Newspaper Page Text
r ! - '. ... . !-i "A ' vnP)nrsn raws- jUUiyvSLkLS U S The Greatest Name In Coodglaict ! 4JUUll,,,TgiLliJ IMI!I. Ill III 111 111 IILMJjjM Sealed Tteht KePtRltfbt lb (Flavor (Lasfc' HONOR ROLL Names of Victory Bond Buyers Reported to Date. Training School Locals. Miss Allie V. Pate hao been absent several days on account of a severe case of influenza. Miss Lema Rone, a former pupil of this school, was a pleasant caller Monday. Hester Moore received another let ter from the French orphan adopted by the girls of the school. Carl Crenshaw has returned from France after being over there several months. Chester Cladwell has entered school. Prof. Aydelott spent Sunday in Mc Kenzie with, his parents. Otis Newbill, of Jackson, a former pupil of this school, visited Mr. Stal cup one day this week. Our service flag I3 now complete with 118 blue stars and Ave golden stars. 1 S. R. Bratton, county chirman of the Victory Loan, presented to the school a German dress helmet, which they intended to wear on their vic torious march through Paris. Marvin Owens is convalescing after being operated on for appendicitis at St. Thomas Hospital, Nashville. He returned home the first of the week, accompanied by his father. Miss Ruth Cloar has been absent a few days while being operated on for adenoids. Mary Catherine Stalcup entertain ed some of her friend3 with a party last Friday night. Lucile Sinkler has quit school. Miss Elizabeth Wallace Brice has been absent for several days. Martha Herring has been absent a few days on account of illness. After a month's absence, Maurine Smith, of the Commercial depart ment, has re-entered to flinsh her course in bookkeeping and typewrit ing. Carl Forrester was absent Monday and Tuesday, probably on account of illness. We are glad to have with us, Miss Irma Hudson, who ha& entered for a commercial course. ssniiHiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis 1 . ' . . - I 1 Means Family Comfort J 2 3 1 when the boiling pot of Fostum sings its 3 3 song of health and satisfaction on the 1 kitchen stove. . 3 THE ORIGINAL POSTUM CEREAL led the way to comfort for many a family of coffee drinkers, for with the coming of Postum, away went the headaches, nervousness, sleeplessness and irritability that so often follow the the use of coffee. You can still buy that original Postum from your grocer an invigorating drink of rare, delicious flavor a beverage that is really part of the meal, not merely something to drink. ft "There's a Reason I Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c S - . 3 S3 S3 iiiiuiiiuuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiintuuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiliiiiiiiHiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiitiniiis Number Thirteen. John T. Walker, Mr3. J. R. George, S. R. Bratton, E. F. Stitt, A. F. Titts- worth, J. A. Coble, Son & Co., Rosena Lawrence, N. Borne, J. L. Glover, Jr., Robert S. Alexander, Harris Parks, J. R. George, Dr. H. W. Quails, W. E. Hudgins, A. J. Corum, S. M. Stone, Pink Bennett, G. B. White, C V. Jones, H. A. Beck, Canvas De coy Co., Chas H. Cobb, R .H. Rust, Mrs. Mary Semones, Mrs. Seid Wad- dell, J. F. Semones, Seid Waddell, Cherry-Moss Grain Co., Henry P, Moss, L S. Kirby, M. F. White, Joe L. Rodgers, Dahnke-Walker Milling Co., M. R. Powell, Watson Heirs, J. P, Verhlne, Dr. Ira 0. Park, Dr. H. L, Park, Rev. J. R. Farris, W. H. Forres ter, J, D. Harmond, D. A. Peeler, A. L. Garth, B. P. Howard, D. N. Walker, D. A. Luten, N. 0. Stovall, G. B. Driskill, E. L. King, Arch Adams, J. W. Jackson, W. P. (Pierce) Par- due, G. C. Cloys, Robert