Newspaper Page Text
DR. E. M. LONG DENTIST Orel Wehman's Hardware Store Union City, Term. Telephones Office 144, Residence 595-J OMMERCiA DR. E. M. LONG DENTIST Orer Wekman't Hardware Store Union City, Term. Telelphonee Office 144; Residence 595-J Union City Commercial, established 8)l a.,-- .m West Tennessee Courier.establUhed 1897 I Consolidate September 1, 1897 UNION CITY, TENN, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1919. VOL. 28, NO. 6 e v if . if'; . v i 1 1 1 f i 3 FAMOUS BAND AND GRAND OPERA STAR Musical Pageant "War, Victory, and Peace" On 1919 Chautauqua, " Kryl and his famous band, a musi cal pageant entitled "War, Victory : and Peace,",, a grand opera star, a debate on government ownership - these are but a few of the attractions of the 1919 Redpath Chautauqua - scheduled to appear here. The entire . seven days' program is replete with features of compelling interest and timeliness. "The League of Nations," "The Freedom of the Seas," and other down-to-the-mlnute topics, each finds a place In the discussions of the week, thus keeping up the reputation of the Chautauqua as a powerful factor for enlightenment on public problems. The Orchestral Sextette will be the attraction on- the first afternoon. While the ensemble work of the Sex tette is a delightful part of the pro gram the work of the artist as solos, duets, trios and quartets is equally , notable. "Getting Together" will be the title of the lecture on the opening night by Miss Ada Ward, dynamic, eloquent English-woman, who arrived in America from France and Germany with a wonderful story of present day conditions in Europe, Just in time "to begin her Chautauqua tour. In cidentally Miss Ward will tell some of. her experiences entertaining the "Tommies" at the front. v j An eloquent plea for friendship be tween America and France and a study of world problems is presented at night on the second day by Capt. Perigord df the French Army. Capt. Perigord is one of the. 1500 survivors of the 6,000 French heroes who made the last 'stand at Verdun. Ho was 'several times wounded and five times decorated for gallantry. -In the afternoon of the second day Marie Rose Lauler, young French woman, who "was captured by the Germans in Belgium, escaped, was recaptured and finally, released, will speak on "The Spirit of the Women of France." Both afternoon and night of the second day the Harvesters, a company of three, presenting costumed sketch es, will give a thirty minute prelude. Their programs 'comprise a pleasing variety of classical and popular vocal and instrumental music end readings. The Culp String Quartet, which will be heard on the third, day, has established itself as an important fac tor in the musical life of the Middle West The organization is noted for that 8ponJ-v.n.d freedom of in terpretation wmeu -the distinguish ing feature of chamber music at its best. Mme. Augusta Lenska, prima donna contralto, will appear with the Culp Quartet at night in the third day. She has scored notable success in New York, Chicago and European musical centers and is not only a highly esteemed grand opera singer but has received highest praise as a concert and oratorio singer. A debate by noted men on "Gov ernment Ownership of Railroads" will be a feature of the fourth, day program. This 1b a subject concern ing which every American should be informed and the Redpath" manage ment has ' selected . as debaters men who possess comprehensive expert in formation in the question . and are also masters of forensic oratory. The debate will take place at night and! in the afternoon. Charles Zeublin, who will take the Affirmative side on the debate, will give his lecture on "The Great Highway," touching on the freedom of the seas and other vital themes. Mr.. Zeublin has spent his life studying national and inter national problems. Twice Before Bohumir Kryl has made a tour with his br. ' . bf the big seven day Redpath Chautauqua cir cuit. Both tours were so wonderful ly successful that ever since there have been repeated requests for Mr, Kryl and his band again to go over the circuit. This year the Redpath is happy to announce the engagement of Mr. Kryl and his band. Inasmuch as so many Chautauqua patrons know the high quality of music to be ex pected from the Kryl Band there is no question but what band day, the fifth day of the Chautauqua, will be one of the big days of the entire week. The musical pageant "War, Victory and Peace" will be a feature of the night program given by Kryl and his band. The strife and stress of war, the advent of victory and the Joys of peace are all set forth in a sketch made notable by a rare combination of music and costuming. Uncle Sam and the allies, Columbia, the soldiers, sailors and marines all have their ap propriate .place ! on- . the program. "War, Victory and Peace" was pro duced by Sandor Radanovitc and Bo humir Kryl working in conjunction. Mr. Kryl will personally direct the pageant. "The League of Nations" is dis cussed in a great lecture by R. E. P. Kline on the sixth afternoon. "The Now Competition" is the title of the address and the law of the high cost of hate and the profitableness of Just dealing is vividly portrayed. The relations between labor and capital are also comprehensively discussed, Pure entertainment features have their rightful place on the program. Among the entertainers is Noah Beil- REELFOOT LAKE ROAD TEXT OF NEW LAVi (Continued on last page.) House Bill No. 595, By Howard, of ,N- T Obion County -and others. . An Act to provide for the construe tion of a road in Lake and. Obion Counties, to make more accessible the natural resources of Reelfoot Lake as a hunting and fishing preserve to the citizens of the State; to authorize the issuance and sale of bonds of the State; to provldo funds for said pur pose; to provide for tho payment of the principal and interest of such bonds with revenue collected from the taxation of hunting and fishing privileges; and to amend Chapter 122, of the Public Acts of 1917, and 'Chapter 152, of the Public Acts of 1915. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of. the State of Tennessee, That in order to make more accessible to the citizens of the State, the natural resources of Reel foot Lake as a hunting and fishing preserve, the Department of High ways of the State of Tennessee shall designate the road from White's Landing in Lake County to Union City in Obion County, by way of the washout, and around the southern and eastern end of Reelfoot Lake through Shaw's Park, Hornbeak and Troy, as the "Reelfoot Lake Road,' and one of the roads. to be built in co-operation with the United States Department of Agriculture under the provisions of the Federal Aid Road Act, approved April 11, 1916, and amendments thereto, and that the State Highway Department shall co operate with the United States De partment of Agriculture in the build ing of said road under the rules and regulations prescribed in the said Federal Aid Road Act and amend ments thereto. SECTION 2. Be it further enact ed, That the -said road shall be of well constructed, levied and graveled surface, and to be located, surveyed, and supervised, by and under the direction of the State Highway De partment. SECTION 3. Be it further enact ed, That the cost of the construction of the Reelfoot Lake Road herein provided for shall be paid out of any funds in the hands of tho State High way Department that may be avail able for the building of, such roads together with any aid that may be secured from the United States De partment of Agriculture under the provisions of the Federal . Aid Road Act above mentioned, together with such aid as may be secured from the Counties of Obion and Lake, and if necessary, all or any part of the XII ItNXVERiiAlCAil A - The Logi There are more than 3,000,000 Ford cars in daily operation in America. This is a little better than half of all the motor cars in use in the country. There is a very potent and profitable reason in this why you should buy Ford cars for your business and for your personal use. It is a demonstrated fact that Ford cars have, m every line of human desire so far as motor cars are concerned, best satisfied their owners with iC the service given, lhey must be sare; they must be com- f Rarfc fortable; they must be always reliable; they must be con .O rdClo venient and they must be economical, or they wouldn't be so -tremendously popular with all classes of people. The big Ford Factory has not yet reached normal production, but the war is over, and it is getting back as fast as possible. We are getting a few cars in right along, and we 'will do the best possible to give you early delivery. ' Runabout, $500; Touring Car, $525; Coupe, $650; Sedan, $775; Truck Chassis, $550. These pricos are f. o. b. Detroit. Leave your order with me and be assured of two things: First, the earliest possible delivery; Second, an after service that has the strongest comlinen "datibh and endorsement of the Ford Motor Company as being a reliable, satisfactory and economical service. ' Tel.40O . TRl. M. MUST ; AUTHORIZED" FORD DEALER v UNION CITY; TENN. moneys derived from the extra taxa tion of privileges of hunting and fish ing on Reelfoot Lake accruing under the provisions of this Act. , . SECTION 4. Be it further enact ed, That in order to anticipate the revenues that may be derived from proceeds of the extra hunting and fishing privileges on Reelfoot Lake and to. provide for immediate con struction of Bald road in order that the citizens of the State may not be delayed In enjoying such privileges, and in order that the revenues from such sources may be increased as a result Of the construction of said road, -the Funding Board of the State, composed of the Governor, the Comp troller, the Treasurer, and the Sec retary of tho State, are hereby au thorized, empowered, and. directed, to prepare, issue, and sell, at not less than par value and accrued interest, not more than one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars of bonds of the State of Tennessee, the proceeds of which, bonds (bail te turned over to und kept by the Treasurer of the State,, apart from the other funds of the State, and expended in accordance with the provisions of this Act. SECTION 17. Be it further enact ed, That the Funding Board shall not issue or sell any bonoo under the authority of this Act, uiitU Obtoz County, through its Quarterly Coun ty Court shall have appropriated one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars for the building of said road, and tile expenses of building said road snail be borne equally by the State and Obion County, unless the road shall cost more than two hund red thousand ($200,000.00) dollars. In that event the County of Obion shall "pay whatever amount may be necessary to complete said road, over and above two hundred thousand ($200,000.00) dollars. Thf" State Highway Commission shall , co-operate with the Federal Government in the location and con struction of said road and secure as much-assistance as possible from it under the rules and regulations of the United States Department' of Agriculture as prescribed in the Fed eral Aid Road Act, approved July 11, 1916, and amendments thereto, and TALGUM POWDER The one toilet article that everybody needs. TALC Tl 'XL on te e Perfumed with the costly new oder of 26 Flowers 25c Rexall Baby Talcum Made for- baby's tender skin. Prevents chafing and roughness. - r 25c Rexall Violet Talcum For general uses 25c BKOXX Store OLIVER'S DRUG STORE FELIX W. MOORE Union City, Tenn. MONEY W. E. HUDGINS Union City, Tenn. (Continued on last page.) TO LOAN AT LOW RATES TO FARMERS On their lands as security. These loans will he made for either five or ten years, with interest payable semi-annually or annually, as the borrower may prefer. The principal sum borrowed may be repaid in $100 amounts or in larger sums at any interest paying date. There will be no charge for such loans except for abstracting title to lands offered as security for loan. These loans will be closed and the money in the hands of borrower promptly, and no long delays are necessary. MOORE & HUDGINS Office Phone 143, Residence Phone 588 UNION CITY, TENN. DAVIS c RUSSELL, Union City, Tenn., are our field agents and authorized to take application! for loans. HENRY fit HENRY, of Hickman. Ky., are field agents and have the same au thority. s - 1 1 1 WOOL! WOOL! WOOL! We are in the market again this season for WOOL, and will pay the highest market price. It will pay you to see us before selling your WOOL. Ear Corn and Shelled Corn in car lots Seed Corn Whippoorwill Peas Soy Beans We carry a full stock at all times of Cotton Seed Meal, Pure Corn Chops, No. 2 White Feeding Oats, Wheat Bran, Shelled Corn. We are in the market for Hay and Corn, car lots, and if you have anything in this line to offer, come to see us, or call us by phone. -