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lOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Cantie Mai Luten left Tue day for Ward-Belmont. Hon. Rice A. Pierce was a visitor in Nashville this week. ' 'T. C. Wilson, of Obion, was a vis itor at the fair last Vest. Notice our shoe window display, quality, the best styles ' up "to the minute, and prices to suit your pock et book at the Phil Hyman's Cut Price Store. ; , ! " ' ' Attorney Thomas, of Dresden, was here last week at the fair. - J Col. Wm. Massengilt is spending the week at Hickory Valley." 4 '"Cole's Hot Blast Heaters make big reduction in your coal bill see their advertisement and guarantee .. . . j i .... Mr. Jerre Malone, of Hickman, at tended the fair here last week: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dietzel were in Nashville as visitors last week, When in need of men's clothing it will pay you to inspect our line as we have boueht I lot of mens suits and trousers at about 'half trice . Phil Hyman's Cut Price'Store. ; '' Mr. Will Flack, of Tiptonville, was a visitor here at the fair last week ' Hon. R. A. Elkins, of Dresden,1 was a visitor here at the fair last Thurs day. Misses Marjorie and Gladys Elder, of Kenton, were in the city Satur day. ' ' - :: 'y "' Are you in the market for a home in the city ? If so, it will pay you to look over Forester '& Forester's list. ' '- ' t! ' - 'Jn-l'-i- 1 Miss Annie Merryman, of New- bern, was a visitor here at ; the fair last week. ' . ' 1 ! J. S. Roberts and party came over from Moscow last week to attend the fair. Elbert Campbell is at Fremont where he has a contract to build a residence. The new fall hats at Mrs. Aran's are positively irresistible. Call andi see them. Attorney L. E. Holliday. of Dres den. was a visitor here last week at the fair. ' ' ' ! Attorney J. T. Burnett, of Tipton ville, was a visitor here last week at the -fair .- '-.' Local Union No. 1049, Ten strong, solicits your painting and paper hanging. Will not be underbid by anybody, everything else being equals Phone 672-J, 164, 27. Messrs. Polk McDonald and Webb Bennett, of Troy, were here Friday attending the fair. Attorneys T. O. Morris and E. J. Green, of Obion, were here last week attending Vhe fair. Mr. John T. Drew, the well known garden seed man, was here last week attending the fair.'? ; ' ' If you have a bargain in real es tate Forester & Forester can sell it for, you. ."'" ":' Messrs. Otho and Embrey Beck are in . the city" this week visiting their mother Mrs N. E. Beck. ! , Col. W. M. Turner went to Nash ville Monday. Governor Rye and staff attended the fair Tuesday. Use Dabnke-Walker Milling Co, Jer- icy Cream Flour, a home product and uaranteed E ' ' " ' ;-' . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lee are in Nash ville this week at the 1 State Fair. Mr.' Lee Is there with his horses.11 1 7 ;',; :. :i ,( A call for 150 brings the coal wagon Union City Ice & Coal Co. r R. A. Ledbetter and W. E. Henry,! attaches of the Obion Enterprise, were here last week attending the fair. Get your fall suit or overcoat from The Toggery. Made to measure, $15. Guarantee a fit. ' attending the fair, returned to, Hick man Monday. Mr. Jones has a con tract and is erecting a fine house there. ' ' . .. Do you own a FordT Bemember Charlie lasater's Hospital. . Rev. T. P. Pressly and brother, Dr. W. C. Pressly, of Troy, were in the city last Friday and attended the fair. ' Hon. R. A. Pierce and A. J. Corum went to Nashville Monday to look after some" business matters and also to attend the fair. We have just received a large ex press shipment from the East of ladies trimmed hats of Jthe latest de signs a very low prices at the Phil Hyman's Cut Price Store.' . . ' i ' Mrs. L. J. Callahan and daughter, Miss Lois, and Miss Jessie McDade, of 'Fulton, were in the city Satur day attending the fair. For up-to-date ladies' coat suits and skirts at. cut prices at Phil Hy man's Cut Price Store. ' " ; " Mr. and Mrs. "Arch Adams, of Fre mont, were in the city last week visiting- Mr. and Mrs.- S. P. Harris, Ury street, and the fair. Dr. J. R. Luten, of Fulton, was a isitor here last week with his brother, D. A. Luten, attending the fair. Exceptionally beautiful indeed are the new millinery styles at Mrs. Aran's. J. J. Jones, Wm. Walden and Ed Austin, after spending a week here Men's Patent and Gun Metal Oxfords. $2:50 value for $1.98, at The Toggery, ' Mr. Seld Waddell left Monday for St. Charles, "Mo., to meet Mrs. Wadrl dell, who has been - visiting s her j daughter,' Mrs: W." Hendrix.' everything to make a ord go kept 'on hand at Charlie Lasater's Hospital.