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The commercial. (Union City, Tenn.) 190?-193?, March 20, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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ocal and Personal
' Highest Quality
Lowest Prices
Nothing Lost on Accounts. Don't pay for
delivering other people's goods.
Get Prices.
.Cash iStore Co.
F. S. WHITE, Proprietor.
Warnings! Hints! Re
minders on a Burning
Be Prepared for Winter
Stop Every Crack and Hole.
Get Your Winter Clothing All
Together and t
Union City Ice & Goal Go.
Telephone 150 4
"To th Democracy of Obion.
Weakley and Lake Counties.
lams candidate for re-election to the
State Senate. In seeking a second term
I am asking only what has been accord
ed to my predecessors in office from
Weakley and Obion countie.
During the last Legislature I endeav
ored, in and out of the halls of the
Capitol, to conduct myself so as not to
bring discredit either upon myself or
'jpon my constituency. I was then and
am now a Democrat. I have never been
and am not now the candidate of any
politician or clique, and neither can con
trol my actions.' If elected, I shall be
the representative of all the people and
shall act as my conscience and intelli
gence direct.
In the last session I favored all legis
lation to advance the agricultural inter
ests of the State, and will do so again.
All legislation to advance the moral and
material welfare of the people will have
my active support. I favor a fair and
-equitable revenue and assessment law.
18 lbs. best granulated sugar, .$1.00
100 lbs best granulated sugar.. 4.65
J.C Flour $6.10
Sunshine Flour. 5.60
Helen of Troy Flour. . 5.60
J.C Flour 80c
Sunshine Flour 75c
Helen of Troy Flour .. .', .. .... .75c
3 cans com... .. ....... 25c
3 cans best hominy ........... .25c
3 cans pork and bean . . . . . ... .25c
3 pounds rice ...... ...25c
We thank you for your past trade and will appreciate your
-business in the future.
We guarantee everything we sell and if anything don't
come up all right, call us and we will make it right
, We get goods out on time always. Try us next month.
We will appreciate it very much indeed.
: Yours to please,
Lowest Expenses
Our public school system ought to be
strengthened. Confederate soldiers and
their dependent widows should continue
to receive their pensions. I favor a law
prohibiting public officials from using
free passes issued by public service cor
I favor the maintenance of the pres
ent temperance laws without change or
modification. I have all my life been
a total abstainer from the use of liquor
in any form, and I rejoice to see the ad
vancement of temperance in our State,
I was one of the authors of the three
law-enforcement bills passed by tbe last
Legislature. The final closing of the
open saloon in Tennessee is due largely
to one of these bills "The Nuisance
Act." I can truthfully say without
fear of successful contradiction that the
Nuisance Act could not have passed in
the Senate without my support a sup
port that was earnest, active and effect
ive. If by the convening of the next
Legislature the saloons are not closed
and kept closed, I favor such additional
legislation as will accomplish that result.
I favor the restoration of the Demo
cratic party to power in Tennessee, and
believe that with the settlement of the
liquor question there is no longer any
excuse for Democrats to affiliate with
the Republican party. To the voters
who supported me before I am under
many lasting obligations, and against
those who opposed me then or may op
pose me now, I have no right to com
plain if they felt then or feel now it
thoir duty to do so. With great faith
in the fairness of the Democracy of the
district, I submit my candidacy to your
consideration and ask that I be given
the usual endorsement of a second
term. Respectfully,
Robert A. Elkins.
A Modem Surgical Institution
Graduate nurses in attendance.
Rates reasonable. 1
Dr. W. A. Nailling, Surgeon
Mrs. L E. Rodecker, Supt.
Architect and Builder
House Plans, Specification and
Estimates Scientifically Adjusted
Office1 Room 15, Nailling Building
J. C Meal, i bushel 55c
Troy Meal " ....... .....50c
All kinds of Toilet Soaps.' ,
6 bars Clairette soap .25c
6 bars Balsam soap . .25c
I case B. D. soap .." ...$2.20
I case Clairette soap ......... . 3.20
All kinds of Feed Stuff Bran,
Oats, Timothy ank Clover Hay of
finest quality, and the prices are the
very lowest. ;
We give more for Country Pro
duceButter, Eggs and Chickens,
than any one.
Mrs. H. O. Head, Jr., was a visitor
ia Nashville this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Bransford were
out Sunday in a new Studebaker car,
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Cummings, o
Dyer, were in the city as visitors this
week. - -
The tango in millinery at Mrs. Aran's,
Your jeweler should be DieUel.
Steel posts are goiug now. Nailling
Reiser Hardware to.
Editor J. L. Hudgins, of the Cum
berland Presbyterian, Nashville, was a
visitor here Tuesday.
Mrs. J. M. Chapel and children were
in Nashville last week enjoying a week
end with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs.' Fred Brown, of Num
ber Six, were in the city Saturday shop
ping. They were in a new auto.
