OCR Interpretation

The commercial. (Union City, Tenn.) 190?-193?, May 08, 1914, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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TTIfrKe Esuril E-ff.siwIk: ISScu StoccM Co
In a repertoire of great play successes and high-class vaudeville. Every play new to this city.
rLAY MUMJAY HTUA C nf thP WnOfK;." ? I flH PC hAA VlnnHnv Night it accompanied by anyone
NIGHT.. : a iw w;vr t. ' ' " , : UUIV,J a ww itiuuuuj holding a 20-cent ticket '
. ' "
Vaudeville between acts. Continuous performance. Plays changed nightly. No concerts or after shows. One ticket to all.
' Free band concert every night. The best show ever given for the money. -
Doors Open at 7.30 P. M,
Adults 20c; Children 10c
Performance 8.15 P.M.
Local and Personal
Jtfrs. Lucile McAdoo is very ilMhis
T. C. Wilson, of Obion, ,was a Sun
day visitor. r
D. A. Luten and family motered to
Fulton Sunday.
Mrs. I. G. Warren is visiting ber
mother near Beech. '
1 - i
Buy only "Johnston's the appreci
ated chocolates."
Corn planting time get your
corn planter at WEHMANS.
A call for 150 brings the ooal wagon
Union City Ice & Coal Co. . .
Mr. Rody, of Kenton, was among the
Sunday visitors here. "
Mr. Wallace Moffett, of Humboldt,
was in the city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Harrison are in
Dawson Springs this week. "
W, H. Jackson, of Memphis, was a
visitor in the city Sunday.
Perfection Oil Cook Stoves, best made,
at Nailling-Keiser Hardware Co.
Gultivators and good ones too
See our new cabinet mantles before
you buy. Union City Lumber Co.
Editor Speer and Mrs. Speer, bf Hick
man, were in the city Sunday;
Dr. Nat Morris and Nathan Morris,
of Fulton, were in the city Monday.
0. H. Clcmmons, of Rives, was a
business visitor in the city Monday.
Mrs, Taylor and son, of Hickman,
Sunday ed with Mrs. Bettie Johnson.
Mrs.. A inn roceives Dew hats every
few days.
Lawn mowers that satisfy. Nailling-
Keisor Hardware Company. ...
Telephone Union City Ice & Coal Co.
when you want coal right now.
You've tried the rest, now try the
best Jersey Cream Flour.
Mrs. J. R. Hughes has returned from
a visit to relatives and friends at, Paris.
Dr. and Mrs.Frank Griftin, of Tipton
ville, were visitors in the city Hi is wet k.
Mrs. G. B. White has returned home
after a visit with Mrs. Bigelow at Tren
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Francis, of Sam
burg, were in the city Monday as vis
itors. .
You want to see those lawn mowers at
Nailling-Keiser Hardware Co.
Use Pahnke-'tYalker Milling Co. Jer
ey Cream Flour, a home product and
See the Disc Harrows at WEH
MAN'S before buying. They are
good ones.
Mr. Walter Forester and family, of
Obion, were in the city last week as
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson, of Obion,
were tho Saturday guests of Mrs. Evans
Jackson. . ,
Mrs. Will White has been confined to
her room for two or three days at home
on Mill street.
Mr. John George, the trunk drum
mer, visited his family at home in Union
City this week.
You can find the lawn mower .you
want at Nailling-Keiser Hardware (Jo.
Big Muddy washed nut coal .is best
for cooking. At Union City Ice &
Coal Co.
If there's anything the matter with
your furniture phone 438-Chas. Ward,
Thad Lee is having some improve
ments made on his residence on Mill
and Lilac streets. -
Rev. J. E. Stuart was in Selmer this
week attending a convention of tho
Christian Church.
Mr.Geo. P. Woolen, of Nashville,
Comptroller, of tho State, wa3 a visitor in
the city Monday. ,
You will find just the kind of
Disc Harrow you want at WEH
MAN'S, Charles Ward, upholsterer, located
in the Morris Block, on Main street,
first store west of Methodist church.