- . Mr. Eric Tatom, of Nashville, son of the late Col. 'W. C. Tatom," was a visitor here' last week -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kirktnan. - If you want to buy a bargain you J can get it from Forester & Forester, the real estate men, Secretary Chas. Rooks, of the Humboldt Chronicle and the Gibson County Fair Association,-, was here Friday assembling attractions for his fair. The Toggery has special prices on OXFORDS. F r (nlfn) Jl n A "TfoticATh S sTova in 1 . - .V " i XSy The Outside powerful Radiating T?Sf li I rvsJ?ot'yv,.Trie Inside durabe. I ; j , r VIA H 3bV' mmmrnmmiteiiiMmmmiMmMmiummtmiii m 'mi' mum iiinwiumi Two Stoves for the Price of On& t if ' "t - m : .. , ., , . 1, t . '-,- ' - H 1; .' lS V "i.-1 ffr .' 'If.'' - '. J"- 1. .'- ' We offer you only reliable goods made by reliable manufacturers Honest prices and honest values is our motto.; " If there is one place where quality counts it is here. ! -: - , r : Cole Qrigioal Hot Blast is a double stove a heavy durable heating stove slipped inside of -the powerful radiating body which radiates all the heat. This re- " markable construction makes an absolutely air-tight stay-tight heater which holds fire from Saturday night until Monday morning. This , guaranteed stay-tight construction in connection with our Hot Blast " i fuel saving draft makes our guaranteed great fuel economy possible',. . The Many Feet of " Leaking Joints made temporarily tight with stove putty explains why imitation hot blast heaters and stoves with other fuel saving devices are not guaranteed to 'remain air-tight always, as is Cole's Hot Blast. Cole's Hot Blast burns any fuel- soft coal, hard coal, or-wood. , - It is a powerful radiator of heat. It gives a sizzling hot base.. It gives a guaranteed fuel economy. You can't afford to be without this remarkable -heater. Come in and see it today. ( '' " '- - ' Cole's Hot Blast makes your coal pile last. " To avoid imitation look for Cole't. FOR SALE BY NAILL1G - KEISEB HOW, UNION CITY, TENN. 11JG LOCAL AND PERSONAL ii ; -f ft I will offer for sale to the highest and best bidder, on the farm of J. E. Marshall deceased, near Clayton, Tennessee, on . . , .. , -n . '. t .... "i- . , lick, tie ii Bay of Mh Twenty-five head of two and three year old mules, 25 work mules and horses, 50 cows, calves and yearlings, and a huirhhfejr of tock hogs, farming; implements arid other things top numerous to mention. Date of sale was changed from Oct. 6 to Oct. 5 in order to avoid show dav. TERMJS OF SALE Under $10 cash; $10 and over notes on twelve months time with approved se- purity, bearing: Q per cent interest from of sale. All kinds of coal at Union City Ice Coal Co. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rldgeway, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pickle and little daughter, Harriet Mae, and Miss Dora Lewin, of Fulton, were in the city Sunday. Our dress goods department is complete. Beautiful goods at very low prices at the Phil Hyman's Cut Price Store. Sam Carman, Geo. Carman, J. T, Garrett and Robin Sisk left Monday for Ridgely to work on a nice ten- room residence for a citizen of that place. ; They will be absent several weeks. f If you trade with The Toggery you save money 5 per cent discount given on your purchases. .- ' - Dr." O. B. Chandler left this week, after a summer vacation in Union City, to resume his medical studies at Vanderbilt University. Dr. Chandler will finish his course there this win ter and probably enter hospital work. ' - -- '" Does your roof leak! We sell roof cement and guarantee it to stop the leak. Union City Lumber Co. Mr.1 and Mrs. J. M. DeBow," of Kenton, were in the city last week visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McRee, Ury street. Mr. De- Bow is at the head of the Kenton public school, with four ' assistant teachers and an enrollment of 160 pupils. The school is a good one with a splendid future in prospect. See our oak mantels, $4.50 and up. union city x.umDer uo. i. :r!; .There will be plenty of barbecued meat on the around. J. E. MARSHALL, Executrix. J. L. GLOVER, JR., Manager. J J '.f.