All kinds of rugs at Home Furniture
Co. , phone 99.
An all oak mantle, highly polished
for $5.00. Union City Lumber Co.
Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Stevens. and Edi
tor Becton and wife and party, of Hick
man, were in the city Sunday autoing.
Mr. Sam Peeples, of the N., C. & St.
L. Railway, Nashville, was a Sunday
visitor in the city with his many friends
We have the "Dope" for old looking
furniture. Call Home Furniture Co.,
phone 99.
Steel posts are the cheapest post you
can buy. Nailhng-Keiser Hardware
Mr. Tom DeBerry, of Humboldt,
Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture,
was a business visitor in the city this
.Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson, of St,
Louis, were in the city this week' visit
ing the home of Mrs. Johnson's mother
on Ury street. '
Buy only "Johnston's the appreci
ated chocolates." .
Home Furniture Co. handles good
linoleum. Phone 99.
Mrs. Maggie Bell and her visitor, Miss
Mary Lee Gibbs, of Caruthersville, Mo.,
are in Chattanooga this week visiting
relatives and friends.
Miss Minnie L. Coleman, of Edge-
wood, Texas, is visiting her grandpa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harrison, on
College street this week.
Use Dahnke-Walker Milling Co. Jer
sey Cream Flour, a home product and
guaranteed. , x
Pitcairn Colored Varnishes makes
your floor look like new. Home Furni
ture Co.
Miss Virginia Bartoldus, of Jack
son, is a visitor tms weeic in tne nome
of Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Waters with
her friend, Miss Mildred Waters.
H. N. Hall, traveling subscription
manager for the Memphis Commercial
Appeal, was a, business visitor in the
city this week. Mr. Hall and his paper
have built up a big business here.
Mrs. Arnn's styles in millinery and
novelties are indeed pleasing to those
of approved taste. Call and Bee the
latest window display.
Telephone Union City Ice & Coal Co.
when you want coal right now. :
Sunday was a fine spring day and
and many new autos, as well as old ones,
were seen on the streets. There were
some autos and a good mariy Fords, and
a number of visiters in Union City from
neighboring towns.
W. A. Pursley, of Nashville, was in
the city this week, visiting bis brother,
who has been very sick. We under
stand Mr. Dave Pursley -is very much
better and expected to be fully recov
ered in a few days. ""
-ii i ii i
We can always do your picture fram
ing, (Jail on us. Home furniture
Co., phone 99. ,
Spray fruit trees early and get
best results. Lime Sulphur Solu
tion at WEHMAN'S.
W. Burke, one of the older citizens
of Union City, who is in the railroad
service, has been somewhat unwell for
a few days. Mr. Burke has been with
the railroad for thirty years and is one
of our very best citizens.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton, who
have been located in Chicago during the
winter with theatrical engagements, are
in Union City for a short time enjoying
a visit at the home of Mr. Hamilton's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamilton,
on .Ury street.
B. S. Sullivan, of the firm of Sulli
van Bros., loft this week, with his fam
ily, returning to Mayfield to resume his
former work as traveling salesman. His
brother, H. B. Sullivan, will be in charge
of tbe Union City store, assisted by Dr.
JL C. Reynolds. These gentlemen have J
identified themselves very favorably with
our people and the custom. We extend
to Mr. Sullivan the kindest wishes in
his new work and the store here a goodly
measure of success.
Valuablk Advics fob Uxios City
Many a woman endures with noble
patience tbe daily misery of backache,
pains about the hips, blue, nervous
spells, dizziness and urinary disorders,
hopeless of relief because she does not
know what is the matter.
It is not true that every pain in the
back or hips is trouble "peculiar to tbe
sex." Often when the kidneys get con
gested and inflamed, such aches and
pains follow. '
You can tell it is kidney trouble if
the secretions are dark colored, contain
sediment; the passages are too frequent
or scanty. Then help tbe weakened
kidneys. Don't expect them to get
well alone.
Doan's Kidney Tills have won the
praise of thousands of women. 'They
are endorsed right in this locality. Read
this woman's convincing statement:
Mrs. Emma Fonville, 118 Oxford
street, Martin. Tenn., says: "I can
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills highly
I used them for kidney weakness and
they benefited me."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. i. . advt
Mr. John Dahnke has purchased the
Judge Lawson residence property on
the corner of Grovo and Ury streets
A deal was made some time ago for this
property, but for a misunderstanding
the deed was not given. Mr. Dahnke
will soon begin to improve the prop
erty and make it his family home. It
is one of the best locations in Union
City and one of the most beautiful sites.
We congratulate Mr. Dahnke and the
local residents too in having his family
as neighbors.
