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The commercial. (Union City, Tenn.) 190?-193?, December 17, 1915, Image 1

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Over Weh man's. Hardware Store
Union City, Tenn. "
" Telelphone
Office 144; Residence 689-J
E. M. LONG ,
Ove Wehman'i Hardware Store
Union City, Tenn.
- Telephones
Offiss !44, Residence 689-J
VOL. 25, NO. 38.
-.- Union City Commercinl, established 1 890 i
Consolidated September 1, 1897
West Tennessee courier, esiaousneu ian
Superintendent Ridings Puts Obion
; " County in the Lead.
On Saturday Dec. 11, the first
school fair of Obion County was held
at the courthouse. The doors were
opened to the public at 11 a. m. and
from then till late in the afternoon
the room was thronged with eager
boys and girls, men a'nd wdmen in
specting the many beautiful and use
ful articles made by the children of
the sixteen rural schools. The fol
lowing schools: Shady Grove No. 6,
Lucknow, Oakdale, Jacksonville,
Shady Grove No. 10, Corum, Oak
.Grove, Old Fremont, Polk, .Houser
Valley, Pleasant Valley, Harris, An
tioch, Hampton, Hazlewood, New
Fremont., There were three or four
others that had exhibits but could
not get them here on account of the
rainy day.
. There were drawings, paintings, a
collection of fifty pieces of native
wood, many whittled articles (a vio
lin and a pair of crutches being the
prize winners), mechanical toys (a
steam 'engine winning theprize and
also winning the grand prize, a
"watch, offered by Bransford & An
drews), many useful articles of wood
made and designed by the pupils.
These articles consisted of harrows,
hay frame (the prize),, lawn swings,
porch swings, ladders, gates, road
drag, pig troughs, magazine stands,
tables, and many others too numer
ous to mention. There was a farm
plot, showing crop rotation. In the
sewing and cooking there were many,
many things of all kinds, some candy,
jelly and canned goods, paper, cut
ting, penmanship.
Plans are being made for another
fair next year about the last of Oc
tober. Let every school in the coun
ty be in the wdrk next year.
Following premiums were award
ed: .
Best collection of native wood.
Grade Four, Pleasant Valley.
" Best drawing or painting. Gladys
McCord, Pleasant Valley.
Best whittled article. Violin,. 01
lie'Park, Old Fremont.
Best mechanical toy. Steam en
gine, Clifford Posey, Pleasant Valley.
Best useful article designed and
made by pupil. Hay frame, .Marvin
McCord, Pleasant Valley.
; Best work made of shucks or
straw, etc. Leonard Todd, Oak
Best farm plot. Blliie Moss, Pleas
ant Valley.
Best hand made article, plain. Al
ma Rives, Oakdale.
Best hand made article, fancy.
Annie Dunn, Shady Grove
Best hemstitched article
Woodfin, Shady Grove.
Best display of fancy work, three
pieces. Annie May Jones, Shady
Best crochet work, three pieces.
Allie Harpole, Oakdale.
Best loaf of .bread. Pauline Ad
ams, Hazerwood.
1 Best cake. Alberta ' Roland, Oak
) Grove.
Best biscuits, six. Ola Akin,
Pleasant Valley.
. Best doughnuts. Annie D. Key,
" 'Best sandy. Sallie Jewel Stone,
Pleasant Valley.
Best jelly. Ola Akin, Pleasant Val-
was exterminated and the remainder
of the Bulgarian force broke and
fled, panic-stricken.-
The situation is becoming more
complicated. In an amazing version
given by the Germanophile Courier
de "Salonique, the king's interview
with the correspondent of an Ameri
can press agency is represented as
characterizing the allies' action
against his country as "blackmail."
Four Prominent Men Wounded in
Dispute Over Account.
Somerville, tTenn., Dec. .11. A
shooting affair, in which all four
participants received wounds, occur
red here " at 2 o'clock Friday, and as
a result three local physicians are in
Memphis hospitals, as is also Harvey
Morris, 26, drug clerk.
The wounded are: . Dr. A. O. Boals,
60, married, shot in the foot and
hand; Dr. John Boals, his son, 30,
married, shot twice in the back; Dr.