(5 ' --Ti t 1 ) it p From Fulton last week .attending the fair were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Croft and Mrs. A. J. Colly, Dr. J. W. Blackard and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burrow, Mrs. W. F. Boyd and and daughter, Miss Mozel, 1 W. C. Whitnell and Will Whitnell, Mrs. T. C. Boone, Mrs. I. H. Irby, R. M. Rea- fenr, Whitlock Lyons, Miss Lucile Scott. Mrs. Lucile Blackard Hor-i stead, Mrs. S. L. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Claud Free man, Mrs. Ida figram, jonn uwubu, Mrs. C. E. Rice, Miss Pearl ice, and Miss Marjorie Alford. - The Toggery has special prices on 'Oxfords ladies, men and children. An interesting letter from Sim mons Tisdale received here last week announces that he is sailing for Shang Hi, China. He sailed on Tues day and will be on the water (noth ing promised about a wagon) six teen days. He said he had no fear of submarines being -in' neutral waters ' and no fear of mal de mer having received a strengthening edu cation on the B. & O. Railroad.- Up on his arrival in Shang Hi he will visit a former New York newspaper man who conducts an American paper in the Chinese city. Tisdale's many friends here wish him bon voy age and a safe return. 1 There is said to be more class and style to Mrs. Aran's new hats an trimmings than ever brought togeth er in one assortment heretofore: ' See the display in her store. ' ' "J Exhibitors attending the fair last week were Mrs. R. M. Alford, Ful tonKy.: Mrs. P. G. Browder, Jor dan; Mrs. W. J. Caldwell, Rives; Mrs. Dell Harper, Rives; Mrs. H. H. Ellis, Humboldt; Mrs. J. A. Hart, Troy; Mrs. W. W. Heathcock, Jack sonf Mrs. D. C. Maddox, Number Seven ;' Mrs. R. E. McCorkle, Fulton, Ky.i Mlss Rachael McMurry, Mount Zion; Misses Elnora and Elizabeth Person,"1 Jackson, Tenn.; Mrs. J. D. Porter, Nashville; Mrs. H. B. Scott, Murray, Ky.; Mrs. Tom Starnes, Rives: Mrs. W. H. Sanders, Wood land ; Mrs. Anna H. Tribble, Dan ville, Ky.; Miss Martha Hilton Wil son, Troy; Mrs. Samuella White, Jackson; Miss Marjorie Alford, Ful ton; Mrs. Marshall Glenn, Mount Zion; Mrs. Leslie Hooper, Rives H Mrs. E. B. Lyons, Newbern; Mrs. G. M. McCo wan, Troy; Mrs. R. D. McGaugh, Number Seven; Mrs. Jim Royster, Fulton; Mrs. Leslie Shore, Mrs. Hubert Shore, Rives.' -';'' New fall goods are coming in daily at the Phil Hyman's Cut Price Store. Notice. To those who were so kind as to subscribe to the building of the C. P. Church at Troy, Tenn.. are here by notified to please get your sub scription ready at once as we ex pect to begin at once, having a new lot ' and a warranteed deed and everything in first-class condition. C. W. CURRY, Clerk. Union CVi.' tiirHH. ii. nv Rummage Sale. Friday afternoon, Oct. 1, all day Saturday and Saturday night at the home of Mrs. M. A. Blanton, circle Sf number four of the Young Ladies' Missionary Society will have a rum-. mage sale. ; ' - . Memorial Service. , of Mrs. Silena Holman, of Fayett vlllej Tefln.', : State president "of tl .' W. C. T. U., will be' held at t Methodist Church it Senf 29. ' hv -Mrs i- , . , Cartersville, G&. f ' i'A ,"-!. ' '- lit Weekly Weather ; Forecast. l Issued by the U. S.. Weather lift reau, ; Washington, D. C, for t week beginning j-Wednesday','' Se "i 22, 1915.!:' "',Tr 'Jr For the Ohio Valley and Tennf see? Fair and cool Weather the By -half of the week,' with probabi'i ' oi irosis in eipuseu . ymcea iu j ; week will . be warmer and clou? . . - ..... .i wint a proDaDimy oi locai snow. . . (T Our fall business is opening and we are selling farms and) property right along. .See us if j want to sell. Forester & ForesV Elected Cashier. j A. L. Garth, who has been w, nected with the Old National bookkeeper for some years, I V last Mnnrinv plpotprl cashier to I ceed E. V. ' Caldwell,, resigned. Garth was with the Union City & Trust Ca. before the consolidJ witulie' OjNational Bank and) years ofifne Ranking experience.! is a young man of exception fine qualifications and splendid sonality, and succeeds one of best bankers in the county. OLDER BUT SMIGEfi "To bffTfealth at seventy! preparti i j strength of middlo life we too often for ( that neglected colds, or careless trc ment of slight aches and pains, simj undermine strentrth and brine card weakness for later years. . ' 1 10 DC strongsr wnen oiaer, Keep i blood pure and rich and active with 1 properties of Scott's Emulsion which i food, a tonic and a medicine to keep y Diooa ncn, alleviate rneumatism e void sickness. No alcohol in Scott' ct Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N, I i if