Bos couches made to order. Phone 433.
CoalCoke Wood Call Tel. 150. "
Dr. and Mrs. Horace Luten and chil
dren and Mn. Eli Bvnum motored to
this city last Sunday.
C. C. Calhcott, of Pleasant Hill, was
here Monday attending a meeting of the
Democratic committee.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stevens and Miss
Julia Jackson, of Hickman, were in th
city Sunday as visitors.
. You want to see those refrigerators
at Nailling-Keiser Hardware Company
before buying.
If the laundry work of Union "City
Steam Laundry is pleasing people all
over the surrounding country you should
not fail to give it patronage.
C. P. Wilson, of Troy, was in the city
Monday attending the meeting of the
Democratic committee.
Mr. Russell Gardner was in the city
Monday in bis big Packard cap, coming
through from St. Louis.
II. C. Davidson, of Elbridge, was a
visitor in the city Monday looking on at
politics and other matters, ,
Buy your Lawn Swine at WEH
MAN'S right now. It's waiting for
you. r
Use Dahnke's Cream Bread. It is
worth more than any other bread, yet
the price is no higher. ALL grocers
sell it. '
Fulton Moffett, Hal Taylor, J. C. and
W. T. Harris and Tierce Pardue were in
Fulton Sunday as social visitors.
Mr, Lawson Faxon, of Jackson, was
a visitor in the city Sunday at the home
of -Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Adkerson.
Dr. J. J. Wells, of Glass, was in the
city Monday as a member of the County
Democratic Executive Committee.
You want to see those refrigerator
at Nailling-Keiser Hardware Company
before buying.
Fresh rolls, coffee cakes, doughnuts,
Dolly Warren Neapolitan cake, tea
cakes and Dahnke's cream bread. Any
kind of pastry on short notice. Phone
109 and we will deliver it for you.
, Manager Cox has added to the com
forts of the Reynolds Theatre with a
perfumed disinfectant. This will go to
wards making the house more pleasant
and healthful. .
Mr. Lexie Parks Lane left last week
for Dallas? Texas, where he will be em
ployed as salesman in one of the leading
department stores of that city. The
young man is the son of a well known
merchant and will no doubt bring more
honor to the reputation of his father,
who is one of the successful pioneer
merchants of southwest Kentucky.
Quick Meal,1 the . very newest
and very best oil stove on the
market, at WEHMAN'S.
Big Muddy washed nut coal is best
for cooking. Call loO. Union City
ice & Coal Co.
Among the, recent callers and others
mailing their respects to this paper are:
E. J. Green; Obion; T. M. Flack, Wood
land Mills; Miss Josie Faulk, Caruth
ersville, Mo.; S. B. Hays, Rives; Mrs.
J. P. Thompson, Centreville, Tenn.; T.
J. Harpole, Dyer, Tenn.; J.R.Walker,
Heber, Ark.; F. B. McDaniel, Tillman
Shipp, Number Two; Mrs. C. E. Duvall,
Memphis; E. L. Rice, Mrs. A. C. Reeds,
Algie Curry, city; B. W. Godsey, Crys
tal; C, W. Haley, Number Seven.
You can buy a loaf of our bread
tho best it is possible to make for 10c.
You can buy our doughnuts at 10c per
dozen. You can buy our fresh rolls,
HOT, at noon every day at 10c per
dozen. Order through your grocer, or
we will have our wagou call on you
daily. Phone 109.
Miss Annie Whitson, of Hickman
County, was a visitor in the city with
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Briggs this week
Mrs. J. D. Porter, of Nashville, is a
visitor in the city this week at the home
of Judge and Mrs, W. H. Swiggart.
Mrs. Charley Murchison, of Hick
man, and Mrs. Ed Reese, of Shady
Grove, were in town Saturday shopping,
The Herrick, the refrigerator with
the water bottle, you will find it
only at WEHMAN'S,
Union City Steam Laundry llower
department will be glad to show you a
beautiful display Saturday. Prices most
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Browder, Miss
Alma Givens and Leon Browder, of
Fulton, were in the city Sunday motor
Mrs. Jas. Orrell, of Texarkana, and
Mrs. Carl Milliard, of Gleason, are the
guests of their parents on South Ury
street. '
Mr. Milam and daughter, Miss Peail,
left Monday to visit in Jacksonville,
Tampa and Miama, Fla., for some
New veils of every description at Mrs.
