made. It is proposed to enlarge the plant so that it will take care of in creasing demands for the period of twen ty years and this will incur an expendi ture of-$20,000 or thereabouts. This was deferred until correspondence could be bad with a consulting engineer. Chautauqua for Hickman. Hickman, Ky., Feb. 17. Hickman will have a Chautauqua this summer, the contract being made with Hugh Wilson, agent for the Redpath Chau tauqua Bureau, of Chicago. The citi zens were very enthusiastic over pros pects of having a cbautauqua here this year, and the money required to sign up with this concern to insure thair coming, or rather a guarantee, which amounted to $800, was gotten up in a ery few minutes, the whole deal being put over in about an hour and twenty minutes. No date has been set yet for this event, but it will be held cither in the latter part of June or the first of July. Among the number will be Gov. Joe Folk, of Missouri, Geo. L. McNutt, known as the dinner-pail man, Dante's celebrated band of 25 pieces, Bolander's six-piece orchestra and many other well known cbautauqua celebrities. The chautauqua will last five days. Caught in Chain. Hickman, Ky., Feb. 17. Tom Wil liams, of this city, bad a miraculous escape from death to-day in Veneer Mill here, when he got caught in a con veyor chain, which handles the trash to a big shredder. He went down under the conveyor to remove a chunk that hid hung the conveyor, and as he did so, another big batch of trash came diwn on him, the conveyor also starting again and hemming him down and dragging him along, and practically every bit of the clothing he had on was torn off, heavy overalls, ueayy under wear and even his shoes were torn off his feet. The remarkable thing of it all was that he was not hurt at all, other than a few bruises. The conveyor dragged him 50 feet before they could stop it. . STOCK FARMING. Advantage of the Silo and Ensilage ' in Feeding. BY J. N. MERONEY. The growing and feeding of cattle on the farms of Tennessee should have more attention, for there is a very prom ising future for this line of farm work. The free cattle range of the Western prairies is now a thing of the past. Cheap beef was produced in that way but cannot be done any more, so the farms must produce the beef for the future as they have always produced the dairy stock. The present remunerative prices for both beef and dairy products promise to be maintained in the future because the demand is constantly growing, while tho supply is falling behind. To any thinking man there is much tq encourage the growing of cattle on the farm. Tennessee is highly favored by nature for this line of business for the farmer. The mild and short winters, the long growing seasons, the rich pas tures of bluegrass and lespedeza, never failing streams of running water on al most every farm are some of the ad vantages nature gives Tennessee. Our population is increasing very fast. The towns and cities are growing out of all proportion to the country. The peo pie of the cities must be fed. It is the farmers' business to feed them and ha should arrange his methods of agricul ture with a view to that fact. He can grow and feed cattle on the farm at a good profit if he studies his business. He must have a good grade of cattle and he must feed them economically; prepare for his business bo as to get the most out of it; feed what he grows on the farm to the cattle and by returning the manure to the land tie will at the same time improve the fertility of his farm, so he can hold both ends of the rope. To feed live stock on the farm eco nomically the use of the silo is indis pensable. By its use he can almost double the feeding value of his corn crop. He-can make ten acres if planted in corn for the silo worth as much in feeding value as twenty acres fed out as dry food. So then he does need to cul tivate so many acres to grow the neces sary food and is able to keep more of his farm in grass and pasture, resting it up, so that when it comes into its reg ular rotation' he will get larger yields to pay him for his labor and year after year produce more per acre of what ever crop he may plant. The silo is no longer an experiment but a well established fact and should be used on every farm because of its a a . .1 . 