OCR Interpretation

The commercial. (Union City, Tenn.) 190?-193?, February 21, 1919, Image 1

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Orer Wekman's Hardware Store
Union City. Ten.
Office 144; Residence 595-J
Over Wekman's Hardware Store
Union City, Tenn.
Office 144. Residence 595-J
nninfi CitT Commercial. established 1890 ...iu.i. a 1 n
VOL.' 27, NO. 48
ut r.n Courier . established 1897 I ""--- -
.1 11 IIJL4
- i!l
In Germany. :
Mrs. Ada Truel Dear Sister: Will
drop you a few lines this morning
to let you know that I am still liv
ing and doing fine and hope you all
the same. I received a letter Irom
mother yesterday, the first ' since
crossed the pond last September.
landed at Brest, France, Sept. 28,
and I stayed fti the hospital eleven
days; then I left for the front line.
I entered the front lino of battle on
the fields ot No Man's Land on the
night of Dec. 18 at 12 o'clock, and
there la where I had my sport run
ning the Dutchmen like rabbits.
Dear sister, those eleven days I was
in battle at times I thought I had b,id
you all farewell my last time nere
on earth, but I am glad to say
fought for my country and my loved
ones back at home. I can cay out
of the eleven days and nights 1 went
over the top nine times without
scar on me to-day. But, I tore my
pants and shirt off myself one day ir
the bushes when I was in . battle
but I didn't care for that. I had more
to nut on. But I didn't take time
put them on. The bullets wcro sin
ins: "Home Sweet Home" as they
passed by me. The Dutchman was
wastlne time shooting at me. I live
in hopes that Carl ha3 gone thru
thia war as lucky as his bud. Do
vou all ever hear from him? I could
write to him if I knew his company
addiess. I don't guess we are very
far apart. I hcven't ever seen
boy in France or Germany that
knew but Dee Roney. I saw hint on
the 29th of October as I was return
ing from the front line. I guess he
was going up to chase the Dutchmen
awhile. I had started back to the
front the day the armi3tico was sign
ed, and I .want to tell you .this old
boy sure was happy to hear he didn
have to go back to chase the Hun,
want to tell you that we can live in
hopes of returning home in the fu
ture. . I don't know when 1 will get
my discharge, I don't think I will
be in the States before April or May.
I read in the papers whore the 30th
37th and 91st divisions vere on their
way home.
Well, dear sister, I haven't much
to write. I will close for thia time,
hoping to hear from you real soon,
as I haven't .heard from you all since
I left the States. Tell everybody to
be good. Bye bye. From your sol
dier brother, ELMER KILLION.
Fahr, Germany. '
Mr. F. M. Forrester. Dear Broth
er: I will answer your letter that I
received some time ago and was in
deed glad to hear from you. Would
have written oooncr but wo have
been on the move for a- tnonth and
I haven't had time, but I think we
will stay here for awhile and I can
write to most all of the folks. ;
How is everybody back home? All
okeh, I guess. This leaves mo well
, and enloyinsr life fine. I haven't
' heard from homo in about a month
Mother" is always asking me why I
don't write. I know I don't write
like I should, but you don't know
how it was when were on the front,
We didn't have any time. But thank
God it is over with now. We were
in France and wo went from there
to Belgium and then to Luxemburg
and now we arocomewhcre in Ger
many. We showed the -Germans
what we could do. I guess they
know now who.is the best man ha,
ha. I have seen fighting for eight
months. We Vent on the front in
March and came off the 11th of
November. If I could see you I could
tell you more in a day than I could
write in a week. .
I will close, hoping to hear from
you all soon. From your loving
' brother in Germany.
Battery B, 15th F. A., A. H. F.,
Dec. 20, 1918.
' Sampigny, France.
Mrs. Elgyan Callie. My Dear
Little Wife; I will try to. write you
a few lines as it is Sunday, but I
guess it is' quito different there to
what it is here on Sunday. " I re
ceived your letters yesterday. You
can't imagine how glad I was to hear
from you. ,
': You asked me if I hayo been in the
trenches. Yes, I have been where t
could hear the Boche cough and call
their dogs and could hear their bul-j
lets sing ovemy hoad,Tut that time
I ' "
is all over now, and I hope I never
will have the chance of hearing that
any more, for it's not very pleasant
there where the machine gun bullets
are. singing home, sweet home, over
your head, and every once in awhile
a seventy-fiver comes over and kicks
mud in your face, and Some gas mix
ed in with it. But 1 was lucky
enough not to get any of either one.
I have seen Boche planes as thick as
birds flying In the air. I have laid
in the trenches and 'wondered what
if my folks knew where I was and
what they would think, and listened
to the shells pass by and wondered if
I would ever get back to my dear lit
tle wife, who was' far, far away,
heart-broken. But I trusted in the
Lord to help me bear my burdens
thru and to take me back to dear
old U. S. A., where I expect to be
come day before long, and I can be
free once more and do as I please.