John Morris, 30, shot twice in the
chest and abdomen, and Harvey Mor
ris, brother of Dr. Morris, shot three
times in the breast and abdomen. -
Reports from the Memphis hos
pitals are that the elder Boals and
Dr. Morris have received only flesh
wounds', the former trifling, the lat
ter more serious, though not thought
to be fatal. Harvey Morris' condi
tion is given as precarious, and but
little hope is entertained for him.
An X-ray examination disclosed a
bullet in the junior Boals' back too
near the spine to be removed with
out danger, and his condition is pro
nounced critical, though not neces
sarily fatal.
All the parties of the unfortunate
affair were prominent professionally
and socially.' The Morris brothers
are sons of Walter Morris, a -prom
inent planter of Laconia, Fayette
County. Dr. Morris is a Vanderbilt
graduate, and was recently married
to the daughter of Capt. H. C. Moor
man, prominent attorney and lawyer
for the N., C. & St. L. Railway.
Dr. Boals is a prominent physician,
having practiced in this county for
thirty years. Boals, Jr., recently re
turned here and associated himself
with his father in the practice.
The affair is the culmination of a
disDute between Dr. John Boals and
Ola Akin,
Best canned goods
Pleasant Valley.
Best . display of paper cutting.
Mary H. Hubbs, Shady Grove.
Best map of Obion County. Gladys
McCord, Pleasant Valley.
Best map of Tennessee. Mary
Darnell, Pleasant Valley.
Best map of any kind. Lucile
Chambers, Shadyjrove.
Best work in penmanship. Luna
Ray, Pea Patch.
The school winning most prizes.
Pleasant Valley.
Best all-roiind article (steam en
gine). Clifford Posey, Pleasant Valley.--
Bulgars Fell Into Trap.
Saloniki, Dec. 12. In the defile of
Demir Kapu, during the Anglo
French retirements, the Bulgarians
suffered a crushing defeat. By
strategy the enemy was made- to be
lieve that the French were in retreat
thru the defile. They attempted to
pursue the 'French when the troops
were well in the defile, two French
i regiments wnu a uatieij ui luntuiue
I f guns cleverly hidden, suddenly open
It 'ed a murderous fire.
"She Eleventh Bulgarian Regiment
Patriotism . and Preparedness the
, Leading Themes.
The program includes the army
and navy plans; merchant marine;
a rural credit law; the Philippine
and Porto Rico bills, which failed of
final passage at the last session ; con
servation legislation; a law giving
federal aid to industrial and voca
tional education; and the creation of
a commission to inquire into the
transportation problem.
President Wilson urges an enlarg
ed army and a more effective navy,
and insists that the money to pay for
this protection shall he raised by in
ternal taxation. He opposes bond is
sues, and advocates a "pay-as-you-go"
policy, "in the interests of our
selves and of posterity." He also
asks for a merchant marine, declar
ing that the country is -in need of
ships of peace.
War, the President declared, was
regarded by the United States merely
as a means of asserting the rights of
a people against aggression, and that
"we are as fiercely jealous of co
ercive or dictatorial power within
our own nation as from aggression
from without. He said the nation
would not maintain a standing army
except for uses which are as neces
sary in times of peace as in times of
war, but that the country did be
lieve in a body of free citizens ready
and sufficient to take care of them
selves and of the government.
The President said there was no
reason to hope that no question in
controversy between this and,, other
governments would lead to any se
rious breach of amicable relations,
and that he was sorry to say that
the gravest threats against national
peace and safety had been uttered
within the country's own borders.
"There are citizens of the United
States, I blush to admit," he de
clared, "born under other flags but
welcomed under-tur generous nat
uralization laws to the full freedom
and opportunity of America, who
have poured the poison of disloyalty
into the very arteries of our national
life; who have sought to bring the
waly. About $2,000 per year is earn
ed: by those waiting on the table in
dormitories. Others are engaged in
clerical work, typewriting, canvass
ing, newspaper work, singing in city
churches, Janitor service and deliv
ering papers. One student runs , a
pressing club and a barber shop.