You can find the Perfection Oil Stove,
best made, at Nailling-Keiser Hardware
Company. -
A. L. Brevard is taking advan
tage of the low rates to the reunion to
visit her daughter, Mrs. Ella Steele, in
Columbia, S. C. -
J. S. Roberts, of Moscow, a director
and one of tho most popular share
holder of the Old National Bank, this
city, was here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cummings will
leave soon for Asheville, N. C, where
Mrs. Cummings will remain for a sea
son to restore her health.
Mr. aud Mrs. Dan Briggs and Miss
Mary Briggs, of Hickman, were in the
city this week visiting the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Briggs, First street. ,
Don't fail to see Metcalfe's beautiful
display of flowers each Saturday until
season is over. Place 4our order for
anything you would like to see and it
will be sent for your in.pVtion. You
do not cave to take it.
" The Facts.
'Call me early," said the girlie,
"I'm to be the Queen of May."
In the morning she got warning
But she wouldn't leave the hay.
May Dajy Pplitics.
She named herself the Queen of May,
'Twas predatory. 1 ''!.'
But people often act that way i
When seeking glory. . i
the other girls did not accept
Her usurpation.
Some of them fumed or even wept '
With indignation. "
They promptly passed the May Queen by
With views divergent;
And each was quick to qualify
As- an insurgent.
A Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound Dispelled
Backache, Headaches
and Pi2ziness.
Piqua, Ohio. "I would be very un
crateful ii l iaiiea to give iyaia x
nnKnams vegeta
ble Compound the
praise it deserves,
for I have taken it
at different timet
and it always re
lieved me wher
other medicines
failed, and when I
hear a woman com
plain I always rec
ommend it Last win
der I was attacked
with a severe case of organic weakness.
I had backache, pains in my hips anc
over my kidneys, headache, dizziness,
lassitude, had no energy, limbs ached
and I was always tired. I was hardly
able to do my housework. I had taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
oound on one other occasion, and it had
helped me so I took it again and it has
built me up, until now i reei line a new
woman. You have my hearty consent
to use my name and testimonial in any
way and I hope it will benefit suffering
women." Mrs. Orpha Turner, 431 S.
Wayne St, Piqua, Ohio. , .
Women who are suffering from those
distressing ills peculiar to their sex
Bhonld not doubt the ability of Lydia E.
Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound to re
store their health.
If you want special advice
write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med
icine Co," ( confidential ) Lynn,
Mas. Your letter will ba opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held la strict confidence !
1 ;'' vsJ '
Use Parisian Sage. It Makes the
Hair Fluffy and Abundant
It is needless for you to have hair
that is anything short of perfect. If it
is falling out, losing color, splitting, or
it the scalp burns and itches, imme
diately get from Oliver's Red Cross
Drug Store or any drug counter a 50
cent bottle of Parisian Sage use it fre
quently the first application removes
dandruff, invigorates the scalp, and
beautifies the hair until it is gloriously
radiant - .
Parisian Sage supplies hair needs is
perfectly harmless It contains the ex
act elements required to make the hair
soft, wavy, glossy and to make it grow
thick and beautiful.
You will surely like Parisian Sage. It
is one of the best and most delightful
hair tonics known. advt
The City Schools.
Examinations for promotiuu in the
public schools will be given on the fol
lowing days:
High School Wednesday, May 15,
English, Latin; Saturday, May 16,
Mathematics, German, Physics; Mon
day, May 18, History, Drawing, House
hold Economics.
Eighth Grades Wednesday May 13,
Spelling (2:30 p. m.); Thursday, May
14, Geography, Biology, History; Sat
urday, May 1G, English; Moaday, May
18, Mathematics.