Carpenter, Birdie Caruthers, Phil Hyman, C. W. Miles, Jr., Otis Smitherman, J. V. Shaphard, W. Z. Massengill, Mrs. Jno. R. George, Mrs. Nannie Whipple, H." M. Oliver, W. M. Miles, W. Y Pickard, S. E. Allmond, J. A. Prieto, Mrs. J. A. Prieto, Mrs. C. V. Mc Daniel, Walker L. Martin, W. P. Nash, D. W. Glenn, Hunter Elam, Dahnke-Elam Pardue Co., C. K, Ligon, T. Edwarda Parks, Carmen Parns, Clare Parks, Mrs. S. J. Mill ard, Mrs L. S. Parks, L. S. Parks, R. B. Marshall, P. L. Pittman, Dr W. A. Nailling, G. H. Niles, W. H. Swiggart, W. A. Powers (col), J. C. McRce, R. F. Tisdale, Z. W, C rum, W. F. Tate, S. F Howard, C. S. Tal ley, Theresa Talley, E. G. Pardue, J. B. Akin, Dr. C. W. Miles, Sr., Boss Joneo, W. M. Bruce, W. W. Todd, E. A. Glover, Miss Carolyn Cobb, H. 0. Vincent, J. T. Owens, 0. Dircks, Dr. M. A. Blanton, T. Walker Tanner, A. L. Stanfill, Charlie Everett, Miss Beulah Allen, John Cox, Charles Heppner, S. Sutherland, J. C. Shel ton, A. R. Hudson, W. J. Briggs, Howell Bransford, J. A. Hassell, E. H. Marshall, J. M. Chapel C. L. An drews, Geo. A. Gibbs, J. B. Waddell, I. W. Stone, R. C. Hamilton, Geo. D. Eader, H. O. Head, Jr.-, H. Wilbanks, W. J. Mayes, 6. S. Nash, J. F. Howard, G. F. Schleifer, Mrs. D. A. Peeler, J. Meeks Meadow , F. E. Quinn, Jno. D. Palmer', Chas. Hazel- wood, Ed Crenshaw, J. F. Gregory, Mrs. M. P. Godwin, Pink Marshall, J. G. Saunders, Child's Specialty Co., Dr. W. M. Turner, R. C. Jackson, A. J. Harpole, Spencer J. Millard, F. H. Smith, E. M. Stone C. M. Chappell, Wade Wiley, Ruth Wiley, F. E. Arnn, Mrs. F. E. Arnn, Dr. T. E. Marshall, Margaret Parks, A. E. Kirk- land, C. A. Davis, W. M. Nailling, Miss Fern Gunn, Ellis Jackson, W. G. Claggett, Dave Vcrhine, Chas. Dictzel, U. A. Flowers, H. M. Harper, Mrs. Bettie Herring, Herman Dietzel, Jr., Jake Caldwell, Mrs. Nannie Tomerlin, W. M. Stalcup, Dr. F. M. McRee, Rev. G. W. Evans, Claude V. Andrews, R. V. French, W." A. For rester, J. M. Morgan, J. M. Forrester, C. L. Ridings, J. C. Burdick, Jr., E. B. Hfcrdy, Edd Dietzel, Number Fifteen. Mrs. John Board, L. G. Moffatt, W. J. Nichols, Sharp & Morris, G. W. Reed, Mrs. G. W. Reed, John and Bob Fox, Mrs. Emma Parks, W. J. Brown J. E. Bivens, Ed Parks, Dock Fox, A. Wilson, Polk Beard, J. F. Donnell, Mrs. J. F. Donnell, T. N. Tankersley, D. A. Dean, G. A. Nichols, G. 0. Wilson, Woody Cunningham, G. A. Davidson, J. R. Mills, G. B. Baud, Miss Pauline Russell, J. T. Teague, G. H. Nolen, E. N. Moore, Robert Donnell, J. Rosenthall, J. M. Bright. turda M At 1 O'Clook Head of Saddle Horses Saddle lares O These Horses and Mares are from 4 to 7 years old; all of them sound and most of them ride and drive. They are the best lot of real old time saddle horses and mares that can be found in Middle Tennessee. If you want just as good a horse as money can buy come to this sale. Tell Your Neigbors! Sale Rain or Shine! Inline. One by one the players sign, Same old crew. Said they wouldn't get. in line, But they do. One by one they come across, Cease to stall, And forthwith prepare to toss Gilt-edged ball. R. P. C. BRAND Quality Products Just sample K. P. C. products with the highest quality goods you have ever handled. We stand behind this aa be ing the best made. Don't you remember the story of "David and Goliath." Give the little Packers your business. We are first ou the job. ' REYNOLDS PACKING COMPANY INCORPORATED Packers of Beef and Pork Government Inspected Unios City, - Tenhessek. Moore & Sons HOW TO AVOID BACKACHE AND NERVOUSNESS Told by Mrs. Lynch From Own Experience. Providence, R. I. "I was all run down