I have learned to talk French a lit1
tie but I don't talk to them much'.
Tell everybody hello and kiss the
boy for the. Well, I guess I had bet
ter close and go and eat dinner.
Write me long letter.
Gergovie, France.
Mrs. A. L. Brevard, Union City,
Tenn. Madam: Being absent thrae
weeks ago as a result of a daughter
who is at a distance, I beg you ac
cordingly to excuse me if I have not
answered you Immediately upon the
reception of the check at the end of
December. I thank you very sincere
ly for the forty-five francs for the
little orphan, Marcel Lavcrgne. Re
ceive then, madam, my sincere greet
ings and my many thanks.
(Translated by Miss Virginia Wil
liams, teacher of Frgnch in our
Jfublic school.)
High Schools.
I have been asked to make a state
ment as to whether the high schools
are likely to injure the clomentary
schools by taking the pupils away
till there will not be enough left to
have a school. . The high schools will
not do this. On tho othor hand they
wfll aid the elementary schools by
causing the pupils to remr.ln longer
in tho elementary schools so , they
may go into the higher studies. Un
less we have high schools our ele
mentary schools will sooner or later
become poorer r.rd weaker.
.There are a few elementary schools
that have ceased to bo, not on ac
count of the high schools, but on ac
count of the fact that there are too
few pupils to maintr.in a school. This
would have occurred if there had
been no high school. Let all of us
give all of the schools cur undivided
support. Your3 very truly,
Do You Like Good Music ?
If you really like good music and
will come to the First Christian
Church next Lord's day you will en
Joy a treat. Wo have, purchased two
hundred new hymnals that aro filled
with the very beet of tho grand old
hymns, the kind that have the real
spirit of worship in them, and we
will want you to aid nr, in singing
these songs of praise to our God.
They will. do your soul god. They
will help you to really got into the
"spirit on the Lord's day" as did
John of old. And then some of the
musicfans . of our town who have
dedicated their music to God, will be
with us i to help with their instru
ments. . , "
Come and worship with us and
work with us to help make tho
church ' fulfill its mission in the
world. Donald Hanckcy scid.'Now
that the war is over, the church will
either redeem itself, or it will com
mit suicide." Help us help the
church to redeem itself. Help us to
restore the church as it was in the
days of the apostlop when they were
all of "one heart and ono soul." Come
and let us get a message from God
and really live it for him. .
Wholesale and Retail
Reelfoot Lake and v
Mississippi River ;
Fish Game,
' Oysterj in Season. , .
New location, East Main 8treei
Phone 185, UNION CITY, TFN
Coblenz, Germany. ,
Dear Mother anf Father: Will
drop you a few line to let you know
I am well and doing fine. I guess
you thought I wasoot going to write
yen all any mora, but I write every
chance I get. We are having some
fine weatheiv6ver here. We have a
good placeto sleep. It is a church
and schoplhousc, and we have plenty
to eatand wear. I don't have to
workhard. Can get a pass to town
threior four times a week. Can go
to shWs. Wo are having a good
time, notwithstanding wo are in Ger
many. Thr say Coblenz is next to
the largest town in Germany. Moth
er, you havo her.rd about the Rhine
River. I have crossed it several
times. I havo seen a great deal since
I have been in Germany. I spent
two Chrfstmaocs this year, one in
Longuyer, France, and" one here. I
haven't hoard a word from you' all
since I left France. Have you all
been getting my letters? Did you
all ever get a German helmet? I sent
ono and if I get a chance I will send
another kind. I want to send some
pictures when I get a little box to
put them in. How is Dr. Akerson?
Tell him hello for mo and I will tell
him lots about my trip -when I get
back. Havo many of the boys ret
turned home yet? I went, to town
last night to the Y.1 M. C. A. They
had a "boxing match and music. To
day the boys' commenced dipping
the horse3 in the dipping jlace.
When they fall off they go under.
It was real funny to see them go In.
I heard to-day that the 2d army
was' going to relieve the 3rd army
in a few days. I sure would like to
leave here. Of course we are not
having a hard time, . but we have
traveled so much till that's all we
want to do. I would like to see Ber
lin. I have seen all the rest of the
towns.. , I'll send a few card show
ing a fewj)laces where I have been.
One is .. the Rhino River. I have
crossed on that bridge. Card num
ber 75 is the picture of the church
and schoolhouse at Tries, Germany.
I was there flf tcon days. I have lots
of little things to send but I am
afraid they'll get lost. Mother, one
good thing is that I am with a good
bunch of boys. We all know our
work. Mine is with a truck. Have
they ever hoard from Fred Houser
and where is he? . Mothor, I'll have
a service stripe in a few more days.
Well' I don't know' how much longer
I'll have to stay over on this Side of
the duck pond. Hope it wont be
long until we move somewhere to
wards the seaports. .Of courso you
don't ever know when you will start
when you are in the army.
