' - - ft.' - ' r J i i i .. ' m j' l a x t 4 MV; ;: ; - L - . - . . r1r H 4n 1 -j r Yea, and we have it RIGHT. This community knows that C T"you can DEPEND upon anything that come from our drug , uuac "u ui wiwi us nave aiway,; louna wnat we gave them was reliable ; they have FAITH in us. " We shall not abuse that faith, but shall always give you the BEST that can be got WE GlVE YOU WHAT YOU ASK FOR " GHAS. M. HENDERSON, The New Drug store Union City, Tenn. Phone 79 RIVES. Are you attending tbe revival? If not you are missing some fine sermons Master Arthur Elam was hurt Mon day afternoon, necessitating the services of Dr. White. The little boy got -too i near the bay baler team and was knock- FREMONT. Those on the sick list are Mrs. Frank Hawki os and Chuck Killioa. Several from here attended the show at Protemus last week. Miss Jessie Blanton, of near Beech, spent last week with Fremont relatives. Miss Beulah Killion visited relatives ed down by a single-tree, getting his back hurt and a large gash above the Pear Protemus last week eye. Services A large crowd attended the burial of in the tent twice daily at I M,s t)ula Gray at Antioch last Satur- 2:30 p. m. and 7:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Selmo Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Will Ragsdale, of the Pleasant Valley neighborhood, were here Sunday attending the revival. day. Prof. Glover Ferrell began school at Old Fremont last Monday. Mr. Pete Clack and family spent sev eral days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. T. P. Callicott was called to Num- Jim Jones 1,1 Lake County. her Seven Monday night to attend Mr. W,S3 Bess Reeves, of Union City, is Worrel, who suffered a stroke pt fhe hot spending several days ith Fremont County Expenses. Following is a semi-annual statement of county expenses of Obfon County, Tennessee: Justice's per diem r..$ Paupers., Circuit and Chancery Court Road Bridges Jail." .. Poor bouse Pauper coffins. . 564.00 381.G0 1,831.74 308.40 9,158.12 1,934.87) 1,517.75! 57.00 K lVEVA roper 1 Tkcthm Judtei ! a! wind lhai th penom t whofc mim it printed Tt l wiibln this wteuh U 13 Asylum 1.0S3.53; Tax refunds , 151.51 Elections..: 35.50 Board of Health 1,181.85 Stationery for county oflicials 642 34 Levees 498.33 Miscellaneous 2,317.98 weather while at work on the levee. Mesdames Hubert and Leslie Shore were recent guests for the day of Mrs. T. P. Palmer. ine revival goes on witn increased in terest. Rev. Logan ' is gifted with a quiet, forceful, synipatbetic way of pre sen ting the plan of salvation that ap- friends. J. I. Caldwell is at home from Nash ville and reports his son, who was oper ated on, doing fine. . Mrs. Jake Park, of Union City, came out and visited Mr. and Mrs. MosePark last week. . Mr. Bud Williams celebrated his fifti- Killed By Doctor's Mistake. Clinton, Ky., July 28. As the re3ult ot a deplorable accident Judge R. L. Smith, of the First Judicial District, died here to-day. Judge Smith, who was one of the -most prominent men in this section of the 8tate, came to town this afternoon on his way to Louisville, where he was going to hold a conference in regard to his candidacy for re-election to the office which he held. Feeling somewhat in disposed he stopped at the office of Dr. Fred Healer, a close personal friend of his, and asked for some medicine. By mistake Dr. Bealer gave him a large drink of carbolic acid and death resulted almost instantly. All Clinton was horrified when news of the terrible accident become public. Judge Smith waa 45 years of age. He was a Mason and an Elk and was very popular in fraternal, business and po litical circles. He was born and spent all of bis life in Clinton. He was elected Commonwealth's Attorney for the First Judicial District and served in that po pition until last April, when, after the death of Judge R. J. Bugg, Gov. Mc Creary appointed him as Judge of the district. Judge Smith was married and is sur vived by his wife and two children. Tbe burial will take place here. When you feel lazy, out of sorts and -yawn a good deal in the daytime, you can charge it to a torpid liver which has allowed the system to get full of impuri ties. HEROINE cures all disorders pro duced by an inactive liver. It strength ens that organ, cleanses the bowels and puts theayatem in good healthy to dir tion. . Price 50c. Sold by Oliver's Red Cross Drug Store. - advt Call Meeting. A meeting of the merchants is called at the City Hall Monday night.