These figures apply only to the
college year. In addition to this
amount there are many students who
earn from $50 to $750 during the
summer vacations. Summer work in
cludes the selling of books, pictures,
aluminum wares, work in harvest
fields, representing schools and col
leges, office work, etc. Vanderbilt's
location in Nashville affords' more op
portunities for self-help than would
be obtained in a smaller community.
The students who are self-supporting
are among the best University and
are leaders in its activities.
lini-irov ATnrris nvpr an account
which Boals owed the Rhea Drug authority and good name pi our gov
Company, where Morris was employ
A violent quarrel last Tuesday was
accompanied, it is alleged, by abuse
and threats from Boals and it is sup
posed that the trouble Friday was of
that origin. Eye witnesses of the
affair state that John Boals was ac
cused by Morris in front of Oliver's
garage and at the foot of the steps
leading to Dr. Morris' -office in ' the
opera building. Boals, it is alleged,
pulled his pistol and began firing,
while Dr. Morris was holding the
senior Boals. Seeing his brother be
ing shot, Dr. Morris released Boals
and began firing at the younger
Boals, whereupon the elder Boals be
gan, firing at Dr. Morris. The young
er Boals having emptied his pistol,
started across the square when he
was shot. Being released, Harvey
Morris, ' who, it is stated, was un
armed and also wounded, ran to the
elder Boals, disarmed and threw him.
Bystanders then intervened and
the Memphis bound N., C. & St. L.
train was held a few minutes and alf
the principals were hurriedly pre
pared for the forty-miJe trip to Mem
Three pistols,. two of .32 and one
of .38 calibre, are held in a local
store, containing fifteen empty shells,
showing the number of shots that
were fired.
Long Canoe Trip.
Hickman, Ky., "Dec. 11. F. W.
ihepper, associate editor for the
Outers Book, a Chicago sportsman's
publication, is stopping over in this
city this week. He started on July
6 near Lake Superior, in Northern
Wisconsin, in a canoe, came thru
Central Wisconsin, down the Missis
sippi and Rock rivers in Illinois. He
has so far completed about 2,000
miles. He fishes and hunts on the
way down and also takes pictures to
illustrate his articles, which appear
monthly in Outers Book. At night
he camps in a tent. He wjll make
L 11 U Li i y 111 llio . - -. .. - .
picking up different partners along conege. n .a anuuuuu
the way. being accompanied now by cent of the senior class are supp.e-
Murray Sheagaba, of Cairo, who join
ed him when he stopped there
them at WEHMAN'S.
.lernment into contempt, to destroy
our industries wherever they thought
it effective for their vindictive pur
poses, to strike at them and to debase
our politics to the uses cf foreign in
trigue." '
No federal laws exist to meet this
situation, said Mr. Wilscn, because
such a thing would have seemed in
credible in the past. "Such crea
tures of passion, disloyalty and an
archy," he added, "must be crushed
out. They are not many but they are
infinitely malignment and Jhe hand
of our power shoud close over them
at once."
Proposing that the new bills should
be paid by internal taxation, the
President suggested that by lowering
the present limits of income exemp
tion and the figure at which the sur
tax is imposed, and by increasing
step by step thruout the present
graduation, the surtax itself, income
taxes as at present apportioned
would yield sums sufficient to bal
ance the books cf the treasury at
the end of the fiscal year 1917 with
out anywhere making the burden un
reasonably heavy. He added that
there were many additional sources
of revenue which justly could be re
sorted to without hampering the in
dustries of the country or putting
any too great charge upon individual
expenditure. He estimated that a 1
per cent tax per gallon on gasoline
and naptha would yield $10,000,000;
a tax of 50 cents per horsepower on
automobiles and internal explosion
engines, $15,000,000; a stamp tax on
bank checks, probably $18,000,000,
and a tax of 50 per cent per ton on
fabricated- iron and steel, probably
Vanderbilt Scholarships.