The delinquent examinations will be
given in the fall. New pupils intending
to enter the public school this coming
year will find it to their advantage to
take the examinations on the above
A tentative program for Commence
ment Week for the public schools has
been made as follows:
Friday, May 15, 8:00 p. m. Junior
Reception to Seniors; Gymnasium.
Saturday, May 16, 6:00 p.m. Lunch
eon to Seniors; Home of Superintendent.
Sunday, May 17, 8:00 p. m. Bacca
laureate Sermon; Christian Church.
Monday, May 18, 8:00 p. m. Ger
man Flay and Class Night; High School
Tuesday, May 19, 8:00 p.m. Grade
Exercises; Opera House.
Thursday, May 21, 8:00 p. m. Com
mencement; Opera House.-
Friday, May 22, 8 p. m. Alumni Re
ception ana Uanquet; bymnasium.
Tho graduating class will consist of
fifteen or sixteen members with an ex
tra diploma granted to Alice Nash be
cause of the completion of two courses.
The honors of the class are awarded to
May McClanalfan as valedictorian with
several points above the nearest com
petitor; Edwin Rogers as salutatorian.
State Superintendent S. H. Thomp
son has consented to give the address
on commencement night. Bro. Arm
strong will preach the baccalaureate
Primary In Lake County.
Tiptonville, Tenn., May 4. Unoffi
cial returns from the county Demo
cratic primary election held Saturday
have been received here and the follow
ing candidates have been nominated:
Sheriff, John W. Hall, who defeated his
nearest opponent, Alex Ezell, by about
175 votes; Circuit Court Clerk, W. L.
Chappell won over bis two opponents,
Murph Alexander and Fred Lowery, by
about 130 votes; J. T. Larkins defeated
bis nearest opponent, Smith Newton, by
about 200; J. B. Stewart was only saved
by 40 votes over Lee Goodman for Road
Commissioner. Ira Cronan and A. C.
Murdock were re-elected County Clerk
and Trustee, respectively, without opposition.
The largest vote ever cast in a i-aice
County primary was polled Saturday
and unusual interest was manifested.
It is estimated that this county only
lacked 200 votes of polling its entire
Demacratic strength.' The county po
litically, is almost Democratic to a man,
ana or worse tne nominauous yester
day are equivalent to an election.-
Removal Announcement
The Farmers Supply Co.
Successors to VV. S. Jackson & Son.
Announce to their customers and friends
the removal of the goods from Southside
to the building on the northeast corner
bf Court Square, where a visit will be
appreciated. - . I
The new stand will carry large supplies of
Groceries of all kinds, Wagons, Buggies, Farm
Implements, etc., and guarantee goods of the
best quality and lowest prices.
Delivery Wagons Union City, Tenn. Telephone 24
Next Door to Court House.
Golden Gate Cise & Saienfs
Teas and Coffees I Teas and Coffees
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee
-. '"(. -
Alijhandled in an up-to-date, sanitary manner.
No order too large. No ordefr too small.
Phones 204-230 ,
th ronauit n
phintc on it
cum n ran
inagement of
mm mm T' American
1 rg Association,
leal county live-
i pursuance of
policy to
ders along its
to improve
age a more
iiiore uian 4u yc
f 1 1 f fl ing livestock
Mandard 01 j .
I in this ira-
fl EVERY gallon of MASTr;
Jl is backed by the name of 1 , ..
Peaslee-GaulbertCo, Louisvilll ,wbere !
Guaranteed for its Absolut?,111 &m
"Vht Kind Thai LasU "
1 Vthin a
iiii of
t may
$ ASK. your neighbors, who painted their prcperty w.
jl this excellent paint they will tell you that it coyt10
more surface, lasts longer, and therefore is more economical
than any other paint Jt keeps your house bright and
attractive. '
Pf? f, Ask for beautifully illustrated book, Homes
., and How to Paint Them, also color card of
45 color combinations. ; ,
It Tart and TainU Htjt
K2lIIIng:KeIser Co.. Unlcn City, Tenn.

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