- The purpose is to have, a fall fashion show and a big trade week event about Sept. 15. All clothing and dry goods mer chants are especially urged to attend and ' tike part in promoting this event. Business Men's Club. FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS If Befog Constantly Supplied Willi Thedford's Black-Dracgk. McDuff, Va. "I suffered for severs! years," says Mrs. J. B. Wnittaker, of this place, "wilh sick headache, and stomach trouble. Ten years ago a Wend told me to try Thedford's Black-Draught, which I did, ind 1 found it to be the best family medi . cine for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the lime now. and when my children feel a :::::3 bad, .they ask me for a dose, and it I aoes meat more good man any medicine they ever tried. We never have a long spell of sick ness in our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draueht Is ourelv ' vegetable, and has been found to regu 1 Kite weak stomachs, aid digestion, re 'ieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and similar 1 tymptoms. It has been In constant use for more lhan 70 ears, and has benefited mora ifcan a million people. Your druggist sells and recommends 1 Blsck-Draught Price only 23c. Oct a 1 Backage to-day. . N.C.I21 Winter' Cover Crops. : , Tbe Agricultural Division of the N C. ASt. L. Railway. In pursuing tht agricultural improve ment work of this department, seeking to promote the better methods of farm ing along the company's lines, permi me to direct your attention to the im portance of preparing promptly for your winter cover crops. It is urgently suggested that every acre of your corn, cotton and small grain tanas should be seeded at the proper time during the late summer to some form of winter catch crop, to serve tbe three-fohl purpose of prevent ing tbe erosion or washing of your land to store nitrogen and other needed fer tiltzing elements in your soil and to provide late fall and early spring graz ing for your stock. If turned under in the spring, the cover crop will further add humus and nitrogen to the soil. will very greatly improve its mechanical condition, and will enable it to absorb and hold more moisture for the succeed ing crop. Immediately after harvesting your small grain crop, it is strongly recom mended that tbe stubble be thoroughly disced and turned deep as soon as its condition will permit. It should be disced repeatedly to control rass and weed growth until tbe appearance of a good season after the first or middle of August, when tbe cover crop should be sowu. ' In the meantime, if your soil has not been analyzed for lime content, you would be justified in applying and discing in two tons of ground or pulver ized limestone per acre; if alfalfa is to be sown, apply four tons. Eye and crimson clover or hairy vetch are the most satisfactory clover crops for green manuring yet tried in Xennessee and this section of the South, and are advo- cated by both State and Federal Gov ernment agricultural authorities. Frequent shallow and level cultiva tion of tbe corn and cotton crops s urged. Such cultivation may be given with a one-horse spring-tooth cultivator, such as may be found ou the market selling for about $ 6.50. Cultivation should be continued as late in tbe sea son as possible to keep down grass and to conserve moisture, and the cover crop sown between tbe rows during the first favorable season after August first or fifteenth, and harrowed in with' the epriDg-tooth or spike-tooth V-shaped barrow. If tbe rows are prepared and cultivated in ridges, more or less of the cover crop seed will roll away from the crest of the ridges toward the center of tbe furrow between leaving a consldcra ble area unseeded, and the catcu crop will appear in rows. If cultivated in the level, practically the entire surface of the corn and cotton fields may be uniformly seeded. The pugjestions are offered in the earnest hope that the approaching win ter season will find tbe grain and cotton producing areas in tbe territory served by these lines well covered with green growing crops, rather than lying bare and exposed to the season's washing rains. 1 peals to his audience. A large choir of etu anniversary last FriJay. A large both adults and children is also meeting crowd attened and partook of a nice with approval. ainner. Among others were id Wil At Trenton the com ing week the suitpiam8 an niother and sisters, of Hick- of O. H. Clemmons, of Meadow Brook man- A" report a nice time. Farm, against the I. C. Railroad comes r- eo- Vinson, of this place, and to trial. Mr. Clemmons is suing for M'88 Zula Armstrong, of near Prote damages in the mangling of four bead temus, were married last Saturday morn of fine horses in a high trestle, .first Esq. A. E. Caldwell officiating at south of town. Witnesses subpoenaed. 