1 economy. Anu lortunateiy tney are within the reach of the small farmers as well as the large ones, because tbey can be built of different material and different sizes and with a wide range iu the cost of construction. The con crete silo is the most lasting, but its cost of construction places it out of reach financially of many small farm ers. The patented factory built stave silos are more generally used and give good results, but some' small farmers fear the cost of even these, but they need not be cut off from the use of silage and its benefits because of silo cost, for they can build their own round stave silos on the farm for about one third the cost of the factory built struc ture that will answer their purpose just as well. A fifty-ton silo can be built by the farmer himself for about one dollar per ton capacity. One suchns now in use in Maury County that has been filled and fed out twenty years; has al ways made good silage and has paid for itself every year. Fifty tons pf good silage will feed twenty head of beef or dairy cattle the whole winter and can be filled from five acres of fairly good corn land and makes a cheap, healthy and satisfactory cattle feed. The best crop to grow for silage is one of the prolific varieties of corn. A kind that grows a tall stalk, bearing from two to six small ears to the stalk, and if cow peas are planted with the corn and (the mixture put into the silo together it is made more valuable. This crop of corn and peas can be grown very successfully in Tennessee- as a second crop after harvesting a crop of clover, hay, wheat, oats or rye. If planted by the 25th of June it can safely be stored in the silo before frost . The corn should be put into the silo when the grains are beginning to dent, when just a little too hard for table use. Tt ia then at its best feeding stage. It should be put in fresh from the field, cut up fine and well packed by tramp ing all the time while filling. It can not be cut too fine or packed too close. It should always be fed off from the top. A few inches feed off the top everv dav will keep that below from moulding and there wills be very little loss. All kinds of stock are fond of good silage, but it is the cheapest of all cattle feed. n JR. T. CUIRLJIN Our First Tailor Suits in Blues, Tans,- Wisteria Green and Tango Models of the latest creation. Spring: Cotton and Wash Fabrics in great variety Crepes in white and colors Ratines in plain and fancy mixtures Odd Lot of Suits & Skirts at Prices to Close Suits, $4.98 and $6.98 Skirts, $1.48, $1.98 and $2.48 GOOD VALUES. All Winter Merchandise at Great Reductions I I- Seed Corn for sale. Phone 57 2 T J-V T . 1 rings. i. -. iikau, .in. van SALE One Flanders 20 auto mobile cheap. Will trade for live stock. Phone 202. (46-4t) John Joyner. T. R. CLARK TRANSFER CO. Baggage a specialty. Phone 639 and 629. Now is the time to order Everbearing Strawberry plants and Everbearing Raspberry plants. Askins & Dircks Lumber Co., phone No. 53. 46-tf FDR SALE Cheat) A ffood second- band piano, recently overhauled and put ia first class condition. Phone 225. 46-4t. FOR SALE Nice registered Poland China Sboats and Jersey heifers, heavy springers, very cheap. Call Geo. P. Moody, pbone 20b. io-at FOR 8ALE True Florida yam seed potatoes. Am booking orders for spring delivery. W. R. Hawks, Gleason, Tenn. 45-5t SALESMAN WANTED To look after our interest in Obion and adjacent mtnntiea. Salarv or commission. Ad dress Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland, O. 1 FOR RENT Two or three rooms for light house keeping, with light and water and other conveniences. Near the business part of the city. Phone 373. , (47-lt) Mrs. Effik Nolas. LOST A nice black silk dress, in a Imnillp wrarmed and tied, somewhere in the city limits. Reward offered. Call t tins omce. WANTED Two young men or two ladies to occupy a large well furnished room, with electric lights, bath and oth er conveniences, good table boara in best resident section. Call phone 17. 44-tf For Sale. Cabbage slips, , Florida Yam Potato slips. Ready April 15. Let me book your order. J. B. Akin. Pbone 302. - 44-4t Tomato Plants .. Ready to transplant March 1. Variety: Livingston's Beauty, grown on manure bed. Good plants tl per 1,000. C. H. Hardison, 46 Uumboldt.'Tenn. i , Eggs. From thoroughbred White Wyan dotts, Fishel's "World's Best" strain, three pens, No. 1 headed by tl5 Fishel cockerel, setting of 15. 11.50; No. 2, per 15, fl.00; No. 3, per 15, 75c. No eggs shipped at these prices. Why raise mongrels? M. It Powell, , 44-3m Sixth St., Union City, Tenn. Showing' in Death of Lee Covington, Sr. Mr. Lee Covington, Sr., an aged citi zen, and a resident for many years of the vicinity of Crystal, died on the 12th iust., of gastritis. Mr. Covington was 83 years of age, a native oj North Caro lina. He was a widower, and leaves a family of sons, J. G., T. A. and A. B., the latter a well known Clayton mer chant. Deceased was a member of the Cum berland Presbyterian Church, a good citizen, ripe in years and in the fullness of an honorable career. Services and burial were held at Anti och. Shades all sizes and prices at Home Furniture Co., phone 99. Fine Blankets and Comforts at greatly reduced prices. Ligon Furniture Co. A Statement Financial statement of Obion County, Tenn., Feb. 1, 1914: County revenue in Trustee's hands $ 28,105.03 School revenue in Trustee's hands ". 