Officials of Vanderbilt University
have announced that 135 students
on the West Campus alone, which
does not include the law, medical
and dental departments, are earning
an aggregate of $22,530.00 per year
toward defraying their expenses in
menting their funds this year with
some form of outside work. Among
the various forms of employment,
teaching and tutoring probably yield
Christmas gifts and you will find greater returns. $4,000 per year is
w - 1
given as the amount earned in this
Cherry-Moss Grain
City Wiped Out and 35,000 People
Fire, supposedly started by a Ger
man agent in the hope of destroying
the Du Pont powder works, wiped
out the famous mushroom town of
Hopewell, near Petersburg, Va., caus
ing a loss of approximately $3,000,
000 and 35,000 citizens to be home
less. As the flames menaced the
great powder magazines panic reign
ed in the town, which last spring
was a cornfield. Hundreds of men,
at the risk of their lives, formed a
fire-fighting cordon around the works
and extinguished flying embers as
they alighted. As soon as it was
realized that the town was doomed,
the police, assisted by experts from
the powder plant, began dynamiting
the buildings. When the first blast
was set off many p ersons thought
there had been an explosion of gun
cotton at the big plant, but when
other detonations followed the ex
planation soon spread and fears were
quieted. While the flames were at
their height there was serious riot
ing, which resulted in the lynching
of a negro caught looting. Not since
the Civil War has there been such
excitement in that section. ; Physi
cians, lawyers, merchants and those
who have accumulated even the
smallest amount of portable prop
erty, were sitting in the streets
around blazing bonfires, built for
warmth, with rifles in their arms,
ready to protect the little that had
been saved. The station of the Nor
folk & Western Railroad was de
stroyed, and with difficulty special
trains were hastened into the burn
ing city to take away the destitute
and homeless. Petersburg presented
scarcely a less pathetic scene, for all
public buildings and churches were
turned into temporary shelters for
the shivering homeless, and the resi
dents of the town prepared and
served huge caldrons of soup to the
British and French Retire.
London, Dec. 13. The British and
French troops have successfully car
ried out their retirement from Servia
across the Greek frontier and by an
arrangement with the Greek govern
ment a clear road has been left for
them to fall back on Saloniki, which
is being organized as a base.
The German official report to-day
claims that "approximately two Eng
lish divisions were annihiliated" dur
ing the retirement, but this is con
sidered here an exaggeration. Ac
counts from Athens and Saloniki say
the retreat was carried out in an
orderly manner and' without heavy
Winter Grown Barley,
Crimson Clover Seed,
New Crop Rye,
Rape Seed,
All Kinds Field Seeds,
Tennessee Horse Feed,
Tennessee Dairy Feed,
Corn, Chops, Oats and Bran,
All Kinds Feed.
Wholesale and Retail
Grain, Hay and Field See dS
Telephone No. 31
I am authorized to take applications for loans on lands in
Obion and Weakley Counties, Tenn., and Fulton County, Ky.
The terms and conditions upon which this money will be loan
ed are most favorable to the borrower. All or any part of a
loan may be paid after one year, interest being stopped on
payments made.
Now is the time to, arrange your farm loans while the money
can be had at a low rate of interest and on long time.
Attorney At Law j7 j& Union City, Tenn.
Prohibition in Washington State.
The decision of the Supreme Court
of the State of Washington affirming
the judgment of the lower courts
in upholding the initiative Prohibi
tion' laws brings Washington into the
column of "dry" States. The law is
more drastic than most o.ther State
Prohibition laws. It not only pro
hibits the manufacture and sale of
intoxicating liquors, but it prohibits
the advertising of intoxicants, makes
the owner of a building in which
liquor is sold equally responsible
with the man who sells it, and pro
vides that every package containing
liquor shipped into the State must
be plainly labled, "This package con
tains intoxicating liquors."
The farthest west of the dry States
is undertaking the most stringent of
dry laws. Congratulations are due
that the measure was made thorough.
May the officials have the integrity
and the stamina to enforce it to the
letter! Nashville Tennessean.
Tool Sets for the boys at WEH-MAN'S.
o .99
Winter Rye, Barley and Turf Pals
CrimslTciover, Red and Sweet Clover
Timothy, Red-Top and Blue Grass
Improved Kentucky Grain Drill
Peering Corn Harvester, Peering Disc; Harrow
International Gasoline and Oil Engines
Oliver GhiHcd Plows, Buggies, Wagons, &e
"Quality First"
Tisdale h laclison
Prni Loans
On improved lands in Obion or Weakly County.
$1 Pays for The Commercial 1 Year
i r'v 1
i 1
t i- f
-1 , -
i s

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