018 oome at Clayton. locally, are Knox Harper, T. P. Palmer, J. W. Tborne, Dode Stevens, J. F. Hoi loway and Monroe McCowan, At last our school bonds have escaped the circumlocution office" and are m- gotiable. The plans for the school building have been accepted. It in cludes a two story pressed brick, four Mr. and Mrs. Otto Merritt and son, of near Rector, Ark., are here visiting Mrs. Merritt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Priest. . - Mrs. Albert Duty and children have returned to their home in St. Louis, after a visit to relatives here. The infant baby of Mr. and Mrs. Bob rooms of legal size on lower floor with Cummings died Friday and was buried auditorium, and two small rooms above. Saturday afternoon at Antioch. The building will bave modern heating, light ad- ventilation. A very deep well for this locality is reported in be Pleasant Hill neighbor hood. This well is on the Chester Phe' bus farm and has just been completed at a depth of 190 feet. , Miss Erma Harris is here, guest of at Troy, Mrs. J. C. Harris, on Caldwell Avenue. Another deep party well is being put in. This well is in South Rives on the premises of Gus Callicott. Others in terested are Mayer McNeill, Dr. E. H White and Mrs. Ora Pyles. , Mrs. Laura Hay, of Newborn, waa a guest the first of the week of Mrs. T. A. Cummings. ; Out-of-town ministers attending tbe revival services in Rives are: Rev. Hamp McLeskey, Nashville; Rev. Jones, Ar lington, Ky.; Rev. J. M. Bryson, Union City; Rev. Carl Laster, Troy; Rev. J. C. Cason, Obion; Rev. J. H. Thomas, jewDern. A number or visitors are also attending the meetingas follows: Mrs. Sallie McLeskey, Dickson; Mrs. Sue Garrett, Knoxville; Mrs. Geoi Byrd, Fulton. . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grooms returned Monday from a visit to friends hear Water Valley, Ky. Miss Leila Reeves began school here Monday with a full school. VV. W, Caldwell and wife spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hart Violet. OBION. Mrs. C. M. Mathis and son. Wallace. Worms interfere with the growth of children. They become thin, pale and sickly. Get lid of these parasites at once if you would have healthy, happy, cheerful children. WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE destroys worms and ben- have returned home after a visit to Mrs Mathis' father, Mr. V. L. Grable, at Paris, Tenn. Miss May Davis, of Helena, Ark., is the guest of Miss Gladys Maloney. E. J. Green, H. a Corley, Geo. Har mon, K. B. Baker, Will Brown and Worthy Crawford atteuded the Frank Dietzel preliminary hearing at" Union City Tuesday. Mrs. J. H. Groves, of Dyersburg, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Pope, Monday. Mrs. J. F. Pope and daughter, Miss Obion, returned Sunday night from a. visit to relatives in Dyersburg. Tommie Goulder, freight clerk for the railroad company at this place, has returned from Dawson Springs, Ky., where he has been spending several days of his vacation Miss Gladys and Orvoid Jernigan are visiting relatives fn Union City. Dr. and Mrs. V. J. Jernigan left Tburs Total : $21,563.9S; Of the $9,158.12 paid for bridges, $4,600 was for steel bridges built four years ago and which had not heretofore been accepted. Geo. R. Kkxkky, County Judge of Obion County. Call 150. Union City Ice & Coal Co., when you want coal right now. School Directors. The new law passed by the last Legis lature makes it necessary for directors and teachers to sign a contract before the school begins. Failure to do so sub jects the teacher or directors or both to a fine of twenty-five dollars. No person can teach without a certifi cate issued by the State Superintendent. This certificate must be dated not earlier than July 1, 1914. No payment can be allowed to a teacher who has no certificate. The directors can not issue the warrant nor can the trustee cash it without subjecting themselves to a fine oi noi less man nve aoiiars nor more than fifty dollars. Be sure to ask your teacher to present his certificate. If you bave not made the report of the scholastic population, please do so at once as no money can be placed to the credit of your district till that is done. Yours verv trulv. C. L. Ridings, County Superintendent July 28, 1914. Winner of the Omega Skill Contest nd It