Tell sister and littlo sweet Irene
hello and I will write to them in a
few days. There are lota of pretty
places over hero, but I had rather be
in the old U. S. A. Well, I will close,
with love to all and write again, so
goodbye. Your son,
Military Specialist, No. 1.
Verdun, France. .
Sirs: I've Just returned from
leave of two weckc. I visited Paris,
Nice, Marseilles, Monte Curio, a part
ot Italy and Stracsburg, the capital
of Alsace. I had r, splendid trip and
saw wonderful Bights. It was my
first visit on tho sea and in the ex
treme south. The climate down
thero is excellent. Iu Strassburg
they were short of rubber, butter,
leather, sugar r.r.d flour. They have
plenty of clothing. They sure do eye
an American:, but show lespoct. 've
also been in Mctz and found condi
tions as in Strassburg.
We are establishing at once our
Remount Depot at Troves, Germany,
later Coblonz. I've been here almost
one year and a half but cm willing
to help control the Hun until he, can
control himself.
I am indeed sorry the flu has taken
so many of our good friends.
With kind personal regards to you
all and the people of Union City.
I enjpy reading The Commercial,
which I get regularly from my
friend, Miss Grace Glover.
' " Sincerely,
Remount Depot, Verdun, A. P. 0.
914, A. E. F. -
WANTEDWe pay the highest
market price for butter, eggs, meat
and lard and all kinds ot country
produce. Cash Grocery Co.v 41tf
Paris, France.
Mrs. A. L. Brevard, for the W. C.
T, U. Dear Madam and Benefactor:
A new year is going to open, rich
with victory and peace. At the
threshold of the epoch in which the
Congress of Peace is going to de
termine the great paths of our fu
ture life, I take the liberty of send
ing you, as well as for my son, the
most, sincere vows for you, for your
soldiers, and for all America.
The hour has arrived in which
your dear troops have delivered our
kinsmen from an invaded country
and tn which our very dear dead ones
are. avenged. Believe, dear madam,,
that we will owe you an everlasting
debt of gratitude, America has done
so much for us. Be so kind, I beg
you, madam, to accept with my
thanks the asSurance of my most pro
found regard.
Veuve Tissorant J. Fournier.
Paris, 23 Street of Cloys, Dec. 20.
(Veuye mean3 widow in English.)
School library.
Union City, Tenn.
Union City, Tenn.
On their lands as security. These loans will be made for either five
or ten years, with interest payable semi-annually or. annually, as the
borrower may prefer. The principal sum borrowed, may be repaid ir
$100 amounts or in larger sums at any interest paying date. There
will be no charge for such loans except for abstracting title to lands
offered as. security for loan. These loans will be closed and the money
in the hands of borrower promptly, and no long delays are necessary.
Office Phone 143, Residence Phone 588 UNION CITY. TENN.
DAVIS 8c RU&ELL. Union Gty. Tenn, HENRY &. HENRY, of Hickman. Ky.
are our field agents and authorized to ' are field agents and have the same au
take applications (or loans. thority.
The Juniors of the Union City
High School have taken up the work
Which is now most needed ' in the
cchool, and that is the establishment
of a school library. Reference boks
are absolutely essential for our work,
especially for the work in the Eng
lish department. Miss Allen, head
of this department, was originator
of the plan, and thru her efforts the
Junior class has already become' very
much interested. Thru tho kindness
of Mr. Cbi a benefit picturo show
was arranged for the High School on
last Thursday night: - Tho pupils of
the school sold tickets with great en
thusiasm, and their part of the prof
its was- twenty dollars. We intend
to do more. Definite announcements
will be mado later, and wo believe
that everybody in Union City will
respond ' readily. We havo laid ' the
foundation, and, in time, hope to
build upon it a library equal to any
high school library in tho State, 'it
is up to, tho Intelligent and progres
sive citizens of Union City to help
uo. .
We would like to show you
We have the highest germinating seed . that can be
bought, which includes
Red Top
'Japan Clover
Soy Beans
Burt Oats
We also handle Cotton Seed Meal and Cake and
Cotton Seed Hulls. AH our meal and cake is tagged,
showing the analysis. .
Get our prices before you buy. They are always in
line, '-
Cherry r Moss Grain Co.
Vivion City Tetv.
Clean Job Printing a Specialty Here
We manufacture a complete line of MIXED FEEDS, including the celebrated
As well as other brands of
All highly digestible, scientifically balanced rations that are guaranteed to give far
better results, from a feeding standpoint than straight grain and hay, and decidedly
more economical. .
We sell both white and yellow corn in any quantity, No.
2 White (sulphurized) Northern Oats, Chops and Corn
Hearts. Call on our retail department on Mam street,
And ask for prices on anything in feeds; grain of all kinds,
hay, and field seeds of every description. Ask for prices of
salt in one hundred and two hundred pound sacks, and on
the imported wheat bran and' rice bran that we have just
received in car load lots. , ; -V
'TV We want your business. Our prices' are right and we
will appreciate an opportunity to prove it. - I J

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