in health, was nervous, had head- acnes, my dock. ached all the time. I was tired and had no ambition for any thing. I had taken a number of medi cines which did me no good. One day I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and what it had done for women, so I tried it My nervousness and backache and headaches disappeared. I gained in weight and feel fine, so I can honestly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound to any woman who is suffering as I was." Mrs. Adeline B. Ltnch, 100 Plain St, Providence, -R. I. Backache and nervousness are symp toms or nature's warnings, which in dicate a functional disturbance or an unhealthy condition which often devel ops into a more serious ailment. Women in this condition should not continue to drag along without help, but profit by Mrs. Lynches experience, and try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com poundand for special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co., Lynn, Mass. F1 War-Time Philosophy. Of two things one is certain: Either you're mobolized or you're not mobilized. How the kaiser got his Waterloo: When . Marshal Foch and Admiral Wemyss, the masters, played with skilled touch on the keys of a mighty organ from the North Sea to the Meuse; and a final harmony, the American Army remained true. Now we must look out for the next war for it will begin in 1926. It will begin with Turkey. If you're not mobilized there is no need to worry; if you aro mobilized, of two thingo one is certain: Either you aro behind the lines or you're at the front. If you're behind the lines there is no need to worry; if you're at the front, of two things one is certain: Either you're resting in a safe place or you're exposed to danger. If you're resting in a safe place there is no need to worry; if you're exposed to danger," of two thingc one is certain: Either you're wounded se riously, or you're wounded slightly. If you're wounded slightly there is no need to worry; if you're wound ed seriously of two things one is certain: Either you recover or you die It you recover thero is no need to worry; if you die you can't worry. Incidentally, of two things one is certain: Either you give me that good old Favorite Hat or Suit to be cleaned and pressed to look like new or you do not. If you do there is no need to worry for it will be done well. Respectfully, W. W. TODD, 228 First street, over Woosley Gro cery Store. Both phones 55. Union City, Tenn. Advt. Senator D. P. Ca'dwell came home last week from Nashville, having, finished his work with the General. Assembly. Hastings' 1919 Seed Catalog Free Jt's ready now. One hundred hand--somely illustrated pages with brilliant-, cover in natural colors. It's both beautiful and helpful and all that la necessary to get it is a postal card request. You will find our 1919 cata logue a well worth while book. Hastings Seeds are sold direct by mall. You will never find them on sale in the stores. We have some five hundred thousand customers who -buy from us by maiL- We please and satisfy them, and we can please and ; satisfy you in 1919. Planting- Hastings' Seeds In your garden or in your fields Insures "good luck" so far as results can be deter mined by the seed planted. For 30 years Hastings Seeds have been the standard of seed excellence and pur. Ity In the South. Only varieties adapted" to the South are listed. Qual ity of the best and prices often less than those you pay at home. Write for free copy of this splendid catalogue-now.. H..G. HA8TING3 CO, Seedamen Atlanta.. Ca. Advt . X 4 J 1 f . -J r Y 'i V. t f 4 . ' .'. 1, -Si ' .1'