C. L. Andrews, of the firm of Brans-
ford & Andrews, jewelers, left this week
for Chicago to take a course in opthal
mology and otolagy. He will be, at
the completion of tbe course, a gradu
ate optician and prepared for any kind
of optical work. The firm will also
make some additions in the way of
machinery, tbe latest improved, for
grinding lenses and for a thorough and
complete optical department. Mr. An
drews is a very popular business man,
and these advantages offered by tbe firm
will add much to their prestige in Union
City. , ';.
Farmers and others who live at a dis
tance from a drug store should keep in
the bouse a bottle of . BALLARD s
SNOW LINIMENT. It may be need
ed at any time for cuts, wounds, sores,
sprains or rheumatism. It is a power
ful healing and penetrating remedy.
Price 25o, 50c and $ 1.00 per bottle. Sold
by Oliver's Red Cross Drug Store, advt
Real Estate Transfers.
Mrs. Alice Theresa King to Walter H.
Harper, interest in 105 acres in No.
13, $875.
Mrs. Anna R. Moores to Mrs. Nannie
Page, two lots in No. 5, $750.
R. W. Caldwell and wife. C. O. Cald
well and wife and J. W. Majors and
wife to G. D. Thurman, interest in land
in No. 14, $1,200.
W. F. Kendall et al. to W, D. Hays,
one-half acre in No. 5, $450.
J. L. Netherland et al. to R. A. Fer
guson, 527 acres in JNo. lb, ? l,aw.
H. B. Horner to A. E. Ashley, land
in No. 5, $147.50.
Joe Harpole to O. H. Jones, 31 i acres
in No. 1, $1,970.73.
Jas. A. Jones and wife to O. H. Jones,
47 acres in No. 1, $1,700.
O. II. Jones and wife to Joe Harpole,
31 J acres in No. 1, $1,97(5.83.
F. J. Smith and wife to Marvin C.
Leek, interest in 71 acres in No. 12,
$1,200. '
Mrs. M. J. Cleek et al. to Marvin
Cleek, interest in 71 acres in No. 12,
W. Noah Reed and wife to J. C. Mc-
Clard, interest in five acres in No. Jo,
83.33. '
J. C. McClard to W. Noah Reed, six
acres in No. 1, $200.
S. T. Green to Lynn Green, lot in
No. 13, $116. . - '
Marriage Licenses.
Floyd Morris and Eugenia Shuffuid.
Loyd Keeling and Lee Estos.
O. A. Wilburn and Cassie (lope.
Clarence Hays and Birdie Hope.
J. M. Hutcbins and Liney Hobbs.
: Foard Wilson and Flora Riley.
Lewis Moses and Graco Walls. '
Ed Lawrence and Lizzie Magum.
A pain in the side or back that catches
you when you straighten up calls for a
rubbing ' application of BALLARD a
SNOW LINIMENT. It relaxes the
contracted muscles and permits ordi
nary bodily motion without suffering
nr inrnnvAnmnrfl. Pnr.n 2nn. fjfln and
$1.00 per bottle. Sold by Oliver's Red
Cross Drug Store. advt'
A drug store should keep things up to date just the same as a dry goods
store. Scientific research is constantly discovering new things. So deal with
us and you will deal with a progressive drug store.
We will not allow our customers to buy something they ought not to have.
It takes knowing how to be a good druggist. Our knowledge and experience
is at the service, of our customers.
We give you what you ak fur.
GHAS. M. HENDERSON, The New Drug Store
Union City, Tenn. Phone 70
Busy Days.
"Where's the president of this rail
road?" asked tho man who called at the
general offices.
"He's down in Washington, attendk
th' session o' some kind uv an investt-
gatin' committee," replied the office
"Where's the goneral manager?"
"He's appearin' before tb' Interstate
Commerce Commission."
"Well, where's the general superin
"He's at th' meetin' of th' Legisla
ture, fightin' some bum new law."
"Where is the head of the legal de
FLO U R. It's
I make a specialty of Fancy Sliced Breakfast Bacorv
Have some mail order customers on this. It's
"some" quality. Then serve
ord Calvert Coffee
and see the old coffee critic smile.
A Plain Place of Queen Quality.
i's, Doors,
Shinglesj Posts, Rails
and Pickets
Some Second-hand and Rough
Askins & Dircks Lumber Co.
w, TT.v 1
"He's in court, tryin a suit."
"Then where is the general passenger
"He's explainin' t' th' commercial
travelers why we can't reduce th fare."
"Where's tho general freight agent?"
"He's gone out in th' country t' at
tend a meetin' o' th' grange and tell
th' farmers why we ain't got no freight
"Who's running the railroad, any
way?" "The newspapers and th' Legisla
tures." Pittsburg Press.
Call 150, Union City Ice & Coal Co.,
when you want coal right now.
the Qyeen of All Flours.
.White's Old Stand.
0 Of All
LUW Kinds

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