herrhr fcquMled to rill tor lh prlr. 14. kt. Solid Gold Bracelft-VVatch whick havcTcr nn he exhibited In out thaw window oniil (SATURDAY. AUG. I provided bjr freetneat with the factory Than were many confetunt and we tre tart thai we could not award a priie to errr one; but Orw f a Watche art mad la all aizea and atjrlca, (or bora and I !r!t and men end women, at a wide ranee oi pndct, amting every puree. It tea bare not woa the prize yo bava at leaet enjored an intellectual Skill Teal and wilt, we Iran, bear In mind thai tor your own aee m tor gift purpotee, nothing la mom aubatantlal and vaefttl lhan an Omega Watchand no one could be more aealoua in supplying your ficeda Ibaa your aeighhof (eweler, lanjrn frWjt, . Bransford & Andrews nts tue wnoie system, rnce Uoc per bottle. Sold by Oliver's Red Cross Mov mnminr, fm- Hnt. Rn.ir,. i.i. I J v ufr....A3, ai.,, Drug Store. advt When tbe baby is suffering the double affliction of hot weather and bowel dis orders, the remedy needed is McGEE'S BABY ELIXIR. It reduces the fever ish condition, corrects trio stomach and checks looseness' of the bowels. Trice 25o and COc per bottle. Sold by Oliver's Ri.;d CrossJDrug Store. advt Obituary. Death has again visited our com munity of Antioch and claimed for its victim Miss Dula May Grey. She was the daughter of George Grey. Miss Grey was born July 25, 1887, and de parted this life July 24, 1914. She professed faith in Christ at the age of 19 years and joined the Cumber- and Presbyterian Church, of which she was a member until Uod called her home. Miss Grey leaves a father, step mother, three sisters and two brothers, and many friedds to mourn her loss. The funeral ceremonies were conducted to subscribe for the home paper be by her pastor, Rev. White, after which cause it advocates temperance apji law tbe body was laid to rest in Antioch enforcement. We never saw a woman where they will spend some time for the benefit of Mrs. Jernigan's health. The revival meeting, which has been in progress at tbe Methodist Church, closed last Sunday night. There were 24 conversions and 17 additions to the church as a result of the excellent evan gelistic work of Rev. P. II. Davis. We Never Did. A few days ago a know-it-all called our attention to the fact that we "never saw a bald-neauea woman." Well. what of that? There are a good, many things we never saw a woman do. We never saw a woman who would refuse cemetery, where a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives had met to pay the last sad tribute to a good woman. - She has gone to share the rest that waits a life well spent and a work well done. Farewell, devoted friend, until that glorious morning that heralds the eternal day of joy and fullness of love i God's right band. To tbe bereaved the writer offers his profoundest sympathy and pleads that you live as did she, and finally when the perils of this world shall bave been ended with you, that you may clasp the hand of your dear ono across the beau tiful river of Jordan where all is sun shine aud sorrow never comes. Raymond E. White. Baseball Item. i NO REASON FOR IT You Ahe Shown A Way Out. mi. a mere can De no reason wuy any reader of this who suffers the tortures of an aching back, the annoyance of urinary disorders, the pains and dangers of kidney ills will fail to heed the word of a resident of this locality who has found relief. The following is con vincing proof: s A. J. Farris, Nichols Ave., near Pop. lar St., Dyersburg, Tenn., says: ; "A dull ache in the small of my back made me feel m iserable and I was also bothered by dizzy spells. My sight blurred and often while working, I bad to catch bold of something to keep from falling. Nothing helped me to any extent until I "began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. They lived up to representations in every way. The benefit they brought has been permanent. It gives me pleasure to confirm all I ever said about Doan's Kidney Pills." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Farris had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE CHEAP Studebaker automobile, 1913 model, with electric starter, Claxton born. Telephone 342, Union City Auto Co. 17-tf , Good Ball. Manager Watts gave the local fans some good quality ball playing this week. The locals bave been reorgan ized and strengthened in every way and are capable of handling the pill in high ly satisfactory style. Huntingdon arrived Tuesday and opened a series of games. The opener was good and close and well contested. Huntingdon took the opening game by the score of 4 to 3. The game was interesting from start to finish, the. locals having bolstered up The Veterans. The Leonidas Polk Chapter, U. D. C, met in the Park on Thursday afternoon of last week. Dr. McRee was present and offered some suggestions concern ing the entertainment of the veterans' during the reunion to be held here Oct. 8 and 9. The ladies of the Chapter are eager to make the reunion a notable one for the old heroes, and a'ter meet ing with .other committees will deter mine fully what they will do to make it so. The president appointed a commi tee, composodof Mrs. Geo. A. Gibbs, Mrs. Jas. M. Brice and Miss Mary Byrd Pursley, to decide upon some younjf girl to whom a Training School schol arship will be given. There was also a discussion over, what should be done with the money from the Lyceum Course this winter, and .the conclusion arrived at was that the course would certainly be appreciated by the people of Union City for its intrinsic merits and the sub scribers would trust the Chapter to spond the money iu some way advantageous to the public, ,r Beautiful Chins wedding presents Dietzel. Tobacco and Cigar Salesmen wanted to Advertise. Experience unnecessary. $100 monthly and Traveling Expenses. Advertise Ernoking, Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars. Send 2c stamp for full particulars. JIemet TohaccoCo. (18-20w) New York, N. Y. "Lucile Love" at Reynolds Theatre "Lucile Love," The Girl of Mystery, is the title of tbe most sensational pic ture ever filmed, is the verdict of over 5,000 managers of Moving Picturo thea tres all over the United States and Can ada, who are now showing this serial in their theatres. This picture will be shown at the Reynolds Theatre every Tuesday night, commencing with Tues day, Aug. 4, in connection with three other reels of pictures. Don't miss the first two reels next Tuesday, the price will remain the same children 5c, adults 10c. sit on a dry goods box and "cuss" out their squad from tbeSoutheast Missouri the town because she couldn't buy Sunday League. bottle of bootleg poison. We never Morrison starred for Huntingdon with saw a woman going fishing with a bot- the willow, while Morrow pitched great tie of "bait" in her hip pocket, sit all day on tbe damp ground, go home drunk at night and abuse her husband and children because they didn't be lieve a lie she told about a "big fish" that broke the book and got away after she bad nearly landed it. We never saw a woman yank off her coat, give her pants a hitch, spit oh her hands and swear she could whip the biggest man in town. Come to think of it, there are a good many things we never saw a woman do, and don't want to, either. Exchange. ." Met His Match. Woodpeckers are quite stubborn, hey? - It is all right to do your losing early J One tried to drill a hole in the seasou,. but don't let the habit Just out of town the other day get chronic. V In an iron trolley pole. ball for Union City Score R. H. E. Huntingdon. .0 0 13 0 000 0 i 4 3 Union City...O 0 000 210 03 4 i Batteries; Cisco and Shannon; Mor-1 row and Waddell. Stings or bites of insects that are fol lowed by swellings, pain or itching should be treated promptly, as they are poisonous. BALLARD'S SNOW LIN IMENT counteracts tbe poison. It is both antiseptic and healing. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Oli ver's Red Cross Drug Store. advt Broke His Arm. Dr. F. W. Watson, alighting from his automobile in froiitof the Red Cross Drug Store Monday, full against the pavement and broke bis arm close to the elbow. A HOG SAVER: TCHEERUF!1WAINY0UR.FIX LAST YEAR. AND LOOK AT ME NOW? WHAT CURED ME? WHY Dr BLACKMrNS MEDICATED SALT BRICK , ITiS THE r- TRICK, fx WHAT OTHERS SAY I can heartily recommend your stock med icine above Nil others that I ever used, and I believe I have tried all of the latest brands. I.a8t Kpnnif cholera Rot among my ho and one died before I really knew they were nick. Two other were very aick when I noticed them, and aa I hud bought two of your brick for my homes, 1 decided to give it a trial. I dissolved half a MED1CATK1 SA1.T UK ICR in some swill, giving this to the two sick ho ind in n few hoirs 1 gave the other half to them. They seemed to improve so nicely I bought several of the Brick and frnve it to all my hojrs and have not Inst another one with any kind of disease. One of the sick hoes lost nil of his hntr. provina they had cholera. CHAi O. GKEISN. Newberry, Fla., Feb 6, l'Xl. FOR SALE BY FARMERS SUPPLY CO.