50,241.30 Apportioned to districts school 10,405.00 Road revenue in Trustee's hands 19,095.00 Total - 1113,900.93 The above is shown from settlement with Trustee and County Judge Feb. 1, 1914. George R. Kesnev, County Judge. DON'T GROW BALD Use Parisian Sage. If your hair is getting thin, losing its natural color, or has that matted, lifeless and scraggy appearance, the Teason is evident dandruff and failure to keep the bair roots properly nour ished. Parisian Sage applied daily for a week and then occasionally is all that is need ed. It removes dandruff with one ap plication; almost immediately stops fall ing hair and itching bead; invigorates the scalp and makes dull, stringy bair soft, abundant and radiant with life. Equally good for men, women or chil dren every one needs it. A large bottle of this delightful bair tonic can be had from Oliver's Red Cross Drug Store or any drug counter for 50 cents. You will surely like Pa risian Sage. There is no other "Just as good." Try it now. advt To Lena Montgomery. Frankie Morris et als. vs. W. E. Martin et als. Chancery Court, Obion County, Ten nessee. In the above styled cause it appearing to the Clerk and Master from the cross bill of complaint, which is sworn to, that the defendant, Lena Montgomery, is a non-resident of the State of Tennes see, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon her, It is there fore hereby orderded that the said above named defendant appear before the Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Obion County, Tennessee, on or be fore the first Monday of April, 1914, that being a regular rule day of said Chancery Court, and make defense to the said bill, or the same will be taken as confessed by her, and the said causo set for hearing ex parte as to her. It is further ordered that publication of this notice be made for four consecutive weeks in The Commercial, a weekly newspaper published in Obion County, Tennessee. 47-4t This February 17, 1914. ' - Geo. A. Gibus, Jr.,. Clerk and Master. Non-Resident Notice. A. Wilson vs. W. H. Swiggart, Executor, et als. In the County Court of Obion County, Tennessee. In the above styled cause it appearing to the Court from the bill of complaint, which is sworn to, that tho defendants, Irroa Smith and his wife Anna Bess Smith, Otis Bogle and his wife Callie V. Bogle and Wilson Sharpe are non-, residents of the State of Teunessee, so ' that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon them. It ia therefore ordered by the Court that each of the above named defendants appear before the County Judge of this Court at his oflice in Union City, Obion County, Tennessee, on or before the first Monday in April, 1914, and make do fense to said bill or the same will be taken as confessed by them and said cause set for hearing ex-parte as to them. It is therefore ordered that publica tion of this notice be made for four con secutive weeks iu The Union City Com mercial, a weekly newspaper published iu Obion County, Tennessee. This February the 18th, 1914. C. S. TALLKY, County Court Clerk. Cooper k Clark, Lannotu & Starifield, Attorneys for Petitioner. 47-4t Secretary Bryan admitted the truth of the statement of the German Under Secretary of State to the German Parlia ment that the United States had warned all nations to keep hands off in Mexico. Warnings! Hints! Re minders on a Burning Subject! IT'S COMING SURE ! Be Prepared for Winter Weather. Stop Every Crack and Hole. Get Your Winter Clothing All Together and " FILL YOUR BINS WITH COAL DO IT NOW I WE KNOW HOW I Union City Ice & Goal Co, Telephone 150 Liquor and Tobacco Addictions Cured Within Ten Days By Our New Painless Method Only Sanitarium In the World Giv ing Unconditional Guarantee r . ' -. one dollar need be paid until Mtiafactory cure ha been effected. A law in Tennetaee prohibiting the tale of morphine has been pasaed. Be cured at may nave to undergo. We control completely the ucual with drawal ymptom. No extreme nervoua nesa, aching of limbt or loa of aleep. Pa tienta unable to visit Sanitarium can be treated privately at home. References; Union Bank t Truat Co., The American National Bank, or any citizen af Lebanon. Write for free Booklet No. 2. Addresa CUMBERLAND SANITARIUM, F. J. SANDERS. Mgr. Lebanon, Tenn.